100 Players Break A World Record In Minecraft

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this is a Minecraft cake and this is what the world's largest Minecraft cake would look like here's the thing my birthday is today and I want that cake the problem is that it's literally over 1 million blocks so if we're going to build the world's largest cake ever made in Minecraft we're going to need some help so I split 100 of my subscribers into two teams led by myself and narfi and the team that contributes the most gets to eat the cake today we are building the world's largest cake let's get a hurray for that yeah feel are you excited we're also gonna make sure that they pay for what they've done and I don't even know what they've done but they're gonna pay they smell bad yeah I am a respectful Captain into another Captain I do say good luck to you sir good luck to you too we're already married just like that the challenge to build the world's largest cake had begun to make this more interesting we broke down the Minecraft cake block into three new blocks cake frosting and sprinkles players can get these blocks from the Cake Factory with each one unlocking over time that is if they can actually get their hands on them oh my God I'm not getting anything nevertheless some players finally got some and were able to break away from the chaos to start building but I don't think these players truly understand the challenge that we're up against the cake we want to build is 128 by 128 and 64 blocks tall that's over 1 million blocks not to mention I've planned some special events to make things just a little bit more interesting hey hey this is my turf what are you doing over here hey what's up hey no no this is mine get out of here I'm building my own birthday cake this is messed up the cake build started off strong with my team in a close lead over narfy's team but as we would soon learn that would be short-lived nevertheless despite the challenge we all collectively faced Spirits were high it's so sweet make it or cake literally and metaphorically make it okay good hey you hey you team captain hey hey guess what hey guess what hey hey we beefing this is my beef now Mr G I'm ready to make you the greatest birthday cake thank you I I'm loving it it's coming along nicely they even managed to form a line at the cake collection Factory if you have cake leave if you have cake don't stock up just take as much as you need and go but not everyone was in for the challenge this player decided to abandon ship and leave everyone behind heading off towards a nearby Village I guess we'll have to check back in with them a little bit later in the video everyone else fully committed to the cause layer by layer my birthday cake was Rising the only problem was that narfy's team actually took the lead but with the first event just around the corner I had a plan guys we are falling behind by a great margin in eight minutes PVP starts half of you guys should focus on the cake and half of you guys should fight the purple team I've prepped for this moment my whole life those who are good at placing you just get in there you spam it the rest of us we'll make lion will make a line we'll hold the line Spartan Style I have an idea whoa where'd you get that I got it from today's sponsor wait there's a spot embark on an epic free-to-play battle with your friends and a bunch of military vehicles from all around the world with War Thunder available on PC Mac PlayStation and Xbox this game is jam-packed not only is there a massive selection of ground aircraft and Naval Vehicles representing 10 nations from around the globe but you can also personalize them with Community made skins decals and now even anime style decoration like these new dakimakana pillows show your enemies that you mean business but the customization doesn't end there you can also attach armor and other upgrades to your vehicles to become an Unstoppable Force it's time to jump into battle on a variety of Epic locations around the world who experience Warfare like never before from captivating physics and Graphics through immersive sounds and action you are in the hot seat of some of the most renowned war vehicles throughout history download War Thunder for free using the link in the description and get your dakimakarapello and a bunch of other bonuses special thanks to War Thunder for sponsoring this video make it or cake it with a plan in place myself and my newly appointed General cool mint commanded our players into their positions and in just a few short minutes the first event had begun in this event PVP is enabled and all players are given these weapons to fight with what happened next was absolute chaos [Music] thank you [Music] even through the chaos our plan was actually working Coleman and his soldiers formed a barrier preventing norfy's team from collecting more cake blocks here in your general we have to have a battle cry our Battle Cry shall be who else and all the while the players in charge of building did just that this is the worst looking game everything was going according to plan but the gap between our team and theirs was just too much and it was nearly impossible to build anything with everybody killing each other I don't like this I'm being bullied on my birthday so I focused all attention towards building guys guys guys build build build we gotta catch up charge we gotta catch up and then I took it upon myself to distract the purple team first I tried opening a shop offering free screenshots to anybody dressed in purple hoping they would be a little too distracted to build screenshot purple team screenshot would you like a screenshot with a Minecraft Youtuber no and when that didn't work I put on a live show with a musical member of the purple team [Music] because he's playing some music on my birthday even though he doesn't know how to keep a chorus I even lied to narfy and told him it was time for Team meetings but when they teleported away my team stayed and kept building guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys we are firmly in the lead so well done guys we are absolutely killing it that's still going you're such a smart leader such a smart leader and before they could catch on I teleported to them and asked them to participate in a fake birthday singing competition three two one go but to my surprise cool mint my own General was with them I'm not here cool man come back see what I didn't know at the time was that under my lead there was talk of an uprising cool mint and his closest followers were campaigning for leadership they were trying to take my chef's hat I'm running for president baby what is with all the Democracy I had heard about a purple member trying to overthrow narfi but I never saw this coming who knew that building a cake would lead to the biggest betrayal in anime history day one ended with teams divided with moral low intention at its highest I'm starting to regret this we're two hours in we've barely built half if even everybody wants war and election everyone's just trying to overthrow one another and the worst part is my cake looks like a a baked bean overnight the political tension continued to grow with cool mint and mango juice growing their support on our event Discord narfi at least held on strong support from his fans campaigning on his behalf as for me well I didn't see anything about me in there so happy birthday to me I guess we were forced to hold an election that could potentially see norfy and I be replaced as captains of our own teams hello all fellow cake enthusiasts We Gather here today because there is a bit of disagreement we were told we had to give a speech about why we should be Captain starting with norfy versus mango norfy's proposition was to let his team take a break seeing as they were already so far ahead I think that since we're so far ahead we could probably take a little break right we could probably stop for a little bit lounge around yeah because we're we're ahead we got like 50 000 blocks on them I think we'll be fine so I just just a nice little while mango speech was clearly written for him by Chad gbt my fellow desserts devotee if you want a team captain who actually cares who can whip up a cake in Masterpiece and he won't leave you feeling half-baked vote for me together the crowd was split and unsure of who to vote for so they decided to ask a series of tough questions that would ultimately decide the fate of who would lead the purple team yeah yeah I I have I have one question I have one question will there be chips of course and so it was settled narfi managed to somehow secure leadership over his own team after that I was feeling confident that my team would make the appropriate choice that was until cool man to made a stand system Z has slowed our resolve and kept us weak I've been distracting you've been distracting poorly we are down we've got my vote things weren't going well for me but I had a secret move up my sleeve a sort of Uno reverse card if you will in order to secure the vote I gave them a performance they would never forget a performance from me to you of inspiration was elected as Captain of my own team granting him the op powers of the chef's hat and in the midst of the chaos his first declaration as Captain was to revoke narfy's chef hat and promote mango as captain of the purple team house with cool mint and mango now the chosen captains of our teams a decision that would inevitably prove to be a mistake they called for team meetings to give their first order of command you are going to do cake you're going to overtake purple team or be thrown in cage and we will laugh at you oh my God okay [Music] [Applause] it was being built much faster than before Coleman's strategy of build or be caged was actually working but at what cost quicker investor don't talk you build you build the purple team was also in a state of distress with most of their team refusing to work under the new leadership what was once a fun challenge to build the world's largest cake in Minecraft became a challenge of survival orange team orange team orange team orange Team all right hey I'm building stop I'm building stop cheering start building start building I'm just I'm in support of our team I don't I don't understand you're insubordination you need to make this cake [Music] oh foreign [Applause] [Music] the next event was just around the corner and with both teams split now more than ever before this cake would soon crumble knowing this I baked a plan to secretly form an alliance with narfiends I think we should fly around together so that people trust both of us the plan was simple to unite both teams together to build the cake as one dropping all concerns of whoever wins or loses this would prove to be an interesting task seeing as there was already a group lying in the shadows whose primary motto was peace love and cake I I could care less if we're in the lead or not I think the the main thing is that we're all not having fun with these new rulers so it's not about being on top anymore because being on top is what caused this mess it's about building up together make big number go bigger make big number go bigger everything was going according to plan and in good time with the next event looming just around the corner that was until we were caught by cool mint and mango who both decided to sentence us to the cages in a public display of examples me and mango heard that there was a little bit of a revolution going so we're gonna just take these two and show you what happens get in there yeah you don't know what you're doing little did they know this was a terrible mistake as immediately following the ceremony the next event had started you don't know what you're doing I'm telling you Mig you're making a dire mistake guys it doesn't matter remember um in the midst of the chaos cake eating minions begin spawning around all of the corners of the cake and with everybody focused on us the cake was Doom with the destruction of cake happening right in front of their eyes cool mans and Mango's closest Ally klauser helped us escape from ourselves giving norfy and I the chance to bring everyone together under one common goal and in just a few short minutes we saved the cake not as two teams at odds but as one with a common goal together but the celebration was short-lived as there was still something norfy and I had to take care of all right everybody listen to what I have to say it was all about the teams in the beginning it was about who would be on top everybody wanted to win but what that did is it took us away from What mattered most and that was building this cake not just any cake the world record largest Minecraft cake in the meantime are dictators that took over with tyranny deserve to be put here yeah I've got something to say [Music] give me that chef hat back let's fix the cake our first order of command together was to repair the cake and fortunately for us the damage wasn't too overwhelming and only took a short amount of time and so for the remainder of day two we continued forward building the cake and inching closer to our goal narfy's team was still winning but that no longer mattered all tension was finally erased and peace had its moment day three started strong with everybody looking forward to getting back to the challenge and with the base of the cake complete all that was left now was the frosting on top it is with great pleasure that we present the frosting release the gate we were finally back on track to complete the world record largest cake and if it weren't for the promise of being able to eat the cake I don't think our players would have been as committed as they were by this point everybody had nearly lost their mind barely Clinging On To What little sanity they had left I just spent the last three days playing this bring cake buildings in the litter Mustang it's such a thrilling activity the layer the frosting was finished and all that was left were the sprinkles on top so it is with great pleasure that we get to put the sprinkles on top let's go open the gates get your sprinkles and go and after a few silent minutes the cake was finished thank you [Music] and so narfy's team celebrated their Victory but before they could enjoy the cake we had all been working so hard to create narfy had something to say good game good game friends but but hey I have to say I have to say this wasn't just the purple team doing this this was a team effort and it is system Z's birthday so let's hear it because it's his birthday and because we love him so much and because it was a team effort everyone gets to eat cake not just my team orange team you also get to eat the cake with us so let them eat cake let them eat cake eat the cake we had done it we officially set the record for the world's largest cake built by hand in Minecraft but the real accomplishment was doing it together as one it may have taken us three whole days but we did it with a smile oh and that player that left at the beginning of day one they're doing all right thriving with the cake of their own to enjoy because at the end of the day we all deserve peace love and cake [Music] [Music] Monday [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign
Channel: SystemZee
Views: 78,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft
Id: 82NONIG8cYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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