100 hr review, KTM 500 EXC-F. Best bike ever!

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well well well what do we have here we have surely the best motorcycle in the world welcome to the channel today we're going to do the 100 hour review on the ktm 500 i'll start with all of the things that are wrong with the ktm 500 yep there's that many it is the best bike that i've ever owned [Music] me personally i'm only a lightweight i'm only 70 kilos 5 foot 11. my background is road bikes moved to the tiger 800 xc that was sort of my first taste of adventure riding a bit big bit heavy for me went to the dr 650 still a bit big and a bit heavy went to the wr250 the weight was great but the power was a little bit underwhelming thus the 500. we're up at a reservoir cardinia reservoir in melbourne out east east of melbourne brought you up here so you can have something to look at in case you get sick of me talking and bored of looking at the bike i don't know why that would be so 6 000 kilometres 100 hours that's over about 18 months now it's obviously not as much as i would like but thanks to the coronavirus we get what we can get right this bike has been quite heavily accessorized i suppose personalized i might i might call it so you can see straight off from stock the differences are the seat the uh the big ims 17 litre tank the bars are different the headlight is different there's a little screen on it so over the two years that i've had this bike i've done a bunch of trips the trips have been basically day trips or two to three day trips from melbourne a lot of the trips certainly out the east of melbourne the east side they are all hills and rocks uh the west side is a little bit more open they've all been pub trips and that is that i haven't we haven't done any camping we just haven't had the time or the the opportunity to do camping so on this bike i've run the the a small pannier system the moscow moto 40s uh that is adequate for enough gear for a weekend or three or four days no problems this is just my little day pack that i've got on there at the moment with tools and some spares in it so reliability for this bike i would give this bike a 10 for reliability it has never once had an issue for me i've never had anything fail i've never had to replace anything of consequence you know i'd like to be able to stand here and tell you all the things that went wrong with it but there's just nothing there's literally nothing that has gone wrong i've heard of stories with ground wire under the seat can come loose cause electrical issues fuel pumps have been known to give issues in the ktms but that tends to happen fairly soon after new if it's going to happen at all and this one hasn't been a problem regular maintenance oil changes valve checks i did check the valves when i got it new checked them again after 100 hours and one valve had barely moved like 0.01 of a millimeter and it's still right in the middle of the range there's no air box mods there's no mapping changes um nothing has been done to the motor at all the suspension is stock uh like i said i'm only 70 kilos so for 70 kilos and you know maybe 10 15 kilos of gear on it the stock spring is fine set all the sag correctly for me and my gear and i find the suspension is is fabulous on this bike i've got this now pretty much exactly how i like it you know the the light on the front is excellent the little screen just keeps that little bit of wind off and it's not too not too big and obtrusive i've had a few goes at this seat and i've finally got that to exactly how i like it is very very comfortable the extra width on this seat makes it just fabulous to sit on especially on the road i've got the dash set up exactly how i like it with you know the switches and lights and things that i want ram mounts are all in the right spot it's got the steering damper which is great fuel economy if people are interested i've tracked most of my phillips on this bike and the average is just under 22 kilometers per liter it's pretty good for a bike i reckon any bike 22 kilometers per liter and you can see from the figures there you know sometimes it's in the 24s sometimes it'll drop down to 18. obviously depends on the type of terrain but you know to average almost 22 kilometers per liter i reckon that's brilliant and look there's not much else i can tell you about it like for the type of riding that i do i reckon this bike is is brilliant like i said there's not much of me and to be able to to pick this thing up without any issues at all there you go right unless they're easy to pick up hey all 500 is is quite confidence inspiring like yes it gets a bit a bit vibey maybe on the open road if you've got to do an hour or two on the on the bitumen on the freeway um but the seats great the little screen's great just it's enough to to cover that i'm not going to sit on this bike up the hume highway to sydney like it's not the bike for it but for the for the riding that i do in the terrain that i'm in this this is perfect to be out checking out tracks for um you know putting together rides and things and you can point it down any track you want and know that if something goes wrong you can manhandle the thing around and get it out of there i'm i'm really confident that i'll be able to handle any situation i get myself into with this bike on a bigger bike yeah not so much not saying bigger bikes are not that they don't have their place and look honestly for most of the rides that we do most of the guys are on 690s or 701s and they are perfect for most of the rides that we do but for putting together stuff you can't go past the small lightweight bikes and again for higher country things small lightweight end of the day you're just so much fresher so that's my review of the ktm 500 100 hours 18 months of riding on this it's my only bike so everything that i've done i've done on this bike i absolutely love this bike i reckon it is ideal for me yeah look maybe there'll be a bigger bike in my future one day but not at the moment i'm just having too much fun on this but thanks for watching check out some of the other videos that i've posted on the build of this if you've got questions about specific things post it in the comments below like the channel subscribe hit the like button share it with your friends all the things and let's hope 2021 lets us get out on these things a little bit more than 20 20. thanks for watching see you in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Keith Jobson
Views: 47,324
Rating: 4.9454355 out of 5
Keywords: ktm 500, ktm, 500exc, ktm 500 excf, 500exc-f, adventure motorcycle, ratchet riders, 2019 ktm 500 exc-f, adv light, ktm 500 exc-f, dirt bike, adv lite, DIY, dual sport, dual-sport
Id: AhaXmbc3eTQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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