I WON A MAJOR! Glitch 8.5 Wrap-Up

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what is up everybody today we are here with the first tournament wrap up in a long time and this is going to be for glitch 8.5 konami code in case you're unaware i won i won singles i got ninth in squad strike and fourth in doubles with zomba and it was a very very fun event my first event back i obviously went i went to a couple locals uh in june and july literally two uh and then since then i have not gone to any tournaments i have not practiced any top players and so all of my practice was elite smash the training mode mod and then the friendlies that i got at glitch which we'll get into in a little bit i want to talk about how i felt going into the event how the event was run for me uh some issues that i had but of course mainly my singles performance and how good i felt playing so leading up to the event i was actually quite nervous uh i was on my stream talking about how i haven't really left my house i've been self-isolating completely uh like not even going to get takeout because i didn't want me someone living in florida where kova's being super awful even though i am vaccinated uh like i didn't want to potentially bring it to anyone so i have been self-isolating and so i traveled for the first time since i came back into the u.s in february from being in canada for a long time and i was pretty nervous the airport wasn't exactly fun uh there was just a lot of people it was pretty overwhelming and then i got to my hotel uh and it felt fine and i rested for a little bit and then i went to watch the nintendo direct at xanadu uh because i thought it was gonna have smash in it so i was like ready to like record my reaction and stuff but it didn't happen so i was just there for fun i saw the layout of the rooms which was wonderful because uh each of the setups that xanadu is head-to-head like there's no setup that you have to play like right next to someone which i find absolutely fantastic super safe super well done in that regard and there were a lot of setups there was a lot of space which i really really liked there was less room in the friendly setups for head-to-head setups so it was mostly there like next to each other but also almost at all times other than like round one pools uh you there was always open setup so you could play there of course uh i did play with one person in my hotel room we were both obviously wearing masks uh because i'm with anything which was sharp which i'll get into why that was important later but uh otherwise i played a ton of people i played yani for a while i played dark wizzy i played ned i played uh again as i mentioned sharp i played a couple of other people that i don't remember off the top of my head i did some money matches uh with zomba and dm and a couple of other people but i was playing for a very long time friday like we did doubles and i was playing singles in between my doubles matches i didn't eat at all friday uh me and zamba it was really funny for doubles we actually had like two buys our round one because a lot of people didn't realize doubles was on friday so even though we had never teamed before and we didn't really get a chance to practice our synergy we played like one set against people that were from zomba's region and then we immediately had to play uh sharp and tilde and we ended up winning that set 3-2 but it was pretty sloppy on both of our ends but we did end up clutching it out because we got a couple edge guards on uh falco and joker and falcon zero suit so that was basically how he won then we were in winter semis and we had to play light and mars and i swear to god light and mars are the best team in the world and if you've beat light and mars you're lying or they were playing bad they were so good they're so consistently good at teamwork and interrupting and getting killed like everything that mars and light do was so good we got a game but it was so difficult to just ever keep the momentum against them which is one of the things i have issues with when i team with mvd as well like we've never beat them uh although nvd has beat them with puppet like a long time ago i think it was like a switchfest or something like there is people there are people that have beat light and mars i just think like when they're playing well they're just unstoppable like it's ridiculous uh and that put us into losers and we had to play uh papa and tyler uh so pokemon trainer yoshi and we kind of destroyed pape the entire set but i think it did go game five tyler was actually playing phenomenal doubles really just interrupting us not letting us get kills the animality of yoshi was really good i think yoshi's pretty good in doubles uh they got really clutch kills really clutch combos but we were up 2-0 um and it was difficult but we did end up clutching it out just because again the game five we kind of bullied puppet uh off stage we bullied puppet pretty hard we've got a lot of kills uh you know zombo's really good at the match up because he's played quit a couple times i'm pretty decent against pokemon trainer especially uh edge guarding so like that's my best part in the matchup or just in general uh so that was fun so we win that we get to loser semis where we have the run back against sharp and tilde artilda i don't know how he wants to pronounce because i didn't actually ask him when i saw him but uh we were up 2-0 i actually got an upper bridge this game a full upper bridge on sharps joker which got beverages let's go um so that was really fun but we did end up getting verse 3 owed sharp's joker just like he would get arson and then stop getting hit and just destroy us and instead of us dealing with arson in any type of productive way we just couldn't so zomba got hit a lot and i got hit a lot and died early and there was a lot of stuff like that and so they had made a really good comeback they ended up getting second i think at the entire event so they had you know to beat big boss and mk leo after that which was very very good of them and then again mars and light one they're fantastic but again first time teaming with zamba zama's also young he's like 15 so he's an incredible player i like played him and i've talked to him and i've played him in random money matches and stuff like that i think he's really really talented a very strong up-and-coming player he got like 17th or 25th at uh riptide beating louie money who ended up getting top eight so like the kid is good like he's very very good and i'm excited to see where he goes uh then also on friday again as i mentioned i played a ton of friendlies and it was also the grind the uh vg bootcamp friday local which was a 256-man tournament which was a lot i personally uh just like because there were a ton of people there probably would have kept it at 128 personally uh but again there was still a decent amount of space and after like the first round or two like there was a lot of space because people just left uh which was fine by me and i was able to just like isolate myself and like be not around large groups of people because again that was fairly uncomfortable and so again at this point you know i was playing a bunch of friendlies and i thought i was playing really really well i was hitting all of my combos i was reacting really well i was doing a bunch of the stuff that i had thought and like theorized in uh you know over the pandemic and over quarantine and i thought i was playing very very well so round one you know for the first part of the beginning for the beginning of this tournament i was like i want to go pikachu and a secondary because i really you know i've never gone to secondary in tournament with great success except for samus in smash 4 specifically versus mario and i really wanted to get that secondary experience because min min and me brawler both of my main secondaries at this point i have not played offline ever so i wanted to play them so round one i played against cinder who i'm pretty sure i don't remember the order of everyone uh the first two people it could have been cloud and then lucas but i'm pretty sure cinder was a cloud main and i two owed them i think it was like a jv3 stock with pika and then a three stock with min min and then i played arcadia who was a lucas and uh game one was a three stalker two stock and then my me brawler i think was a two stock as well on pokemon stadium and then i played gx stream who's another really good pikachu uh game one i think i either sd or i got edge guarded really early i don't remember which but game one was very close game two i went me brawler and it was pretty much last hit i had to make a comeback actually gx stream very very good player don't know where he's from but i've heard of him before like i know i relatively know the pikas so he was actually doing very very well i just clutched it out which put me to top 96 which i'm just looking at the computer right now so that's why i'm looking here uh so that put me to top 96 winners where i had to play final boss the bowser he actually took game one i wasn't playing as carefully as i needed to and like losing the game was like okay right i'm a top player but i still have to play the matchups correctly so then i started thunder jolting and forward airing bowser one of my best matchups and i kind of destroyed him second and third game i think i think being two was a uh mid percent two stock and game three was a two stock as well somewhere uh he kind of picked me lyla which was an interesting choice but i don't disagree i think bowser's very good there but that put me into the next round which was sky j and sky j hit me with probably one of the best things i've ever got hit by which he sidebeamed me at like 15 and then he read my like upward angle quick attack into downward angle quick attack to try to catch the ledge and he just side beat the upper angle of quick attack and then killed me at like literally 40 which was fantastic uh he ends up killing me again before i die and make a three stock to one stock comeback i got an edge guard i'm pretty sure like a long sequence or something uh and then game two was very dominant by me i think i got two early percent edge guards because pikachu does that too in cinema or like sky jay's incredible but that matchup is so bad that it doesn't matter basically uh then i had to play against puppet and as i mentioned i'm decent versus pokemon trainer but 1v1 and you know playing the neutral is a bit different and papa of course really talented you know pgr player has top eighteen majors before so game one was relatively close it was back and forth and back and forth and then i hit him at 41 i grabbed him at 41 and i got a uh landing there on the smashful platform from down throw into drop through up air up air upper up air up air forward air and it killed which was really really nice then puppet countered me to yoshi's story and i went me brawler because yoshi's story on me brawler is better than mario on me brawler and the game was bad like it was pretty dominant i think it was like two stock like 50 or something like that uh considering the first game was like i was at one stock 40 and we were even before i got the killing combo so that was pretty good so that put me to top eight winners where i had to play against zomba so as i mentioned i played zomba in friendlies and money matches before uh he beat me 5-0 in random dittos and then he actually beat my pikachu 3-1 in a money match and i think he was the first person i played but either way really really good uh he goes up game one he wins game one and then game two he's up by like a lot and then i just remembered like i remembered a couple things i was jumping into a lot of nares because i was trying to just hit him early but he was doing his nerves earlier to hit me for that so i just started staying on the ground and parrying them and i parried maybe eight to ten nares uh the second like the end of the second game and i had this huge comeback and then by that point i had a lot of momentum game three i continued to parry stuff i got good combos and it was really really snowbally uh in my favor i'm pretty sure game three was a three stock he ended up quitting out after i got into like 60 or something uh pikachu's broken but that put me into winter's finals of that where i had to play meister and the meister set went better than like better conceptually than i feel like i've ever done versus meister considering meister of course like ascended to top 10 uh like after the first couple times we played so my pikachu like barely lost i hesitated on one thing i died for it like a down throw forward air and then i got nine at 30 when it was even so happens uh then my min men won a game uh on pokemon stadium immediately afterwards and then he went small battlefield i don't like pikachu or min min on small battlefield so i went uh me brawler and i missed a down throw thru upper or down throw up b which would have got the kill and i would have been up for stock and then i didn't get it and then it snowballed because i couldn't kill him uh so then i think he liked to stalk me pretty solidly that game then i went back to min min game four and he was up basically the whole game easier to death me at the very beginning but i like almost brought it back to win which was very good for me but obviously maestro got like he saw he won three one uh at that point i was pretty spent because i played like 14 hours playing like i got there at like 10 a.m or like 10 30 a.m and at that point it was like midnight or midnight 30 like 12 30. so it was pretty late uh and then in losers lingling had a huge losers run so he ends up coming back and uh i play him and i was really tired so i just couldn't commit to playing mid-range and there's no johns minions or ling ling is a great player super strong he's the best feature i've played in a long time obviously the first peach that i played outside of like one friendly set and he was playing really well he was hitting a lot of his stuff and i was not hitting my stuff and he won three one so i got third the pre-local but again i was still pretty happy considering i had a ton of stamina i didn't eat that day so i was just running on fumes and i was still playing for my standards very very well and my standards are kind of the only one that i ever like want to have basically so that was good it gave me a lot of hope for the rest of the bracket and saturday would be my round one pool and squad strike and then sunday was the rest of the bracket so i actually only had to play two uh matches in my round one pool my round one was against jumpman who i'm sorry i don't remember who you play i apologize uh but i won two oh as far as i remember there were no issues and then uh my second round was zaphoros which that was on stream uh game one it was like a low percent one stock because i was kind of trolling at the end uh pika mario and then he counter picked two yoshi story so i went knee brawler and then on stream he made him me because he was gonna me brawler ditto me and then hesit and like kind of second guessed himself after he made the me so he went back to mario but it was very dominant on mine like i think it was literally a jv3 because me brawler on yoshi's is broken and that put me into my phase two which i will get into after squad strike so squad strike i had actually very high hopes for my squad strike because i normally do very well the first glitch i got second in squad strike the second glitch i got second in squad strike to tweak uh so i was like i'm pretty confident that i'm gonna do well in squad track i was the second seed so i was thinking i did i was gonna do very very well and i didn't for my standards so my first person dq'd because they just didn't show up and then i had to play mr b croft who i'm pretty sure was a ryuken terry player i think that was the first match i played uh and i won two oh but both matches were pretty close i think it was last character i think was my peak on both ends and then i had to play peanut and that was the only time i actually played peanut the whole weekend but it was very close again last character i had to go i had to win with pika basically both games so then out of pools i had to play zombo which to me was surprising i thought that seating was pretty bad considering i was second seed zomba really good player super good super super well known for his like random skills and his overall game skill so i feel like he should have been seated higher but he did beat me to one i think i beat him first game and then he beat me second and third game pretty solidly uh i think i choked with me brawler mid or something i just did one of the games i don't remember if that was a game i won or not but uh yeah i could have won but he did really well he ended up getting second so he's obviously super super good uh then in losers i had to play against colorado who i don't remember the characters they played uh and like for my reference like i was typically playing pikachu midman me brawler those are my three generally uh and then obviously my pikachu did the best my midman actually did the worst overall i'm pretty sure of my characters i think she shined in a couple of the sets but generally she did not uh she's hard she i've learned she's very difficult she's still broken but she's very difficult uh so then after colorando i played against uh ram and i won two one so they played fox wolf and snake and i was going uh pikachu brawler mid-man i think game two i went yoshi uh and but i won that 2-1 and then after that i had to play dark wizzy who had beaten swat strike before but today he had my number his yoshi kind of sauced me not gonna lie he beat my pika twice in yoshi pika uh but overall i was still again i think i was playing fairly well i was missing a couple things but i didn't really have yoshi's in my bracket so i didn't mind very much uh so i got ninth in squad strike which was again worse than i wanted to do but then i could shine the rest of the brackets so that was the end of saturday i played more friendlies i played with cosmos for like two hours uh that night in pika aegis and i think pika wins that matchup and i will probably talk about that a little later like just in a different video uh so then my singles continued with round two on sunday so round two on sunday so actually that night i happened to play against sharp more because he like it was like midnight and he was like hey he wants to play some friends and i played sharp for like another hour i had played sharp for two or three hours i'm pretty sure it was closer to three hours uh thursday once i like got back to the hotel after watching the nintendo direct and it was the first real high level joker experience that i've got outside of i'm playing leo in a tournament and i'm playing like i think i played zachary's joker for a little bit at summit but it's been a long time since i've ever had joker experience and i said and i just played with sharp a lot and i was able to iron out some of the stuff that i learned from void because he he has helped me with edge guarding flow charts for a while and just like the things i've contextualized and upper bridges and stuff like that which is important for i'm sure y'all know who i play in quarters and uh grand finals but before we get there let's go over the other matches which was player four he plays peach and daisy uh and i beat him to oh i beat him 2-0 uh game one was game one of two stock i don't remember if game one was a two stock but i know game two was a two stock because i ended up choosing him kind of twice with like thunders a couple times uh but pikachu's broken so it's not really his fault then after that i played against pink cage who is a game and watch player i'm pretty sure from pennsylvania i could be wrong but he's he's a gamer watch me and uh game one it was pika game and watch i went to stadium and i three stalked him and then i didn't know if smashville was super good for game watch or just for meister so i didn't ban smashville and then it was the answer was game and watch and i struggled a lot more that game i was also more aggressive but i felt like i had to be because of how the platform was and the size of the stage because i couldn't run away but i ended up winning uh with a one stop like 50 or something like that so i was at like down smash four smash death percent but i didn't get hit by a single down smash i don't think that whole set or i did but like it was like an out hit or something i don't think i got like buried by a single down smash which was nice that put me into top 32 winners which is the round of seven the round of 16 which is guaranteed 17th and i was pretty happy about that so at that point i had to play against bonk and bonk upset wadi who i was actually supposed to play 2-0 in meta knight rob because rob one of the characters that gets laddered by mennonite but i of course have a lot of mennonite experience overall just from brawl and smash 4 and while meta knight is different in this game he's a worse version of those two characters so i was able to deal with air camping because brawls was better and i was able to get out of combos because it wasn't smash 4 combos um bonk did a lot of good stuff he did pretty good forest matches his dimensional kits were really good his edge guards were pretty good but my edge guards were better and my combos were better and i was able to consistently get more kills than him because i have kill confirms on stage that don't rely on tech chases like i would just get like an air down smash near up smash even my tech cases are better because my dash attacks a kill move so you don't have to tech chase with forward smash like a hard read i could just react and hit him um so i just played really really well bonk also did but i was able to come out on top because one top player like i'm a better player no offense to bonk of course uh but also i think the matchup is pretty heavy in pika's favor and i know it very well so that was good and that put me into quarter finals where i had to wait for the winner of leo and pinkfresh and of course mk leo ping fresh was a very very good set game five pink fresh played very well but leo came out on top so i had to play leo and it's really funny because i want to go find a clip uh i'm going to put it on the video of me talking about my bracket when i was looking at it before the event [Music] i like that i love this this is great i'm so excited for this i want to play good players it's always fun to play super top players and so i played him and he went by lift and game one was pretty dominant and then i started kind of like not you know super going in like i was at the beginning but i think it ended up being a two stock you know either high percent two stock or very low percent one stock um because i got two really good edge guards game two i got an early edge guard and uh it was also it was much closer he hit me with like a side b tech chase he hit me with a couple of like really good stuff but i was up 2-0 again match-up's really bad i just started shielding a lot more and back airing and shielding and narrowing and shield grabbing and doing the correct options that i had talked about uh in my like uh tweak video against pyromithra and it's similar for bile from there because they're pretty comparable so i was up 2oh against mk leo and then he goes joker which i was very excited about because i lails joker is my favorite character of his so i was excited to play it and i was excited to watch it later uh he wins game three really dominantly i'm pretty sure it was like really low percent to stock uh he destroyed the hell out of me and i was like okay i have to readjust i have to like you know realize he's different from sharp but also still not give him so much respect to the point where i'm not you know doing things in the matchup i have to like play him like he's still joker but just the best joker uh and then game four i played really well i avoided arson almost entirely like i barely got hit by arson i barely got hit by side b's i didn't really get hit by a gun i think i got a single edge guard at like a decently low percent uh and then i hit him with a different edge guard like 110 or something like that and it was just really back and forth but i did end up getting the jump read after i baited him to double jump with a thunderjolt and so i beat leo in game like i beat game four leo to make top eight winners at my first tournament in two and a half months my first major since genesis that's a long time so in top eight i had to play light in winter settings of course me and light i would consider us rivals uh we were four four in sets before this tournament he won the most recent set we played game five so i was very excited to play him uh game one was pretty dominant on his end and the smoke machine thing happened and i actually didn't realize how much it was affecting me versus light i thought it was even and they just messed up uh so it like kind of bothered me but not enough that i like i think i lost the game because of it because it was also like not close so he kind of destroyed me uh game two i played a lot more solid and i won game two game three he like barely won on uh stadium he got like a really good quick attack read at the end uh and then game four i got two f tilt kills or like f tilt led to two kills cause the first stock i get an f tilt on his uh upbeat and then i like four air him when he goes low and then the second stock i don't remember how i got the kill i think the dash attack or down you know one of those um something and then third stock i actually get a two frame on his uh like inside stage recovery which was really good because i normally don't get four till two frames very well uh but i got the kill that way and then game five we went to kalos and i had the momentum basically the entire game like i got the first big hit i got the first stock first he was playing catch up the entire game and even though he did play catch up pretty well because we ended up being uh like he got the second kill on me when he was at one stock like 35 uh then i literally hit him the first time i came down and he was in disadvantage the entire time because like i hit him with a back ear and i got a tech chase and i hit him again and then it technically went back to neutral but he was like he like panicked and like like i was still in the aggressive the aggressive state where uh like he had to panic he like spot dodge and threw out jab and i jumped over them and got an air into like a like a down told dash attack and then i read his jump with thunder and he died and so i popped off that was probably my hardest set of the tournament because light is really really hard for me uh not because pikachu loses the matchup or anything i think pikachu wins the matchup but pikachu wins the match up off of punish game and i feel like neutral is really difficult for pika again not because he doesn't have the options but because pikachu likes to uh shield and like have a lot of very solid reactionable answers to a lot of like stressful situations because he has really got out of shield options and he can use thunderjolt and stuff like that but thunderjolt wasn't working really well against light except off stage um and he can mix me up in neutral so i have to guess way earlier than i do against most characters and light of course really good at guessing really good at the aggression so he would get a ton of damage and then even though i would get damaged it just felt back and forth and then the only way i won was because i had a couple of better advantages than he did because again light's an amazing player please wear your mask next event and other than that like it was super fun it was super fun to play him of course like he's one of the most fun players to fight against uh and but i won so it put me into winners finals where i played cola and i don't remember if i said it earlier but me and cola played the morning of this event like we warmed up together we got to the venue around uh like 12 30 12 45 and we were playing until our pool started or our pools started at two uh we played for like an hour or so and talked about the game cole is actually super smart and i'm pretty sure like often we were like hey we'll see each other in winter's finals because i knew we'd run opposite sides of the bracket and we did we met in winter's finals he had a really good run i had a really good run so i was pretty confident against cola i think i've said it before that like i feel like i'm one of kola's hardest opponents because uh pikachu beats roy and i'm pretty good at the match up uh pikachu beats cloud who he's who's his main secondary and then even though snake is probably an even matchup for pikachu i am top three at least in the world against snake like i very very very rarely lose to snake so i think it's a really rough draw for him but wow did he play super well game one was very close i ended up winning because he missed saw what side i was gonna be on and he like tried to jab the wrong way and then i like threw him off stage or something like that and then got the kill immediately afterwards uh game two he kind of should have won uh he got a side b at like a hundred and like under the closer ps2 platform to the blast zone i somehow didn't die um and then he like he popped off when he got the side beat it somehow didn't kill i actually i'm surprised it didn't kill uh then i like quick attack him he panics and i get up throw air dodge read thunder and i stand up being like what are you popping off for basically was like my intent uh because you can see me stand up on stream like when i see his air dodge and i know i inputted it correctly uh which was fun uh game three he was up by he was basically the whole game but then uh i get like this one combo that almost brings it back uh literally like i got him to like 60 or 70 before i died game three game four uh it was very back and forth he was up uh and then i got a kill and then he forward smashed my quick attack and i like applauded him because he would just stood on the smash platform and knew i was gonna quick attack because i did it game one uh and then he just forwards like hard read forward smash it and i was just like that was really good oh my god that was so good because i give it up when people do good stuff against me like i love playing good players i love watching good players and even though i'm playing them i'm still a spectator in what happened and i was like wow he's incredible he's so good uh and then i immediately hit him out of his double jump and got back here back here upper back air so uh he was it was even but he ends up winning i don't remember how close it was but i know he ends up getting a roll read on ledge and f tilts me or something like that which was super good and then game five he banned fd and kalos and because i went on his counter pick i still had a really strong counter pick in terms of lilac so lilac's really good against roy aka it's really bad for roy because it messes up his recovery a lot like there are several angles that just don't work for him to recover he has to either go like really high in which case that's very good for pikachu to edge guard or he has to do very specific low angles that i can cover with tjolt pretty easily uh so instead of going roy he actually goes snake and again as i said i'm really comfortable in the matchup he actually took first stock first but then i just shut it down and i played way better i got like really good juggle situations i traded with grenades when i knew it was smart too i got a lot of damage and then the last stock i he up he tries to up tilt and i shield it and i forward him at like 28 and then uh i full hop forward air and i hit him and then i drag him down i miss the final hit and then i double jump down air and it hits his double jump and i kill him i think he was at like 46 before the hit or something like that like really low uh because i had like all rage i was like 150 so i had max rage lilac has a really high uh like bottom blast zone so it's like really close to the stage so it just super spiked him and i was like cool i won and i felt like confident so i didn't like pop off i was just like nice i did it okay cool and i shook his hand cole obviously an amazing player super super good but that put me in grand finals where leo ended up bringing it back and i was actually very stressed watching losers because meister was having a run he had lost a chag in winner's quarters but then in losers he beat charlie in a pretty close set like it was i mean meister was winning most of the games but like it was still tense right and then he beat mars for the first time ever 3-2 and then he beat light in a game five set and then he was up 2-1 against leo and in my head i was like oh my god like i said this out loud in the crowd i was like like i swear to god if this is the tournament where meister beats mars for the first time and then beats light and then beats leo for the first time offline just to make it to me and grand finals and beat me like he did at the pre-local i'm going to be so upset and then leo decided to play like leo against meister and just not let him get a hit and then beat him 3-2 which i was very thankful of because i figured i would be able to beat leo or cola like i don't know if i was going to win but i felt confident versus both of them given how our other sets went so leia ends up beating cola game five and a really tragic heartbreaker set for cola because he got a tech away read but dashed so far into the corner that forward smash missed when leo uh like like he he read it correctly but he just spaced it so in delay that the forward smash missed because his arms are like long when where he goes like and i just missed uh would have got the kill it would have been really really hype but he didn't get it cola of course amazing but he was out of third so that means i had to play leo and of course leo was not going to make the same mistake again where he went violet for two games so he'd just joke her immediately uh game one was really close i missed a couple of edge guards that i felt like i should have had and he ends up like it's literally like 140 percent last stock both of us and he like dashes forward right when i jump and do a forward air so then he was able to get under me and backhand me like away so he ends up winning that game and then game two he left fd open i think he banned kalos and smashville because i had one on smashville in winner's quarters and he's like well i lost there let me try to let him go fd that was a mistake i messed up i messed up two upper bridges and i but i got a ton of damage off of them but either way uh like i was just playing really well fd is a super good stage for pika i was really confident in my neutral and my punishes that's the sickest string ever i was ahead by like so much and then he hits me like at zero and i just die i get like edge guarded or i get like edge guarded a little bit i get edge trapped for like 10 seconds and then he like hard reads my air dodge and ford smashes me at like 65 at the ledge and i just die and i was like wow that was incredible i think i got two edges of that game i got the last stock of like down throw up air he had to air dodge otherwise i was going to get like my full combo like upper bridge and then here so we neutral air dodges and he was off stage so he had to double jump up b and there was no way to get around to downer so i downer him at like 50 and he dies in three he goes to pokemon stadium which i was very close to banning and i was also very close to going min min because he destroyed me there in winners like it was again it was like two stock like 40. it was really bad uh i was like you know what i'm playing really well let me go pika because even if i like lose the game i'll still learn and i can like condition him and stuff like that but i win game three uh i don't remember how close it was i'm pretty sure it was like very close like not like necessarily i don't think i was a death percent but i think i was like 80 or something i feel like i was just playing really well i was playing neutral incredibly well i haven't now i have an analysis coming up i had analyzed all of my sets that were on stream which is all of them but the first one so that's going to be a very long video where i go way more in depth about like what i was thinking and how like i beat how i won the tournament basically but i was playing really well i called out his movement a lot i was very patient against arson like i didn't really get arsene except for the first stock of game one in this set uh and then like the back air at the end but he didn't really like hit me a bunch with uh arsene it was just like the one in interaction so after that like i was just playing really well i was really hard to hit i was getting some pressure on him i was ledge trapping him again any time he got arsene i would just disengage and i would hit him a couple of times and i was making it really hard for him to whiff punish me because one thing that i've learned a lot in quarantine is like how to manage when i overshoot back air which again i will get more into in that analysis video but i basically wasn't letting him just like dash away from me and then four tilt me like he does in every other set we've played i actually like ran him into the corner and would force him to shield and have a mix up there and that was very very good for me and then sometimes i play passive and so it was really hard for him to establish any momentum but i end up winning and i pop off that game like i win game three with the four there at the end and i literally like go like yes okay cool because literally i was like okay well i'm supposed to lose that game i won on what i think is my like one of my worst stages like i normally banned ps2 but there was only two bands here and i think small battlefield and battlefield are worse so i'm not particularly comfortable on ps2 overall i've never really played their in tournament because i always ban it against like literally everyone except meister i think so i was like oh i beat leo on his super comfortable stages on a stage that i'm not comfortable on and i now have set advantage which is great i'm playing super well so then i'm very confident and i'm going to game four and i'm like he's been dying in and i conditioned him the previous game to din or like i saw it uh because like i messed up a combo on purpose for him to think that deion was better uh because i'm an uh and then i try to go for the combo back air back here upper upper thunder which would kill and he air dodges it because i was a little slow and then i sd at zero which sucked and you can see me like in the player cam in the event just going like ah damn it but it's okay like literally i was like but it's fine just play the game because i was like okay well realistically i should have lost game three just because it's his counter pick so i'm just going to learn as much as i can i'm going to try to condition him i'm still going to play my best i don't want to throw it i don't want to get too aggressive even though i got too aggressive like for a little bit uh like i wanted to close out his stock and i got greedy a couple times but i was like i'm still i still want to play well and play correctly because i kind of i can always bring it back because pikachu's dumb and i'm really good and that's exactly what i do he gets me to 60 i get the kill he kills me basically immediately after that so it's basically two stocks like 30 to one stock zero and i play really well i get the final kill he falls out of down smash and then like tries to hit me with something and i just up smash it and then i'm at 110 ish and he's at zero and i go well he didn't die my combo correctly i just messed it up so if i hit back air i'm pretty sure i'll win is my literal thought process i'm like and if he doesn't let me back or him okay he's really good like he he wins and i'll just play game five on my counter pick like that's fine and so i back here six times in a row five times in a row a lot like i literally once he came down i think i only did back air was my only like move that i used until i hit it so i do it a couple times i whiff and i'm like mixing up when i'm doing it so he can't really punish it super easily and then i get the hit back air back air up air double jump up air falling up air and i fast fall because he died in and it called it into thunder and i got that kill on elite i've got that combo on a lead smash a lot and i'm always surprised it kills but here i wasn't surprised when i hit the thunder like i got the combo i got back here i got the first backer and i was like wow he's really high up i don't know if the second backer's gonna hit i hope it does it did and i was like okay so he's still dying like up-ish which is correct honestly so i'm gonna full hop up there so i full hop up there and i was like okay he died in i could have gone for like a falling up here but i wasn't sure if it was gonna hit to only do two up airs and i was like you know what let me do double jump up there and if he dies out i'll just back your him and get an edge guard and probably have momentum and hopefully i can win off of that and then he died in and i was like okay if he dies in this third up air he's literally dead if i don't mess up and i get the third upper and i fast fall and i hit the thunder and i see him getting spiked i start like standing up like slowly i was like i think this is gonna hit i think i just won and it kill screens and i was just like oh my god it worked yeah he's dead and then he blast zones and i love the commentary of that moment uh and i just like get up i wasn't even like i didn't pop off i wasn't like yes i won my mate like a one the second major i'm no longer a one major andy type of thing like i was just like ah that was supposed to happen at genesis i was supposed to beat him there and i was just like i won my first major back which to me is crazy like i'm still in shock a little bit that i just played so well like i played ridiculously well i thought i'd be more anxious i thought of so many things but i i won pikachu's busted i went me brawler for a single game in bracket and the rest of it was pika and i played incredibly well you know shout outs to everyone i played they were super fun uh two wins on leo went on light when ankola is very very good i hope i'm in the talks who people think is one of the best players in the world right now because i think i am one of them uh and so my playing experience was glitch was very very fun i did have a couple problems with the event just like in decision making uh like obviously it was masks required uh and i think it was like vaccine required or 72 hour negative test beforehand and uh the commentators didn't have to wear masks which was something i disagree with like i was a spectator at rift ty riptide like i was home although rather i watched it on stream and the audio quality sounded fine and uh so i was kind of surprised when i saw people commenting without masks on then the enforcement of making people wear masks on stream was kind of bad so that wasn't great and i really wish players would just wear masks because it's still safety other than those two things it was really well it was real it was well run the pools were well run there was a lot of space you know i love that they did doubles on friday and saturday was squad strike so there was never like a huge congestion of people at any given time except for like some other rounds of pools but like it was still pretty good because again there was a ton of space between the setups there was the head to heads which were a lot of space between them like to the point where we had to like scream our bands at each other which i prefer like i'd rather do that than be right next to someone in the global pandemic you know so that was really nice uh i really liked the aesthetic of the tournament obviously i won which is good i won two glitches now uh me and tweek both have two glitches so you must face off in grand finals of the next one to see who the true leads champion is you know it's fun for me i mean again so i want a shout out particularly um sharp for the friendlies against joker because i don't i think if i i literally think if i didn't play sharp i would not have beat leo because he helped me with the joker match up a lot and i like re-remembered a lot of stuff uh shout outs to zomba who teamed with me and who beat my ass and swat or not yeah in squad strike uh shout outs to everyone that supported me all the people that got pictures and wristbands from me i appreciated it was something i missed a lot was um an interaction it's something that i really really enjoyed and once it started happening at the event i was just like oh my god i'm so happy i missed this like i missed talking to my friends i missed being around them and like joking around and making jokes and just laughing and having a good time with people and like of course i was still relatively like being safe like i was eating alone in my hotel room and i was you know not interacting anyone without a mask i was constantly telling people in the venue like if i saw it just dropped below their nose or they were doing something i was like hey put your mask on and like that's fine uh you know i appreciate everyone being pretty gracious about that and being like oh sorry like and no one like fought back at all which was nice but it was it was really fun and i missed i missed going to tournaments a lot and i wasn't expecting to win i always think like oh if i play well i can win any tournament but i wasn't expecting to play this well my first tournament when i literally had not gone i have not played a top player since i played goblin at the first local i went to in june that was three months ago and it was game five and then i beat like everyone like i didn't even go game five with leo that's crazy uh my next event is probably going to be smash con so you can anticipate that then i'm going to have a highlight video of what my best moments of glitch coming soon uh and then also an analysis of all of my sets which that's going to be a long video because there's literally uh one two three four five six seven eight sets so it's got it's a lot it's a long time so that's gonna be like an hour and a half long video probably of my analysis so get ready for that if you're very interested on my thought processes uh this is gonna be the only thing i talk about for like two months even though nick allstar's brawl is coming out like next week but it's still gonna be the only thing i talk about i'm the glitch champion bald god pika legend um and yeah thank you all for watching i hope you all enjoyed hope you all enjoyed watching my run it was super fun super fun to play i love playing top players uh i love this game it's not perfect but it is my home and i want to make it the best i can and i'm happy that i won i'm very very happy that i won but i'll see y'all next time bye pikachu busted [Music] [Applause] so [Music] you
Channel: ESAM
Views: 26,358
Rating: 4.8779902 out of 5
Keywords: ESAM, Pikachu, Smash Bros., Super Smash Bros., Gaming, Super Smash Brothers, Bros, smash bros ultimate, smash ultimate, ultimate, ssbu, super smash bros ultimate, Glitch, MKLEo, Light, Kola, Best in the world
Id: tAu5vOaChGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 10sec (2290 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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