100 Riddles That Can Get Your Brain Juices Flowing

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let's start with testing your attention to detail a bit take a look at two friends Ariana and Brooke can you tell which one of them is richer [Music] it must be Ariana look she has an original Louis Vuitton purse Cameron and Dean went fishing on a lake in the middle of winter here are photos of them Cameron is posing with just a little bit of clothing when it's freezing cold and Dean is posing with a big fish he cut which one of them is less smart [Music] it's Dean look the ice on the lake is cracking it's dangerous to stay there Everly and Jasmine are in a hurry to get to work they're running late Everly is going her usual way and Jasmine has taken a shortcut which one of them is in danger Jasmine look she's walking close to some buildings there are icicles hanging there it's very dangerous to walk under them Noel and Nash are walking outside which one of them is in danger [Music] it's Noel even though Nash is blind he has a stick and he'll know that there is a hole Noel might not notice this because she's too focused on her phone [Music] for her wedding anniversary Charlotte received a diamond necklace next evening she was having dinner with her friends and showed the necklace to them she let them look at it and left for the bathroom when she returned the necklace wasn't there her friends told her that she had taken it with her take a look at the pictures before and after and tell where the necklace is [Music] look at the glass of juice of this woman seems like there's more juice in the second picture but it's not true she just put the diamond necklace in the glass and the juice level Rose Esme was having a walk in the forest and got lost she came across a witch's house and asked her to take her home the witch agreed on one condition there were three cars two of them said stay and one of them stated free they were facing down and Esme didn't know which one was where if she picked the free one she would go home otherwise she'd have to stay with the witch there was a hint one stay card wasn't in the middle the second stay card wasn't next to the other one which one should Esme pick if one stay isn't in the middle it's either on the left or on the right otherwise if the other one can't be next to it then it's definitely not in the middle but on the other side so Esme should pick the middle card it must be the free pass Ava needed to sneak into her mom's computer to delete an email she had accidentally forwarded to her but the account required a password she didn't know luckily there was a hint and here's what it said what do you think the password is [Music] the second number is the number you get if you multiply the digits the first one consists of three times five is fifteen two times eight is sixteen four times five is twenty similarly four times nine is thirty-six and 7 times 8 is 56 so the password must be three six five six Gianna owns a factory producing cars three workers can assemble three cars in three days how many cars can one worker assemble in one day [Music] if three workers assemble three cars in three days then one worker assembles one car in three days so in one day a worker assembles one third of a car Eloise woke up in a dark dungeon with only some torches lighting it up there was a door but it was locked there was a panel with buttons of different colors and a plate with the word grow written on it how can Eloise get out [Music] the word is the hint and the letter it consists of are the first letters of the colors of the buttons Eloise has to press in respect of order which are green for G red for R orange for o and white for a w five people wake up in a huge Hall none of them remember who they are or how they got here they see a giant closed door the people look around the room and notice something strange what is it [Music] these statuettes they are hidden all over the room there are five people in the room but they find six statuettes this must be the key one man says we need to find out which of the statuettes is the odd one can you guess which one this one its eyes are different from those of the others the people try to use the Odd statuette as a key [Music] it works the door opens and everyone enters the next room but when the man who suggested using the statuettes looks around he sees that he is alone in there suddenly a ghost of a woman appears in front of him if you want to get out each of you must solve my riddles she says but you will definitely fail [Laughter] she disappears The Man looks around the room he finds a strange symbol and a cipher decoder on the table can you find nine other symbols these are all 10 symbols the man begins to unravel the message using a decoder can you decipher it [Music] it says page 52. the man opens the book lying on the table on page 52 there's a riddle written in an ancient language if you have me you want to share me if you share me you haven't got me what am I the man immediately guesses the answer can you [Music] it's a secret [Laughter] the man is surprised that he was able to read the riddle written in an ancient language the answer is the password to the door he types it in and the door opens suddenly he remembers his name is Thomas he's a linguist and a cryptographer meanwhile in another room a young man finds himself in a beautiful place full of plants there are three flowers on the table they giggle maliciously the sign in front of them reads lying flowers the first flower says you'll never get out of here and you'll never get rid of us just give up already the second one says I don't remember how you can get rid of us it was either cutting or uprooting us the third one says uprooting and plucking us are both proper ways what should the guy do cut the flowers uproot them or pluck them [Music] pluck is the correct answer these flowers only tell lies so the conclusions we can draw from their words are these [Music] one there is a way to get rid of them two it is neither cutting nor uprooting three and there's only one way to remove them the only thing that remains is plucking [Music] the guy plucks the flowers he notices that glowing letters appear on their petals the letters need to be put together to get the answer what is it [Music] [Applause] the word is basket the guy examines the basket and finds a folded note at the bottom he unfolds it and reads this riddle in a pond there are some flowers with bees hovering over them how many flowers and bees are there if both of the following statements are true one if each bee lands on a flower one bee won't get a flower [Music] two if every two bees share a flower there is one extra flower [Music] can you help the guy crack this riddle [Applause] there are four bees and three flowers suddenly a sunflower Bud appears on the table the guy uses it as a key to the door and it opens and then he remembers his name is John and he's a gardener in another room a girl finds herself surrounded by beautiful crystals and gemstones on the wall there's a board with the names and pictures of different gems some of the gems are the answers to these riddles 1. did you know that the queens and the kings of all times really enjoyed that pretty purple color of mine 2. my name is like water I'm as blue as the sea can you guess what I am and which picture is me three hey I am from water as well I'm seen in strings and found inside a shell four you know me so well come on be excited I created the city where a wizard resided five I sound like danger but please don't be scared I'm striped like a cat and named after its stare can you match the riddles and the gems the correct answers are one amethyst two aquamarine three Pearl four emerald and five tiger's eye [Music] the girl hears some noise and notices that the box on the table has opened she comes up to the box and reads the next riddle [Music] the queen went to the king to complain about her lady in waiting in the morning the queen put her amethyst necklace in a jewelry box to protect it from sunlight no wonder this Stone tends to fade in the Sun she spent the day in the library reading books at one point she looked out of the window and noticed her lady in waiting she was sitting in the garden wearing the Queen's necklace the lady in waiting began crying and said this was not true she would never steal from the Queen the king opened the jewelry box and found out that the necklace was still inside who is lying [Music] the girl soon realizes that the lady in waiting is the liar have you noticed that the amethyst is now much dimmer than before that means that the lady in waiting really wore the necklace outside the girl solves the riddle three gemstones appear at the bottom of the jewelry box citrine garnet and Alexandrite there's also a note that says figure out the weight of each Stone without using scales this riddle will help you can you figure out the weight of each Stone the citrine weighs 10 ounces the garnet weighs 4 ounces and the Alexandrite weighs 2 ounces suddenly the girl remembers her name is Melissa she is a jeweler and collects crystals in another room a woman finds six glasses on the table three of them are empty and three are full of water the woman sees a note move only one glass to make a row of alternately full and empty glasses how can she do it to take the fifth glass and pour the water into the second one suddenly the glasses disappear instead two sets of different ingredients and a note appear on the table the note says find three differences Can you spot all of them [Music] [Applause] these are the differences the woman takes the ingredients and throws them into a cauldron but something is missing shiny and beautiful a werewolf's fear we need to get more of it for our precious Queen coins and mirrors trays and tea sets the nobles were buying while falling in debts it's silver the woman adds some silver and gets a potion that can melt the lock when she opens the door she remembers her name is Lauren and she's a chemist an elderly woman finds herself in this room she spots four photos on the table all the photos seem to be taken in different periods of time the note says is there a person who is present in every photo [Music] can you help the woman figure it out [Music] she is despite the signs of aging you can see that this is the same woman look she has this mole above her lip [Music] a mirror appears in front of the elderly woman wait is that her the woman from the photos the mirror shows her with a guy in a suit he looks confused there's a maid on the left and a bride on the right don't listen to her I'm your wife says the bride you're lying I'm his wife the maid cries can you guess who is lying [Music] the girl on the left is his wife because she has a wedding ring on her finger wait she also has the same mole above her lip is this our elderly woman when she was young the letters appear in the mirror ivtcboe what does that mean I'll give you a hint try to think outside the box it's husband each letter in this word is replaced by the next letter in the alphabet and suddenly the woman remembers her name is Brienne she's a witch and this is her castle Brienne opens the door everyone else has already gathered outside I'm your mother she says we know Thomas replies another witch tried to steal our father she erased our memories and Put a Spell on him I deciphered the recipe for the potion that can help him remember but I'll need your help there is a large cauldron in the hall everyone uses their knowledge to prepare the potion now Brienne must cast a spell solve the puzzle to find out the magic word [Music] it's Memoria [Music] the potion is ready suddenly three doors appear in front of the family behind the first door there's a hot desert but there are some fruits on the trees growing there the second door opens to the middle of the sea behind the third door there's an endless Forest what should the family do [Music] they should use the trees to make a raft and pick up the fruits so that they don't starve now they can cross the sea [Music] meanwhile Brienne uses a spell to chain the witch [Music] solve another puzzle to learn the spell she uses it's sigulum who is wanted [Music] the girl on the right she has the same mole as the girl on the poster who is an identity thief [Music] [Music] it's the man on the right his real ID is sticking out of his backpack which means he must be showing a fake ID who is an imposter [Music] [Music] the girl on the left the script she's reading is turned upside down it means she only pretends to be an actress who is the real Thief [Music] both of these men are thieves while one man is distracting the girl the other is preparing to steal her phone [Music] the last will of Mr Wilson a rich businessman got stolen there were five people in the house at that moment Mr Wilson's wife their cook butler maid and Gardener they all told the detective what they'd been doing that evening Mrs Wilson was sitting by the fireplace embroidering the cook was making breakfast the butler was supervising several workers in the living room the maid was sweeping the floors in the hallway The Gardener was watering the plants in the greenhouse right after this conversation the detective arrested the thief who is the culprit and how the detective figure it out [Music] foreign [Music] he said he'd been preparing breakfast but the crime happened in the evening Lily owned a flower store one day she got a call from the police they told her that her shop had been robbed when she arrived shards of glass were on the ground near the store and the pots and plants inside were broken the police questioned three suspects Jacob Lily's ex said I was in a hurry and didn't notice that the windows were broken when I was passing by the store I only realized what had happened when the police called me Camille Lily's friend said Lily asked me to help her with something in the store when I arrived everything had already been broken I called the police immediately Matt Lily's ex-coworker said I was walking nearby and I saw someone breaking a window and sneaking into the shop I left my phone at home so I ran to the police station can you guess who's lying Matt is lying shards of glass were laying on the ground which meant that the criminal had to break the window from the inside [Music] let's take a little break now you need to think fast Mary's mom has four daughters one daughter is called April the second is named May and the third daughter is June what's the fourth daughter's name it's Mary of course who doesn't belong to this list Napoleon Bonaparte Queen Elizabeth William Shakespeare Sherlock Holmes Aristotle Christopher Columbus Donald Trump [Music] foreign homes he's the only fictional character on the list eight girls are in the house and each of them is busy with something the first one is cooking dinner the second one is lighting the fireplace the third girl is playing chess the fourth one is reading a book The Fifth girl is drawing a picture the sixth is cleaning up the house the seventh girl is watering the plants what is the eighth girl doing [Music] foreign chess with the third girl one woman turned 40 in 1850 but in 1860 she was 30 years old how could this happen [Music] [Music] this could only happen if 1860 was earlier than 1850 which means that the woman turned 40 in 1850 BCE and 30 in 1860 BCE [Music] an artist was walking in the park when it suddenly started raining he had neither a hat nor an umbrella to cover his head he also couldn't hide under a tree because the downpour was too heavy and still not a single hair on his head got wet how can that happen the artist was bald now let's get back to our detective riddles Robert won a million dollars in the lottery he decided not to tell anyone about this including his wife at home he put his money in a safe hidden behind a painting the next day the money disappeared the police invited all the suspects for questioning Emily Robert's wife said in the morning I went to my husband's home to clean up there the safe was open and there was nothing inside James Robert's business partner said call Robert he always wanted to win a lottery I stayed at home all day and yesterday and watched TV and Mark Robert's friend said I was at the gym last night then I went home I can't imagine why anyone would do this the police arrested the thief can you guess who it was Robert's business partner did this Robert didn't tell anyone that he had won the lottery his wife noticed an empty safe when she entered the office but she didn't know what was inside Mourinho was participating in a figure skating Championship she was a very strong competitor and many people believed she could win when the time for a warm-up ran out all the participants started preparing for the performance Marina was the first she was amazing but suddenly she tripped fell down and broke her leg which made her unable to continue the investigation revealed that someone had ruined her skates the police interviewed three suspects Anna said I didn't do anything but I saw Jacqueline and Kate walking into the locker room before Marina's performance they're the ones who ruined her skates Jacqueline said yes I indeed went into the locker room to take my things but I didn't see Kate there and Kate said yeah that's because I've been practicing in the gym until it was my turn besides Anna is lying I saw her in the locker room can you guess who's lying [Music] Kate she couldn't train in the gym because the time for the warm-up had been over by the time the competition started here's what happened Kate went into the locker room and ruined Marina skates Jacqueline came into the locker room after her and that's what Anna saw Jane is afraid that she might have a stalker she brought some photos of herself and her friends to the police the police immediately found the culprit who is Jane stalker [Music] Jane's friend Mike he's the only one who is present in all the photos and sometimes he even tries to conceal his identity [Music] the investigation didn't have enough evidence to prove the suspect was guilty detective Reed decided to investigate their house hoping to find some Clues and he actually did find something he discovered a secret room however it had a combination lock and the word idea written above it do you have any idea what the code might be [Music] 9451 the code is the number of each of the letters in the alphabet the door opened to the suspect's secret office at first glance there is nothing suspicious inside a table with a book in the middle some dusty furniture and a picture on the wall the detective examined the painting and found a safe with a three-digit code behind it next to it there was a note with a hint p270l7-8 can you guess what the detective needs to do next foreign the detective realized that the note meant page 270 lines seven to eight he should check out the book on the table the detective found the necessary lines on page 270 they read after wandering through the desert for four days and three nights I came across a couple of Travelers they fed me and gave me one of their camels this is a clue that can help crack the code to the safe what is it foreign four days and three nights make seven a couple of Travelers is two and don't forget about one camel the detective opened the safe and found the evidence that proved that the suspect was guilty in the middle of the night someone stole a unique artifact from a museum the museum guard claimed it had been a robber detective ridd arrived at the crime scene immediately and questioned the guard the man said I I was walking around the museum suddenly I saw a dark shadow I called out to them but they didn't respond but detective ridd noticed that something was wrong with this story can you guess what it is there are only one person's footprints on the floor if there was the guard and the criminal in the museum shouldn't there be two sets of footprints detective ridd asked the guard what he did next the man said I ran after the thief and saw them break the glass door and steal the artifact the alarm didn't go off as they had probably turned it off is the guard telling the truth the door is indeed broken but it's also open it can only be opened with a key it looks like someone opened the door to prevent the alarm from going off and then broke the glass to hide the traces the detective asked the man what had happened next the guard said I ran up to the criminal and tried to stop them but they sprayed something in my eyes and I lost Consciousness when I woke up I immediately called the police is he telling the truth his eyes looked totally fine the robbery happened just a few hours ago if the guard was telling the truth his eyes would at least look red he must be lying the guard turned out to be the thief and was arrested two best friends Emily and Luna came to a popular and expensive hair salon at first the administrator told the girls they had just one available hair stylist but after making a phone call she happily announced she had found another hairdresser Emily and Luna could have their hair done at the same time but in the process it dawned on the girls that one of the hair stylists was fake which one [Music] hair stylists are using regular scissors but instead of Hairspray the one on the left is holding a can of bug spray yeah that's a big clue right there [Music] Mary and her younger brother Alex were mushroom hunting in the forest they started to quarrel so Alex got angry and ran away after several minutes Mary rushed after him she was still fuming but also worried soon the girl reached a small River a man was sitting on the shore did you see a teenager here Mary asked yep he's just taken a boat and made it to the other side but Mary didn't believe the man why foreign but the pedals are lying next to the man how could the boy cross the river without them three prisoners are sitting at a table having dinner but one of them is wealthy can you guess who it is it's not the guy with the steak and shrimps the little tag on his shirt reveals he's a chef and he likes to prepare a special treat for himself the guy with the jewels shows that he's well off but in prison jewelry is basically worthless it's the third guy wealthy people trying to keep a low profile in prison not to be targeted by others that's why he doesn't flash any valuable possessions or his status [Music] it's Friday and all the students have gathered in a big lecture hall to take the end of term exam the teacher has been informed that one student is going to cheat can you tell which one pay attention to every detail [Music] [Music] it's student C it looks as if he's trying to remember what he's read but he has all the answers written on his hand Marta was walking through the park near her home in the evening it was dark and there was nobody around suddenly someone grabbed her from behind and they bolted away Marta took off after them she was pretty sure this person was a woman but she couldn't make out her appearance or clothes when Marta ran inside she saw three teachers the girl looked at them attentively and soon figured out which one of them had taken her back can you do the same [Music] the woman in the middle wouldn't be able to run away with a cast on her leg the one on the right doesn't have anything in her hands where would she hide Marta's bag so quickly but the woman on the left has a big shopper bag on her shoulder a real teacher wouldn't need to carry it in the classroom so she was definitely the one who took the bag Jonathan sneaked out of the house late in the evening to meet his girlfriend the teenager thought he was extremely careful and quiet but his whole family knew about his plan they were aware the guy would return at midnight so they decided to make a bet the one who would see Nathan first when the guy started climbing the fence would be the winner the prize would be no choice for them for one week so as to not fall asleep Nathan's dad switched on the TV the teen's grandfather settled in the living room to read a book the grandmother went to the kitchen to make a pizza and Nathan's mom went to her room sat down on the floor and started to meditate who's going to be the first to spot Nathan when the time comes foreign Nathan's mom her eyes will be used to the darkness and she will see better than the others look at this picture closely and try to figure out who's from the future well I'm pretty sure there was no flashlights in the Stone Age so it has to be this guy here down in the sea Kingdom Stacy met Neptune he was sitting on his throne surrounded by three mermaids Neptune asked Stacy to return the pearl necklace to his wife who had recently lost it Luke happened to have found the necklace on the shore can you guess which mermaid is Neptune's wife so Luke can give it back to her it's the third one she's the only one who's wearing an engagement ring Lisa was a famous Top Model she was found unconscious in her dressing room during a photo shoot and taken to a hospital doctors said she had a severe allergic reaction but when Lisa came to her senses she insisted she hadn't eaten anything all day the model's manager was very concerned and interrogated everyone who'd been around Lisa stylist said that she had applied Lisa's makeup and indeed hadn't seen her eat anything the cleaning lady said she had cleaned the dressing room with organic non-allergenic products Lisa's main rival Nora said that she'd been watching the shooting all day long she hadn't noticed anything suspicious who's the culprit [Music] foreign [Music] it was The Stylist lipstick was the only thing Lisa could have swallowed that day [Music] in the middle of the night Dennis woke up because of a loud crash one of the kids must have been out but they know they aren't allowed to leave at night the man went to check on the children all three of them Catherine Ruth and Larry seem to be sleeping peacefully look at the kids and try to figure out who sneaked out of the house foreign it was Ruth there's a dirty sneaker hidden behind the curtain and several pieces of french fries under her bed Brenda was traveling by train it was scorching hot in the carriage the girl took off her gold bracelet decorated with diamonds and put it on the table in front of her several minutes later the train entered a tunnel and it got pitch dark when the tunnel was left behind there was no bracelet on the table Brenda was shocked someone's taken my bracelet there were just three other people in the compartment Helen said she'd been sleeping Rachel was reading a book on her phone and Gregory had gone to the bathroom even before the train entered the tunnel who took the bracelet foreign [Music] it was Helen At first she had her sleeves rolled up but now they're covering her arms down to the wrists hiding the bracelet Sarah bought some ice cream on Saturday but kept the flavors in secret when she woke up on Sunday all the ice cream was gone she asked everyone in the house if they knew anything about it James answered he had gone to work early that morning and hadn't seen anything Mary said she wanted to have the new caramel ice cream in the afternoon she felt bad she was going to miss it John didn't even know there was ice cream in the house but he was looking forward to trying it can you figure out who knows something [Music] it's Mary the ice cream flavors were a secret she couldn't be sure there was a caramel taste among them can you tell who's a real mermaid here the second one is a guy so he definitely isn't a mermaid the girl on the right is chilling in the Sun and she's out of the water mermaids wouldn't do that because they dry out in the sun so the real mermaid must be the one on the left there were some thefts at the supermarket there were three cases in total in January April and June the security camera recorded these videos the security officer tried to have a closer look and suddenly noticed one detail after that the identity of the thief became clear what did he notice foreign [Music] it was the pregnant woman the attentive security officer noticed that in January she looked about six to seven months pregnant in June she looked the same hmm seems like it's the mysterious case of the baby bump that was really a canned ham one day a thief decided to rob the local bank he came up with a brilliant plan to dress up as one of the bank tellers and try to sneak into the vault as he was approaching the Vault he saw a security guard standing right in front of the door the robber hadn't anticipated this so he hid and watched the guard carefully when one of the actual bank tellers walked up to the door the security guard said 12. the worker answered six and got in then another teller came up to the Vault when the security guards hit six the person answered three and was granted access the thief nonchalantly walked up to the security guard when the guard said 10. the robber confidently answered five he was arrested immediately so why was the thief's answer wrong and what could he have answered instead foreign [Music] the response has to do with the number of letters in the word 12 has six letters so the answer is six six in turn has three letters so the answer is three well you can see by now that the robber should have said three looks like he wasn't as brilliant as he thought at first you'll be a Sherlock trainee look carefully at the pictures and pay attention to the smallest details to solve The Riddles which one of these students has three mothers it must be this guy right here the one with the three sandwiches the guy with three glasses got them from the cafeteria he must be very thirsty but it's not a sign of three mothers but this one definitely brought sandwiches from home so I bet it's him let me know if you disagree let's move on one of the girls has a pet at home can you guess which one it's the girl in the Middle look her hands and arms are scratched she must be living with a cat okay look at these three people who is a vampire it's this guy see he doesn't cast a shadow something's wrong Chastity was at a party and met three guys all of them claimed to be Pilots but one of them lied can you guess who's not a pilot Pilots must have perfect eyesight this guy is wearing glasses so he's not a real pilot look at these three students one of them is Left-Handed can you figure out who exactly [Music] it must be this girl the outer side of her left hand has some ink stains it happens when she writes since we write from left to right her arm covers everything she's just written three best friends met for a coffee in the evening can you tell which one of them has a pet look at this girl's bag there's dog food in there so she probably has a dog at home waiting for her this one is super easy three sisters came to visit their parents one of them got engaged while she was away can you tell which one it's this girl who's wearing a ring three men came to a job interview the company didn't want to hire fathers because they needed full commitment for the first year all men said they were single and had no families but one of them lied and actually had a daughter which one it's this guy here why would he wear a pink scrunchie on his wrist if he wasn't making his daughter's hair right before the interview okay now let's go and look at people's houses here are the bathrooms of Darold and Tiberius which one of them has a girlfriend [Music] it must be Tiberius look there are two toothbrushes in his bathroom Nevaeh and nicolene are students both of them live in a one-room apartment with their friends to split the rent their mothers once came to visit take a look at Nevaeh and nicolene's bedrooms can you tell which one of them is dating her roommate it must be Nevaeh in nicolene's bedroom there are two single beds and in nevaeh's bedroom there's just one big bed look at these three friends one of them isn't really a human but which one look this guy right here has only four fingers perfect we trained you well now let's solve some cases the Citibank was robbed and detective Callum was on the case after a long investigation the police managed to track the robber and found the money hidden in the nearest Desert in a cactus Bush they couldn't see the robber's face but there were three suspects take a look at the people who is guilty it's this man look he has many scars on his arms and hands he must have gotten them when he was digging the money in the cactus bush a group of friends asked billiam if he wanted to join them on a hike that weekend he said that he couldn't because he had broken his arm the next day in school billiam indeed appeared with a broken arm so he stayed at home and his friends went hiking on Monday the friends met in school again William said that he had just stayed home watching TV his friends told him about the hike and asked why he had lied about the broken arm why did they decide that his arm wasn't really broken last week billiam's right arm was broken on Monday it was the left one he must be Faking It Mr Tucker called the police and reported that he had been robbed detective Callum arrived at his place and found Mr Tucker tied up to a chair Mr Tucker said that he had been sleeping when someone wearing a mask had broken into the room they took him right out of the bed tied him up to the chair and then took all the savings he was keeping in the wardrobe when they left he managed to call the police because his cell phone was in his pocket still detective Callum didn't believe him why Mr Tucker said that he had been taken right out of bed but the bed was perfectly made I doubt that a robber would care enough to make Mr Tucker's bed on their way out detective Callum was spending the winter holidays at a ski resort with his friends in the morning they were going to go skiing on the fresh snow that had fallen at night when a local police officer called him and asked him to come to a hotel nearby to solve a case so detective Callum had to go someone robbed the cashier's desk and there were three suspects questly said that she was in her room all night sleeping Egbert said that he was out partying in a different hotel and had just come back around an hour ago Fenton said that he had been binge watching a show all night but hadn't stolen anything who is guilty it was Egbert if he had just returned he would have left his footprints on the fresh snow but there were no Footprints leading to the hotel as detective Callum was walking there and the name Egbert will make anyone suspicious there was a car accident in the suburbs and police arrived to investigate the case the driver went into a cliff right where the road was taking a dangerous turn the car turned around and he was pushed out of it and got stuck nearby he had his cell phone on him so he was able to make a call a police officer helped the driver out and asked him to show what was in the truck the driver gladly opened it with his keys in the trunk there was his suitcase some instruments and a spare tire the police officer said that the accident had been staged why the driver took the keys out of his pocket if it had been a real accident the keys would have remained in the car Mr Grayson called the police and said that she had been robbed detective Callum arrived for the investigation here's what she said it was almost midnight I was in my room upstairs painting suddenly the power went out there was no light or electricity and I could only see the street lights outside then the stationary phone rang I was scared so I didn't pick it up I stayed upstairs and in about 10 minutes the light came back I just went to sleep and now in the morning I found out that someone stole my grandma's diamond ring detective Callum didn't believe her why [Music] if the lights and the electricity were out how would a stationary telephone ring this lady is making things up Gavin drove to get some groceries and parked his car in front of the store of course he forgot where he had parked and couldn't find his car luckily he had taken a picture of his parked car and he opened it to look up the number of the parking lot the problem is that his parking lot number is covered and the number of the Lots nearby doesn't make any sense can you figure out what's Gavin's parking lot number and where he should search for his car the numbers are just turned upside down in the photo the numbers are 86 through 91 and his car is parked in 87. now I have a short Logo Quiz for you I'll show you a logo and you have to tell the company here's the first one do you recognize it it's Honda a Japanese car brand this one is super easy what is it [Music] this is Pepsi of course what about this cute crocodile does it ring a bell this is Lacoste a French clothing brand another easy one I bet you have it on your phone yes of course that's Spotify what about this one yes it's Nike this one is a very fancy brand what's your guess that's Louis Vuitton okay another one for you it's harder but you've got this what's your call this is Reebok an American footwear company do you recognize this bowl is a Lamborghini logo this is a painfully familiar yellowed rectangle where is it from [Music] that's the National Geographic logo Porsche and vinette live in a country where postal services are super unreliable everything sent by post is stolen from the package how can Porsche send his wife vinette a diamond ring if both of them can buy locks but don't have keys from each other's locks Porsche can lock the box with the ring and send it to Vanette when she receives the Box she should lock the box with her lock and send it back to him when he receives it he can open his lock and remove it and send the box back to vinette with her lock only so that she can open it once she gets it again there is a box filled with balls of different colors five red ones eight blue ones and 11 purple ones ninja has to pick out balls blindfolded until he's sure that he has at least two balls of the same color what's the minimum number of balls ninja should take out to be sure of that worst case scenario he'll be picking out the balls of a different color every time there are three colors so if he picks out three they might all be different but if he picks out four then the additional one for sure will match one of the existing colors so ninja should pick four [Music] cab driver Bobby was moving in the wrong direction on a one-way Road a police officer was standing nearby and noticed the driver but he didn't stop or find Bobby why foreign [Music] because Bobby was going on foot we'd never mentioned that the cab driver was driving the cab so this makes perfect sense [Music] Bobby arrived at the local car service he decided to give his car three coats of paint can you guess which coat would go on first [Music] the second as it's the only coat that can go on the first coat the mechanic told Bobby hey bro I'm gonna give you a discount if you manage to crack my riddle so listen carefully they are the five precious gems of an everyday sword and all can be found on a tennis court what are they can you solve this mystery [Music] and the correct answer is the vowels a-e-i-o-n-u [Music] Bobby was having a cup of tea when he called the waiter and told him that there was a fly in his tea the waiter took away the cup and brought another one but two seconds later Bobby called the waiter again and said hey that's the same cup of tea how did he know [Music] Bobby had already put sugar in his tea [Music] Bobby's friend Bill joined him during lunch and offered a bet if you solve my riddle I'm going to pay for food but if you fail you're the one to pay Bobby liked riddles and agreed Bill puts some matchsticks on the table and said okay here's the task I've arranged matchsticks in a grid so that the first and second row as well as the first and the third columns contain 12 matchsticks each can you remove full matchsticks and rearrange all the remaining ones so that we're still left with 12 matchsticks in the first row the second row the First Column and the third column can you help Bobby save some cash [Music] here's the solution [Music] Bobby went to the restroom after lunch unfortunately the door got locked automatically now Bobby needs to enter a password to get out he found this hint hanging on the wall a word I know six letters it contains subtract just one and twelve is what remains one am I can you crack the code [Music] foreign [Music] answer is dozens [Music] Bobby was visiting a Historical Museum he entered the wrong door and got stuck in a creepy dungeon there he found a sufficient supply of buckets filled with food medicines and drinking water for a week but Bobby didn't want to stay there that long he searched for ways out and found these three doors a hungry bear and a cub are hiding behind the first door the second door leads to a wall of fire and the third door leads to a lake filled with crocodiles can you help Bobby choose the right door foreign will try to protect the cop even if you offer them all of your food swimming through a lake with crocodiles is also a bad idea but Bobby can distract the crocodiles with food and use water from the lake and the bucket to fight the fire so you should choose the second door [Music] Bobby found out that his favorite rock band was playing a private concert for VIP clients in a luxury Club decided to sneak inside the club through the backyard but unfortunately Bobby faced a strict guard behind the door he refused to let Bobby in without a password can you help Bobby figure out the password [Music] take a look at the guards t-shirt it's a Revis the password is to infinity and beyond [Music] Bobby's friend Mike is an expert on Paranormal Activity he invited Bobby for ghost hunting in a creepy old hotel their equipment indicated strong signs that a ghost was hiding behind one of the four doors each door has an inscription the sign on door a says it's behind B or C Door B says it's behind a or D or C says it's in here and door d claims that the ghost isn't here Mike's psychic powers have told him that three of the inscriptions are false and one is true can you guess which door leads to the ghost foreign leads to the ghost why well if the ghost is behind door a then both B and D are true if the ghost is behind door B then both A and D are true if the ghost is behind door C then a c and d are all true but if the ghost is behind door d then the statements on all the other doors are false except for that on door B this matches the rules Mike was standing on a 100 foot 30 meter ladder He Slipped from the ladder and fell to the ground but after the fall he was absolutely fine and not injured how could that be [Music] Mike was standing at the bottom of the ladder foreign brought him to a round Desert Island by helicopter and left him there Bobby wanted to spend some time alone but something went wrong he met a lonely lion Bobby and the lion are standing on the island that measures one unit in radius both of them can effortlessly run at the speed of one unit maximum let's suppose that the lion is very hungry will he be able to eat Bobby and if yes how long can Bobby survive on the island foreign [Music] there are two possibilities if Bobby decides to run on the perimeter of the island the lion will eventually catch him and here's the second possibility Bobby doesn't run on the perimeter this way he will be using an escape strategy that will work for an infinite time so Bobby should probably choose the second strategy and just wait for the helicopter to come back and pick him up foreign Bobby and his friends went on vacation to a country house but unfortunately it was raining heavily it kept raining for 13 days when it rained in the morning the afternoon was beautiful and clear and when it rained in the afternoon the next day was blessed with a clear nice morning overall the guys experienced 11 nice mornings and 12 nice afternoons can you find out the total number of days they spent in the country house foreign [Music] and here's why let's call clear afternoons X clear mornings Z and no rain period oh this equation represents the number of days with rain X plus C equals 13. and here are the days with clear mornings plus o equals 11. and this equation represents days with clear afternoons plus o equals 12. solve these three equations to learn that x equals 7 Z equals 6 and o equals five so the total number of days is 18. Bobby started his morning by jogging around a park near his house when he returned he faced very unpleasant news someone had stolen his cab car he questioned three people standing nearby Henry said sorry about your car bro I've been playing video games for 24 hours I haven't seen anything suspicious because I didn't leave my basement Rosie said I'm a gardener I've been planting daisies in the public area all morning I think I saw a suspicious man who opened the cab car using a knife Jack said I saw your car when I went out for groceries but when I returned home it was gone who's lying [Music] Rosie she said she planted daisies but there are only rose bushes in this area police officer Frank received an anonymous text message it revealed an address where Frank could find one of the most dangerous criminals police went to check the area they didn't know what the criminal looked like but they knew that his name was dirty Jack and he was inside the house the police busted in on a carpenter a truck driver a mechanic and a fireman all were playing poker without any hesitation or communication of any kind they arrested the fireman how did they know that he was the criminal foreign was the only male in the room the rest of the poker players were women [Music] dirty Jack wanted to escape from prison and found three possible ways out the first exit is guarded by hungry dogs the second exit has a tricky trap a cage will fall from the ceiling and catch anyone who steps on the floor in this room and an angry guard is hiding behind the third exit no prisoner can escape from him which door should he choose thank you the second one he can throw his boot to activate the Trap and then just walk around it [Music] dirty Jack got out of prison and found himself in the middle of the ocean he landed in a cave underwater and got trapped stones are hanging above him and he has only two options to escape a huge jellyfish is waiting on the first path and a hungry shark is waiting on the second path which way should he go [Music] foreign Jack should choose the second option take a closer look this shark has a go vegan tattoo therefore it won't hurt a human though he can easily climb up through the hole in the cave above and Escape what would be the resulting figure if we fold this open Cube [Music] foreign the correct answer is a Bella and Shelly are sisters and best friends one weekend their parents went on vacation before leaving they strictly forbade Bella and Shelley to have parties in the house but the sisters didn't listen and invited all their friends as soon as their parents left after the party the entire house was a mess so Bella and Shelley hired a cleaning lady to get rid of any evidence of the party when their parents arrived home their mother Jessica began to yell I told you no parties in this house how did she know foreign there was dust on this glass vase when the parents left but now it's fresh and clean Jessica asked Bella and Shelly to mow the backyard lawn none of the sisters wanted to do this annoying task so Shelly offered an easy way out she put two cards in a hat and said I wrote Mo on the first card and chill on the second pull a card and choose your destiny Bella wasn't so naive she suspected that Shelley was cheating and put both cards with Mo written on them but no one would believe her if she just tried to expose Shelley and no one would look at the other card once her fate was decided what should she do [Music] when asked to draw a card Bella should pick any and destroy the paper without looking at it in this case to decide her fate they'll have to look at the other card which also says Mo and this will mean that Shelly should mow the lawn over a cup of tea Bella bet Shelly ten dollars that she could convert her fifty dollars into one hundred dollars do you think Shelly should accept the bet [Music] there's no logical reason behind accepting it if Bella isn't able to convert the money she'll lose the bet but she has only ten dollars to lose meanwhile Shelly is supposed to be giving her fifty dollars from her wallet thus even if Shelley wins the BET she'll still lose forty dollars Bella and Shelley have a certain number of candies if Bella gives one candy to Shelly they'll have an equal number of candies but if Shelly gives one candy to Bella then Shelly will be left with half the number of candies that Bella has can you find out the number of candies they have right now [Music] [Music] let's use some math to figure it out right now Shelly has X candies and Bella has Z candies now we can sum it up in these equations X plus one equals z minus one therefore Z minus x equals two also x minus 1 equals z plus 1 divided by 2. now we know that 2x minus Z equals three so if we equate these two conclusions we'll get the following X plus two equals two x minus three now we know that x equals five and Z equals seven therefore Shelley has five candies and Bella has seven candies Shelley was doing laundry and found out that her favorite t-shirt got torn can you count the exact number of holes in her t-shirt me ant the answer is not three or six which most people must be guessing the correct number of holes is 10. one hole for the neck two holes for the arms one hole for the Torso three holes in the front and three holes in the back Bella went to the basement to find her old books suddenly the ball burned out Bella took the new bulb to replace it but the wires are very Tangled can you find the correct switch that will turn on the bulb foreign [Music] the best way to get the answer is to start from the ball it's been a long day Bella finally went to sleep but when she saw her bedroom she yelled and ran away can you tell what's wrong here did you notice this zombie Bella ran to the living room and shut the door is she safe here nope take a look at the mirror some stranger is inside the room Bella and Shelley went hiking with their friends four of them went into a completely empty Lake and then eight people came out how is this possible foreign four people were sitting on the shoulders of the other four when they were getting inside the lake the guys made a stop to have a picnic they began to play football during their Play Bella's boyfriend Rob busted his lips and ears and broke a couple of ribs and thighs however he still managed to play a professional match the very next day how can this be possible [Music] Rob knocked on his food plate accidentally while playing he had pig lips ears and ribs along with chicken thighs when he knocked on his plate he busted his food on the way home the guys went through a field they saw a cow it walked 30 feet North 30 feet East 30 feet South and finally walked 30 feet West all this time where was its tail pointing can you solve this mystery foreign [Music] s of course the guys rented four scooters in four different places and hit the road they agreed to meet in a cafe at the gas station here's the map can you tell which scooter will reach the destination first [Music] the third one Bella and Shelley were trying to get the perfect gift for their father's birthday finally they found this beautiful vintage watch but they couldn't afford it the seller offered them a deal solve my riddle and I'll make a 90 discount the sisters agreed the seller took out a 50 Bill and asked what's the easiest way to double my money can you help them solve this mystery they should put the bill in front of a mirror the sisters decided to have lunch in a cozy little cafe the cook offered them tomato soup mushroom salad chicken wings octopus and mushroom pizza can you help them choose the safest food [Music] there are mirror shards in these chicken wings probably not the healthiest option I'm pretty sure those mushrooms are poisonous too this octopus is still alive and this soup must be several weeks old so Bella and Shelly should choose the mushroom pizza after lunch the local Barista offered the sisters free coffee if they managed to solve his tricky riddle here's the task name a 10-letter word in English that can be typed using only the top rows of your computer keyboard can you help the ladies get their free coffee and the correct answer is typewriter great job Shelley got a job at a restaurant one night a cook a cobbler and a doctor went to dinner together and asked Shelly to split the bill equally among them when the bill arrived it was for four people how can this be possible [Music] the fourth person was the night it was just misspelled as night Shelley and Bella were walking down the street suddenly they saw this creepy Shadow can you guess what's going on here should they be worried nope it's Halloween the guy is just walking around and scaring people in his witch costume see he's wearing sneakers Shelly and Bella saw this mysterious magic shop sign and decided to go get some tarot readings as soon as they entered the shop a wicked witch locked the door I said I will make your biggest dreams come true if you crack my code but if you fail you'll stay here forever then she gave them the following Clues a 981 one number is perfectly placed B 924 everything is incorrect c093 two numbers are part of the code but are in the wrong places d-147 one number is part of the code but is in the wrong place e 783 one number is part of the code but is in the wrong place can you help Shelly and Bella from Clues A and B we learned that nine is not in the code it also means that eight or one is in the code for sure according to clue B we know that 9 2 and 4 are not in the code from clue C we know that 0 and 3 are in the final code clue e tells us that 7 and 8 are not in the final code because we already know that three is and Clue D tells us that one is also in the code because four and seven are not so the correct code is three zero one the witch has fulfilled Shelly and Bella's wishes they wanted to thank her and decided to prepare her favorite drink from a recipe book unfortunately the last ingredient was encrypted can you help them crack the code they should add a tear of a Triton after visiting the witch Shelley met a handsome guy Tom they had a perfect date Shelley couldn't believe that he was real she thought it was an illusion created by the witch's spell so she decided to test the guy's logical skills she showed him this list and asked just one question what do these words have in common can you help Tom [Music] if we remove the first letter of each word and place it in the end you'll be able to read the same word from the beginning and the end can you figure out the next number in this sequence [Music] it's two to make the puzzle seem harder all digits are placed apart in fact the sequence consists of two different sequences the first one is two three four five and so on and the second sequence is 9 18 36 72 and so on now it's obvious that the next digit should be two there was a heist in the great Museum of Art a very valuable and important painting was stolen a detective investigated the crime scene and managed to find the person who had stolen the painting however when the detective asked the thief to give it back the criminal gave him three copies of the same painting he refused to tell the police which one was original but the detective immediately figured it out how do you think he did it do you see that each painting has a different frame but only one of them is similar to the frames of other paintings in the museum and since this museum is known to use the same style of frames this one is the original painting Jeremy was accepted to the best School of Witchcraft and Wizardry one of the classes he had to take was about transforming into animals three professors taught that glass and each of them specialized in transforming into one certain animal can you tell which Professor turns into what kind of animal do you see that the first Professor has a fork tongue she must transform into a snake have you noticed that the second Professor has a Lion's Tail her animal must be a lion and do you see bear claws the third Professor has then he must turn into a grizzly bear Tony was going to study abroad for one semester he flew into another country found his new dorm where he was going to stay and unpacked his stuff then he called his parents to inform them he'd arrived they asked him what time is it there Tony was pretty tired and jet-lagged so he couldn't immediately tell what time it was can you help Tony figure out the time look the Eiffel Tower and Sydney Opera House views are just posters but you can actually see Mount Fuji through the window so Tony is in Tokyo and it's 8 45 there Carly Zoe woke up one day and found themselves in a weird place that looked like a jail which of them will be able to escape foreign can escape because the bars of her prison cell are made of wax she'll be able to use the candle on the floor behind her back to melt them Zoe can also Escape do you see several rats in the corner that are munching on the bars it's because the bars of the girls self are made of salted breadsticks and she can eat them and Escape Isabella was a princess and the heir to the throne one day an evil witch lured her into an enchanted forest so that she could take over the kingdom Isabella got lost but fortunately she had a magic pendant the king's magician gave it to her some time ago claiming it would help her find her way back if she ever got lost she used the pendant and three Spirit Animals appeared the first spirit animal was an owl the second one was a butterfly and the third spirit animal was a hawk only one of them knew the way back to the castle but if Isabella chose to follow the wrong animal she would find herself even further away from her kingdom which spirit animal should she follow foreign have you noticed the kingdom Banner in the throne room it has a butterfly on it so it's the official symbol of this Kingdom Isabella should follow the butterfly Toby was a rich businessman one day he came back home from a dinner party and saw that somebody had broken into his house and stolen his expensive watch from his safe he called the police they investigated the crime scene and found three suspects Gordon said that at that time he'd been at home trying to make his teenage kids go to bed Danny said he'd spent the whole night at a party with his friends and Matt claimed that he'd been at a movie theater watching a new superhero movie between 12 and 2 A.M police immediately realized who had broken into Toby's house and stolen the watch have you figured it out [Music] it was Matt when Toby arrived home it was 11 30 PM so it doesn't matter where Matt was between 12 and 2 A.M Elliott was a crazy scientist who was obsessed with the idea of parallel universes he dedicated his whole life to figuring out how to create portals to other dimensions one day he finally succeeded in building a portal machine when he tried to test it three portals appeared in front of him and then the machine just blew up and since he had meddled with the laws of physics the universe where he lived started to collapse the scientist had to choose one of the portals to escape through and fast the first portal opened to the universe in which Elliot was a super villain the second portal opened in the world in which the man was a ruthless King the third portal opened on the planet where Elliott was an underwater creature which portal should he choose [Music] do you see the portal machine the super villain Elliott is holding it's the same as the one that destroyed itself apparently super villain Elliot is a scientist as well he might be able to help the real Elliot to bring his original Universe back by making a better portal machine Sally was at a crowded concert suddenly she felt somebody reaching into her bag and pulling out her wallet that only had her credit cards inside she couldn't see who the person was but after checking the footage from the surveillance cameras security guards were able to narrow it down to three suspects Joshua said he had been sharing concert videos on his social media and didn't have anything to do with the theft Jennifer said she was super rich and didn't need anyone else's wallet with credit cards she only used Cash when she went shopping Penny said she'd been singing along to the song the band had been playing so she didn't even know what had happened the security guards immediately figured out who the thief was who stole Sally's wallet [Music] nobody told Jennifer that the wallet contained only credit cards but somehow she still knew it she must have stolen it Mary found a new job in another city so she had to move the realtor found three options for Mary to choose from and took her to see each of them first she brought Mary to apartment number one which was located downtown second she took the woman to apartment number two which was within walking distance of a subway station after that she took Mary to apartment number three which was next to a grocery store which apartment should Mary choose since apartment number one has a rat living in it and apartment number three has a crack in one of the Walls Mary should choose apartment number two Miss Sanders took her students camping at the weekend she wanted to tell them about forest plants during the trip one of the students wandered off and got lost in the forest hours passed but he couldn't find his way back the guy felt very hungry but he didn't have any food with him that was when he saw three different bushes with three different kinds of berries in front of him only one type of berries was safe to eat and the other two were poisonous which Berry should he eat as he's waiting to be rescued remember the poster that was in the classroom it stated that these two kinds of berries were poisonous so only these ones are safe to eat san I was driving across the country to visit her family she was tired of being on the road and wanted to take a break she saw a diner and stopped there to have something to eat and rest the diner looked empty old and dirty the waitress told her there were only three meal options to choose from and asked her which one she wanted to eat so which one looks safe to eat do you see the fumes coming from the first meal they're green that can't be a good sign and the third meal has a little bug on it yikes so Sandy should eat the second meal and get the heck out of there Audrey won the best actress award at a film festival but when she left the stage and went to give an interview to the reporters her award was stolen a police officer arrived and found three suspects the first suspect was Grace a cleaning lady she said she had been taking selfies with her favorite celebrities backstage and didn't have anything to do with the award the second suspect was Gabrielle a reporter she said she had stolen the award because she had been with other reporters waiting for her turn to ask Audrey some questions the the third suspect was Catherine an actress she said she was not the one who had stolen the award because she'd been among guests watching the show besides she already won the best actress award last year the police officer knew who was lying and you take a closer look at the selfie graced hook you can see Catherine behind sneaking away with the award three friends Ashton Emma and Louis went skydiving together this is them right before they jumped out of the plane which of them is in danger Ashton he's wearing a regular backpack instead of his parachute Amelia is running away from a group of zombies and comes across three doors behind the first one there's a raging fire behind the second door there's a deep lake behind the third door there are venomous bees that bite everyone who enters which way is the safest foreign it's just a Lake Amelia can probably do it Esme was walking in the forest and got lost it was late evening when she finally found a witch's house and asked the woman to help her get home the witch recently got internet access and was shopping online but there were lots of fake items on the internet and she needed to buy only original products unfortunately she didn't know the correct logos so she needed esme's help first of all she wanted an iPhone which iPhone logo is the original one of course this one next she needed a pair of sneakers for her morning runs which logo is correct here it is next she wanted to get a fancy purse which Chanel logo is correct foreign this one the witch also wanted a BMW motorbike but which one is the original logo [Music] yep that's right when the witch needs gas for her motorbike what 7-Eleven should she go to [Music] it's this one amazing now Esme can go back home Evelyn went to a corporate party with her husband at the party she suddenly blacked out when Evelyn woke up in a hospital she couldn't remember anything there were two men in front of her and each of them claimed to be her husband but which one tells the truth since Evelyn and her husband were at a corporate event they were both dressed accordingly the guy in a hoodie doesn't look formal enough so her husband must be the one who's wearing a suit Miss Lodge was going on a vacation she cleaned up her office and left taking the key with her when she came back two weeks later she immediately realized that someone had been to her office while she'd been away how did she understand it when she left the window blinds were closed and now they're open a group of friends met in the evening for a game night according to the rules of one of the games they played they each had to draw a card with a number soon they realized that the number six was missing since it was a new set of cards it was weird that they had already lost it they all revealed their cards and indeed there was no six suddenly one of the friends started to laugh she said she'd found the missing card can you spot it too the player who has a nine actually has a six but he's holding it upside down there are only eight cards and the highest number is also eight it was reported that another civilian had invaded Earth detective Callum had a special mission to find everyone who was not human he entered a cafe searching for Invaders and noticed one of them right away can you tell which customer is not human [Music] it's that dark-haired guy right there look he has six fingers take a look at this busy street can you find an imposter here foreign it's this guy his clothes are super warm but look his face is blue now we're moving to the mall try to find an intruder here [Music] look this woman is glimmering she must be from another world we have a few more Intruders to catch detective Callum found out that one of them was at a local college so he drove there which student is not human [Music] foreign look that girl is floating just a couple of inches above the ground but still definitely not an ordinary student after work the detective went to the gym but even there there was someone from another planet can you spot them pay attention to the guy on the treadmill he's running too fast he must be an imposter Arya called the police and reported that her friend Violet had been poisoned the girl found her unconscious on the floor here's what Arya said I was walking past Violet's house and noticed that the lights were on I figured that she was at home so I decided to come in and say hi the front door was open so I walked in and saw Violet just like that the police officer asked her if she had touched anything Arya answered that she had only touched Violet to check her pulse and then her cell phone to make the call the police detained her for further investigation why thank you [Music] the lights in the room are off but Arya said that it hadn't been dark in the room that's why she entered if she didn't touch the switch then she's lying now it was a sunny spring Sunday morning the whole family was at home when Hannah returned to her room after breakfast she noticed that someone had played a prank on her and stolen all the clothes from her closet she questioned every person in the house Hannah's mom said she'd been busy reorganizing her bedroom her dad said that he'd been shoveling snow in front of the house the girl's sister Serenity said that she had been playing video games in her room who took Hannah's clothes it was her dad there is no snow outside it's spring he couldn't have been shoveling snow so he lied Tyler came back home and found a love letter in his mailbox it was a very sweet one but the center didn't write their name instead there was some code added at the end can you figure out the name of Tyler's secret admirer the alphabet is the key D plus one means the letter following D which is e o minus three means three letters before o which is l two letters after G is i z plus zero is actually Z and C minus two is a it seems that the girl's name is Eliza Cara likes traveling but she's terrible at packing so your task is to check her suitcase and find one thing she doesn't need to take with her Cara is going camping with her friends what's that extra thing she packed that she needs to leave at home there's no electricity in the forest she can leave this electric kettle at home this time Cara is packing for her vacation in Mexico she and her boyfriend have booked a room in a beautiful hotel right by the ocean what won't she need there [Music] she probably won't need the towel hotels usually provide them and replace them every day with clean ones this time Cara is going on a ski trip with a group of friends the task is the same what won't she need there foreign [Music] but she isn't likely to need this swimsuit and finally Cara is going to visit her grandparents they live on a farm and she'll stay there for a week There's no electricity or running water there so it's gonna be a bit tough for a girl from a big city what doesn't she need to take with her I think it's this hair dryer no electricity remember Weston Jones a young businessman was found poisoned in his office detective Callum arrived to investigate the case he had three suspects Mr Jones cousin Leah Jones his business partner Kenneth Brown and his girlfriend Emery Leah said that she hadn't seen Weston for a while Kenneth said they had had an argument but he hadn't poisoned his partner and Emery said she loved Weston and would never have done anything like that who should detective Callum arrest [Music] foreign look there's a lipstick stain on one of the teacups in Mr Jones's office the color matches Leah's lipstick but she said that she hadn't seen her cousin lately she must be lying Ariana was poisoned and detective Callum was on the case one of the main suspects was Jake Ariana's sister's boyfriend someone saw them together and detective Callum visited him good afternoon I'm sorry to tell you this but your girlfriend's sister Ariana has been poisoned do you know anything about it and do you maybe have any photos with her Jake said oh poor Ari I've never met her but my girlfriend loves her very much yes I have a picture of their family the detective looked at the photo and arrested Jake why [Music] look Jake is in the photo too it means that he must have met Ariana then why would he lie about it Esme was walking through the forest yep again and you know what she got lost she had been wandering around until she found the Witch's House she said hi petted the cat and ask the witch to show her the way home the witch had a task for Esme she needed several magical artifacts for her new spell but she only knew their shapes and Esme had to figure out which of the artifacts the witch needed here's the first set those are magical crystals which of them is the one the witch needs here it is okay here are several plants can you spot the one the witch needs yes here it is now there are several types of insects which one of them is the one the witch needs foreign here it is and the last Crystal what's your guess [Music] it's right there Esme is free to go this time thank you for your assistance [Music] detective Callum arrived at a jewelry store because the owner reported that someone had stolen a diamond he didn't let any customers or a cleaning man out so they were the main suspects everyone denied stealing the diamond there were no fingerprints found can you help detective Callum decide whom he should arrest he should arrest the man and the woman wearing gloves since no fingerprints were left it must be one of them or both Olivia sneaked into an old mansion to explore it and got trapped inside there are three ways out and all of them are dangerous behind the first door the roof and the floor are made of magnifying glass and the sun would burn anyone who enters behind the second door there's a dangerous doll with knives that can come to life at any moment behind the third door there's a room filled with poisonous gas that makes anyone's skin melt how can Olivia Escape safely she can just leave through the first door it's night so the sun isn't shining so the first way out is safe detective Callum was abroad traveling by train when he heard two men arguing one of them Hendricks was blaming the other Brian for trying to steal his suitcase their suitcases looked exactly the same and Brian claimed that he had just confused the two by accident detective Callum asked both men to open their suitcases do you think it was an accident [Applause] [Music] [Music] hendrix's suitcase is filled with clothes and electronic devices and must be pretty heavy Brian's suitcase is almost empty with only a pair of jeans and a book inside it must be way lighter and even though the bags look alike Brian for sure knew that the bag he took couldn't be his it was way heavier than it was supposed to be Luna found her cousin Mia poisoned in her room and called the police detective Callum asked Luna what had happened she said that she was walking past Mia's house when she saw that the light in her room was on she walked to the window to see if Mia was there and saw her on the floor she had a key so she walked into the house and called the police she didn't touch anything so that they could investigate what had happened detective Callum arrested Luna why she said that she saw Mia in the window but look the blinds are closed if Luna hadn't touched anything she couldn't have seen what was going on in the room she must be lying about something while Ms Virginia Dell a rich lady was on her three-month business trip abroad her Mansion was robbed the security was notified and detective Callum started the investigation there were three people caught on the security camera and he started interrogating them Charlotte nisdell's cousin said that she'd visited several times to collect the mail Camilla the housemate said that she had come three days ago to clean the house Ismail The Gardener said that she came every Wednesday to take care of the garden all of them denied stealing anything detective Callum arrested one of them who [Music] foreign she said that she had cleaned the house three days ago but look at the house there's dust and dark stains it doesn't look like the house has been cleaned recently so she probably lied Abigail stayed late in the office because she had a lot of work to do she left the room to get some snacks and a coffee half an hour later she returned and found out that someone had stolen her wallet so she called the police detective Callum interrogated three people who were still in the office Noel the cleaning man said that he had been cleaning another floor and had never stepped into Abigail's office that day yet Sonia the accountant said that she had been talking on the phone with her mom Sean a regional manager said that he had been in his office flooded with work who stole the wallet [Music] no one detective Callum figured out that since Abigail went to get snacks and coffee she must have had her wallet with her he just recommended she should get some sleep and stop overworking Elizabeth and her daughter Ella went abroad traveling they were walking and shopping in one remote town when Elizabeth noticed that Ella had disappeared she called the police and they started to look for the girl there were three people nearby and they were interrogated Layla said that she hadn't seen the girl Madison said that she had seen the girl with her mom but that was it Amelia said that she had heard someone screaming but she hadn't seen who it was who should be arrested [Music] foreign [Music] look she's carrying Ella's purse Gideon had a girlfriend a sister and two cousins figure out who Gideon's sister is if the cousins are saying the truth and the sister and the girlfriend are lying Chloe he is his girlfriend Ruby Chloe is lying Skyler Ruby is lying Lily Skyler is not his sister [Music] [Music] if Chloe is telling the truth then Lily is lying then Skyler is his sister who's also lying so Ruby must be telling the truth which contradicts that Chloe is telling the truth so Chloe is for sure lying then Ruby is telling the truth and Skyler is lying so Lily is telling the truth two Liars are Chloe and Skyler and they're Gideon's girlfriend and sister Lily says that Skyler isn't his sister so Skyler is his girlfriend and then Chloe is his sister Scarlett just moved into her new apartment three days ago one evening she was reading before bed when she heard a knock on the door she opened the door and there was a confused man who said oh I'm sorry I just moved in here earlier today and I thought it was my apartment oh once again sorry and and good night then he left Scarlett didn't believe that it was just a mistake and reported the man to the police why foreign the problem was that the guy had knocked if he had really thought it was his room he would have tried to open it with his own keys Nora lived alone in the city suburbs she called the police and reported that someone had robbed her house and stolen her savings that she had been keeping in a pair of socks on one of her wardrobe shelves detective Callum arrived with the police took a look at the room and closed the case claiming that the lady was lying why did he think so the room was absolutely clean if someone had robbed the house they would have made a mess while searching for money the person who took the money must have known exactly where it was which is unrealistic Mrs Ledger is a high school history teacher one day she started a sudden oral test asking students questions from the back of the book If the students figure out the order in which she asks they can find the answer to their question in advance the first three people she asked were Atlas Eleanor and Graceland there are Zoe Luca Sienna and Victoria left can you guess who will answer which question [Applause] Mrs Ledger is asking students in alphabetical order so up next is Luca then Sienna then Victoria and Zoe another day another test once again Mrs Ledger is asking students this time the first ones to answer were Zoe Luca and Atlas in which order will she ask the remaining students foreign this time she started with people with the shortest names there are three letters in Zoe four in Luca and five in Atlas the next one is Sienna who has six letters in her name then Eleanor with seven letters Victoria with eight letters and Graceland with nine Ellie found herself locked in a dungeon and couldn't remember what had happened she looked around and saw a door that could have been a way out but it required a passcode and she didn't know it luckily there was a hint 1-802-3004-0803-2611 she has just one chance and if Ellie doesn't get it right the dungeon will get locked forever can you help her decide which password is the correct one take a closer look some numbers have faded away a bit this is probably because they had been used the most they are one two and six the only code that uses all of them is the last one two six one one it must be this one Aurora came home after a long day at the University and was excited to eat the mint flavored ice cream she had bought in the morning but when she opened the freezer the ice cream was gone Aurora asked her three siblings who had eaten her ice cream and they all denied it dawn said I'm on a diet and I haven't been eating ice cream and stuff for a week now Everett said dude I had my chips there was no need to eat your ice cream this time Phoenix said first I don't like mint ice cream and second I was in my room all day and I didn't even go down once until now who has eaten the ice cream it was Phoenix Aurora never mentioned the ice cream flavor but he still knew it foreign [Music] Brothers as sisters but each of her brothers has only half as many brothers as sisters how many brothers and sisters are there in Vicki's family the correct answer is four sisters and three brothers the key to solving this is to keep it simple just count the sisters and brothers in total and in terms of their own number of siblings Becky is a music teacher one day she came over to her students house to give him a lesson the door was unlocked so Vicki got in her student Mr Green was lying on the couch with the flu he was very weak and Vicki decided to call the three best doctors in this town since Mr Green was really rich and influential many people wanted to get rid of him that's why his bodyguards had to search the doctors before they began any treatment it turned out that one of the doctors was a criminal can you tell which one foreign [Music] why does he need an ax [Music] Mr Green got well and returned to his business duties he runs a small company producing expensive diamond rings on Friday when the working week was finally over he got a call from his bank Mr Green found out that someone had stolen all the money he had he suspected that it might have been one of his employees so he asked each of them what they'd been doing that day Helen the Jeweler said she always made two rings a day and showed all the Rings she had made that week Jesse the sales manager said that he had been busy meeting with the clients and Amber the cleaner said that she'd been cleaning the office every day as usual and she didn't notice anything suspicious who lied [Music] Helen there are five working days in a regular week she said she made two rings a day but she only showed eight Rings it means she missed one day of work [Music] Vicki was walking down a shopping mall suddenly she heard screams looking outside the window and saw two women in big trouble can you tell who has more chances to survive [Music] look at this lady's hand it's made of metal she's a robot so she'll more likely survive this adventure foreign Vicki was walking in the park and noticed this missing cat poster can you help her find the cat in this area [Music] it's hiding in this old lady's bag [Music] Vicky explained to the old lady that the cat had been missing but the old lady refused to give the cat away so easily first of all Vicky had to solve her riddle I can whistle I can howl I can scream and I can whisper but I don't speak what am I can you help Vicky [Music] the correct answer is wind after getting the cat Vicky headed to its owner's home she walked through this beautiful Park Can you spot what's wrong here foreign [Music] this bench doesn't have legs it's literally flying in the air Vicki brought the cat to its owner Diana she was very glad to get her pet back and invited Vicki for dinner Vicky was very hungry and agreed Diana served these four dishes with various foods but only one of them is safe to eat can you tell which one [Music] the coconut cake is sprinkled with some human nails if you look closely at this tomato soup you'll notice some metal nails something's moving inside this burger so this pasta is the only edible dish here after dinner Diana made a confession she was a real witch but Vicki didn't believe in magic at all that's why Diana offered her this deal if you solve my riddle I'm gonna use some magic to fulfill your biggest wish I'm beautiful up in the sky I'm magical yet I cannot fly to some people I bring luck to some people's wealth what am I can you help Vicky out [Music] the correct answer is rainbow [Music] Vicky has always wanted to become a famous singer she received an invitation to a singing contest Vicky sang beautifully and won first place after the performance she drank a glass of water backstage after that Vicki felt very sick the contest manager called the ambulance doctors said that someone had poisoned Vicky the police questioned three suspects and searched their bags Lily said I was crying in the dressing room this contest condensed so much to me Jessica said who do you think I am singer should stand for each other and Rose said I was outside the music hall with Lily she was crying because she had lost this competition who poisoned Vicky [Music] Lily said she was in the dressing room while Rose said that they had been Outdoors therefore one or two of them are liars but only Rose carries toothpaste but no toothbrush in her bag that's pretty suspicious when Vicky got better she checked her mailbox and saw three messages from different music producers Tom offered her a tour in Europe Ryan offered Vicki to work on her first album at his record company in New York and Joanna sent this invitation to participate in a TV show but only one of these offers is real can you help Vicky make the right choice foreign [Music] Joanna's message is Spam she doesn't mention Vicky's name anywhere and the text includes a suspicious link Ryan sent Vicky a picture of his record company but there are palm trees at a tropical forest outside the window it's clearly not in New York so Vicky should pick Tom Vicky was walking home from a rehearsal and stepped on a magical corner She fainted and woke up in an enchanted forest suddenly a wicked witch popped out of nowhere and gave Vicki a choice if you solve my riddle I'll let you go and if not you'll get lost in this Forest forever here's the riddle I can be flipped and broken but I never move I can be closed and opened and sometimes removed you can seal me with your hands what am I unfortunately Vicki failed to crack this riddle and what about you [Music] foreign [Music] answer is a deal [Music] the Wicked Witch Left Vicky alone in the forest Vicky searched the area and found three paths leading to the nearest Village the first path goes through hungry wolves giant mutant plants are waiting in the second pass they eat all mammals including human beings and the third path is covered with a bunch of bugs and worms which way should Vicky go foreign [Music] although insects are gross they are the least harmful to humans so Vicky should choose this path [Music] Vicky got very hungry and decided to find some food in the village when she came closer she realized the gates were locked can you help her guess the right code [Music] take a look at the screen it requires a four-digit code someone decorated the gates with this symbol it's a hint if we divide this symbol into four parts we will see that it's made up of four twos so Vicky should enter 2222 and come in foreign The Village an angry pixie stopped her and said not so fast lady you gotta solve one riddle first what should you do when you see a green man Vicky crapped this puzzle right away what about you [Music] you should cross the road Vicki solved it so easily because she was standing next to a traffic light foreign it turned out it wasn't an ordinary Village various magical creatures lived here together Vicky entered the local club and asked for some food but the owner werewolf Fred said if you want to eat you gotta work now Vicky's job is to check the guests ID cards she shouldn't let suspicious persons or those under 21 get inside take a look at these three ID cards and figure out who shouldn't enter the club foreign [Music] vampire is already 21 and nothing looks suspicious in his ID so Vicky should let him in and this werewolf lady seems all right too this elf's ID card says he was born on September 31st but such a date doesn't exist therefore Vicky shouldn't let the health in [Music] after work Vicki went to the local supermarket to buy some food she saw two attractive young ladies eating street food there can you tell which one of them isn't human [Music] take a closer look at this ice cream raw meat this lady is definitely a werewolf Vicky liked this Village and decided to stay there she met the love of her life and two years later they got engaged today is her wedding day can you guess who her husband is [Music] foreign guy he's wearing a tie which means he attended the wedding and he's wearing a ring too Lucy and her best friends Lily joy and Rhonda were having a pajama party they decided to watch a movie in the living room Lucy went to the kitchen to get some snacks when she returned she saw that Lily was lying on the floor unconscious Rhonda said I was on the phone talking to my boyfriend suddenly Joy hit Lily with a pillow and she fell down I don't know why Joy said Rhonda's lying she hit Lily with a pillow very hard on purpose who's lying [Music] both of them there are no pillows in this room after the movie the girls decided to play with a Ouija board they called The Ghost of a famous singer suddenly the pointer on the board started moving by itself and wrote this evil Lots yard 3 Eva hoy can you help Lucy and her friends decode this message [Music] it says you have three days to live the girls freaked out and interrupted the session Lily offered everyone to take some pictures they took many cute photos but when they scrolled through the gallery they freaked out even more why foreign [Music] s are in this picture but then who took it Lucy told her friends it was time to get some sleep but as soon as they entered the room they ran out screaming why look at the mirror it reflects a creepy Shadow waving at them eventually Lucy offered her friends to sleep in her parents bedroom and she opted for the couch in the living room the TV was on and it calmed her down in the middle of the night she heard some noise from the bedroom and hurried to check on her friends all of them seemed to be sleeping can you guess which one wandered outside [Music] Lily she has leaves in her hair the next day Lucy Rhonda and Lily met in the classroom they were very concerned Why [Music] this is Joy's desk and it's empty she didn't come to school neither did she warn anybody look Lucy is carrying a cup of coffee with Joy's name [Music] Joy didn't show up and didn't answer her friend's calls Lucy Rhonda and Lily went to visit her they found the girl in bed under a blanket the friends got very scared can you tell why foreign Joy has covered the window with a blackout curtain and the shape of her ears and teeth has changed she's turning into a vampire Lily decided to stay and take care of Joy meanwhile Ronda offered Lucy to visit her Aunt Vera she ran a magic shop with different potions when Vera heard about what happened to Joy she said okay I need three ingredients to cook a healing drink here's the first one when it comes to me you go when you see red and stop it green can you guess the ingredient it's watermelon to get the second ingredient Vera took Rhonda and Lucy to her cherry garden Rhonda picked eight cherries Lucy picked 13 and Vera picked 14. how many apples did they collect together [Music] zero apples don't grow in Cherry Gardens Vera gave Lucy and Rhonda a hint about the third ingredient here it is can you help them crack this Rebus it's mandragora mandragora grew near the spookiest house in town Vera gave Lucy and Rhonda a task to find it and bring it to her store while Rhonda was searching in the garden Lucy decided to get a closer look at the house she saw a sign with a weird name on it she went to the huge door and opened it quietly after Lucy got inside the door slammed shut behind her back tons of vampire bats rushed at her Lucy started pulling on the door like crazy suddenly she saw that there was something written on it changed the order of letters in seoman eprique she yelled the answer and the door opened what did the girl say [Music] the real name of that place was creepy Mansion Ronda found three root vegetables in the garden but only one of them was mandragora can you figure out which veggie Rhonda should pick even if you've never seen a mandrake you can eliminate the other plants this is definitely a carrot and this is a beet so the remaining one must be the mandragora Lucy and Rhonda prepared to leave the spooky house but suddenly they stepped on a trap hidden in the grass and fell into a deep well they looked around and found three tunnels leading to Freedom a fire-breathing dragon was waiting in the first tunnel it was very angry and disliked people there was a portal leading into a black hole in the second tunnel and huge cacti were growing all over the third tunnel their juice was poisonous to any human which way should Lucy and Rhonda choose foreign look those cacti don't have any spines and No One's Gonna Force the girls to drink cactus juice Vera cooked the potion for Joy Lucy and Rhonda took it to the girl's house but when they entered her room it was empty Joy's parents said that Lily and joy had left together they were both acting very weird Ronda said oh no they've both turned into vampires we've gotta find them before it's too late can you help them find any clues in Joy's room look at her laptop they seem to have bought train tickets to go to Las Vegas to visit Joy's granny Lucy and Rhonda boarded the train besides them there were four other people in the car one of these passengers didn't have a ticket can you figure out who it is [Music] this woman she's the only one who's hiding her head behind the head rest of her seat so that the camera doesn't spot her when the train was going through a tunnel the lights went out and the passengers got very frightened when the light turned on again one of the passengers shouted help me someone has stolen my bag Lucy immediately realized who had done this what about you any ideas yeah this guy there's some makeup lying under his seat and his window was open he put the contents of the bag into his backpack and then threw the bag out the window Rhonda and Lucy got to Las Vegas and headed for the house where Joy's granny lived but they kept coming to the wrong houses in the first house they met this old lady and in the second there was this one can you tell which elderly woman is dangerous [Music] it's the second one she's up to something well the first one is just getting ready for a Halloween party finally Lucy and Rhonda found the right house the door was open when they entered they saw Joy's granny unconscious on the floor she had a vampire bite on her neck suddenly joy and Lily popped out of nowhere they had pale faces sharp teeth and pointy ears they came closer and closer ready to bite their friends suddenly Rhonda began laughing and exclaimed ah stop fooling around it's just a prank how did she know the mirror reflects joy and Lily casts a shadow they're not real vampires it's just a Halloween prank Joy went to take a shower to remove her vampire makeup but someone poured paint into the shower head and the water turned green Joy questioned Lucy Rhonda and Lily Lucy said I did my laundry and then went to cook some kiwi Jam sorry I gotta go it might burn Lily said I took a shower and washed my hair right before you went in what happened why are you so green and Rhonda said I'm studying for my geometry test can you keep it down please who pranked Joy Lily said she'd just washed her hair but it's dry and braided besides she's wearing a dress under her bathrobe that's a pretty suspicious outfit Ronda decided to prank Lily she took a balloon and a cupcake paper cup she filled the balloon with some water and put it into the paper cup then she added some shaving cream on top and decorated it all with sprinkles now it looked exactly like a real cupcake Rhonda was very proud of herself suddenly she heard other girls entering the kitchen Rhonda left her cupcake on a plate along with real cupcakes and hid under the table Lily Lucy and joy entered the kitchen saw the cupcakes and decided to eat them can you tell who took the prank cupcake [Music] Joy the real cream has already melted but the shaving cream still looks perfect Joy Ronda Lily and Lucy went out to celebrate Halloween they knocked on the neighbor's door Mike opened the door the girl shouted trick-or-treat Mike said I'm going to give you diamonds instead of sweets if you crack my riddle you will always find me in the past I can be created in the present but the future can never taint me what am I each of the four friends got a beautiful Diamond what did they tell Mike [Music] the correct answer is history the girls went to the local Halloween party the hostess didn't want to let them in without a password but they didn't know it the woman liked their costumes so she gave them a little hint I eat clams I live in the ocean I move slowly I have five arms what am I in no time Joy Rhonda Lily and Lucy were inside so what was the password [Music] a starfish Betty is a famous artist and blogger with more than 1 million subscribers she has recently hired an agent to sell her works the agent created an online shop with Betty's exclusive paintings one day Betty woke up and saw that most of her followers recently unsubscribed can you guess what happened [Music] foreign take a look at the items in Betty's shop Van Gogh painted The Starry Night not Betty the agent tried to sell fake art through her shop the next day Betty visited her favorite Cafe she made an order and went to the ladies room to wash her hands she found this beautiful ancient necklace three people approached her to claim the jewelry Helen said this piece belonged to my grandmother emeralds fit our green eyes perfectly give it back Fiona said my necklace used to have a weak lock it must have been broken when I was combing my hair Julia said hey it's mine I lost this necklace in the Ladies Room who should Betty give the necklace to [Music] Helen mentioned emeralds but the stones are red not green Julia was so sure that she had lost the necklace in the toilet so why wouldn't she go pick it up herself Fiona was the only one who knew about the weak chain lock so she's the real owner Betty returned to her table she noticed that someone had taken a bite out of her bagel Betty was shocked and questioned other customers Derek said lady I'm a billionaire I don't need to steal other people's food Zach said I'm allergic to gluten I don't eat any pastries Sheila said I saw a weird hungry guy running around the cafe and asking for money he must have bitten your bagel who's lying [Music] Zach if he doesn't eat any pastries why did he order pancakes Fiona wanted to thank Betty for the necklace so she bought her lunch the women sat down together and began to talk Betty asked Fiona about her job instead of answering Fiona showed her family tree can you help Betty figure this out Fiona is a witch her brother is a policeman their dad is a doctor and their mother is a football player Betty got very excited she begged Fiona to teach her magic crafts but Fiona hesitated she wanted to test her potential student and offered Betty to solve this equation first can you help her nail this task many people fail to solve this equation because they don't pay attention to details in this puzzle every Emoji including the witch wand and the broom symbolize different values before calculating the equation let's find out the value of single things first calculate the value of one which it's 15. now let's figure out the value of one watt as you can see it equals seven and now let's do the same thing to the brooms this task is tricky because there are four brooms in this equation so if four brooms are worth twelve then one broom will cost three now let's take a look at the final line the witch doesn't carry around any broom or want therefore the value of an empty-handed Witch is five and now we're ready to solve the equation and the correct answer is 73. great job Betty gave the right answer and Fiona took her home there's a beautiful garden maze on Fiona's land she teleported Betty to the center of the Maze and gave her this map Betty must find a black cat otherwise she's gonna stay in this trap forever can you help Betty out here's the way Betty wanted to run back to the castle as soon as possible suddenly a creepy zombie started chasing him it looked hungry Betty was running away and noticed three paths the first path was covered by poisonous acid the second path by bugs and maggots and the third path by Thorn bushes which way should Betty choose Betty should choose the second path bugs and maggots are gross but they're harmless Fiona asked Betty to serve dinner for a witch party in her castle can you count how many witches have arrived at this event there are 13 witches in this picture this one is not a witch it's a garden scarecrow Betty needed to go to the store to buy some ingredients for dinner she began to write them down milk lemon juice eggs butter oranges baking soda cashews and vinegar what was Betty making foreign have you guessed Betty was making a shopping list Betty served the witch as the first meal can you guess what exactly the correct answer is onion rings here's a second serving can you guess it s blueberry what about this dish what do you say it's popcorn here's the next one foreign did you get it right it's a strawberry milkshake Fiona asked Betty to bring dried flowers to cook a love potion Fiona stores all ingredients in her warehouse but as soon as Betty entered the warehouse the door locked behind her back Betty searched this area and found some old furniture and an antique mirror suddenly she noticed three doors but there was a dangerous monster behind each door the first Monster can turn any living being into stone the second one is very angry and strong and the third monster has venomous teeth can you help Betty choose the right door Betty should open the first door and show the mirror to the monster so that it would turn into stone then she can escape through the first door Betty took her phone and ran into the forest it was pretty dark and scary Betty stepped on a wasp nest wasps were everywhere what should Betty do wave her arms to scare the Wasps run away as fast as she can or walk away slowly what do you think the safest choice is to walk slowly waving hands and running is too dangerous the Wasps will get angry and sting her Betty has returned to the party but when she saw the crowd of witches by the fire she got scared and ran away why this lady by the fire is a ghost see she doesn't have any feet and levitates Betty decided to hide in the castle she wanted to call the police but she couldn't find her phone Betty questioned three witches Georgina said who dare you I use telepathy phones and gadgets are for losers Lillian said I was outdoor singing with other witches I didn't see or hear anything weird and Nina said I don't need to steal honey I can manifest any amount of money anytime who's lying foreign Georgina take a look at her ears she's wearing earphones but she said she didn't use any gadgets Fiona got very angry when she found out that Betty had interrogated her dearest friends Betty apologized Fiona said okay I'll let you stay but you must answer three questions here's the first one I've been here for a million years but I'm never more than a month old what am I foreign have you guessed it the correct answer is the Moon here's Fiona's second question I build castles and I tear down mountains I make some people blind but I help others see what am I the correct answer is sad and the third question is I can be long or I can be short I can be bought or I can be grown I can be painted or I can be bare I can be round or I can be square what am I and the answer is fingernails the party was still on Fiona went upstairs to change her dress in five minutes Betty heard a scream from Fiona's bedroom and found her unconscious on the floor Betty asked one question to four suspects what have you been doing for the last five minutes Jenny was roasting marshmallows by the fire Gemma said I've spent the last 30 minutes in the pool Sarah said my frog fluffy ran away to the Garden I've been looking everywhere but unfortunately I couldn't find it and Nancy was flying on her broom around the house and filming the party on her phone who's lying Sarah her frog is sitting in her pocket suddenly someone turned the lights off Betty woke up in jail she found this clue on the floor it said explain this code and you'll be free can you help Betty [Music] here's the answer Betty was running through Fiona's basement and noticed two more prisoners she figured out that one of them was planning to escape can you guess who foreign ER there's a hole behind the toilet that he started digging Betty got out of Fiona's castle and ran away through the forest can you tell what's wrong with the forest [Music] [Music] look at the trees they all cast Shadows but the big oak tree's Shadow is in the wrong direction like every morning Daphne went to her favorite local cafe to get her coffee and breakfast sandwich she left the cafe after she'd paid a few minutes later she returned looking anxious because she had forgotten her wallet strangely it was nowhere to be found she called the police to report the incident nobody had left the store so the thief was still there when the officer arrived he started questioning everyone Jenny the cashier said that Daphne was a regular customer and she had known her for a long time so she would never steal her wallet and she didn't see it after Daphne had paid Andre was a tourist visiting the city for the first time he said he'd come to the cafe because he'd wanted to try their famous muffins she claimed he hadn't seen the wallet he was busy trying to pick what type of muffin he should get at the time and Harry worked as a store clerk he said that he'd come there to grab a coffee and he didn't see the wallet because he was pouring milk into his coffee so who do you think stole the wallet foreign it was Harry the store clerk or should I say Harold do you see his name tag he lied about his name when he ordered his drink also even though he said he was pouring milk in his coffee as you can see it doesn't have any milk in it Jessica was an aspiring actor and she had a big musical theater audition that day she left her house early in the morning to make it on time but she had forgotten to take her sheet music with her so she had to drive back when she walked in though she saw her roommate lying on the floor unconscious a nurse was standing beside her she explained to Jessica that her roommate had been poisoned but luckily she'd had enough time to call an ambulance before she passed out Jessica immediately realized something was wrong she thanked the nurse for helping her friend and asked her if she could get her a glass of water or anything else the nurse agreed and Jessica hurried that the kitchen there she called the police saying there's a fake nurse in my house she poisoned my roommate and tried to rob her how did Jessica understand that when she arrived at the house there was no ambulance car in the driveway or in the street and it's not like paramedics started using Uber and you might have also noticed that the paramedic bag the nurse was holding was slightly open and Jessica's roommate's jewelry was dangling out of it Anna and Catherine are both influencers but take a look at the latest photos they posted which of these ladies do you think is richer Catherine is richer of course just look at the number of likes on her photo she has 27 907 likes Anna on the other hand has 9837 which means that Catherine has way more followers and must be earning Millions Annie managed to buy presents for everyone except her dad she knew what everyone wanted but her dad was kind of secretive and not the talking type he was also not great with technology and never bought anything online so there was no way she could sneak into her dad's computer and check the saved items in his shopping cart but he always liked to make lists in his little notebook and Annie was sure she might be able to find a wish list there so she sneaked into her father's office one day to look for The Notebook it was nowhere to be found but his study table had a locked drawer she looked for the key around the room but couldn't find it anywhere that's when two different sticky notes attached to two different books inside the bookcase caught her eye the first note was attached to a psychology book and had p5487th written on it the second note was attached to a detective novel and said p21320 th Annie immediately knew what the notes meant can you guess what she had to do foreign [Music] she had to open to page 548 in the first book and find the seventh word on this page then she had to open page 213 in the second book and find the 20th word on that page the words she found were under and desk the girl immediately looked under the desk and found the drawer key taped to it James was walking back to his apartment from work late at night suddenly he was hit on the head and taken away when he woke up he found himself in a small room he tried to escape but the door was locked with a padlock James tried to look for the key but there was nothing in there but a window with strange looking metal bars suddenly he noticed something it helped him to find the key do you see it too [Music] one of the metal bars is different from the others that one is the key Giselle was camping in the forest during a night when the moon was full after midnight when she was making s'mores by a fire she heard a loud howl there was a werewolf in the forest and it managed to find giselle's tent because it smelled the food there thankfully Giselle was not in her tent anymore when the werewolf arrived because she had already run away hiding behind a tree she watched the creature eat her s'mores and tear up the tent when the werewolf left Before Sunrise the girl returned to her tent but everything was ruined there was no more food or water left her cell phone had run out of battery so she couldn't call anyone she started wandering through the forest and soon She Came Upon a witch's house when she walked in she saw the Witch and another lady Giselle asked the witch if she could send her home the witch agreed to help her on one condition she would only send Giselle home if she guessed her sister's name if not she would turn her into a frog Giselle knew the answer but how did you notice that the witch's sister is wearing the same necklace around her neck as the werewolf well Giselle did and there's a name written on the necklace Abigail Zoe went to a security guard and reported that her gym bag was missing she said she'd gone to the lady's restroom after her dance cardio class she was fixing her hair when someone came up from behind and pushed her so she didn't see the person who had taken her bag the security guard refused to check the footage from the security camera that was outside the restroom neither did he file a report why [Music] Zoe said she was fixing her hair so she must have been looking in the mirror if she was telling the truth about someone sneaking up from behind she would have definitely seen their reflection so Zoe probably lied so that she could sue them luckily the security guard was super smart several women went missing in a small town James Darcy and his police team had been searching for months but they couldn't find the place where the women were kept one day when Sandra was jogging she decided to use another route to get home as she was passing an old cabin she heard screams coming from its basement she immediately called James Darcy to report it James and his team arrived at the place and busted in they found there three women they all said that they had been locked in the basement for months but James knew one of them was lime the first woman said that her name was Tammy and that she had spent almost eight months in the basement the second woman claimed that her name was Hannah and that she had been there for almost five months The Third Woman told him that her name was Alison and that she had stayed there for about three months can you tell who the liar is Alison is telling the truth look at her her clothes are dirty her hair is greasy her Roots have started to grow out she definitely hasn't seen daylight for a long time the same goes for Hannah but look at Tammy she looks clean her clothes look new her hair and makeup look fresh so it must be her who is lying David spent his summer break at a science camp that was at a big space facility when the summer break ended and school started he told his friends from the science club all about his Camp Adventures he said that at the facility he had found a secret room and in there there was a time machine he stepped into it and pressed some buttons to test if it really worked and it did he traveled through time and was able to talk to Nikola Tesla Chuck Berry and King Aragorn but one of his friends immediately called him out for lying how did he know that David made up this whole thing foreign [Music] well even if David actually managed to travel through time he might have been able to talk to Nikola Tesla and Chuck Berry but definitely not King Aragorn because he is a fictional character that's it for today so hey if you pacified your curiosity then give the video a like and share it with your friends or if you want more just click on these videos and stay on the bright side let's start with testing your attention to detail a bit take a look at two friends Ariana and Brooke can you tell which one of them is richer foreign [Music] look she has an original Louis Vuitton purse Cameron and Dean went fishing on a lake in the middle of winter here are photos of them Cameron is posing with just a little bit of clothing when it's freezing cold and Dean is posing with a big fish he caught which one of them is less smart [Music] it's Dean look the ice on the lake is cracking it's dangerous to stay there Everly and Jasmine are in a hurry to get to work they're running late Everly is going her usual way and Jasmine has taken a shortcut which one of them is in danger Jasmine look she's walking close to some buildings there are icicles hanging there it's very dangerous to walk under them Noel and Nash are walking outside which one of them is in danger [Music] it's Noel even though Nash is blind he has a stick and he'll know that there is a hole Noel might not notice this because she's too focused on her phone for her wedding anniversary Charlotte received a diamond necklace next evening she was having dinner with her friends and showed the necklace to them she let them look at it and left for the bathroom when she returned the necklace wasn't there her friends told her that she had taken it with her take a look at the pictures before and after and tell where the necklace is [Music] foreign [Music] look at the glass of juice of this woman seems like there's more juice in the second picture but it's not true she just put the diamond necklace in the glass and the juice level Rose Esme was having a walk in the forest and got lost she came across a witch's house and asked her to take her home the witch agreed on one condition there were three cars two of them said stay and one of them stated free they were facing down and Esme didn't know which one was where if she picked the free one she would go home otherwise she'd have to stay with the witch there was a hint one stay card wasn't in the middle the second stay card wasn't next to the other one which one should Esme pick if one stay isn't in the middle it's either on the left or on the right otherwise if the other one can't be next to it then it's definitely not in the middle but on the other side so Esme should pick the middle card it must be the free pass Ava needed to sneak into her mom's computer to delete an email she had accidentally forwarded to her but the account required a password she didn't know luckily there was a hint and here's what it said what do you think the password is [Music] the second number is the number you get if you multiply the digits the first one consists of three times five is fifteen two times eight is sixteen four times five is twenty similarly 4 times 9 is 36. and 7 times 8 is 56 so the password must be three six five six Giana owns a factory producing cars three workers can assemble three cars in three days how many cars can one worker assemble in one day [Music] if three workers assemble three cars in three days then one worker assembles one car in three days so in one day a worker assembles one third of a car Eloise woke up in a dark dungeon with only some torches lighting it up there was a door but it was locked there was a panel with buttons of different colors and a plate with the word grow written on it how can Eloise get out [Music] the word is the hint and the letter it consists of are the first letters of the colors of the buttons Eloise has to press in respect of order which are green for G red for R orange for o and white for a w five people wake up in a huge Hall none of them remember who they are or how they got here they see a giant closed door the people look around the room and notice something strange what is it [Music] these statuettes they are hidden all over the room there are five people in the room but they find six statuettes this must be the key one man says we need to find out which of the statuettes is the odd one can you guess which one this one its eyes are different from those of the others the people try to use the Odd statuette as a key [Music] it works the door opens and everyone enters the next room but when the man who suggested using the statuettes looks around he sees that he is alone in there suddenly a ghost of a woman appears in front of him if you want to get out each of you must solve my riddles she says but you will definitely fail [Laughter] she disappears The Man looks around the room he finds a strange symbol and a cipher decoder on the table can you find nine other symbols these are all 10 symbols the man begins to unravel the message using a decoder can you decipher it [Music] says page 52. the man opens the book lying on the table on page 52 there's a riddle written in an ancient language if you have me you want to share me if you share me you haven't got me what am I the man immediately guesses the answer can you [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's a secret [Laughter] the man is surprised that he was able to read the riddle written in an ancient language the answer is the password to the door he types it in and the door opens suddenly he remembers his name is Thomas he's a linguist and a cryptographer meanwhile in another room a young man finds himself in a beautiful place full of plants there are three flowers on the table they giggle maliciously the sign in front of them reads lying flowers the first flower says you'll never get out of here and you'll never get rid of us just give up already the second one says I don't remember how you can get rid of us it was either cutting or uprooting us the third one says uprooting and plucking us are both proper ways what should the guy do cut the flowers uproot them or pluck them [Music] pluck is the correct answer these flowers only tell lies so the conclusions we can draw from their words are these one there is a way to get rid of them two it is neither cutting nor uprooting three and there's only one way to remove them the only thing that remains is plucking [Music] the guy plucks the flowers he notices that glowing letters appear on their petals the letters need to be put together to get the answer what is it [Music] [Applause] the word is basket the guy examines the basket and finds a folded note at the bottom he unfolds it and reads this riddle in a pond there are some flowers with bees hovering over them how many flowers and bees are there if both of the following statements are true one if each bee lands on a flower one bee won't get a flower [Music] two if every two bees share a flower there is one extra flower [Music] can you help the guy crack this riddle [Applause] there are four bees and three flowers suddenly a sunflower Bud appears on the table the guy uses it as a key to the door and it opens and then he remembers his name is John and he's a gardener in another room a girl finds herself surrounded by beautiful crystals and gemstones on the wall there's a board with the names and pictures of different gems some of the gems are the answers to these riddles 1. did you know that the queens and the kings of all times really enjoyed that pretty purple color of mine two my name is like water I'm as blue as the sea can you guess what I am and which picture is me three hey I am from water as well I'm seen in strings and found inside a shell four you know me so well come on be excited I created the city where a wizard resided five I sound like danger but please don't be scared I'm striped like a cat and named after its stare can you match the riddles and the gems [Applause] the correct answers are one amethyst two aquamarine three Pearl four emerald and five tiger's eye the girl hears some noise and notices that the box on the table has opened she comes up to the box and reads the next riddle the queen went to the king to complain about her lady in waiting in the morning the queen put her amethyst necklace in a jewelry box to protect it from sunlight no wonder this Stone tends to fade in the Sun she spent the day in the library reading books at one point she looked out of the window and noticed her lady in waiting she was sitting in the garden wearing the Queen's necklace the lady in waiting began crying and said this was not true she would never steal from the Queen the king opened the jewelry box and found out that the necklace was still inside who was lying [Music] the girl soon realizes that the lady in waiting is the liar have you noticed that the amethyst is now much dimmer than before that means that the lady in waiting really wore the necklace outside the girl solves the riddle three gemstones appear at the bottom of the jewelry box citrine garnet and Alexandrite there's also a note that says figure out the weight of each Stone without using scales this riddle will help you can you figure out the weight of each Stone the citrine weighs 10 ounces the garnet weighs 4 ounces and the Alexandrite weighs 2 ounces suddenly the girl remembers her name is Melissa she is a
Views: 322,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bright side, brightside
Id: cwS20hQdCOU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 180min 12sec (10812 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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