I duped 3,600,000 items in Minecraft… [Lifesteal]

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August 16th was the day the most dangerous exploit was abused a player ran one command typically used to withdraw Hearts but unintentionally crash to the entire server but for a split second millions of items were dropped before he crashed and when logging on there was nothing to be found for months we couldn't find a way to keep the items but today we have a league we surrounded ourselves in lava so that when everything drops the server will hopefully not crash are you ready oh god oh they fixed it I knew it bro little did we know every exploit was removed the elytra glitch gone the heart dupe gone it didn't make sense until we looked at the players online specifically this guy this guy and this guy who have recently been finding glitches and Reporting them under the name APO however I believe they missed one game-breaking exploit was another thing with Reviving where it like gave you more Hearts if you revived somewhere I'm talking about got bands a while ago and of course dropped their items when they die but when this player got unbanned they still had everything in their inventory easily enough we can test this however to craft a revive item you need Echo shards found in ancient cities I just cut Your Flava bro you're gonna take a third street and you open it and check shift and then throw Pearl ready ready nothing go that's not what you need that's what you need now shift and pro loser loser finally after failing to get any shards and proceeding to launch a hack client because of my lack of patience we began giving maypic all of the items we wanted to do can you do up all my Ender Chest please give him strollers yeah wait oh wait what are we doing oh my God yeah wait wait fill up the smokers get your hearts yeah are you at least at two hearts why did I live that wait did you get hit next I crafted the compass and then dropped him the rest of my hearts you ready what's up dude all right ready if I made that resume hey guys laughs okay we need to make some chess we actually need to Vault now we also needed to leave now because we were still in the APO territory and Not only would this glitch get patched if they found us but they would also report us to the owner and get us all banned so may pick let us hundreds of blocks on the nether roof to an abandoned base hey hey gravity's a little off this is our fault this looks like an abandoned base a little bit we began placing chest and filling up shulkers because we wanted to make sure that this Vault would have enough items to last us the rest of the season stop putting Stone In Smoke I swear to God I forgot I forgot what is wrong with you and finally we're ready to start um we haven't made the compass eventually we got into a flow May pick would be banned I would deposit the loot we would revive them and repeat however the one other player online was a bit confused his chat was being spammed to of all the Death messages but why would clutch ever snitch on us I mean we still had our own problems to handle both of you come here this is what we've been doing made a half-hearted attempt at covering it up but that wasn't going too well iron smoke thanks I caught stop there like I said he would never be suspicious but if we wanted to have the greatest vault in all of Minecraft we need to be more efficient starting with collecting dropped items someone necessary all right whoa they're gone forever doping was finally going smoothly however we realized that this base was really really findable and moving these items somewhere else would take forever so here's the concept all right we won votes they use pie graph they're gonna find the base if we just have chest remove any side of a base here make it completely baseless this would require us to remove all structures above any particle in any blocks that show up on this fancy pie graph that may sound like a lot but we couldn't afford anyone to obtain our power no this is like the most broken dupe ever you're so blood money right now no one has any idea except for my clutch maybe we are never losing a war again about a half hour later we finished filling up the room however our teammate just joined the VC unaware of what just happened it was time to start terraforming I told my teammates to build a tunnel to bedrock to start building the Vault while I would destroy all the structures on the surface I'm gonna destroy your secret chest I destroyed all the beds removed all the villagers and decided to check on their progress and instead of making a secret tunnel they decided to break an entire chunk directly leading to our vault so I had to double check that this empty chunk was invisible from the surface masticate I masticated all over my lunch today yes oh okay bro I don't like how you introduce this to the word and then immediately used it in a really weird ways to eat bro now we need to move the items from up here to down there and finally to this God I didn't realize who are making this look ugly damn I told you the flooring was a bad idea what's wrong with it with over 3.6 million items to transfer we needed to start immediately oh my God Rose started breaking why you told me where did we tell you what do we tell you we need a code word to break all the chests code word will be po up all right oh my God I've lost a random I I think I lost my foot in steel somewhere guys where's my foot steel the next step is to organize every single item into a barrel which should be the easiest part it's the next day and we're nowhere close to done however I think it's time to take a little break and pay a visit to the APO you see on our way to the Vault we found something suspicious is this it I don't think so I think it's another 200 blocks but we might as well look at what this is wow whose is this who's base did we find oh my I don't know oh my there's a dog is this new face and today I plan on leaving a little present to tease them but I also discovered my teammates updated the Vault and now it looks like your first creative world however I'm dead set on organizing all these items so I got our last teammate on to give a helping hand all right here's the vote follow me we got some walking and we're here wait it's actually over here all right oh my gosh let me drop oh my God here's some hearts if you need some however after an hour of sorting Zam specifically got a DM from Leo who is the leader of the APO and got invited to a secret meeting at the time we thought they were trying to recruit Zam since that's how they grew in the first place except there was a different reason they're basically asking everyone around the server to join their team to fight and they're giving all the dupe items out I I assumed it was duping and then he said which means I was right I don't know I feel like something weird would happen if they're leaving the game before they die that's like yeah the heart would get duped or something we're trying to find their fault bro when we find the Vault they get banned off and all of this is over he said Leo base wait okay smoke come to the spawn portal hurry up should be a portal kind of on like yep right there right in front don't go in don't go in don't be dumb don't be dumb don't be done now we just have to wait to see what will happen I have been um looking around all you guys right and uh there's a mole one of you is a mole my net Lord because unfortunately the more bro what surprised okay look let's talk for a second let's talk for a second guys come on he says enter he says enter he says enter he says enter go go go parrot where's parrot where's parrot Target do I have Love Stuff nice blow blow blow blow he's trying to break it up good stuff uh you you okay bro how many people are on oh what we completely underestimated their power and Zam desperately needed our health it's not going well I'm at the portal I'm at the portal my Armor's about to break too you guys come to the Leo recorder I have I have years done for him my helmet's like one hit my helmet's one hit you're not bro no you're not I'm done it broke you're broken my helmet broke my helmet broke same Zone oh no it's okay all your armor with no other choices we we retreated back to the Vault obviously losing gear wasn't bad however if we couldn't win that fight with duped items how could we possibly defeat the APO well the truth is that items won't be enough if we want to tear them down we have to play the mental game you see the APO has three promises to protect the players to protect spawn and to bring order I knew killing them in a single battle wouldn't disband their team so what if we made them break all three of their promises proving that their team is worthless well the very next day they made the first move when terrain was ambushed at his house and now we have to save him I got a waste of travel my dude yeah I know wait did they see you there I'm looking them in the eyes they're going for him they're going for him I think actually killing him okay so they saw me and they were busy staring at me and so it's rain furled and other chasing him what's happening they know that we're duping red basically told on us you saw me at substance base he told on us he sold another right block they think that I'm like not with you guys though let me let me meet with Leo Leo where are you why I'm at spawn you want just me you can bring anyone you want welcome to spawn they may think I want to negotiate after what happened last night but instead I went to figure out what they know to ruin their Spirit we know what's happening spoke if the talk when you come how far away are you I'm pretty close I'm over here I don't want to stand over there you can break whatever you want I'm gonna break your nuts I'm sorry that sounded all right look what's the end goal here what do you mean they're out here harassing other players me pick comes over here and then you try to find May pick like what what what's the goal here explain to me what's happening there's nothing to explain luckily I was prepared for if he didn't talk don't don't engage don't hit them a single time if they hit you guys once tell me the benefit is they know they are super unconfident they know that you guys are duping and I made it seem like it was an insane amount of duped items so they are not gone wait what'd you say to them I literally just let them make their own predictions and then I just didn't say anything they began to retreat the scenes so to bring them back we staged a spawn kill and eventually the bait worked someone's interview someone's interviews here someone's invincere one by one each APO member came to see me sitting in the same obsidian chair and eventually Leo joined my call how about we go somewhere else to talk I believe spot is fine all right do you want to explain to me now what is your goal oh we want the API to be a successful business does this mean going after my teammates hunting the down and killing them depends that seems like what they're doing to us what is the true end goal here what's the end goal between us what do you envision happening between us well you guys are bullying people killing terrain for no reason no reason at all well I saw it you spawn trapped I mean it's brought you back here right there's no point are you back here for you to actually talk to me see I think I think you're trying to show me as the bad guy but in reality I'm just a person that wants the best for the server all right spoke well Leo q1 for the best of the server why is it looking like this right now why does it look why do you think why does it look like this so what are you gonna do about it what are you gonna do about it how do you want to solve what I'm doing right now how do you want exactly what I'm doing right now how do you want to solve this Leo look I'm gonna kill you you want to kill me kill me right now you kill me do something do something other than sitting here just stay in the Boost you're just saying it's right out you're gonna say do something execute can we kill you you're planning right now execute do something if I start killing you do something right now what happened I will not even stop you then I act upon it if you somehow kill me something happens [Music] is that it Leo I don't know that's the goal that was it yeah I mean you killed my teammate I just get hit like a few times and that's all that happens well if we're done here let me know when you actually want to talk uh you can kill them if you want you can start killing them if you want yeah oh [Applause] with two players stats and another two bands it became obvious to the rest of the server that the APO couldn't protect the players and after my talk with Leo it was clear that he would be in Ruins if the server didn't support them anymore so our next plan starts with one skull stay out like spawn or just general areas don't let them like find you because if we go back to the Volvo they're online that could wrestle them like following us at this I know the apo's number one goal is to ban us and with 3.6 million items of evidence sitting in a vault we needed to make sure that we wouldn't be followed back a great method to make sure this wouldn't happen is replay mod just log out and you can see all the players near you however this is probably cheating and that's bad so we shouldn't use this too often but our next attack was going to be different their second promise is to protect spawn the place of the giant sphere around it so if you want them to break that we need to dupe quite a bit all right we're good I have a full inventory stuff this was also good timing because we needed new players to recruit by paying them large sums of Hearts we wouldn't tell them about our power and they were mostly just getting paid to do stuff for us however in the eyes of the APO it was beginning to seem like a new team was taking over the server everybody I want you to come to spawn no I don't want those I don't want those thank you oh you want some of these you can have some ones yeah those are what I want the APO used to be a symbol of power and protection on lifesteal however their true worth will finally be revealed oh man dang this is amazing guys we're doing so good hey thanks man I appreciate it but destroying spawn is only the first part of our plan dang I'm I'm seeing a lot like a lack of APO I'm not gonna lie they just letting this happen bro that's that's unfortunate except after enough Withers and explosions oh oh they're here they're here they're here they're here they're here entrance was on me oh substance on them behind you stand behind you our goal is to make them Retreat and the best way to do that is by hunting them down uh to my right to my right right here right here but very soon it seems like they ran away bam they really left and they all leave all right yeah did you guys know this is all APO protected I do feel a little bad that Leo Leah's gonna come back and see that I hope you guys have insurance the APO broke their second promise and with more players leaving the team it became clear that they would never be as powerful again except if they found the Vault I knew the last of the APO members were watching portals around the server but I didn't know what other strategies they would attempt wait did you have warped blanks uh I think Roe had the red one is that warped no it's the cold one no I didn't I didn't put that down I'm afraid of going through the portal because of paranoia I proceeded to Run 3 000 blocks to avoid getting spots however I had a new idea if the third promise was to bring order by finding our vault what if we showed it to them though this is their only hope left of defeating us if we just show it destroyed get it all in your inventory I'm making a line for us why is this Vault better than ours real what the hell man this is better than Horrors now it was time to lure them there we want to we want to talk about once I really just want to talk all right if a single death happens at spawn I will literally combust mid-air and become roadkill on a side of a street anything else you need to see anything else yeah actually there's one else thing that I need to see uh can I see your under chest why do we have to because you claim the vault's destroyed you want to know what the best vault is you know what the best vault is what's the best of all Leo you actually thinking Andrew test is enough to score the richest vault in all of lifesteal no I can I'm willing to show them my inner chest it's fine here we're off we weren't here to find a vault we were here to find an adventure that doesn't mean anything bro that's facts bro we were here to solve Blues Clues can I have a question I was here to find an adventure can you have a question I don't know dude can you hello silly hello Rick hello Paradox they're killing me bro they are killing me I'm sorry to do this to you but I'm gonna leave like I don't want to die so I'm not going down there yeah I'm dead I'm dead there's not much I can do if you truly want to end this you really want to end this I thought you guys showed us and all we need to see clearly they're not doing their job while protecting spawn their purpose of destroying the villainous players who supposedly were illegal we've proved that there's nothing to find nothing to search for I mean what was your goal are you searching for what was your goal Leo to make money there was once a team that can control the Anarchy and the same team was left undefeated for many months but now they run in fear with all three promises broken and no hope left I sense Leo what can offer to change everything however regardless of his answer we had one last step to complete we began hiding shulkers around the server and marked them down in a spreadsheet because the end of an era was coming anything that you need to blow up please work with the remnants of the Vault we made a new one in the end however it was time for one last meeting so you want me to resign the APO that's exactly it we can make a deal here I burn on the contract I'll never create vapio again never uh completely get rid of it diminish it make it ashes if you show us the Vault right now with items falling the leaders I'm here so fast this is the expressway oh my God oh my God as promised the items were destroyed and the APO was finally no more however I have been lying this entire time since then everyone's believed we duped because we wanted to end the APO except my reasons go deeper than that and it all comes down to these last moments if you're not on this server I don't think I can really have fun either I think I can say the same pair all right there it is the void below you ready I'm ready in parrot's eyes this is a friendship being reunited as we jump off on our last Hearts however this is only one step of my true master plan many events have been covered up in this video to avoid the players from catching on but once it's complete everything will be revealed wait wait what what what what what what um
Channel: Spoke
Views: 3,134,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spoke, spokeishere, lifesteal, minecraft, survival
Id: o6vpguNzaBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 16sec (1216 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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