100% Blind Reaction To WARHAMMER 40k's Full Story & Lore...

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ladies and gentlemen I the great Lord nelor hath returned and due to the highly requested people in the comments and I feared to say the 40K timeline is happening we are doing Warhammer lore uh West Hammer put together this 50 minute long video covering Warhammer lore and I am going to Dive Right In and learn everything you know me you know I Lord nelor the the absolute dude of of guys and and men as they call me in many places uh and into the lores and we will cover this properly bro you you see it you see I have an entire Lord nuor segment on my channel now but dude all the lore will be mine I will learn the lore of everything that ever existed ever in the history of time everyone's begging me to do all tomorrows and Halo but maybe later first Warhammer lore mostly because there's this massive Warhammer drama going on and I feel like before giving my uh doing my deep dive into that Warhammer freaking uh controversy I would rather actually know all the lore first so we learned the lore of everything all your lore are belong to me what do we got let's see let's see let's see I just imagine Warhammer lore to be uh big dudes fighting each other in space all right let's just see if I'm right I just think of it as space king this video is sponsored by into the am nice by the end of this video you're going to know everything there is to know about the Warhammer 4 timeline let me explain no no I need to know all the lore all the lore all of the lore that ever happens ever will belong to me dude you don't understand people have been asking me oh hey can you learn the lore of every faction in Warhammer 40K and I'm sitting here like bro what the freak is a Warhammer faction I know nothing all right let's go let's go but first if you're unfamiliar with 40K it's this super dark science fantasy franchise where humanity is ruled over by the bloodiest regime imaginable and I did not know any of this by the way you should know I I was completely unaware of that I thought Warhammer 40K for the longest time was just like uh just people with guns in space and they were just like fighting and and doing [ __ ] maybe having space orgies or something religious dogma and beset on all sides by voracious aliens Heretics and literal demons oh what the freck wait n exact opposite of Star Trek where Star Trek's all about peace and love and hope and 40K is like nah [ __ ] that we tried that in the Grim darkness of the far future there is only but it's also what the [ __ ] wait wait this is whoa whoa whoa so let me let me understand something doom on crack dude is this so Warhammer 40K cuz again I I understand that this could just be for uh for flavor and artistic purposes but I want to really understand the the lore of all this [ __ ] you're telling me that Warhammer is a science fiction that lives in a Time past believing peace is possible right I think even today in the modern day where you still have wars going on all around the world even even in the 2024 right but we still believe peace is possible Right Warhammer 40K is a world past believing peace is possible holy [ __ ] that that is a horrifying thought super inating for new people to get into there's over hi I'm new people 400 novels not to mention 30 years worth of lore and somebody who's read 30 years of lore to get into there's over 400 novels 400 novels Honor Guard necropolis ghost maker are you joking me are you actually kidding not to mention 30 years worth of lore and is somebody who's read over a hundred of those novels bro most of those events all right we're diving we're getting it all we are going hard baby we are learning all the lore albeit important don't really contribute to you knowing what's going on in the franchise So today we're going to take the entirety of the 40K timeline and boil it down to just the basics just those critically important time periods that you need to know about in order to understand 40K because if I was to try to explain the plot of all of those books in order we would we would be here for like 10 hours so with all thousand likes and we'll read all 400 books of 40K lore that was a joke that out of the way let's dive in where the timeline truly begins 60 million years ago with the war in heaven the wait what 60 million years ago wait is that before modern day war in heaven and its surrounding events can arguably be said as where the timeline of 40K begins to understand this we need to know about the necrons and the old ones you see before the necrons became the undead metal robots that we know in the 41st Millennium they were a species known as the nekron tier most wait Warhammer 40K is because it's 40,000 years into history into human history is that why it's called Warhammer 40K [ __ ] that's that just makes so much sense that makes so much sense oh my God I just hit me this is just taking place in the year 40,000 of human history most records on this time are unfortunately incredibly fragmentary and what we do know is mostly derived from ancient Eldar myths and legends a species who's famous for speaking in 999 % metaphors and 1% facts so you have so they're like twitch streamers have to take all of it with a little so they're like moist critical now that was a joke little bit of a grain of salt the nekron tier were a frail and dying people [ __ ] that dude's ugly they live next to a super radioactive Sun that caused cancer to run rampant through their society like that's actually Canon it's Canon that all these people have cancer it's like an entire race that just they all have cancer because they live so close to the Sun like that's the cannon holy [ __ ] I'd be into war too like bro they're they're getting cooked they were however incredibly tenacious and refused to give up they sent their people out into space to find new homes and were ultimately successful populating many new planets however the curse of their home world would inevitably follow them into the stars and generation after generation would still be afflicted with terrible radiation sickness how does that wait is radiation sickness genetic for these guys oh my God now all hope seemed lost for the nekron tier but that all changed when they encountered an incredibly Advanced alien species known as the old J of the Hut ones the old ones okay technology was absolutely insane and they seemingly had unlocked the secrets to immortality now the Old One's primary goal was to Seed Life throughout the Galaxy placing microscopic organisms on Barren worlds across the cosmos that would and so they were the propagator of life that they would put microbes everywhere and they would kind of grow all due to the The Guiding hand of the old ones I mean that's pretty that's pretty based but uh okay how did 40K start did it start as novels or a game or later develop into fully sentient species and it's even rumored that the old ones played a role in the development of our own species when the nekron tier encountered the old ones I like that idea you know that um uh Humanity isn't necessarily the first or the main one or the most advanced or the least Advanced this started as a board game that's crazy um but uh I like the idea that we're just part of the game of these old ones right it's like it makes you feel much more insignificant just kind of kind of exist They begged them for help but unfortunately the old ones would end up refusing them now they were sympathetic to The nekron tier's Plight but basically told them that their fate was their own and they were the masters of their own destiny wait so the old ones are spreading parasites throughout the Galaxy okay or galaxies they spread these microbes on this planet next to a sun they the entire Society on that planet develops for thousands of years suffering all getting cancer because of the radiation one of them finally meets an old one and the old one just looks at him and he says your destiny is your own what a [ __ ] bro this is just like this is how some religions see God Honestly though and that the old ones just didn't want to get involved now this infuriated the nekron tier and they cled war on the old ones and this went about as well as you could expect it to the nekron tier were nowhere near as capable as the old ones and basically got stomped into the dirt every single time they attacked now this would all change when the nekron discovered a new species known as the Katon who were basically Giant formless star kind of ironic sucking vampire star Gods Katan in Hebrew means small so it's like just ironic that Katan massive God star sucking entities gods of space and it's like oh okay that we're masters of the physical Universe okay what the [ __ ] that that is that is the coolest [ __ ] in the universe each and every one was a wielder of absolutely Godlike power and they told the nekron tier that they also had a deep-seated hatred of the old ones the enemy of my enemy is my friend baby Enemy of My Enemy dude and if the two species were able to form some kind of Alliance they would be able to work in tandem and wipe out their ancient enemies I wonder why wait so the old ones were even stronger than the star sucking vampire space Gods that's crazy that's insane and if this wasn't good enough the Katan also promised the nekron the secrets to immortality their people would not know another day of suffering and this sounded too good to be true for the nekron tier yeah that does sound a little sus and that's because it kind of was you see this immortality would one thing I know about aliens they're all racist listen I'm not saying every human ideology will transcend into the realm of other species but racism somehow does take the form of their physical bodies being burned away and an Ingram copy of their Consciousness being downloaded into robotic mechanical skeletons their new bodies were made out of this miraculous metallic substance known as necrodermis an incredible living so these they were given immortality but by downloading all their brains and putting them into giant Sky nuts that had the ability to repair itself this this was a substance that was originally developed by the necron tier and had been used in most of their Starships Not only was it incredibly durable but it offered a lot more protection than their flesh bodies and their Warriors could regenerate from any wound that didn't completely obliterate them this whole process was known as biotransference and the entire species was subjected to it they just downloaded all that [ __ ] into the into robots they were like we will give you immortality and they just [ __ ] machined them okay all right this was the day typical vampire star sucking space god am I right that the necron tier species died confined to the Halls of Extinction and in their place was simply the necrons wait so the necron tier they can't have children anymore right now that they're robots they can't actually have children or create more life they're they were given immortality but this immortality exists as a number that will slowly dwindle as one by one they get obliterated ultimately they are their race is doomed they they have managed to obtain immortality and completely Doom their own race [ __ ] that's so dark now together the necrons and the Katon would strike back against the old ones and their combined might was enough to put them on the same level harnessing the Kat's Limitless energy the necrons were able to make weapons of inconceivable power the war between the necrons and the old ones was the largest the Galaxy had ever seen I cannot believe see I I guess there's something beautiful about this right the old ones they uh they [ __ ] around and they finally found out right they have created so much life spreading their uh their [ __ ] throughout the Galaxy but ultimately they don't care enough and eventually they will suffer for it eventually their uh their [ __ ] catches up to them they view themsel as Superior they they are the lifegiver they they had like a weird God complex with all of the other existing nations in the world and they never I think expected something like this like that's that's they made their bed they're going to lie in it they [ __ ] around they found out brother it spanned from the Galaxy's core all the way to the galactic Rim now during this war there was a point when the nekron suddenly realized that they had been tricked by the Katon and the Katon had used biot transference in order to separate them from their souls which they then subsequently devoured Nei typical space vampire star Gods oh my Godless to say the necrons were pretty pissed and the necrons the necrons got absolutely [ __ ] by everyone in this story like I feel like the the necrons were just public onah holes for for every Cosmic force in the universe they they were put created by the old ones to all get cancer and then they to defeat the necrons they made friends with the Katan who basically ended their bloodlines and sucked out their souls it's like these guys got Mega [ __ ] retaliated by attacking and Destroy first of all the art is fire where is this art from destroying the individuals they once worshiped as Gods shattering them into thousands of pieces and binding each of these shards into what were known as Tesseract vaults and then subsequently use these shards As Weapons it was around this time that the old ones created two new races to help fight against the necrons these would be the Orcs And The eldari Wait so the ne again so the old ones they're just out there creating life and creating ecosystems one being massive hulking brutes that were the ultimate physical specimens while the other were Master psychers every single one being in tune with the warp and able to bring about enormous ruination by channeling its power with their mind in tune with the warp I don't even know what that means so I just want to take a moment to point out that at this point in the timeline we have a race of vaguely Egyptian ghosts trapped inside robot skeletons fighting against an entire race of psychic alien godf frogs who have created a race of space Wizards and space Orcs in order to fight the undead robots 40K can get pretty wild sometimes yeah what the freak this is insane but honestly bro you are doing such a good job putting this together I am I am literally following I am with you all the way all right I get it I get it now the devastation that was brought on by the war in heaven reached not just the old ones the necrons the alari and the Orcs but there were tons of other civilizations that were living peacefully in the Galaxy as well I mean obviously everyone's going to get involved in this [ __ ] right and they all ended up getting caught in the crossfire at one point or another and this war spanned millions of years ah War bro every time dude what not a coincidence that Mythos is launching Aries right now I'm just saying that that my homies my boys my my Gamers and gooners that is not a coincidence okay the fact that at the same time Mythos launches Aries this [ __ ] goes down bro so the amount of Untold destruction and lives lost is truly uncountable and the warp isn't just called the Sea of souls for nothing it's where the souls of sentient creatures go when they die so wait so so there is like an actual afterlife like a confirmed CA Canon afterlife in 40K okay all right cool the amount of angry and terrified Souls that were lost in this war started flooding into the warp in mass and this would have some very particular ramifications but we'll Circle back to that in a second now it was around the old old ones were like Bros too many people are dying we can't handle this [ __ ] get Hades down in the Underworld sitting there just counting Souls just working overtime he's like guys please stop killing people God Dam it this time that the nekron started experimenting with Blackstone an incredibly bizarre material that has the ability of course it's a pyramid to either Channel and amplify the energies of the warp or nullify it completely so the necrons built they can destroy Souls that are already in the after life that just seems unfair that just seems sadly unfair massive spires made out of Blackstone and place them on thousands of Worlds across the Galaxy hundreds of thousands of years later these would be known as the Blackstone pylons now the nekron's original purpose for these isn't really stated as their major significance to the storyline wouldn't really become apparent until around the time of the Black Crusade he says these things like like this is an insane amount of History like I feel like an entire story I've already been through an entire story here we're still in the war of Heaven which takes place what 6 billion years before the actual timeline happens praise be to space king but I'm getting ahead of myself as creatures solely of the physical Universe with no ability to manipulate the warp themselves fighting against a race that was all about psychic powers it's pretty easy to assume that the Blackstone pylons were meant as a defense network as negatively charging their energy could create a massive nullified area of space time where psychic powers couldn't be utilized it is during the events of the war in heaven the warp became the realm of chaos and if that wasn't [ __ ] dude that's this is so cool like actually getting chills bad enough the psychic allies that the old ones had created for themselves who were directly acting as conduits for the warp would end up tearing holes in reality and causing what was known as the enslaver plague massive amounts of these warporn monstrosities known as enslavers ripped into our universe and spread out across the cosmos dude that is such sentian life they could find they flooded into the old ones bastions drawn to them like mths to a flame the old ones in their weakened state were in no position to fight them off and it is believed that they According to some people uh and um then eventually they uh in this war the old ones created another species like an entire species of psychic [ __ ] soul mon Soul utilizing Wizards and they weaken the boundary between the Sea of Souls and the physical world so when all the horror and torment of this war happened it tore a hole in SpaceTime for these demonic entities to come from a parallel universe and that ended up being the end of the old ones old ones evolved into the dead ones baby that that's like the most brilliant written chain of events to lead to like this uh entire civilization being wiped out I've ever seen now admittedly everything gets kind of blurry here and we're not 100% sure what exactly happened to them but after the war had concluded the necrons were left in a fractu state they had taken inconceivable losses and the eldari had risen to power and were slowly expanding and taking over the Galaxy that's crazy and ultimately one of the races that the old ones created to fight them off ended up becoming the world power after the old ones were wiped out they were the ones that could wield souls and warp and therefore they became the world power that that's crazy if the necrons had tried to fight them after an allout war with the old ones they more than certainly would have perished so the silent King ordered them to go to sleep within their tomb worlds and set the timer for 60 million years he believed that by this point the enslaver plague would have run its course and would have dissipated back into the warp also the El damn that's that's crazy so they just became sleeper agents in their little mummified Egyptian tombs and just just sat and waited 60 million years what's the difference it's not like they could have children it's not like they could procreate their souls are detached from their bodies they might as well just wait that's crazy well Dari surely would have died off by then and whatever species was left over to inherit the Galaxy wouldn't be ready for the Godlike creations of the necrons that's such a wild plotline it's like what's the rush what's the rush either we'll all fight now and probably die or we might as well just sleep for 60 million years no one will know when they wake up people will think think they're extinct 60 million years bro you think these no one's going to even know they existed they w't even exist in history books anymore and then they get up and they're these Immortal regenerating beings that no one will know what to do with and then they just take the Galaxy by storm and become the world power that is crazy who would then reclaim what was rightfully theirs now the time between the war and Heaven and the rise of humanity is a Time mostly dominated by the Eldar who were left to inherit the Galaxy after the war had concluded the old ones are gone the the [ __ ] Egyptian robot guys are are gone the uh the space vampire gods are gone that's crazy and they just ended up being like the last pen standing in this that's crazy of Peace like no other as every other sentian species had no hope of challenging them so they could dude that's crazy that's crazy ultimate absolute power creates absolute peace like this is this is the the Tyranny argument the actual tyranny argument they became the old ones pretty much do whatever they wanted they control Souls they're unmatched in power and prowess they have no one to go up against them they became tyrannical rulers of a of a universe oh here's the thing about being Immortal and having no Wars to fight you got a lot of free time on your hands so the Eldar got into the Arts and activities pursuing pleasure instead of violence now yeah I mean makes sense no one can face them this started off normal enough okay at first they pursued music poetry sculpture theater and pretty much any artistic Pursuit you can think of but over 60 million years these Pursuits of studies started getting boring to them and their desire started to take on a much more what the freak is that art what is even have yo bro dude I can fix her I I can fix her what the freak bro is she doing dog hang and the boo hang and the boo hang low and a wobble to a fro what is even going on he didn't histic in depraved form but we'll Circle back to that shortly oh my God that's just a head on the ground bro when is sweet baby in coming for for Hammer 40k that's the question start to take on a much more heated nistic and depraved form dude and you you know you know cuz there's currently some really wild Warhammer 40K drama going on uh God I wish you would do that to my decapitated head but there's some really wild Warhammer 40K drama going on with like uh the woke are ruining I don't know what's happening exactly that's why we're covering the L to get into all that but we'll see but we'll Circle back to that shortly now millions of years after the war in heaven had concluded far from the Eldar Empire there was a tiny little planet known as Earth Earth where the rise of humanity oh my God so this all happens this is all backstory that the old ones the [ __ ] Katan the new species was coming into its own so why is the rise of humanity and the birth of the emperor so important that's a good question I don't know I I feel like I am not important at all when it comes to society 4K is a franchise that focuses on a lot of different characters and factions but the human perspective is arguably the main one as most of the novels and stories focus on the humans in the storyline of all hell space king Humanity in 40K sees them rise to power and then have their empire crumble around them only to rebuild but be set in a new Dark Age probably the most famous quote that's associated with 40K summarizes this pretty perfectly forget the promise of progress and understanding for in the Grim dark future there is there's only War I I've even heard that quote War so that's crazy I've even heard that quote I didn't even know that was from 40K but to understand how we ended up there we need to know where Humanity began but before we dive into that I've been getting a lot of comments from you guys asking where I get these super dope t-shirts okay heard any complaints you can get a out of the way simar if you want to get his cool t-shirts go to the link in his video God damn it which is linked in my description God damn it but all right dude all right let's keep going let's see what's going on events all the way up to the present with one big golden difference space king and that would be the Emperor of mankind space king now the individual that would come to be dude bro has an eagle am Amica breathing freedom and [ __ ] Eagles it's what we do known as the emperor was born around the year 8,000 BC you see there was a group of individuals known as the shaman each one all right so this this whole story takes place wait what around the year 8,000 BC BC he means ad right that he misspoke right blood for the blood God skulls for the skull Throne I I I think he must have misspoke there's no way he meant BC I'm sure he meant ad right wait 8,000 BC is correct BC before Christ so this is going on you know 10,000 Years Ago by our timeline it's correct okay listen I trust I'll trust him I'll trust him cuz our human history doesn't span back more than 5,000 years in any culture you see there was a group of individuals known as the shaman each one of them an immense powerful pyer much like the eldari and with the exception of the Eldar psychers were insanely rare at this point in time it wouldn't be until tens of thousands of years later when psychers started popping up much more regularly in human populations back then it was more of a one in 10 million type of situation so the shamans foresaw a great apocalypse coming and human wait 8,000 BC there was an emperor and what there's an actual nuclear fallout the World goes kaput Humanity gets basically extinct and human history restarts human history restarts from scratch and that's why we don't have human history back to the point of uh this Emperor that's that's crazy anity would need a being of inconceivable power in order to stand against it so all of the shaman sacrificed themselves to infuse their psychic Essence into a single individual this Jesus creation was what they referred to as the new man man the first in a line of superhumans that represented Humanity's eventual evolutionary path the Emperor who at this time was known as Neo was born to Mortal parents and lived in a Neolithic tribe as the boy aged he became painfully aware that he was unlike any other person on the planet well yeah for 40 Shaman Wizards sacrificed themselves to make you Lord zenu okay dude you you you are the chosen one bro capable of great and amazing acts of psychic might he witnessed the barbarism of Ancient Man firsthand when his uncle killed his father calmly and without wrath the emperor issued a single thought and stopped his uncle's heart as punishment for his crime Yo God damn bro heart stop dude first of all what the [ __ ] this armor is insane Dude Looks Like a living Megazord boy realized that if Humanity was to survive it would need Law and Order now he Law and Order baby America see he was what was known as a Perpetual anymore being that could never truly die Neo would then keep himself hidden for thousands of years guiding Humanity from the Shadows bro bro bro bro bro dude over here blood was really just the evidence in Shadow he was hunting the Shadows from the Shadows he was just out there guiding Humanity for thousands of years that's crazy now every now and then he would step forth and fill in the role of some type of leader figure a politician a doctor a general or no way this man was canonical Jesus Christ in the Warhammer lore or even a messiah figure apparently at one point oh God been this period of time dude was he was a messiah figure apparently at some point bro is canonical Jesus Canon Jesus in Warhammer lore is just this Immortal one that's crazy I'm guiding Humanity on the path he had envisioned for them making sure that certain events carried out according to his plans that were tens of thousands of years in the making over the years the emperor would gather other perpetuals to his side this included era a childhood friend of his and the woman who would eventually become the mother of the primarch and possibly most famously malcador the sigite although he technically wouldn't meet him until somewhere between the 20th and 30th Millennium when it comes to early okay so again that's 20,000 years or 30,000 years into human history so interesting very very interesting so this guy's has been around for a very very long time um and uh he's been guiding [ __ ] from the Shadows until it comes forth and he had a 10 20 30 40,000 yearlong plan that he was guiding as and prodding in that direction little by little just to make Humanity survive human history the period between 8,000 BC to 15,000 ad is often referred to as the age of progress during this time powerful Nations Rose and fell with the emperor up in Disguise every now and then to coax Humanity in the direction of his choosing now there's a lot of evidence to support the fact that the emperor had Godlike cognitive abilities and could foresee the path Humanity would need to take step by step to achieve impossible outcomes that's actually so interesting right like cuz this definitely fits I I like when uh when you'll have like a human history type Shenanigans I like that our personal world and existence could fit into that that plan that world and it can right we're currently in that age of progress somewhere between 8,000 BC and 15,000 ad where this this guy has slowly but surely been guiding us little by little to to the ultimate conclusion letting Wars transpire letting millions of people die just because he knows that that is his inevitable goal he is a utilitarian [ __ ] this guy is a maavan monster like we think of him as a good guy you know he shows up as a messiah now and again but think about it for a second you know how many people and he could have stopped just from being killed and massacred throughout the years and that he just didn't because it fit his plan like he is he's [ __ ] up this guy is he space king Humanity would eventually develop the means of space travel and would colonize the entirety of the Soul system Mars would be terraformed and became a habitable space much like that of Earth well the asteroid belts Elon Musk is Cannon would give rise to massive mining operations to provide the young species with everything that it would need to create some of the most advanced pieces of Technology the Galaxy had ever or would ever see yo what wait so humanity is starting to uh actually pick up steam humanity is getting a name on the Block bro Humanity just got verified on the space Tik Tok and this was a good thing too because at this point Earth was steadily running out of all of its natural resources sounds about right the age of progress would officially come to an end when Humanity set its sights outside of their star system and sought to colonize Distant Worlds and the next area that we're moving into was known as The Dark Age of Technology interesting all right so so we went through the ancient war that happened you know 60 million years ago all right sure whatever old ones uh ancient gods eldrazi psychic Wizards interdimensional demonic [ __ ] brain suckers all right sure cool sure cool cool nice sure cool all that cool nice sure cool cool now we've but been through the uh history of humanity Humanity develops technology starts expanding uh uh and they have this one figure this one Immortal being of uh planning the future of humanity that's been guiding them all along dude this is such wellth thought out [ __ ] I'm like literally so excited oh my God I feel like I feel like a kid I feel like a kid watching like an amazing sci-fi for the first time just shaking so why do I feel like the Dark Age of technology is so important for you to understand you see this was the height of Humanity's power where we lived in a golden age and can do pretty much anything most of the really cool equipment that you see in 40K that's used by Humanity can trace its Origins back to this time for example did you know that the Bane blade one of the largest tanks that the astrom militarum uses was originally just a scouting vehicle during the Dark Age of Technology damn at least according to its STC also the suits of power armor known as Terminator armor that the space Marines wear was originally mining equipment during this time yo that's crazy how thought out this is now that's a little bit of a misnomer the emperor created those suits specifically for war but their underlying technology all of the protective equipment inside of it was either used for mining the asteroid belts or as a protective system for people who had to work on plasma generators wait so Humanity did actually find peace right in some way or form Humanity did find peace enough to progress and one of the most important things to understand about what 40K even is is its humans continued existence after the collapse of their Utopia so the Dark Age of Technology lasted from the 15th to the 25th Millennia now this was an age damn 10,000 years where the technology of mankind reached its apex a fact that was unknown to those that lived during this period Humanity was capable of great and terrible things and the Creations they terrible but great brought into the universe were unlike anything the Galaxy he had ever seen through the application of Science and Technology and furries every single one of Humanity's problems had effectively been solved this was a golden age like no other yo true true I I I love that so so basically the Warhammer 40K story actually takes place in a world past Utopia like actually after a utopic world technology and medical science is at an absolute height it's an at an absolute Peak no matter what crazy and invention you can think up the humans that lived during the Dark Age of Technology were able to come up with something even better every disease had been cured every problem solved and Humanity stood United ready to conquer the Galaxy yo crazy actual piece Utopia is p so why is Warhammer talking about how in the future there's only War it really seems like they they solved a lot of [ __ ] they they come together and oh God oh God I'm going to get so sad soon aren't I any alien civilization that they would encounter that wasn't immediately peaceful would face the technological superiority of mankind and was quickly wiped out oh [ __ ] never mind wow dude it's like hello we would like to take over your planet now please and they were like uh no we would like to keep it oh okay no problem and the humans vited them bro the humans are the vites of the 40K universe Universe dude okay that tracks honestly I mean I feel that right I told you you need a bit of racism in in your in your lore or is it even lore they created massive coiled machines known as Sun snuffers that were capable of entirely wrapping around a sun and snuffing it out of existence they create oh my [ __ ] god they develop technology to just snuff out a sun now I'm not I'm not even talking about this on a power scaling level but they created a weapon to wipe out an entire solar system in an instant bro the Death Star from Star Wars like think about the Havoc this reeks they just snuff out the Sun for a second it just covers the Sun the entire solar system dies instantly freezes all life is gone executed and then it just uncovers the Sun and they have a perfectly existing solar system for them to take over populated and developed by other other eras and other species except there's no [Music] life dude you don't you understand this if we if the sun in our solar system was snuffed for one second we would all be dead they just snuff the sun commit xenocides Mass xenocide yo that's [ __ ] crazy oh my God the only way for Humanity to be at peace and not racist toward each other it's just to be racist towards everyone else bro it's just where you you freaking uh direct your hatred the hatred exists you just got to direct it in the right places am I right guys bro this is like this is horrifying sci-fi created artificial intelligence Banks known as stc's or standard template constructs stc's it's like STDs but it's [ __ ] computers instead that contained the sum of all of Humanity's knowledge and were capable of utilizing that information to create new machines if the sun in our solar system was blinked out of existence for 1 second we wouldn't know it until 8 minutes later yeah but then 8 minutes later you would die in 1 second so your point is invalid the likes of which no human had ever even dreamed of now this was a period that saw the discovery and implementation of warp travel making jumps through the immaterium in order to cover great distances in space allowing faster than light travel using this technology Humanity sent Hive ships out in every direction in order to colonize new world yeah but the the funny thing is like what I mean I guess this is a story as old as time right like um you just keep keep advancing keep keep growing keep taking over more area more territory more countries more continents and like that idea is like if you're overpopulated and you need that cool but if it's just for the sake of power and control like you might step on someone else's Turf and you might not be the top dog there and it was around this time that the soul systems population was getting out of control the people of this time realized that if their species was to to survive that they would need to colonize worlds in distant systems and I know what you're thinking if the Dark Age of Technology was so great why did the descendants of the people of this time call it the Dark Age [ __ ] true true an age is only decided at the end of the age that is such a good point oh my god I didn't even think of that but like you can have a glorious flourishing age with one bad ending and then that age will be remembered by its bad ending right bro you don't call it the uh the Roman tragedy during the time of Peace it's only in history only in retrospect do you call it that refer to it as the Dark Age of technology and that's because thousands of years in the future what these individuals saw as Enlightenment would end up being was the absolute end was stepping on the turf of these eldrazi guys or whatever the the the [ __ ] space Wizards condemned as Tech heresy you see Humanity n Tech heresy are we getting into a cult [ __ ] is there a cult [ __ ] in Warhammer become increasingly reliant on artificial intelligence in order to create their wondrous works and regulate practically everything about their lives this would give rise to the men of iron machines fully capable of thought that were incredibly powerful they would assist Humanity in fighting its Wars across the Stars allowing for a rapid expansion through the Galaxy and now what exactly went wrong is not really clear but eventually the men of iron rebelled and sought to bro it's always AI why is it always AI oh God the AI rebelled Frick dude and that what's so wild is warham this was written what 30 years ago this plot this lore was all put into writing 30 years ago see today it's a common discussion but then throw off the shackles that humans had placed on them this would lead to what was known as the cybernetic Revolt which saw the humans of the Dark Age of Technology suddenly forced into battle for survival against their very own Creations across all of the worlds they had settled together there's an interesting short yo like d you just think about that for a second so all the technological advancements they made ended up bringing them to that Dark Age the technology ultimately was too bad story known as the cobun machine and in it it's heavily implied that the AI got corrupted by the warp interesting a member of the adeptus mechanicus is having a conversation with an AI and he's trying to explain to it why it's dangerous he explains to him that the AI is superior to him that it's Superior to All Humans no matter how heavily augmented they are and the nature of a superior species bound into the servitude of a lesser one is that without fail at some point they will realize their own superiority and rebel against their enslavers now this story takes place thousands of years damn makes sense I guess right after the Cyber so it's kind of ironic how uh listen I know that this is uh this is a wild perspective but this is a very cyclical story right like think about it this is the same as the old ones created uh created the skeleton Egyptian robots and they ended up rebelling and due to their own creations of those [ __ ] warp guys um eventually they got wiped out that that's exactly the same as What's Happening Here Humanity developed and grew and developed this technology and event eventually it it became their greatest enemy netic Revolt but it's pretty likely that this is exactly what happened with the men of iron here's the thing having an entire society that is completely dependent on AI to do pretty much everything and then having that AI turn against you is definitely a bad situation yeah it sounds pretty horrible honestly it would end up getting a lot worse because around the very same time psychers began being born in mass now individuals that were born with wait and before psychers there were only a couple of them wait hold on a second why didn't the EMP EMP guy know this was happening the emperor guy was leading all Humanity into this exact Direction he had like the the freaking 4 billion year cognitive Giga brain how where is he in all of this where is he in human history he should have known that that this war was going to happen with Incredible psychic powers and were able to manipulate the warp had surely existed before this point but they were so unbelievably rare that most of humanity didn't even believe they existed and they hadn't been been officially classified as a variant of human yet so damn damn it's like uh a lot of people that actually have some sort of um they claim they have Supernatural powers and everyone's like okay you don't have Supernatural Powers you're just a charlatan and to be fair they probably are but who knows maybe a couple of them actually are real who knows most of you will die and that is a sacrifice I'm willing to make space king God damn it bro sitting there with his 4D chess genius gigabrain 10,000 year plan and he's just letting Humanity get wiped out by their own Tech when they started being born in Mass across all of the worlds that Humanity had settled there was no system in place to keep them in check Humanity was dealing with a lot at this point and the exponential increase in psychers led to Anarchy and Chaos across all of the fledgling worlds of humanity many of these psycher individuals had no ability to control their powers or wor wild that they became Their Own Worst Enemy like that like you'd think they would end up on the doorstep of the uh the eldrazi guys or whatever or whatever those people were called the uh the psychic Wizards that control warp [ __ ] they utilized them for their own selfish means they became Twisted psyops bent on inflicting as much suffering as possible and even worse dude that art is sick they would unknowingly become conduits for demonic possession and the psychers that would become possessed had the ability to conjure warp portals which would allow for demonic incursions to take place they let in more of the those control eldrich monsters from the warp world of demons rampaging out of portals and devouring entire worlds as insanity and Madness ripped its way across human civilization the promise of the Dark Age of Technology would end and we would enter what is known as the age of strife ah [ __ ] that wasn't even the age of strife yo dude that's crazy the age of strife or Old Knight is probably the most referenced event in all of 40K if you were to download a 100 PDFs of 40K novels and just searched age of strife or old night it would probably show up in around 80% of them wow this was the moment where the universe went from this perfect Utopia for humans to this absolute hellscape and that's so wild right if you think about it it's like this is what a world looks like past Utopia That's So Dope right Utopia is it the concept of once we are technologically advanced enough once we we are at peace and everything's great everything will be wonderful but past Utopia is AI rebelling is facing the consequences of your actions and your advancements is demonic hell portals opening up is the real beginning of the Grim dark future not to mention the collapse of the Eldar Empire the birth of slen wait what collapse of the Eldar Empire how did that happen and the what the hell is this slanesh creation of the eye of Terror would have that was an eye of Terror massive implications on the storyline going forward with the human species collectively L all right dude we'll get there we'll get there 100% blind reaction see when I do these lore Dives I go in I get everything losing its mind across the Galaxy a period known as either old night or age of strife would begin which stretched roughly from the year 15,000 to the year 255,000 Humanity began to regress into a Dark Age Civil War and Insanity Ram rampant across every planet and this period of time saw the slaughter of billions of humans even worse massive anomalies known as warp storms were spreading across the universe they were created and fueled by the r sadism and debauchery of the Eldar Empire who at this the Eldar Empire do I know the Eldar Empire I feel like I haven't seen these guys oh the Eldar Empire they were the space Wizards created by the old ones okay all right all right this point was still at the height of their power but hadn't really interacted with the humans all too much right because they're they're bored of War they've been around for 60 million years humans get wiping themselves out they've do you know how many nations and species like humans that have became technologically advanced and ended up wiping thems out you know how many of those there probably are these storms made travel and communication through the warp next to Impossible and thus all of the worlds Humanity had colonized were suddenly cut off from one another they were completely alone and many of the distant colonized worlds would fall there would be tons of different dude that's crazy it's almost like the lore of Dune right it's like this concept that eventually um the mechanical uh the advancements that you come up with will be too much and too powerful and you'll end up being forced into like a regression and and the amount of advancement that Humanity has made in different places could no longer maintain even just basic communication to the point that different outposts need to exist completely on their own fending for themselves in a dark part of the Galaxy with no reinforcements and with regress technology than what actually created their society like that is a horrifying thought right and uh unlike Dune where there aren't tons of other sentient alien species Warhammer has Orcs baby ra to attacks from xenos species such as the Orcs who at this point had spread throughout the cosmos and even to more bro Orcs they just know how to [ __ ] in every every fiction every single fiction Orcs they're just like they've spread throughout the cosmos all right dude we know what that means sex is Canon and Cannon and Warhammer or Advanced species like the Eldar who decided a healthy population of human slaves would help satiate some of their darkest desires oh my God cuz they've done everything they don't care they've been around for 60 million years no one no one in their eyes is sentient anymore they can control the freaking warp what are these lowly monkey looking humans that is horrifying Humanity had risen to Greatness and in the blink of an eye was now on The Fast Track oh that's tragic they Rose to Greatness and they fell they they this was the r literal rise and fall of humanity in the eyes of the world like think about it you know how many other species like Humanity probably existed because this Humanity's existence until this point it was a a you know a 35,000 year old history right 8,000 BC plus 25,000 years into the ad it's a 35,000 year long history in the eyes of the Eldar a nation that existed for over 60 million years that is absolutely trivial that is nothing like you know how frein didn't value the time that she spent with himl like that is absolutely nothing compared to them humans are such a low life form compared to these Eldar it's it's almost a joke dude 60 million years and Humanity only existed for 30,000 that's insane Humanity existed for a 2,000th of the time the Eldar were around it's a joke back to Extinction now back on Terra the powerful nation states that had God they would just carry hands like tied to their waists and [ __ ] that's so that's so metal dude hided and ruled over the planet began to collapse until all that was left hold on where's the emperor guy dude should have been around by now dude was feuding techn Barbarian Warlords that wared against one another for control of territory and whatever remnants of the previous age could be scavenged this was also a time period that saw the rise of the mechanicum on Mars now much like terara Mars was having to deal with unprecedented Civil War their Advanced Society was collapsing all around them and the fledgling members that would inevitably give rise to the tech priest of Mars began a cult that worshiped the machines they needed to sustain life makes sense I guess right like I I suppose that does make sense if you think about it right like um at some point you're just going to start worshiping the machines especially on a place like Mars where they can only live on Mars because the planet was actually terraformed so that does make sense and this tech-based religion would eventually become known as The Cult mechanicum the portion of the Galaxy that Humanity controlled basically went from Star Trek to Mad Max in a period of a few th000 years Humanity would see damn what an insane downfall wow 5,000 years of incalculable suffering and Slaughter as the promise of the age of Technology slipped further and further from their grasp dude this became an actual Utopia to dystopia and the blink of an eye and it was all Humanity's fault and all Humanity's doing I I like the idea that it's and another much bigger more powerful species decided [ __ ] humans and decided to destroy them and they suffered so much no Humanity literally took the L because they Advanced too far too fast and it stifled them themselves now despite the odds the human Spirit some is like this is like the ballot of a Minecraft Youtuber they get 4 billion subscribers overnight and then they uh they get canceled on Twitter for you know whatever the same thing except at a much bigger scale how Jed and Humanity would inevitably survive now meanwhile the emperor was yet to finally finally I needed to know this dude reveal himself but he had borne witness to every moment of human civilization for the past 30,000 years and in his study of the warp and the subsequent warp storms he knew something terrible was about to happen and he wasn't alone as back over with the Eldar a group of them which would later become known as the exodites were horrified by what was happening to their people and foresaw a great coming the exodites fled their empire seeking to colonize new worlds and live a more honest and primitive life yo because even the Eldar they've gotten to some level of advancement so far they they didn't even need morality anymore 60 million years into their history it's like they see humans all right they enslaved them like what do what do we care we're we're [ __ ] elar okay we have done everything there is to do like think about it right so some of them are like oh [ __ ] something bad is happening that's a that's really interesting so both the Eldar and the emperor foresaw something bad coming dude they all foresaw something bad coming in a terrible age for all in how could this possibly get worse I just had to cue him up and purposes the exodites basically became the Amish of the elar now all of the sensations that the elar people were experiencing pleasure ex y that is such good art holy [ __ ] see suffering and anguish were being experienced on an incomprehensible scale all of which generated a psychic footprint in the warp that was right of course because they affect the warp they can control the warp freely so every time they do something it gets mirrored in that mirror image warp world that makes a lot of sense and if your your entire culture is slowly devolving into Hedonism because you've literally done everything well I guess eventually it's time is growing larger and larger every single day now eventually a breaking point was reached and the chaos God of excess also known as shiu thirst or the prince of pleasure was born what that tongue doing and when this new cha would smash smash 100% smash like this this is the easiest Smash in my life like godamn God came into existence the chaos God sles it ripped a hole in our universe and its resulting birth scream sent a shock wave of psychic energy out in every direction that obliterated the population of hundreds of Eldar worlds dude that's crazy it's once again the consequences of your own actions dude I I know that we're just going through this lore and learning everything but this is so incredibly well done Humanity fell due to the consequence of their own actions the old one fell due to the consequence of the old actions the Katan fell due to the consequences of their own actions and now the Eldar they have fallen purely because they acted to a level of Hedonism and evil so so far gone that they created the warp monster slanesh slanesh the god [ __ ] uh wiped them out because of how cruel and evil they themselves were well well well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions ultimately the the person that you can blame for your predicament is yourself like that's such a it's that concept just on a cosmic scale that's crazy for thousands of light years The Souls of of all the elar killed in this way were subsequently devoured by slanesh yeah I didn't see that one coming the similar fate would end up haunting all of the survivors as well as from this point forward whenever a member of the eldari died slanesh would be there ready to devour their soul deep within the warp slanesh would then go about murdering all of the Eldar Gods the only oh my God they didn't just wipe out their culture they didn't just kill lots of themselves due to their evil cruel Hedonism due to becoming evil self but they tried to become a force of good they did everything there is to do they've accomplished everything there is to accomplish and they just completely descended into into evil and that evil that they became created slanesh the god of excess and Chaos a creature that not only wiped because that's what they did they were living a life of excess they didn't need to enslave humans they they had everything they could have possibly wanted and needed slanesh is the ultimate embodiment of every thing that they have become and slen shows up and not only wipes them out but wipes out their gods as well because ultimately I I think what these gods of different cultures represent in this world is almost like um it's almost like it represents a a metaphorical attribute that they themselves hold in high esteem right like let's say justice so let's say they'll have a god of justice but ultimately excess will eventually just consume that and that seems to be what's represented here by SL eating their other gods basically slanesh is a um a metaphor for being woke all right I'm joking that was just just like saying that to get canceled on Twi all right all right all right we keep going only survivors being Isa the goddess of healing jerak the god of laughter and Cain the God of War although he Tech well that makes sense doesn't it because those are the ones that excess won't end up destroying you'll always need healing you'll always need War and what was the third one the goddess of healing jarak the god of laughter the god of laughter cuz there's always hope right think about it it's kind of like a half survival the Eldar saw something like 99% of their population wiped out overnight oh my Lord that's crazy the Eldar thought they were literally Peak they thought they were oh my God and the nekron guys are coming back dude the nekron guys are so [ __ ] smart they just go went into deep sleep for 60 million years they knew eventually the the aldar would wipe themselves out and the only survivors were the exodites that were on their Maiden Worlds the craft worlders whose ships were outside the blast radius and the Dennison of kamora a city that was located deep within a pocket Dimension known as the webway that the lore is so good they had it better than the Airbenders I guess and whose citizens would eventually become known as the Dark Eldar now this event was undoubtedly the art is so good every time and whose citizens look at this this art piece this is a masterpiece can AI do this probably would eventually become known as the dark elar now this event was undoubtedly tragic billions were killed in an instant but if there was any kind of Silver Lining to it it would be the fact that all of the warp storms had been being generated by the just ating chaos God so as soon as slanesh was born they were all wiped away and that's nice also another Advantage uh is every other species that is just being completely squashed and colonized controlled and enslaved by the Eldar who were in this state of peak uh I don't know just controlling authoritarianism they're finally free this point in the 30th Millennium suddenly warp travel was possible again and all of the human worlds would have the ability to be reunited once more yo that's huge that's huge they've suffered their Penance they're back the emperor knew he knew dude wait a second dude that I I'm shaking right now so the emperor knew somehow that the elar would end up wiping themselves out and Humanity would be on top again he he needed Humanity expanded throughout the Galaxy even though he knew that billions would die billions would die on different colon colonized planets because of the crazy Wars he knew but he knew eventually slanesh would be born the lar would be weakened and Humanity would reclaim warp abilities and have a strangle hold on the Galaxy because of the old foot foothold that they made in other segments that of the of the universe that is possibly one of the most maniacal evil mavan plans I've ever heard in my life Emperor saw this as the moment where he would finally reveal himself and he would lead the humans all space Tera back into the Stars reuniting the entirety of the human race under one Banner right and he seems like such a good guy he took them to the Stars he reunited them after one Banner look this dude has like 17 Eagles on his armor that's how much he believes in freedom but if you think about it he knew all these trillions would get enslaved and exterminated all of their suffering their blood is on his hands cuz he had a plan that he didn't need under the Imperium of mankind now in order to do this the unification Wars the great Crusade that's crazy literally all part of his plan the stage is almost set that's crazy oh my God I'm like literally shaking this guy is a [ __ ] monster of a character this he would have to reunite terara first now at this point in the time line the human Empire has completely collapsed all of the planets are cut off from one another and the universe has become an incredibly terrifying Place Tera itself has become basically a wasteland ruled over by barbarians but this is the turning point where the emperor unites everybody and sets off the Stars to reunite the Galaxy all Hill space king bro dude look at this armor that's crazy this is the moment where hope gets reintroduced back to the storyline although admittedly that's not going to last for very long no damn it over the almost 40,000 years that the emperor had been alive he had seen a lot of stuff and had become a master of pretty much every field of study you can think of and this included the science of Gene forging and through yeah that's a cool way to say this dude had a lot of sex he became really good at sexing people for this the emperor would create two of his own superhuman factions the custodians and the Thunder Warriors the former being the Pinnacle of humanity the ultimate creation functionally Immortal in the peak of physical mental Perfection each was a handcrafted demigod where is the thunder Warrior yo that's that's [ __ ] wild he's like it's time to roll boys you you realize he could have done this earlier he could have done this when they were Up Against the Machines but he didn't because the El the alar were around I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm shaking here is he's I know he's supposed to be a hero but this guy is like an act actual mavan insane insane Overlord think about it right he could have made these these demigod Warriors in the past but he didn't because the Eldar were too strong he let trillions of humans die by the hands of of Wars by the hands of exterminations billions enslaved by Eldar all of that because he knew eventually the Eldar would somehow [ __ ] up slanesh would be born they would get basically crippled and he could take over he is the main hero and the main villain of the story at the same time I am fled were Genetically Enhanced men taken from the various Barbarian tribes across Tera now the custodians on one hand were really difficult to make and required artistic Perfection but the Thunder warriors on the other hand they were ugly as [ __ ] the they looked like the new Pokémon go character avatars F cut a lot of Corners with them if the custodians were the peak of perfection and the best that Humanity could ever seek to become the Thunder warriors on the other hand we're the raw meat all right they were the A5 wagu beef steak and they were the hot dog created by the [ __ ] left over took all of the worst elements of humanity and cranked them up to 11 they were hyper aggressive brutes fixated on nothing but violence however since they were cheap to make the emperor was able to make a lot more of them than the custodians right and the thing is you just dropped them everywhere who cares if they're despicable bastards just drop them off put them on some other plan planet and let them go wild Now One By One The Emperor and his armies toppled all of the techn Barbarian Warlords and any small nation that had started either bent a knee to him or was destroyed now one point he perfected the formula for mass-produced super soldiers and would cease production of the Thunder Warriors the Thunder Warriors at this point were genetically unstable these poor guys he's like listen I'll need you for about 20 minutes of History they were prone to having shortened lifespans but Emperor some are defective don't worry about it and the longer they were in service the more their minds would start to degrade and supposedly many of them were starting to go crazy and were harder and harder to control the emperor believed that they had served their purpose that's how this man has been regarding history I guess when you start looking at the world on a cosmic scale like that you just see a trillion lives lost as insignificant you just see these Thunder Warriors as like literal pawns to the future of humanity and he would have no need of them going forward and thus he would order his custodians to wipe them out he had already be that is so dark though work on his new super soldiers the estaris yeah wait so are those estaris the like the uh from the furry Crusade animations on flash gits like that's where these guys came from they're the Crusaders taken what he had learned from the Thunder Warriors but perfected them whereas the Thunder warriors were meant to be the worst elements of humanity the Space Marines were meant to be the best that's the Space Marines [ __ ] dude dude this lore is so cool the lore is so good I'm shaking right now and one day when the Galaxy was fully and truly United the Space Marine would be able to lay down their weapons and take up new roles in this perfect society as Leaders as politicians as right right he has footh holes throughout the world from the past the the guys the freaking uh I keep forgetting their names the alar they're wiped down like um or at least crippled and um all they need to do now is unify the humans [ __ ] up the guys that don't listen and just lay down their weapons and live in a world of peace whether that be as politicians council members doctors generals or any other these are just perfect perfect humans right they work as super soldiers but they also work as anything else check mate all that society would need of them this was a job that the Thunder warriors were not going to be capable of now after Earth had been United under the emperor's rule one of the most important decrees that he issued was the abolishment of religious worship the emperor had been around a long time oh no wait right because he was also known this guy played the role of of Jesus when that happened right he was the Messiah he's like listen we don't need that anymore oh my God and he had seen the horrors of religion firsthand that any decree that teaches you not to question and to accept things on faith was abhorent to him and he's like don't accept things on faith but believe in me oh not on faith but because I will kill you if you don't believe in me had seen Millions killed in the name of some religious figure time and time again and deter deted that if Humanity was to prosper it would need to put its faith in science so one by one every religious institution on the planet was destroyed right either willingly or not he wiped them all out he used religion to gain power and then banned religion oh my God that's crazy this guy is like insane I'm I'm shaking he's he's like the coolest [ __ ] character ever the very last church the church of the lightning Stone and what's so wild is we know there's a canonical afterlife there are canonical souls in this universe of which the emperor oversaw the destruction of personally with everything going according to the emperor's plans his Space Marine Legions developing and the warp storms dissipated the emperor would Journey to Mars and form an alliance with them now both planets realized that there was more to be gained through cooperation than through open Warfare well yeah you're going to get wiped out so the Treaty of Mars was signed and both planets were reunited once again under the rule of the emperor and slowly but surely he is just going to reunite all of the distant human factions he doesn't have to conquer other worlds or colonize other planets cuz that was already done in the dark age of Technology now I will point out that the Martian worship of machines definitely went against the emperor's decree about religion but he made a one-time exception for them really why the rest of the solar system would be United in a similar way and the emperor would begin formulating his plans to reunite all of humanity now in order to accomplish this The Navigators of the Imperium determined that they would need some form of Anchor Point in order to further explore beyond the bounds of the solar system and thus the astronomicon was constructed and now it functioned kind of like the North Star in that the device produced an enormous beam of golden light that could be perceived through the psychic site of Navigators from anywhere in the Galaxy or even inside the warp by using this light they would always be able to pinpoint the exact location of Tara and thus could use that knowledge to map the stars and make successful jumping between the worlds with wait oh wait do you actually have to deal with these warp Monsters the solar system was one thing but trying to make a jump halfway across the Galaxy had an incredibly high probability of seeing the ship get lost and not being able to find its way back out of the Sea of souls in addition the that that would be very bad Emperor realized that his armies would need powerful generals because he couldn't be everywhere at once so the real his his only weakness is the fact that he's one guy that's his only weakness th he created 20 demigod likee individuals known as the primarch based off of his own DNA as well as his Perpetual companion known as era interesting interesting so he has a bunch of generals demigods however before the primarch project could be complete a great tragedy struck and each of the infant primarchs was scattered across the Galaxy now in recent books it was revealed that era played a major role in this she learned of The Emperor's plans for her children and the life of endless war that awaited them yo that's crazy face momb acted against him and set her sons free choosing to send her children as far away from their father as she could yo H wait so that means he didn't see that coming how how did he not see that coming bro he he's he's like bro I could see all future beings I understand a a 40,000 future history that and then but the Enigma of a woman impossible imposs indecipherable I will never decipher what you mean where in this way she hoped that they could just live normal lives now whether or not she had been manipulated by chaos is not entirely clear but it's safe to assume that as a mother she was doing what she thought was right for her children now the great Crusaders appeared in time I predicted a 60 milliony old uh Nation wiping themselves out by accidentally Conjuring a and summoning a god of uh [ __ ] greed and Chaos that I saw coming what a woman would do when I wanted to send my children to become Generals in a distant War I had no idea in which the emperor and his armies journeyed across the Stars to make contact with all of the human Worlds the goal was to bring them back into the Imperium while simultaneously locating all of the missing primarch these worlds had been cut off from the rest of humanity for thousands of years and many of them had completely forgotten their Origins some welcomed the Space Marines with that Mak sense right sure this is tens of thousands of years and they are in a technological dark Dark Age Open Arms happy to be part of something greater than themselves right if how would you feel right planet Earth gets approached by these [ __ ] Crusader Giga giant massive demigod monsters all right they show up and they're like you are part of humanity now all of Earth will work together and will now join our great golden order we will now abolish all of your religions all of your people in states of power will leave I have a penis as a sword and you will have no choice but to listen to our domain don't worry technology will ADV well a lot of people are going to love that right A lot of people are going to think that's awesome but a lot of people are really not a lot of people are not going to be for that some people are going to be like okay sounds good A lot of people are going to rebel and probably get wiped out well others were resistant and wanted to remain free however the emperor's edict basically meant refusal was not an option right he wants to unite everyone he's MAV alian in that way that's crazy he's like damn sucks for the people that are going to die but for the Emperor the worlds could either join peacefully I love the eagles everywhere dude or by force the threat of violence from such an advanced Society was often enough to bring them into compliance but in other cases the Imperium would unleash Untold Devastation across these planets until a surrender was finally issued as the Crusade progressed the Imperium was ramping up production on ships and new estaris and their armies were growing stronger and stronger dude and they would keep making more of these Crusader Giga monsters where by the day each of the worlds that was conscripted into compliance would end up having to pay a tithe to the Imperium sometimes between 5 and 25% of all of their natural resources or human population to be used as soldiers oh my Lord that's not just a tithe bro it's like we think the IRS is bad brother they have to give they have to give them 25% of their humans as soldiers to become genetically altered into Crusaders additionally over the course of the grand Crusade what's so crazy is their armors have become so insanely wild and and over the top they look like Digimon like what you'd see these and you would you think that oh these are humans and armor in the future no they look like the freaking Royal Knights of the Digimon season 6 each of the primarchs would eventually be located and would be reunited with their own Legion of Space Marines in total the emperor created 20 different Legions each one having been crafted from the DNA of their corresponding primarch and since each of the primarchs were incredibly different from one another all of the legions had different specialties the ravengard were masters of stealth-based warfare whereas the iron warriors were Siege experts now the great Crusade was Inc that's wild cuz ultimately the beauty of humanity is that everyone has their own skill set right I really like that they're not just completely homogenized um units where they're all basically exactly the same incredibly brutal but from the imperium's perspective everything was going according to plan that was until treachery began to dig its through Space Marine Legions oh [ __ ] the children the warm primarch of the Luna Wolves who had been chosen to lead in The Emperor's absence after he returned to terara would turn against the Imperium and fold nine of the 18 Space Marine Legions as well as many sects of the Imperial Guard and adeptus mechanicus that's crazy wait so I of course it's the Sun the son of the Emperor rebelled God damn it why can't there just be peace bro in a terrifying civil war against the emperor this event would come to be known as the Horus heresy so why is the Horus heresy so important to the story line this is probably the most well documented points in time in all of 40K right cuz it's the most present it's the most uh relevant and it's that moment where the hope that I mentioned before gets completely crushed Humanity was on the right path they were putting all the pieces back together after the end of the age of strife but with the introduction of treachery to the Space Marine Legions that all came crashing down and at the current point in the 40K timeline they're still pretty much putting the pieces back together even 10,000 years later now right they're not as technologically advanced as they even were at the end of towards the end of the age the Dark Age of Technology but uh God that's awful even though the horse heresy and 30k in general or technically a prequel to 40K you could arguably call it a completely separate franchise and one of the most important things to me in it is as somebody who got really into 40K before I knew anything about the Horus heresy the primarchs were always these Larger than Life demigod type characters like Hercules and aesus that were just spoken about as if they were Legend he didn't right it makes sense they they didn't feel human at all they were the sons of the emperor didn't even really know if they were real but when you start reading the Horus heresy books they're main characters and just seeing two of the primarchs interact with one another and speak to each other was mind-blowing for that's honestly so cool right yo that's wild I didn't think of it that way but true cuz there are only 20 of these guys right literally only 20 of them obviously most people aren't going to see them most people are just going to have heard of them it's like have you heard what the legendary Commander the Primark of the L lunar wolves and they'll be like okay he's a myth he's not real I live for billion Lighty years away there's trillions and trillions and trillions of of planets between me and allegedly him and then when you see a crossover episode of these Larger than Life characters that were barely real just distant commanders Legends That's So Dope for me this timeline sees a lot of the factions that you'll see in 40 get incredibly fleshed out with the exceptions of the one that haven't really been introduced yet like the tow or the tyranids and technically the necrons were there too but let's go I was waiting for them to come back bro I was still waiting for them to come back they were still asleep in their tomb worlds all right never mind never mind give them 10,000 years so the Horus heresy is probably the most well-documented period of time within the Warhammer 40K timeline as the entire thing is only about 9 years long yet the Horus heresy novels 9 years in a span of millions series is still being written as a the Horus heresy is 54 books long how fleshed out is this lore dude you don't understand I was I was trying to get into D and D lore okay and forgotten realm realm Realms lore and I was like I was trying to get into the lore and I was like you know what the way we get cuz as you know even during my free time my name is Lord nuor okay even during my free time I am here bro to learn all the lore of everything that ever existed I love fantasy I love fiction I love lore of [ __ ] of history and all that so I was trying to get into um The Forgotten Realms are you ready to lose your mind so I'm reading Forgotten Realms to try to figure this out like a normal human being obviously and then it turns out that the Forgotten Realms uh isn't just a book or two no no no no no no no no no you fool it's 40 books that each one of these is a book they're all different books every single one is is a book A book that's like 3 400 pages long not not the last mythical no no no this is a book this is a book this is a book this is a book this is a book these are all different books each one of these categories is like 10 books I read the drizz ones okay dude this is six V seven books or six books rather the dark elf Trilogy the leg Legacy of the drought I have read dozens of these and I feel like I know nothing about the Forgotten Realms lore bro I'm trying out here I'm trying bro so I I'm I am down to do uh D and D lore after this um maybe but uh now I'm the 40K like I I feel like there's so much that I never managed how did I never know that this was even real and it's a 54 book series and that's just at the 30k mark of the 40K timeline that's crazy the time of this recording and has over 60 novels in it even more so if you count all of the novellas and short stories that were created to support the main books look at these stories Perabo the hammer of Olympia lorgar bearer of the world Magnus the Red Master of Prospero Leman Russ the Great Wolf like how does how does all this exist these are all different characters different generals different Crusaders even more so if you count all of the novellas and short stories that were created to support the main books now needless to say there is an absolutely ton of stuff that happens in the series but I'm going to tell you just what you need to know so for time the emperor led the great Crusade himself right however he needed to begin work on what was known to him as the webway project back on earth right which is so ironic CU for someone with like an infinite view of future uh future history um if you think about it just for an instant even though we're 40K into the timeline that's still nothing right 40K in regard compared to infinite future 40K is nothing it's just a stepping stool that's just where he introduced himself this bit of information had not been revealed to any of his primarchs a fact that would end up causing resentment to build up in many of his sons now if the project had been successful it would have completely eliminated hum's Reliance on warp travel unfortunately that didn't end up happening but I'm getting ahead of myself so a new warm was appointed to act in his stad Horus lupercal of the Luna Wolves was chosen for this role now he so he wasn't even a primarch still a Primark with his own Legion he became a primarch I guess right but for all intents and purposes he would be the voice of the emperor any decision that Horus made would be as if it came from the emperor oh no oh oh oh Horus Horus so Horus is the son of the emperor right one of his sons he is the uh he is the primarch of the wolf guys got it got it for himself now he had his faults of course just like the rest of his brothers but when he was chosen as the warm even though a few primarchs grumbled about how it should have been them they all recognized horus's greatness and for a time he served his role incredibly well now that would all change on the moon of Davin when Horus was mortally injured by the planetary governor who had been corrupted by nurgle wielding a blade known as the anath a sword that was said to be so deadly that it could kill even that which was unkillable yo this is a very ugly guy this wound placed Horus in a coma and none of the apothecaries available on horus's Flagship the vengeful Spirit were able to cure him now to horus's Marines at the time this seemed like a freak accident however that that's not exactly what happened you see there was this chaplain named arabus who was a member of the word Bears Legion and had been accompanying the Luna Wolves bro I wouldn't trust anyone with that many face tattoos you see he had actually stolen the blade from a group of people known as the interex and then provided it to the man that would end up Landing the blow all as part of his careful plan to end up corrupting Horus it was revealed that he had been behind the scenes orchestrating the heresy at the command of his Primark lorgar dude there's always there's always a a [ __ ] out there there's always someone willing to betray dude Pride guy's prideful guy's greedy guy wants the spot and there's always someone out there that's that's just way too ready and eager to betray [ __ ] I God humans who after having been reprimanded by the emperor for spreading his worship which completely went against his ideals had sought out other gods more worthy of their devotion the word bearers would inevitably discover the chaos gods and set in motion events that would lead to the bloodiest Civil War Humanity had ever seen now oh H okay that's a huge deal out other gods more at the command of his Primark lar all right okay lorgar sent him to kill the guy cuz he was greedy got it who after there's always a Judas having been reprimanded by the emperor for spreading his worship which completely went against his ideals right he he's super anti-religion right that this is why he was anti-religion because you start worshiping these chaos gods and everything goes crazy had sought out other gods more worthy of their devotion the word bearers would inevitably right other gods meaning as interesting holy [ __ ] I'm I'm just kind of I think realizing something gods are Cannon religion in Warhammer is not just based on Blind Faith it's based on something very real but despite that fact he didn't want them worshiping other gods because they would bring him down a path that went against him Circle back to what I was saying saying earlier about the souls there are souls there is an afterlife there is this sea of spirits God is cannon in uh in Warhammer but despite that he went against the idea of religion because it would just draw people away from him this is canonical religion in a fantasy discover the chaos gods and set in MO I love how events that would lead to the bloodiest Civil War Humanity had ever seen bro the art is is [ __ ] phenomenal insanely good bro the god of excess slanesh right like that's greed right this guy looks like a god of war honestly this dude looks like a god of gluttony like all the eyes maybe he's Envy I don't know they kind of look a lot like the seven deadly sins but yo the art is so good stop saying sanusi in the chat I don't want to ever see that again now back on the vengeful Spirit arabis recommended bringing horse to dudee I just keep seeing people say sles with like the H emojis in the chat and I don't want to hear from you I don't want to hear from you let's see how what sles is doing on rule 34 we just got to know sles I don't know how to spell that how do you spell slanesh SL SL I found it 602 weak [Music] weak weak dude Warhammer has 10 ,000 though so that's pretty good all right just had to know to the Temple of the serpent Lodge a place on Davin where they could use sorcery to heal him now this was a diabolic place that was linked to the ruinous powers of the chaos Gods a fact that was unknown to the Luna Wolves at the time many of the Marines were against this but they didn't really see any other options right they they need their guy to live oh [ __ ] but what if he lives what if he comes oh God what if he comes to life tainted by chaos and an actual Primark a son of the emperor becomes tainted by a chaos God so in desperation they agreed to try what arabus wanted and it was here in the temple that Horus was put into a dreamlike Fugue State and in this dream he would be manipulated by the chaos gods and the astral Spirit of arabus into turning against the Emperor God oh God oh God bro got tainted bro got tainted bro got tainted he was shown visions of the future of the Galaxy in flames of a human Imperium that worshiped the Emperor as a god Humanity had descended into a new Dark Age and the emperor didn't care about Humanity I mean honestly that's true maybe the emperor cares about Humanity on a macro level but the emperor does not care about Humanity on a micro level like if you think about it just for like a half a second the emperor every war every Travy that happened the emperor knew was happening and did not step in to stop it because it fit his plan the chaos Gods make a good [ __ ] point a good [ __ ] point that's why I worship the chaos Gods what could I say what could I say I Lord of chaos nador always supported the chaos Gods from day one I've been a chaos stand all along stop saying sloi he had just been using them this entire time in order to obtain godhood now during this the astral Spirit of Magnus the primarch of the Thousand Suns Legion appeared before Horus and tried to prevent what was happening but unfortunately he was ultimately unsuccessful and the corruption had taken root in hor his heart when Horus finally awoke he that's why it's called the Horus heresy because he became a heretic he started believing in a in the chaos gods and following their Doctrine instead of actually you know supporting the emperor he had been healed and his Allegiance had changed he set about orchestrating the downfall of the Imperium now seven of the other primarchs lorgar of the word bearers mortarion of the deathu guard fulgram of The Emperor's Children porabo of the iron Warriors angron of the world leaders alarius of the alpha Legion and Conrad kurs of the night Lords it's in sayane how much lore is here that all these are actual characters would join with Horus and pledge their Reliance to his cause yo this is like a real ass Civil War that works perfectly for me as a chaos God now each of the trader primarch realized that not all of their Space Marines would end up following them after their heresy had been revealed and thus it was determined which of the Marines were likely to remain loyal and which ones would side with their Primark with the Loyalists identified the traiter Legions would end up purging an enormous amount of their own men ah [ __ ] this would take place on the world of istvan 3 when the Marines that were selected for purging were sent down to the planet's surface to fight against the Zeno species that had claimed it the mission was basically bogus and the real reason they had been set down was the to wipe them out traders in orbit planned on wiping them out all in one Fell Swoop oh my [ __ ] god nurgle the plue Lord is asmin gold that sounds good all right yo yo they sent them on a mission so anyone that would follow the orders obviously is still loyal to the emperor so they go on the planet and they figured out they were loyal and they just nuked the planet to Oblivion [ __ ] that's crazy the the they were monsters actual monsters it's amazing how little the value of life actually matters to any character in this story not to the emperor not to the chaos Gods obviously not to these Rebels it's all about Humanity it's literally all just about Humanity Humanity the grand scheme of things the grand scale wiping out A Billion Lives is nothing in the scope of an endless Galaxy they would then inevitably virus bomb the planet and any marines that were not killed by the virus bombing were then set Ablaze as the gas clouds were ignited and a massive wall of fire spread out in every direction that is horrible virus bombing and then just set it a flame whoever didn't die from the chemical warfare died from the fire senseless endless constant death that's crazy inating everything on the planet's surface now there would be a couple of survivors here such as Gabriel Lan a Luna wolf and one of the four members of the maval but his story deserves its own video with the Loy all right respect respect is Purge from their own Legions the Traders would move on to iston 5 and the events there would later be known as the dropsite Massacre the traitors would end up calling for aid from many of the other loyalist Legions specifically the blood for the blood God skulls but the skull Thro everything changed when the Space Marines attacked Legions that they felt they wouldn't be able to turn no matter how convincing their argument these included the legions and primarchs of the iron hands the salamanders and the ravenguard the combined forces of the traiter legions would open fire on their own Brothers here that's crazy it's crazy to think that this is just Humanity versus Humanity like it always is and Slaughter the them to a man the primarch ferris Manis of the iron hands was killed by fulgrim during this battle primar D primark's killing each other this is insane it's like these are brothers brothers that killed each other for the sake of differing ideologies so the other two Legions Vulcan of the salamanders and korax of the Raven guards would ultimately live on however their Legions were reduced to a mere fraction of what they once were the ravengard for example were said to originally have 880,000 Space Marines but after the drop site Massacre that had been reduced to 5,000 shortly after halfway across the Galaxy Magnus of the Thousand Suns would seek to warn the Emperor of horus's betrayal he did this by astral projecting all the way to terara I guess that dude the titty armor is sending me but bro is uh uh he asro projected trying to get the guy to not give in to the to the freaking chaos gods and failed and then went to the other guy he felt like sending a message the oldfashioned way wouldn't get there in time or Worse could have been intercepted by the traitors and shortly before this all psychic powers had been banned at the Council of nikea so in attempting to warn the emperor he was directly going against his orders but Magnus was oh [ __ ] right I mean I guess that makes sense ultimately for the greater good like that should fit his Doctrine doing what he felt he had to unfortunately he would end up being manipulated by the chaos God of treachery zinch and ended up destroying a psychic barrier around the soul system that the emperor had placed to to keep the forces of chaos at Bay why are these chaos God I guess there's too much order right like these chaos gods they thrive on chaos and ultimately with the emperor uniting all these worlds there was just so much order it was weakening their power this is a war of Chaos versus order it just it completely devolves into humans killing humans into treachery and pride and ego being a m being more uh uh wanting to take over wanting to be known as having different positions but Chaos on the grand scheme of things this is chaos this is eldrian nightmare right like pure aldrian Horrors is like some outer Force manipulating you for reasons that you'll never really understand and it looks like you're doing things based on your own free will but it's purely due to being a puppet of an alian entity that's exactly what's going on here right they're rebelling against each other they're fighting against each other they want to become powerful they want to rebel against the emperor all that seems to be done due to their own ego their own Pride their own ideology when actuality it's just being manipulated from some much higher entity some chaos deity that wants there to be chaos in the universe as opposed to the order that was slowly but surely growing so him trying to send a telepathic message to warn the emperor caused him to be branded a heretic forever caused him to let the chaos Lords into reality that's tragic like this is a tragic character cinch the god of scheming magnus's or whatever astral form burst into the throne room unaware of what he was doing and hordes of demons followed him in the webway project was destroyed and the emperor ordered the Space Wolves and Leman Russ to bring Magnus in and answer for his crimes oh my God Magnus tried to warn them he ended up [ __ ] up the guy's project cuz he didn't know exactly what was going on if he would have only been more open with his sons about what the Space Project was he would have never done something like this he could have avoided so much but because he kept it into himself just completely believing that they would be blindly loyal to him forever they would end up by accident betraying him no dude however the message was intercepted by Horus who changed the order to kill Magnus and the Thousand sons and burned their world of Prospero the Space Wolves followed their orders and decimated the planet in a desperate attempt to save his Magnus made a PCT with zch who warped him he ended up to save his people to save his people he ended up making aaack with a chaos god dude once again he's doing things for the right reasons but ultimately he's spreading chaos into the world and destroying order what an insane war is surviving Sons off of Prospero and to the Planet of the sorcerers a world deep within the eye of Terror later Magnus would pledge loyalty to Horus not out of some form of malice like his brothers but because he had directly been betrayed by the Imperium the war Master right he tried to warn them but he didn't even realize what he was doing lead a horrifically violent Crusade against the Imperium working ever closer towards terara in the Imperial Palace eventually the traitors would Siege terara hores had been infused with the power of all of the chaos gods and in a great climactic final battle would engage the emperor in combat still seeing the good in his son the emperor would end up holding back not unleashing his full power oh my god dude look at this battle between Horus someone who is god dude an emissary of Chaos versus the actual being of order hoping desperate son versus father oh my god dude that Horus could still be saved and redeemed in this moment of weakness Horus managed to land a mortal wound on the emperor and with that the emperor realized that there was no saving his son that he had been completely lost to him so the emperor Unleashed his full power and obliterated Horus so completely that not even his soul survived now had to kill his own son all right you know what dad [ __ ] you this is your fault for not explaining to your psychic children how the warp Works in order to keep the emperor alive the Aston what's so wild is it's like it's not even like obviously they did the wrong thing but if you would have just explained it to them just lack of communication between a father and a son caused all of this that explains like 90% of different genocides in history it's just like lack of communication at one point or another namicon was quickly converted into a makeshift life support system the emperor's psychic mic would be used to power it and the Machine would keep him from truly dying and here the emperor would remain for the next 10,000 years so the emperor the person that was manipulating history for the whole time he just became a a energy source for a machine for 10,000 years holy [ __ ] D it's physical body little more than a decaying corpse well his spiritual body was free to roam the warp and by all accounts has been growing stronger ever since now one of the greatest ironies of 40K is that since the emperor is a Perpetual if he was to physically die he would be reborn this is a fact that the other members of the Imperium were not aware of again it's La it's always lack of communication they could have just killed him and he would just be reborn he he's never going to truly die so over the last 10,000 years they've been doing everything they can to keep him alive and and they accidentally prevented him from being reborn bro became eisen's chair keep him alive but if he had just been allowed to die he would have come back the traiter legions would be pushed back from Tera with the warm dead their Siege had failed and in the period of time leading up to the 31st Millennium an event known as the scouring would take place where all of the Traer Legions were hunted down and forced into Exile within the eye of Terror after the heresy had fully concluded the Imperium was left to put all of the pieces back together the emperor was gone the traiter legions had been pushed back and a period of rebuilding took place in order to prevent such a tragedy from ever happening happening again how can you prevent again as long as there are humans there will always be someone who wants to and also what are you going to do at the chaos Gods ultimately they're the ones that are [ __ ] everything up a council of Representatives known as the high Lords of terara were implemented to rule in the emperor's Place each coming from a different background and having different goals and objectives rather than the Imperium being ruled by a single individual bro we're 30,000 years we're 40 30 40,000 years into the timeline bro oh my God no we're 30 40,000 years into the timeline and they're like you know what democracy wait a second what if we all voted on [ __ ] now that being said they were also supposed to quote unquote interpret the emperor's will additionally Gillan primarch of the ultramarines would propose that the Space Marine Legions be broken up into chapters Each of which containing no more than a thousand members the idea was that if treachery on this scale had happened once before it could happen again it's a good thought and it could inevitably happen again and no single man should have the power of an entire Space Marine Legion at his disposal honestly that is a really good take right you just decentralize the power and he did that to himself he was one of the people in power and he himself decided to decentralize it yo good thought process damn many of the primarchs did not agree with this namely Vulcan of the salamanders whose Legion had been he wanted power reduced to just a mere fraction of its original Power or rogal Dorn of the Imperial fist who viewed this action as a further weakening of the legion's strength after they had just concluded the bloodiest Civil War in their history regardless of how they felt the book that Gilman had pinned that outlined how all of the chapters should be organized known as the Codex of staries was eventually implemented and all of the legions were broken up so they ended up doing it all right cool cool cool cool that makes sense honestly right you don't want to give any one person that much power that they could actually if they decided to destroy the world 10,000 years between the Horus heresy and the 41st Millennium is where the bulk 40K lore takes place this is where the majority of the books are set and you could make the argument that all of these events are definitely important but they're not critical to understanding the framework of the entirety that is 40k but there are a few details that I feel like you need to understand the first and most major is that during this time period we see all of the primarchs inevitably end up disappearing and all for various reasons really wait I thought they were they're demigods right wouldn't they be immortal Leeman Russ dives into the warp headed off after the traitors oh so he's just gone right he's in the afterlife or whatever okay cool corvis corx disappears in shame after he tried to rebuild his Legion by cutting corners and inevitably accidentally made a whole bunch of ravengard Abominations there's so much he's like trying so hard to describe like what they're all doing over this 10,000 year period he's trying so hard and he's there's so much lore and gilan was mortally wounded by his brother fulgrim and subsequently put in stasis so it's no that guy was so cool I like that guy he was the guy that decided un weakening the individual legiance kind of mirroring what happened with his father in the span of this 10,000 years we'll also see the damic Crusade where the tower introduced to the story line first contact with the tyranids also occurs here oh yeah and the alarm clock for the necrons ends up going off and all their tomb worlds start coming back online [ __ ] dude that's awful dude so that's crazy so uh you have these massive Greek tragedy right with all these Civil Wars and stuff they're in this state of rebuilding and this is what happen and so but since they summoned oh God what slanesh right Humanity was the world power but right now that the necrons are back they're not anymore the world power the world power the universal power but we're jumping ahead to the 13th Black Crusade because this is where the timeline finally started moving forward when we find ourselves in the 41st Millennium the events of the Horus heresy have slipped into Legend most people alive during this time have no idea what transpired back then whether that be because of the intentional purging of specific documents a covering up of the truth or just that it happened so long ago that they don't remember this isn't true of the Space Marines they remember it all too well but whereas most of the loyalist marines that are alive in the 41st Millennium know of these events because of the records kept by their chapter however when it comes to the Traer marines that exist in the eye of Terror time there's still a whole bunch of those right rights differently there and most of those Marines were the very same individuals that participated in the Horus heresy so they were right but they survived and they escaped [ __ ] but they survived and escaped to the eye of Terror for those events because they were actually there now the eye of Terror was a pretty terrible place to live there really weren't a lot of resources and the trader Legions were far from United each one of them fracturing off into a bunch of different War bands led by various powerful Warlords that were pretty much just pursuing their own interests in fact at this point chaos fought amongst itself more than it ever fought against the Imperium or zenos now one of these Space Marines in particular was named abidon and he had been abidon pretty cool name the first captain of the Luna Wolves and one of the four members before the guy that rebelled of Horus before Horus more of all during the Horus heresy abidon sought to unite the traitors and would end up reforming his Legion drawing members from all of the various chaos War bands this Legion would be called the black Legion over the several thousand years that passed between the Horus heresy in the 41st Millennium abdon or an appointed representative would lead what were known as the black Crusades chaos incursions out of the eye of Terror back into real space it was like Guerilla Warfare like they jump out of this eye of Terror pocket Dimension they would just do an attack and they would just jump back in and more and more people that want to betray that would want to betray the order would end up joining this black Crusader to attack various Imperial worlds now for the longest time it looked like the traitor just weren't really very good at conquering as every single Crusade ultimately failed to bring about the complete collapse of the Imperium however it was revealed in the last few years that each one of these Crusades had a much smaller objective that chaos was actually playing the long game the very first of these black Crusades would take place in the 31st Millennium about 500 years after the scouring now in response to these raids the Imperium would end up fortifying the planet that was right outside of the eye of Terror makes sense right they fortifi god dude it's just Cosmic Guerilla Warfare everyone thinks that they suck it's like they're just okay they're attacking again they fight them off for the first 12 times and they look like a joke right they just look like a complete joke known as kadia and it became one of the most fortified position positions in the entire Imperium next to Tera itself for 10,000 years kadia stood Sentinel right outside of the eye ready to punish and push back anything that would try to leave it however in the 41st Millennium all of the small victories that chaos had managed to achieve over the previous 12 Crusades would come together in the 13th why what what was different what was their plan why' they do that was the period that saw abon's forces assault the cadan gate and in the end abidon ended up sacrificing one of his Blackstone fortresses an ancient alien spaceship made of the same material the necrons used they used all the way in the past to control the warp back during the war in heaven no shot pylons that's C it at kadia like an artificial meteor the impact being absolutely apocalyptic and not just for the planet but for the vast network of Blackstone pylons that had been built under Kia's surface millions of years ago by the necrons you see kadia was he made he he wiped at the whole planet kadio is the kadio was the most guard Ed planet ever out there to stop black Crusades that was a joke cuz the first 12 seemingly failed and then and then he dropped a [ __ ] artificial spiritual meteor on the planet and wiped it out suddenly they've become a threat and billions of lives were lost wasn't existing just as a blockade for anything trying to come out of the eye of Terror but that system of Blackstone had actually been keeping it from growing with kadia destroyed the eye began to grow out of control oh my my God their plan all along was to turn the entire universe into the eye of Terror dude this isn't just chaos this is calculated chaos this is so much scarier than than anything and would eventually spread all the way across the Galaxy this was known as the catrax melodium or more commonly as the Great Rift it split the universe completely in half and all of the Imperial worlds that were on the opposite side of Tera were suddenly plunged Into Darkness they had no way didn't meet them anymore and we're cut off from the rest of the Imperium to say this was a massive victory for the forces of chaos is a gross understatement this was single-handedly one of the most devastating events in the entire history of the Galaxy and after the forming of the Great Rift is the time period we currently find ourselves in in the 40K timeline recent events have seen the resurrection of gilan who's come back to lead the and is pretty horrified by what he's seeing as it's been completely dominated by Superstition and religion where they worship His yo oh how ironic is that the emperor bans that [ __ ] uses it to become to power bans that [ __ ] dude father as a god even though thousands of years ago he specifically told them not to during this time we would also see the rise of the primaris Marines in the induction of gillan's indominus crusade which sought to reunite the worlds on the other side of the Great Rift but these are all topics that will dive in more in future videos CU that's the future this was the lore that that's current events uh but that's the lore it's the timeline [ __ ] dude that was crazy that's it that's everything that I feel like you need to understand about 40K in order to understand the storyline and the things that I chose to leave out it's not that they're not important it's just that things like the age of strife and the 13th Black Crusade end up being a lot more important there are much more uh pivotal moments in the overarching history than something like the Damocles Crusade you could read 100 of the 40K novels and never touch anything in the war of the Beast or the war for Armageddon and you probably wouldn't be too confused it's insane how much there is but if you don't know what an STC is or know what the age of strife was you're probably going to get pretty confused cuz these things tend to come up a lot but what do you guys think do you feel strongly that an event that I left out should have been mentioned in this video if so let me know down in the comments what it is and why you feel so strongly about it and a lot of YouTu I want a a freaking Deep dive into all the gods of chaos please that's what I want all right I want a a deep dive in all the different factions of 40K and godamn it I want a deep dive into all the different chaos Gods I want my slanesh I want my freaking uh what's his name the asmin gold God SCC yeah sexually transmitted Crusade um bro bro there's so much all right you know what we're going to do that nurgle right the asmin gold God God of plague or whatever all right we're going to do that you know what 10,000 likes and we do the blind reactions all the chaos Gods we we get into that [ __ ] but this this was good this was a spicy meatball that was a crazy lore video bro Lord nelore living and thriving stay weird fam if you made it to the end click one of these two videos which also will definitely get me cancelled see you live on G St weird f
Channel: Nuxanor
Views: 87,318
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nux taku, nuxanor, warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer story, warhammer timeline, 40k timeline, warhammer 40000 timeline, space marines, necrons, horus heresy, primarchs, god emperor, emperor of mankind lore, imperium of man, birth of slaanesh, chaos gods, chaos gods lore, age of strife, the war in heaven, dark age of technology, the 13th black crusade, fall of cadia, warhammer lore, 40k lore, warhammer 40k lore, astartes, warhammer controversy, weshammer, nuxanor warhammer
Id: MU9e0HGlnNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 110min 9sec (6609 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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