MOVING VLOG / packing up, leaving my first apartment & a book unhaul

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[Music] all right so this one is going to be for sure the most difficult task and that's going to be going through my bookshelves and seeing if there's anything that i want to unhaul i know at least one book like one no maybe three books i know i can get rid of but the rest like i really don't know like this is going to be i think the biggest nightmare of moving is going to be taking all my books out putting them into boxes but i do want to lighten that load a little bit so we're going to see if there's anything on this bookshelf that's gonna go i do want my bookshelf to be you know representative of me and have books that like i like looking at i don't want to like look at a spine and be like i hate that book i'm never gonna read it again why am i keeping it and that one is good omens by terry pratchett and neil gaiman i really did not like this book um i listened to it last year and since then i've just thought about it and been like i really do not like this book it just didn't work with me for a number of reasons and i know lots of people love it it smells really good which is a shame it smells kind of old which is nice but i just really did not like this book so this one is going to go next one i know for sure is this really battered copy of thucydides uh the peloponnesian wars that i have because i recently got this one which is almost as battered but like in a good way and it also has readable sized font and text which is important and i did just recently discover that this one isn't of course the whole thing because it's only like the greatest sections according to some historians so this one is also a very old copy i found but um i don't need two and i certainly don't need two where one of them only has partial bits of thucydides work in it so this one is also going to go all right so these ones i also chose to take down because two of these are copies so the first one um this is the penguin classics edition of the metamorphoses but i have this in a much better edition um i have it in the new translation by rolf humphreys so this one is gonna go i also was debating unhauling mistress of the art of death by ariana franklin um it's another historical fiction set in medieval cambridge just because like i don't know it hasn't piqued my interest and i don't know but it sounds like it could be really really good i'm so bad i'm so bad at this i really detested ninth house however i just really like how this book looks like it's one of the most i think beautiful books i own especially which makes me angry because i want to keep it but i'm never gonna read this again okay i did find one more this is a nonfiction called the warrior queens i've also had this since i started my channel this is by antonia fraser this is all about women who have led their nations in war but it is a very old copy not that that really matters but i just don't think i'm like really interested in picking this up anymore because i think what i would rather do rather than get these little snapshots of history and stuff like that is like have a broader like historical context in which to read them in because like it does sound so interesting to me and stuff but i just don't think i want to read this i don't know i'm gonna look up some reviews and it might be taken off of the unhaul pile but at least for right now i think this is the last one that's gonna go on here all right so i did already do a little bit of a closet cleanout um a few days ago but i'm gonna be starting to probably pack some things up tomorrow so i just want to do like one more look through my closet and see if there's really like anything else i can get rid of and donate and stuff like that so let's do it let's be harsh let's be severe let's not kid ourselves i'm not gonna do that okay so this one i did put on the pile and i think it is gonna go this one is a nightgown i really love it i've had this for forever um but the only problem is is that it's literally always been like way too big especially in like the shoulders and the straps and they're not adjustable so ah it breaks my heart i've had this for years and years just like hoping one day it will fit but of course it's never going to so this one is going to go it's gonna go it's so sad this one this one this is a huge blue blouse i like to call this my painting shirt but in reality like i don't paint hey this one i really don't love but like i kind of do but i don't but i but i do okay actually this one is ridiculous looks so stupid [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] okay so i think i'm actually gonna get rid of this skirt just because like i've had it since my first year of high school i just don't think it's really me anymore so this one is going to go [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] i'm so excited to get out of here um i'm not even gonna go into all the things that this place um has wrong with it but it's okay there was just for just for context like where there was a fire last week and everyone evacuated so at the day that i'm filming this i'm actually moving tomorrow morning um so i have a lot of stuff to do today mostly everything is packed but i just sat down and i filmed um the last video here it was my little july wrap wrap-up of all the books that i read and now i'm essentially ready to like pack everything up and then just get ready for tomorrow morning so yeah so everything is just a little bit of a mess now but essentially that's like basically all the books like 90 of those boxes are just full of all my books because um that took a while but i do need to like sort out all my plants and pack up my computer um but i just have a few more things to do and then we will be out of here i definitely was not expecting um to just feel so i don't know i guess sad like this place has been the bane of my existence and it's been really hard living here for a little bit just because like it's had like i think over 10 different problems with the building but um like it's still you know someplace i've been living for three years and i started my youtube channel here um i've gone through and i'm going through still the concussion thing here it's just been a place where a lot has happened in three years and i'm gonna be really sad but also very very very happy um so yeah i can't wait to show you the new place but for the rest of the day we just have to pack up everything get all the boxes sorted and ready and then tomorrow um we will go inspect the new place and move in so i'm excited i'm so excited to take you guys along with me um that's the other thing i actually haven't seen the new place because um when i put in my application um when my roommate and i put in our application the like it was still covered rules so we weren't allowed to go inside the building and take a tour so i've actually never seen the place at all so that's a little bit you know nerve-wracking but i'm sure it's okay because it looks so nice it looks so nice compared to this place so anyway let's pack for the rest of the day and say goodbye also before i pack these up i've been getting a lot of questions about where my rings are from that i've been wearing um and they're actually from a ontario face jewelry company which is really exciting because they're from toronto um and they reached out to me and asked if i would love to sample a few of their rings they're from eda love and they really kindly sent me two rings so the first one is this really cute rose i just love the details and when you take it out the whole thing has like little thorns on it which i just love i think it's so beautiful and a lot of their collections are based on like literature so for example these two that i got i believe i released this one is from the romeo and juliet collection which is so exciting so this one is called rosy disposition and then this one which i love wearing so much you guys always ask me about the skull hand ring i really really love this one and then there's a black stone in the middle i love um and this one is called coven i'll also leave a discount code for you guys in the description and a link if you're interested but that's where those are from [Music] oh my god i love you did you have a good day [Music] [Music] happy moving day oh my god this is my last morning here um we are ready to start packing and then i'm gonna go to the inspection and then i'm gonna move in [Music] just kidding it was great here [Music] oh [Music] all right so this is the book progress yeah i'm currently just slicing open books and trying to find obviously the ones that go on the bottom so right now i'm in search of ancient roman ancient greece now this is just where they're going right in the corner of the front room and there's also like a secret little passage back there that maybe i'll make into a book nook but the couch is just here for now and now i begin the long arduous task of filling them all up okay so here's the door and then there's a closet hi do you come in that's my roommate's room right here is one bathroom it's a little overview of the kitchen which is still a little bit of a mess and my desk is right here for now this is where i've been working um because i don't have a desk yet there's the view from the kitchen it goes into and then it just goes into the living room so i did get to hang my little plants those are some updates that i have and then we have another plant that i got to hang up which i think looks really cute and then this is the current book nightmare i'm like trying to find the right book to you know do it from the bottom up but um yeah i don't know if the couch is staying here for now but i kind of like it here so we shall see progress so far on my bedroom it's not a lot honestly i still have boxes everywhere but i always wanted like um a canopy bed when i was little so little emma is very pleased about this and then there's another bathroom back there so welcome to the apartment i think you've already seen like a brief overview but it's now i think technically a second full day here um and essentially we're just gonna be unpacking a bunch of stuff my focus for today is definitely on the books the bookshelves and stuff because i have some things that i want to film and like be able to get out and stuff like that but the kitchen is pretty much done like i'm done unpacking everything i just want to like clean up now because of course there's like boxes everywhere there's a ton of random stuff but i really i really love this place anyway the focus for today is books and then i want to like kind of do my closet and stuff i don't have a desk yet because i think i'm actually going to be trying to build one i'm going to get my brother to build one i should say but um yeah i really like it [Music] all right so here is the progress so far on my shelves but i'm actually going to take a break because i'm going to be going out to a couple antique stores to see if there is anything i need there as well as a couple other things maybe a coffee table i've never had a coffee table so maybe it looks like there's enough room here and i would also love some bar stools for the kitchen because i don't think i'm actually going to get a table i think i'll just eat at the counter which is fine by me [Music] okay i really like this one he's cute [Music] i really just want this kid's tent oh this is all i want can i have this can i buy this ignore the mess in here because everything's still being unpacked but i am back it wasn't the most successful trip in the world i basically just got a few boring things so we're gonna do a super boring apartment haul um but there were a few bar stools that i saw secondhand that i like thought about getting but decided to leave them there just for now i might go back to them and then i don't know if i want like a coffee table like i was saying or like a side table super boring things i got um it's just a nice little black bath mat because i kind of want in here the theme to be like black and green because that's like my favorite color combo i just really like it it reminds me of like really dark deep forests and stuff so anyway i got a black bath mat and then my shower curtain is like the one of the forest that i still had at the other apartment so toothpaste i got a wooden hairbrush because i needed a new one stuff to hang the shower curtain with obviously plus some bagels that i stole from my parents house so good [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right so here is the little lineup of stuff that i have to hang in my room we have a whole bunch of pictures so far i've just hung these two and then i put my mirror there hi my desk is gonna go like right here and then i put my mary shelley one up as well as this little one of bugs and butterflies which i really really love other progress in my room this thing is now up and looking good i got my comforter washed and all my bed sheets washed after the move i decided to hang these little frames here i got these at a thrift store i think like three years ago when i first moved into my first apartment and i just thought they looked really cute beside my bed because kind of like the theme that i want to go for for my bedroom i want to call it like magical midnight swamp is what we're going for um so there's going to be a lot of dark colors and dark green colors which i really like green and black is like my favorite pairing i think i already said that and then on this side on this wall right beside my bed i put one of my spirited away prints there that one i found on red bubbles so now i have a whole bunch of prints from you guys which is so exciting um these are pretty much all from you guys which is crazy i absolutely love it i feel like my home is just full of your art and stuff that you sent me which is so beautiful so we have that one we have a little baby yoda i absolutely love this mushroom print i would love to frame the sky as well and this is one that i printed out this is another new edition thank you so much this is gorgeous just two hands clasping almost and then this is another um one that's studio ghibli inspired which i [Music] love hi guys another little apartment update um i don't think i really talked about my desk but that's kind of one of the last things i have to do because i only have two boxes left to unpack now and they're all like my desk stuff and most of the stuff that's just like on the ground in my room goes in my desk but um my brother is actually building me a desk very kindly so we went to home depot the home depot the other night and um we picked out the materials i paid for all the materials and he's going to very kindly build it so i'm eagerly pestering him for updates on my desk we basically designed it together and it has a couple cool features because all of the desks like i looked online and i was looking at different stores but like they're all not um the size you know they're not big enough for computers i'm like studying at it and i really don't like small desks so i wanted a bit of a bigger one with some cool things so i'm really excited to show you that next time i go visit hopefully i can get some maybe footage maybe we can build it together a little bit although i don't know i think he's pretty far along now because he's having fun with it but anyway that's my update on that tomorrow's gonna be a week living here officially which is really fun um i've just been like a little bit of an emotional wreck recently things have been very stressful just for a number of reasons and when like things happen i always just forget that like i'm a person and i need to you know eat and sleep and take care of myself so i've been feeling really run down really exhausted very stressed out and anxious and there's just been so much to do so many things to think about whether that's youtube stuff or apartment stuff or university stuff that's going to be starting soon health stuff of course so it's just been like a lot recently and yeah i've been a little bit emotional and sad about leaving the other apartment although it was honestly like a very not good place to live anymore just for a number of reasons and it was just you know we had to go out with a bang because not the last week but the week before there was a fire in the building that's any indication like you can just kind of imagine all the stuff that came before because it was kind of stuff in that category of just weird disasters and just unsafe stuff and not great stuff obviously for someone trying to live in an apartment but um after a week living here i really like it here um there's so many dogs this is the weirdest update but there's so many dogs outside and i get very distracted because there's a lot of windows which is wonderful for filming it's so much quieter than the last place you guys i can finally give you a very happy update about construction and noises and all of those things that um i know a lot of you guys have been like joking about seeing me struggle with and trying to film but it is so lovely and quiet here it's so nice i cannot wait to film some more asmr properly i really have not been uploading there just because there's been so much noise and moving and everything but um i really do like it here it definitely feels too fancy for me like i'm not the kind of person who like you know needs to live somewhere i feel like this nice because i just keep being like wow this is so nice why am i living here like i'm having this weird like imposter kind of thing where i'm like i don't deserve to live here like what is going on um anyway i'm trying to give it a little bit of character um as nice as it is and like trying to decorate and i'm doing some other things so i'm super excited to show you around decorating and stuff like that i think that will be the next vlog apartment vlog we'll just be like decorating because once everything is out of its box and stuff like that i can decorate however i like so i'm really excited for that but honestly i'm loving it um i've been having a wonderful time here i love the neighborhood as well i've been finding a lot of cool trails and cool walks and stuff like that so yeah i just really feel like once you know kind of everything subsides and everything is unpacked like i'll just de-stress and it'll be great and i just yeah i'm really looking forward to living here especially for the school year so yeah i wanted to give you just like another update before i sign off this i think this is still in the first part of the moving vlog so yeah i'm just getting very emotionally thinking about the old apartment because i'm like that's where i like started this youtube um channel and it was just like you know i went through a lot in that apartment i got my concussion not at the apartment but you know i went through everything with it there and my youtube stuff i did so much university stuff there i feel like you know i accomplish things and like where you are changes who you are and like how you live so i'm just i'm excited but scared to see like you know what this what i'm gonna do in this in this place and who i'm gonna be at this place but um yeah i've just been feeling like so so grateful recently for you guys and this channel um and basically just having this this so yeah um but yeah i hope you are doing super well super duper well like just the best in the world honestly and i will see you guys very soon when we can decorate together and i can't wait to fill the place with so much of your art that you've given me and i just yeah i'm really excited to decorate for stuff with stuff and to make this the magical moon what did i call it magical midnight swamp room of my dreams um because at the other place i just didn't ever really i okay i decorated like the bookshelves in like that space but i never decorated my room at all like it was literally just bare walls for three years because in my mind i was like always ready to kind of move out but you know you never know what happened so i ended up being there for three years and it was just so uninspiring so drab and so depressing so this room like i don't know how long i'll be here but i don't want that mindset anymore i want to decorate and i want to make it nice and i want to make it mine and i want to make it a space where i feel like i can exist my little fairy forest dreams so yeah anyway for that to happen i need some tape because i want to tape up these twinkly lights so that's the first order of missiness but i will see you in the next vlog when we do that so until then ciao ciao my lovely people [Music] you
Channel: * e m m i e *
Views: 53,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M1cVtzcmIlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 50sec (1790 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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