Fully Uncorking and Tuning My Ktm 500!!! Power Commander and Graves Titanium Exhaust

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[Music] yo what's going on guys super moto josh here we are on our way to taco moto with mike to go get our graves exhaust we're gonna get a slip on and get the dino jet we're just gonna do the graves first i'm gonna ride it for a little while see what i think get my impressions on just what the graves does and then i'm gonna go back and i'm gonna get it tuned with the dynojet and then see the difference from there so we're gonna do all the upgrades film everything and we'll see how it goes so when you think about this fuel map what happens is over here on one side you have the tps and across the top you have rpm so basically the throttle position is your grip your right hand grip when you crack open the throttle you're changing the electrical signal from the throttle position sensor so what the dynojet does is when we put a stock bike on the dyno and we're checking the rpm and we're looking at power and then we're looking at the fuel we're sniffing the fuel what's happening is is the system is looking at the afr the air fuel ratio yes and it's seeing how that changes so as we move the throttle it's seeing whatever the real-time fuel ratio data is that's coming out of the out of the exhaust pipe at that block and so the system is memorizing and remembering what those values were and then it's it's it's remembering that in terms of like where that is on the grid so there are times in a stock bike there are areas of the throttle range where for different reasons the manufacturer may program in too much fuel or not enough yeah and some of those reasons might be that they're trying to hit target numbers for epa testing um for compliance these things come pretty corked up yes they do because you have a 50 well no so you have the xcfw so what you have here is technically the dirt bike yes but it's still a 50 state so it has a vapor recovery system that's this little thing down here okay so what this is doing this is your emissions system gotcha so as gas tank vapors are evaporating off of the liquid gas here so you have this air pocket yep so these little vocs volatile organic compounds they're sort of evaporating off of the the gas level here they come through these hose systems here to a little charcoal canister which is hidden back here in the frame gotcha different hoses take that and this little air solenoid right here is commanded on and off at different times and then a vacuum is applied to this hose which sucks those vapors out pulls them to the intake and then burns them and then you have a plugged up exhaust yeah and you have a fuel calibration that's sort of uh mapped accordingly so we're going to fix all those problems we're going to open this up so because you're basically this is basically a competition use only machine and so we're going to give it the airflow and the fuel and so since you're using this for performance and competition we're going to give you the fuel ratio and the airflow that's going to like give you all those open it up i'm not worried about the power honestly let's just open it up all the way i think we should just do that okay i think that's what the people want to see i want to see everything out of this they want to just see this thing like the rear tire yeah it's it already does it but it's going to be ridiculous once we get this thing all the way opened up more so look at this dude so this thing's like sparkling when you're doing 12 o'clock yeah it's titanium that's so red this is cool is this a husky no that's a ktm powder coated blue yeah so this guy wanted to go just like full tilt yeah everything everything he basically was like because at first when he started talking about this bike project you know some guys will want to know like how much is that going to cost how much is going to cost this guy was like he's just like money's domination we didn't even talk money yeah he just wanted to know what's the best what's the coolest what's the awesomest that's what i want all right got the graves mike took the gas tank off and we're gonna go get the dynojet and everything set up in there so we're gonna have the dynojet and the graves we are gonna get so much power out of this bike i'm so excited this thing's gonna be a monster and i really need a tire sponsor now so these are all the current ones that fit you got everything got the collection we got the yoshi no she's got a full system and then here's the acro got the fmf 4.1 they're on backorder for so long now i know i had 10 of them i snuck them i mean i didn't sneak them but i know people and then here's the graves that i've been running on my bike beat up so you're all about the graves you know it's the one i use on my personal bike and i think that goes saying something from a guy who owns 10 exhausts yeah every single brand yeah and you have that one with the encap the yoshi full system yeah so this is the one that came from your bike it's not the actual one on your bike but this is the same one so what what's let me show you the one on the excf so it's got that so that's the excf one so that's the one with the that's a sound baffle and you know guys will say like these bikes sound like a sewing machine and that's why i still don't think it sounds great you hear the fuel pump more than the exhaust right now yeah it's true see the internal workings educate everybody on how these things actually work it's like more than five percent better than any of the other ones really they're all really close to each other where the um where the difference lies in like where the power comes on how hard the hit is and um sort of like how it modulates the power it's almost like you could say a shoe is a shoe as a shoe you don't cover your foot and you don't step on nails yep but each shoe has like different attributes and um sort of like a different personality each one of these has a unique personality yep of how the power is laid down and depending on how you ride your bike and what you wanted to do we can sort of recommend one over the other based on that there's no like one best people ask me all the time like what's the best anything well i don't know what's the best for you what's the best for you what are you gonna do with it oh that's fiberglass yeah this is what surprises a lot of people about the xcfws they think it's a true real dirt bike and the reality is it's got this 80 exhaust obstruction here inside of the pipe and so you're retaining a ton of heat so mine still has this one in it yeah and so that's what's happening is it's just putting this obstruction here so gas is working its way past this through this little steel wool here but that's so unefficient yeah and it's doing that kind of on purpose because it's trying to meet those uh green sticker you know california green sticker it's like a sort of like ice cream cone with holes in it yep so what that is is that's called the resonator and what that's doing is that's absorbing the acoustical shock wave that's coming from the power pulse as the exhaust gases leave and it just sort of it just sort of absorbs it and muffles it so the fmf what we just learned is basically a straight pipe essentially yeah so the gases have no acoustical obstruction and then there's just no physical impediment so it's not a restricted pipe yeah and so if you take a look at some of the pipes here you can see that the shapes are quite different like the graves is significantly more oval than the fmf the fmf is smaller in all of its dimensions but it's not as oval and so it does not it doesn't have the acoustical resonance chamber like the graves does what the graves is trying to do is is to be a pipe that amplifies and accentuates all of the power through the the entire band the entire throttle sweep the fmf is really tuned more specifically for like mid to top end gotcha so and then you've got the acropovic which is shaped you can see it's shaped a lot like the graves and then the yoshi is shaped a lot like the graves so and the stock is is again also kind of that oval shape and there's just more volume to the canister itself so the graves is is the most so the fmf is really tuned for for mid to top this is like you're on a race track and you're wide open in a straight line that's where you're going to get that's where you want an fmf if that's what you're after that's what you're going to go with because you're basically straight piped and you have the least resistance yeah yeah so for the rct 4.1 that's this one right here but the opposite end of the spectrum is something like the graves this pipe is a couple it's two in one so it's got this db killer right here and what that does when it's intact is it presents less airflow and it puts a little bit of back pressure into the system and into the motor very nice resonance it's got a great sound but because there's so much volume here in the canister there's all those acoustical waves those sound waves they spend more time and there's more volume in here for them to um to be dampened out whereas here with the fmf because it's just such a smaller canister those sound waves are not being dampened as much they're traveling out the end of the pipe so this is a considerably of all of these this is the loudest pipe so if a guy was like you said uh wide open uh want a top end and then just explosive acceleration this would be the pipe to go but for a guy who's riding woods low throttle slow speed kind of stuff technical stuff this is the opposite pipe of what you'd want yeah i like my bottom end all around personally like i like to have a bike that can do everything and i feel like for the little bit that you might even lose at the top having something like that might not be worth it compared to having a graves where you get everything everything gotcha and that happens a lot there's a lot of places in the field map where the stock fuel is a little too rich and then where it's too lean in one of those boxes and it's going to add fuel and some of these bikes it's adding up to 50 percent fuel so way too much it's significant how lean the stock bike was in certain areas of the rpm because we have to add 50 more and then in some areas of the map it's too lean there's too much fuel and so we're pulling it away oh with the old with the new so you can play around with whether or not you want to have dancer in or out yeah i'll try it in first and then i'll take it out i have a feeling that you're going to leave it in really yeah yeah and the reason is is because when it's when it's removed you have like a straight pipe and the exhaust flows out too quickly and so it just revs through the power super fast gotcha you want a slower build you need power that's like you don't need i want torque you need torque but you also don't want peaky torque you don't want it to go from like idle to full no i don't you want it to ramp and you want to be able to predict the power gotcha and i think that i think having this hand is gonna be more predictable yeah i think so hmm interesting which is counterintuitive to what you or somebody else might think like no i want the thing to breathe like this well you need back pressure it breathes too fast you need back pressure yep you don't want it to breathe you want it to be better in stock but you don't want it to be 100 kind of full yeah so what are we doing right now so all i did was i pulled the battery no i didn't pull the battery but i pulled the battery retainer clip out so i could feed all of this mess through that little hole the only way i got you the only way i can get that through really is if i take that that little piece off right there gotcha what's to happen is is we're going to mount this here in the air box and then we're going to get a ground signal right here that's just electrical ground gotcha and then we've got three different sensor points we're going to pick up one of these is for the throttle position sensor do you remember how we talked about that tps the other one is this one's going to go and pick up the um the engine rpm so we're going to be looking at the um at the basically the primary side of the coil right here gotcha throttle position and then this goes into the injector so the injector pulse width is being changed we're increasing or decreasing it based on what throttle position we're at and what engine rpm we're at so remember on that that graph yep so we're looking very specifically and exactly at those two pieces of data that goes into the computer and then it decides what to do with the fueling gotcha awesome and so based on altitude and everything the dynojet adjusts for everything fully compensated so you plug it in you set it up and you're good to go you don't have to worry about anything else you'll never have to change it again perfect so you have the custom taco modem custom maps in there gotcha very cool yeah everything about your setup is specific to this bike that pipe um and then with with the map that's in there and you know based on your feedback we can make some mods in here okay so if you determine that it's it's close but not exactly to your specific style because fuel mapping and then the personality of the power is just like suspension tuning you know if i set up your suspension to the book let's say i get the spring rate right and i get all the valving and everything exactly as i think it should be sort of like to the book you ride it and you say it's close but i want to change it just a little bit yeah well with suspension you can do that you can change it with clickers or spring rates or oil weights and so fueling is exactly the same the personality of the power is dependent on what we do with the ignition and the fuel and if you wanted to do some mods then we can go back and make those adjustments so we're going to desmog the bike yeah so you're a competition bike so what this will um remove is some failure points there is a really strong possibility that when you tip over gas will run liquid gas will run out of the top of the cap and we'll fill up that charcoal canister and it could cause a no start condition because that that canister gets super saturated with liquid fuel gotcha and so you go to crank it and it's just drawing in all that that raw liquid gas and it'll just crank and crank on start so if we take that off for you specific because you're doing the stunt riding crazy stuff hooligan yeah and if you tip over and the bike's laying on the ground you're not going to fill that up the system is essentially just removed gotcha as far as everything that i do it is all competition competition closed course that's right yeah you've seen car commercials and it's like professional driver on closed course it's the lawyers had to put that in exactly exact same thing so to get 57 out of out of these engines is really at the like maximum upper limit 57 at pump gas that's what you're pushing 57 on pump gas is really the most you're going to get out of these motors what what is it better i don't want to see a better tune but what's a more realistic tune something that's like safe for the motor is to put them into like the 51 to 55 horsepower category and that's where you're gonna end up here we're probably gonna end up giving you about 52 to 53 horsepower all right perfect 53 horsepower on a 240 pound motorcycle insane is stupid insane it's insane yeah because i've got some little honda ct 110 scooters out there and they make like six horsepower yeah and they'll motor up anything those likes exactly they're great and they're making like six or seven horsepower and here you're going to end up with maybe 52 or 53 which is super damn respectable because back in the day 53 horsepower was what the the most high performance you know british racing motorcycles back in the day were making 45 horsepower and going 150 miles an hour yep so you're going to make 53 50 52 53 that's more than you need and that's just mad nuts yeah and it's also super safe power you can run pump gas usable power very usable very trackable very linear and you can run pump gas and you're not doing any damage to the to the engine to the top end and the durability is protected so all of that nonsense marketing about like crazy horsepower numbers i don't get into that i don't play the like horsepower game um i'm more interested in in providing sort of like a setup that gives the specific amount of power in the specific range and way that a writer wants it what the number ends up being it kind of ends up being we'll get you a bike that's very very writable and the number will be what it is i will tell you this when you remove let me have you remove it because guys have screwed this up by cross threading it okay so this is good for people to know um i want you to use like this is a husky brand i guess that's home depot but that's a nice tool well made and it's not burgered up don't be using a harbor freight piece of garbage tool because it could very well strip out this bolt right here and then gotcha you're gonna have a really it's you're gonna cry yeah so because it's just got this bolt you're going to loosen that and that allows you to remove the silent insert and when you do you you basically have a straight pipe as opposed to this semi-muffled you know reasonable sounding machine and this pipe like we talked about it preserves this db killer it preserves the low end really well you really get the option with this pipe if you're not sure exactly what you want you can have this and you have either option whenever you'd like opposed to if you decide to go with an fmf where you just want the top end wide open power that will do it exactly what you want but you lose the option that you have with the graves perfect so that's what you're looking at and that's not really even very restrictive at all it's not there are other pipes i mean your stock pipe has um less probably airflow than that but you can see how freaking wide open yeah this is huge that's massive that's a cannon yeah that's all your sound and all that raw power and so now if you want that pipe to give you mid to top range without this in there that's exactly what you have like a full supermoto race pipe and then with the writing you're doing with the off-road writing that i do i run it with the insert the db killer in all the time it's the exact same pretty much exact same yeah exact same as fmf in the back it's even smaller the fmf yeah seems a little bit smaller than that so you really do get the best of both worlds and it is still a full titanium exhaust with a carbon tip so no complaints here yeah and they don't cheat either so they don't use aluminum as far as the top brackets all of the brackets all the fixtures everything inside this pipe is all titanium other ones other pipes you'll see that maybe have exotic materials they kind of fudge it a little bit and then use like aluminum brackets where graves is using titanium everywhere gotcha so when you put this thing back in here's the only thing that you really need to pay attention to to not cross thread that bolt because you'll be in a world hurt what you want to do is align this thing and let it find the drop center for the bolt it should just go in easily yeah and what i like to do is take something like a jeweler's screwdriver and then turn it and get in there if you can and hold the threads oh yeah so that you can get a new bite to it as you're trying to find the bite point of that gotcha so those are the intake reeds in there yeah so there's a set of reed pedals they're the two stroke pedals off of like a 300 basically what's happening is those things mute out the intake pulses there's some nice valve overlap which is good camshaft overlap it's a very aggressive camshaft in this bike and as the piston is as the valves are closing the piston starts to come up on the compression stroke and it pushes a little back rush of air through the intake throat and so these pedals work to control that back rush of air but they also dampen out the sound so they're kind of doing two things and for your type of riding the way you ride your bike i think you're going to do well to have these removed and we're going to take them out really carefully and if you wanted to you could put these back in so you can do an experiment to see if you think i think they're going to stay out yeah okay yeah there are some advantages to having them out there's some advantages to leaving them in and i think for you taking them out is probably the best way to go yeah the the way i mean there's a lot of ways to kind of do this there is a little gap in the top here and if you can get a dental hook kind of thing in there you can get it just into the top and then so i've got it hooked in here yeah and so i'm going to give this thing some out pressure and you see how it's already starting to come out yeah starting to pop out yeah and then i can get a screwdriver into the side to guide this outer edge this needs to kind of compress in so if i do that we can just give it a nice little tug and you see it's almost out and the one thing you want to avoid doing is poking a hole in your air boot and i've had guys do that and then we sell replacement boots we sell boots that don't have they're the european model of the boot and they don't have the reeds there's no advantage to be gained if you have the american boot and you pull the reeds out or the european boots that never had the reeds the power and performance is the same don't be don't believe anybody who says that there's a power advantage of one over the other and also don't believe anybody who says you have to stick uh something inside of here to prevent the boot from collapsing in on itself that's not true that's nonsense um and and like i said if you did want to put these back in you could just shove them back into that little cavity they have these two little screws on the sides and there's two little holes that are dimples that are molded into this thing and then these will go into the little receptacles and it'll be anchored in there and held in yeah this likes to live pretty much like right here i'll put some velcro sticker on that and then some zip ties tucked up in there and i don't ever need to touch that right now so we're here at takamoto with mike as you guys have seen but this has been a very cool experience for me i've learned a lot about tuning and the actual mapping of these bikes so i'm very excited to see the power that we get out of this should be a crazy big difference we got the graves we have the power commander with the custom takomoto maps so once we're all finished up with this we're gonna go ride it and we will see the difference that we have plug in the stock o2 sensor so what's this little sensor i just plugged in or this little plug yeah so what that is that's the o2 emulator that um tells the ecu that there is a signal coming back from the o2 sensor it's not active so now that's a static signal yeah but it keeps the it keeps that satisfies the computer gotcha it's not active data it's static data and so on long idle periods like when you're sitting there you know warming up your bike if it goes for maybe more than about 90 seconds it might trip a code 17 and that's the o2 sensor timeout code yeah so it's you can just clear that by killing the bike and restarting it gotcha and that's just going to happen with those like really long idle sessions gotcha and even if you don't reset it it's not harming anything the bike's not going to change the way it runs everything's just fine is because if you fall over and your bike is sitting laying over oil might gather up here on the top of the velcro gasket and the oil would come through and it used to go here into the intake side of the the bottom of the air box yep yep and so you could suck that oil in well now if you if that happens those oil drips are just going to come out here at the bottom dump out of the bottom yeah they won't get sucked into the engine and you won't have to worry about um compressing that oil in the top of your piston gotcha will be smog full uncorking so the full uncorking of the 500 yeah all the things getting the works done so what we've just done is we've just fully uncorked the 500. um mike what did what is it exactly that we did to the bike we took out the reeds we have the dynojet in there new exhaust and all the little smog and all the little restrictive parts that we really don't need in the bike so everything's taken out of the bike and i'm very excited to try it out so we'll see how it goes [Music] just to see and if that happens it doesn't affect the performance right okay so it's just there and you turn it on and off real quick [Music] um blue [Music] all right i just wrote it around the block oh my god there is so much torque at the bottom end it literally takes nothing to bring this thing up huge thank you to mike takomoto helping me out this thing is an absolute monster tomorrow i'm gonna go ride it and i'll show you everything that that this thing's got but seriously please go check out mike at takamoto he knows everything for your ktm anything you could ever imagine any question you have he's the guy to go to so please like comment subscribe and i will catch you guys tomorrow for this
Channel: JoshDontStop
Views: 27,956
Rating: 4.9099097 out of 5
Keywords: ktm, 500, tuning, dynojet, power, comander, supermoto, fmf, graves, Yoshimura, dirt bike, exhaust, best, wheelie, more power, racing, un corking, de smog, motovlog, 2021, 2 stroke, 4 stroke, bike build
Id: y4RmOY_OiGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 38sec (1658 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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