100 Girls Vs 100 Boys For $500,000

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When i saw the cubes I was so jealous I would have been so popular. plus I would have won 10 grand.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Masterhacking 📅︎︎ Aug 01 2022 đź—«︎ replies
i built two massive circles and put 100 points in one and 100 girls in the other and whichever circle has more people after 100 hours wins 500 000 but if you touch the red line you're eliminated it is a team competition boys versus girls the challenge is officially beginning whichever circle has the most people in 100 hours splits the half a million dollars amongst their entire do any of you want to leave nobody oh my gosh two people just that way don't lie to us why'd you get out sora told my girlfriend i go out there tonight can we get a sim chat how are you gonna keep all 100 girls in here i got a lot of uh so like we're definitely gonna brute force it yeah are we really gonna stand here and lose to the girls no probably not wait oh my god no you are one of mine take two steps back so they can't reach you wait what what what are you doing i can't lose my job over 5k i just got it i just got it really hopefully you win five grand not looking likely it's been 20 minutes and five boys have dropped and zero girls it is not looking good for the boys and in case you're wondering how will we know if someone steps on the red line well we have over 65 different cameras covering every square inch of those two rooms and a team of people monitoring everyone's every move we will know if they're out i have a present for you he has no idea how to drive this thing everyone back up oh my god this is not like the wii watch out he's not forklift certified you all now have a way to poop all right goodbye and now he's drifting the forklift now the boys have a place to poop and the girls have a place to poop good luck in my apartment food water she has food for like three days but that's it i did not take off work tomorrow and i'm going to chicago on friday i have a plate at 3 p.m so many people had jobs and family members expecting them later that night or the next day which is exactly what i wanted to happen and why i didn't tell him anything about the challenge before we started you said you're leaving because you have a baby [Music] it's okay it's okay we both have to leave tomorrow anyway yeah i'd like to still have a job after this so one of the gopros on the red lines caught something interesting gather around gather all my children one of you got super close to the line and you need to decide if they're out okay is that out or in he's here let me play it a couple more seconds he snapped on the line anyways he's out a bunch of girls are leaving because they're gambling on their team winning without their help their girls were destroying the boys and now the boys are in the lead literally another four just laughed five thousand dollars would change a lot of people's lives it would change mine we're girls we can do hard things clearly we're not we honey we left 20 girls are out it sounds like a lot of girls are getting out so that's good news because we don't have a clue how many are left [Music] and now that we're getting deep into the challenge we brought them all oatmeal for dinner you know we got to see who wants it more we're in the oatmeal on this big pile of money right here is not good though psychological torture the boys lost 16 people to the oatmeal the girls on the other hand only lost four do you guys enjoy your food no and i don't like raisins and how many raisins did you have in your bowl it is almost dead even this is crazy we are all so close to each other i look to my left person look to my right toes throughout the first night seven boys and nine girls left the boys must have gotten better sleep than the girls our goal today is just to be louder and better than the boys warning these are the troopers that survived the first night do you want to know how many boys are left i'll go count them i'll be right back i'm not coming back 62 of you survived the night look at you guys do you guys want to know how many girls are left okay i'm gonna go count them i'll be right back i'm not coming back i don't know why but the boys were actually excited for their oatmeal the girls on the other hand were not oatmeal you're gonna tell me that's good the contestants were getting pretty bored at this point so the girls started creating stuff with the money they made a money jump rope money hopscotch they even made these little money dolls and the is going boys mr beast forgive us for our sins people were getting out in all sorts of ways some people got out on accident some couldn't handle the pressure and this girl got out to literally save another contestant's cat my cat will die i feel very accomplished you know how long you've been in here exactly and as a reward all right take your blindfolds off we brought in hibachi's chefs to cook their dinner in front of them it's show time [Music] [Applause] 24 hours on oatmeal and this is perfect you know what i just realized what we have to feed the boys for the past two hours we've been hearing the girls having fun i'm literally going crazy in here are you ready for the surprise yeah let's do it again the surprise is now here i'm feeling good now i think i'm feeling good eat your protein attention can you confirm that [Music] since not much happened on day two i let carl and nolan annoy the contestants while they were asleep we're gonna give the boys and girls a present from each other this is a present from the boys let's get out of here is that a siren that's really annoying even out here [Music] i can't take this much longer [Applause] morning of day three it's starting to stink in here because no one has showers we're still pulling through we have a loss of insanity as you can see by this muscle milk here our insanity is entirely gone last night this guy told nolan that he has an important zoom call for a scholarship so nolan got him a pseudo laptop so he could attend the call from inside the circle this seems like a bad idea start us off by just telling us a little bit about yourself i'm an elementary ed major everyone get in the camera i'm in a mr beast video right now and they're all behind me doing something very committed what life lessons have you learned party all day party all night kevin you are keeping composure so well and i'm really proud of you i think he's gonna get the scholarship bye y'all thank you i wonder what the guys are at i'm guessing 35 yeah 20. and i'm gonna start getting real rowdy i'm gonna start losing actually losing my mind it's been 43 hours and they deserve a prize for putting their body on the line for their team which is why i custom wrapped this blue nissan hide in that porta potty and i custom wrapped this pink nissan that i'm gonna hide in here i'm gonna take the key and i'm gonna hide it right here and whoever finds the keys to these porta potties first keeps the car but once we got the porta potties place we sat and watched while people went in and out without finding the key oh my gosh she's walking out oh no keys oh the second person went in literally any of them could walk in there and win a car oh here she comes nothing it was taking forever for anyone to find the keys so carl checked the boy's porta potties and the key was actually gone who has it oh he does have it yes [Music] and get him five grand to pay for the gas with his car [Music] then the boys were convinced that the car key wasn't the only hidden prize inside their circle so they started looking and we just broke the glass in hopes of finding something at the bottom and how does it feel to be the most destructive person in here pretty fun everyone in both circles has officially survived 50 hours yes you're halfway done with the challenge and to celebrate bring in the rubik's cube in front of the girls is 100 rubik's cubes and in front of the boys is 100 rubik's cube it's a race to see which team can solve all the ruby's cubes first well whichever team loses gets their circle cut in half i don't even know how to do that solve the white side and then he could solve it we didn't realize until this competition started that only one boy oh they're literally handing it to him and only one girl actually knew how to solve a rubik's cube out of all these guys he's the only one that learned how to solve a shirt any stage oh i'm not leaving and while the teams are solving these rubik's cubes i want to tell you about current the first one's done only 99 more to go current is the mobile banking gap that's changing how money works old banks hit you with all kinds of fees but current has no monthly fees and is all about saving you money and what makes current different than normal mobile banking is they give you four percent interest on your savings does your savings account give you four percent interest yes because i use current okay you actually do he actually does six have been solved eight rubik's cubes have been solved so far the white side needs to be looked like this on the outside 25 done and if you do your direct deposits through current you can get your money two days in advance since the boys were getting way ahead of the grills i decided to make things interesting we're gonna offer the one guy in there that knows how to solve them ten thousand dollars to leave right now i love how he's still solving we got 10 grand right here you can just walk out the circle do it do it i'm out it's 10 grand 10k the boys were blowing you out of the water i paid the one guy who knew how to solve them to leave now if you don't win that was all for nothing it's a win for me you're almost halfway done the girls are still losing current is helping me give away 25 000 100 of you will win 250 just click the link and use the code beast 250 to enter even if you don't win the 250 dollars i'm gonna be personally giving a gift to every single one of you that install current and use this code right here when you sign up so if you haven't already click the description and download current right now give me another one i can do that again go faster seek you're making me mad this is the last rubik's cube well he's shaking i really hope the girls just miraculously catch up oh my gosh chris you might want to move oh yeah all right the girls circle is cut in half because they lost the rubik's cube challenge to the boys and the only girl that knew how to solve a rubik's cube ended up leaving hopefully all of her effort wasn't for nothing i did 96 room excuse but i still lost with the third night rolling in i wanted to find out which team would get tempted easier this is an empty briefcase i'm gonna put it outside the circle let's see if we can get somebody out what do you want what do you want all right let's go i did it the briefcase was empty then nolan put another briefcase out please take your briefcase and trick the boys again and i got cereal it is not nothing and again and again when one boy got out trying to grab it without leaving the circle go for it at least you got what was in that briefcase so of course they tried the same trick on the girls [Music] it's an empty house the girls are clearly smarter than the guys it's um 1am we're all losing our minds they cut our circle in half and we're losing it i can't believe it's so close after three days both teams still have a shot of winning the half a million dollars it's officially our 70. how many girls do you think are still left 20. so you don't even think they're in the 30s anymore on day four one of the girls said she had a surprise for me i found some car keys in the port-a-potty we don't want to tell the other girls because we don't want them to freak out okay give me one second here is your brand new car hey prince scratches and it's coming with it you don't have to get out but whenever you do your brand new car is right there okay go for it that's dedication i have a podium with a giant red button i'm gonna put it in there and say nothing let's see if anyone presses it what does the button do cuts their circle in half this is so suspicious but we're playing it he didn't even explain what was that a boy instantly all right gentlemen do you know what this does no it cuts your circle in half all right well i'm gonna go grab spray paint any of you press this yeah okay good why is that how we feeling sucks yeah you wanna just clap once for me and now the room is painted one of the girls convinced our camera guy to borrow a drone to spy on the boys we have the controls for the drone and we're flying it over to the boys oh my god dude we almost fall into the boys look at this dude and on night four we decide to let them cook their own meal because tomorrow will get much much harder we're 85 hours into this and it's getting so close i don't plan on leaving there's no way i don't think many of us would last i think the girls are winning for the final 10 hours of the challenge we split each of the circles into 10 sections there is now 10 hours left in the challenge and 10 zones in your circle so just so we're clear if you touch these red lines you're out and every hour they have to decide which section to block off i think this one should be our first choice which led to some pretty interesting conversations yeah we can fit nine and a part up on it so we can get real close all right boys oh you already decided i picked so quickly we're blocking this off final decision what this one okay the fact that it's dead even after 90 hours just so statistically improbable that it's like crazy to me it's been an hour boys which one are we filling in wait the money pitch they seem very confident and they didn't see them on board that side [Applause] it's time boys what am i spray painting no more pitch no more pits with only four hours left the teams were going over how to best use the remaining space there's no way we can eliminate the money pick it's the money if we do this and then we just cut it down we have more than enough room then this happened boys boys boys change the lights i think you can guess what this means you'll see a finger drag across the red line xavier you clearly touched it not only did xavier get out this guy right here after he stepped out of the porta potty look at all your reactions afterwards there's actually a third who is that good sir could be a good sir i'm sorry about that boys salute we're losing people because we're being sloppy we're cutting that out but we're good after that everyone was careful and made it until the last hour of the challenge it is officially the last hour so chris get to work well to pile a bunch of dudes in a porta potty oh my gosh how many are in there this last hour will determine who gets the half a million dollars in cash we're gonna make it i just hope 33 is enough [Music] ladies and gentlemen the challenge is officially over meet me in the middle of the domes when we started we had a hundred girls and we had a hundred boys these are all that were made after 100 hours we have 33 boys and 35 girls congratulations they just won half a million dollars [Applause] my boyfriend's gonna be so proud of me if you haven't already subscribed we're closing in on 100 million subscribers and it would mean the world to me should they subscribe yeah i really want to hit 100 million hit it if you haven't already thousand on
Channel: MrBeast
Views: 76,841,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tVWWp1PqDus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 53sec (1013 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 23 2022
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