100 Extremely Rare People ft. ZHC

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we all have special skills but only a small percentage of us have skills that will blow your mind like being the best artist on YouTube Hello these are the rarest people whoa oh Morgan's does a spider work like that guys it's oh my gosh how far can you go back not far enough is he doing a push-up with one finger I guess you could say two dude wow it has a lot of control yeah my wife's on this app they're gonna steal Brie he might steal Michelle Michelle you should date him inside oh oh this is one of those Compass drawings that is really cool and favorite actor I am obviously wait what no no no no no no no no no no no no why are they like switching in and out between like an eraser this is freaking impossible it's like the best infinite Loop you could ever ask for okay what's gonna happen here that's rare whoa duchy is walking on the sides of her feet oh my gosh if I had this ability I would win every limbo game as a shark I don't think you can go much lower than that bro her butt didn't even touch the floor like dude she really said let's drop it you know what I'm saying but she dropped it all the way down I can't do that because I got too big a butt that looks painful I I just want to take it and grab it that looks really painful this guy this guy would be like the best substitute teacher he has a kid and he's getting like really upset with him and then he just like pops his eyes out and like stares at them he's making his last clap or fart oh no is that a pecan he's got to be careful he's gonna fly away this has been one of the strangest things I've ever seen in my life Zack oh my god wow his hands are massive imagine arm wrestling him this guy's sick that is Hulk IRL that's what it looks like usually after I step on it not when I use my hands can we do it to that one ready see this oh careful wrestling's actually kind of strong what the frick I thought this was a Christian Channel she's got two Loops how do you make it quack though oh wow what is that a portrait peace oh boy Zach you can't even draw with people I cannot draw with both hands what the heck she's a rare two-hander bro don't give this girl a claymore she would slay you let me know what that means no one knows what it means but it's provocative okay I mean whoa wait dude she is an upside down teardrop in her eye do you still see the same I think she could see more down is that how it works yeah science yeah I feel uncomfortable watching this hey yo my little brother's on this app she has an odd expression under her face when she's doing it is she stigma she's like chocolate wait a second that is big chocolate oh they're making chocolate art they're making chocolate I love chocolate and pick this club it's a dragon okay he's got a little bit of Scabies very interesting to start off dude it looked like a dragon from start to finish I have no idea what you're talking about Fire Nation should agree I don't know why they went purple with the dragon I don't like purple dragons look at this clock no stop it stop it oh God do my growing it hurts I don't know if that's watchable that just hurts me I think I've seen this before he's doing a mural wait let that bear get there give him a salmon they're using one I thought that was paint well as the most talented artist on YouTube I say it's mud oh I see that is really cool it's a rizzly bear monard is sick but what are the odds you would use it for your next crafts video one and four wow three two one free now what are the chances that you would grab my butt right now one out of two three two one one uh okay pretty normal I mean it's good posture actually where her knees go though straight up she got no caps this guy is so good that's so cool his transition times are actually perfect wait my question if he's actually like falling like that does he actually like hit the ground I don't know he's too good I have no idea oh we've seen Sofie dossi do this it's hard enough to hold a bow as it is is this a hotel room yeah wait that's a good point I don't think I'd let people shoot arrows if I was the hotel owner Mr Helton she's shooting a bow in your room yeah imagine if she misses it it just goes through the doors keeping up in the crock pot what skill is this oh it's cake I freaking hate these stupid and stupid I freaking God Terry Cruise okay oh wow he's got the jiggly he has a lot of muscle control I can't do it oh let me see your chest dance every day for the rest of our lives we should work out until we get pecs like Terry and then people will subscribe you see that subscribe button press it whoa that's huge that's what she said he's laying down what do you think it looks like from the ground wait so if you're like flying over like that looks like a normal person on the ground my sternum never fully hardened it hey yo she got a squishy sternum is your squishy no no mine is hard that's what he said yeah that's pretty hard too why are you the way that you are whoa wow it looks like a banana slug oh my God wait it looks like the glob you're just making his tongue oh is it so thick no dude like that guy doesn't skip tongue day like he goes in what do you mean by that hello there she's walking on her curl pose not the tippy toes I don't like ballerinas do that I don't think they do it like that though like that's like on the knuckles of the toes they should run a marathon like that running a marathon on my Knuckles Oh I thought they liked Jordan not Jordans if you had these tools would you be able to make that not that good no whoa me I want to lick it don't lick shoes I've gotten so many diseases from shoes what do you like now pop your mom is a fantasy photographer and this is what your 2022 looks like wow I've taken the whole year to take this photo that's crazy whoa these are pretty the space one looked really cool yeah whoa whoa is so cool these are getting at least 10 likes on Instagram huh oh my gosh oh no this guy's doing what that girl did with her legs I thought this was actually going to be easy I think this is even harder what I can make it to the nine maybe or the eight I can make it to the seven I have a hitchhiker's thumb hey it looks like the like button oh which it did so Wednesday Joanna Rollins that's not Jenna Ortega oh is that her name oh my gosh this whole time it's a painting I thought it was a picture the way the detail on the wet is okay I'm gonna miss my eyes are blue right yeah she's a chameleon for you her eyes absorb one I'm so curious now whoa hey kids don't stare into the sun without sunglasses what oh I didn't know your eyes could change colors her eyes could change colors how does that work I don't know she's gonna fit through the tennis racket I just what if she gets stuck I just gotta call her step brother what did he say [Music] somebody would have to just if it's on her body maybe they could pick her up with it spaghetti it's not spaghetti it looks like cover wires oh he's making like a copper wire bonsai tree and that would be I would try to eat it whoa wow it's like the golden Bonsai huh whoa oh my goodness I feel like that's like those tutorials it's like step number five is to make the wires in Step number six that's gorgeous when someone else says my elbows are gross whoa oh my gosh it's like the kneecap girl but with elbows she has boomery arms that's so cool should be so good at shooting the basketball because then she has some extra power I need Don six loopsis to comment it I have no idea what he's doing is he folding the papers oh he's writing something oh my wings folding the papers to write out something Focus what it looks so neat you know it would make it much cooler though if you would have had one of those on his desk hey look this one's rare too yeah finger painting but to the next level oh my gosh it's a Samurai and a steed oh that's a cool finger painting yeah that's what I'm saying I really like the little stamp at the end yeah like the nice little red sets the tone huh I actually want to start signing my paintings like this I'll just use my Chinese name Shia e run my only party trick oh my gosh so she can fake being attracted to someone look at this do we think this is rare would I say that's a skill though I feel like he just punctured his face it's a modification he's got rare modifications I'm not sure if that's a skill though I think this is a skill difference though I mean I can't Lick a Lollipop through the side of my face my question is what happens when you drink water wait also what happens if you go to sleep and then you got permanent mollusks coming in through your your holes or a snack fantasy Ice Road three rolls in one huh whoa the jellyfish was that like CG you should know you were an artist ten Brothers jellyfish are I'm guessing a CGI because of the green screen oh yeah this is the real life Rapunzel hey dude like this is actually so convenient you never have to bring your jump rope she's like gonna be fit for the rest of her life get over here look he's creating Tom Holland and a masking tape wow wow thomasy now I want to do masking tape art that would be your next video masking tape art oh that's cool dang dude oh it looks even better okay you know in front of the light he's the ridzler Michelle does like him why what is it about him is he got Riz yes more than me I don't think I don't think he has I don't think he has ribs he's got Zendaya I'm not a fan this looks weird it's a snake why isn't he putting Saran Wrap no way wow that is some tarp those have to be sound effects oh my goodness he has nothing in his joints I actually can't no no more
Channel: PrestonReacts
Views: 1,587,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: preston, funny, react, challenge, mrbeast, mrbeastreax, socksreact, brianna, ssundee, unspeakable, alia, dhar man, sidemen, Rare People, Rare Talent, Secret Skills
Id: CvME0fBwNRc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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