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(The sound of a pen scratching.) LOGO. Hellooo everybody! Big news! You guys already  know that in honor of the presale of my number   one best-selling dark fantasy novel The Savior‘s  Sister, I am posting two videos or live streams   a week. However, come the release week, I will  be posting one video or live stream per DAY!   That means one week of non-stop content! You guys  better be excited, because it's probably gonna   kill me! I'm making that sacrifice for YOU. Tune  in to the TSS release week for daily content and   be sure to pre-order The Savior‘s Sister for  the chance to win a bunch of awesome prizes!   Speaking of pre-order, you guys already know that  I am hosting a massive TSS pre-order giveaway!   Everyone who pre-orders a copy of TSS in  any format whether it's hardback, paperback,   or ebook will be eligible to win one of over  35 amazing prizes! I am handing out one of   those prizes today! The winner will be walking  away with a signed copy of 10 Steps to Hero by   my good friend and best-selling author Sacha  Black. Sacha Black is an incredible author,   she also hosts approximately a bazillion podcasts  including The Rebel Author podcast. I have all of   her information listed in the description below,  definitely check her out! I will be announcing the   winner of 10 Steps to Hero at the end of today's  video, but first, in honor of the release of The   Savior’s Sister, I will be listing my 10 all-time  FAVORITE hero tropes. Leila, the main character   of TSS is a heroine in her own right. She  battles grave dangers and fights the good   fight for what she believes is right, and I think  it's time I talk about what I believe is right...   when writing heroes. If you'd like to hear more  of my gushing or rants when it comes to tropes   in fiction, be sure to subscribe to my channel  and ring that bell! I post content on Wednesdays   with bonus content on Mondays, and we have a good  time here! Once you finish subscribing, pull up a   seat and get ready for my 10 all-time favorite  hero tropes in fiction! Disclaimer: this topic   is in regard to heroes, heroines, and every gender  in between. However, I am going to be referencing   heroes throughout the entirety of this video for  the sake of keeping shit simple. Let's get to   it! Number One (1): Rich Friend, Poor Friend. I'm  listing this first because this is my ultimate,   long-standing favorite hero trope of all time.  It also happens to be the most niche, and I'm not   sorry! My life becomes full and worth living when  the hero is poor and their friend is wealthy, but   somehow still manages to be jealous of said hero.  Why? Because the hero knows how to appreciate   life! They've had to work for everything they  have, so they understand respect and gratitude.   Rich friend has never had any struggles, so  their life is empty and meaningless. Lately,   there's been a switch in fiction where the rich,  arrogant character becomes the hero and I don't   like that shit. Take us back to when working  for accomplishments mattered! When the hero   was humble and tenacious. There's a scene in The  Count of Monte Cristo - one of my favorite movies   growing up - where the poor humble Edmond Dantes  is betrayed by his wealthy, established friend   Fernand. And he asks Fernand, “Why?” Fernand says,  and I quote, “Because you're the son of a clerk,   and I am not supposed to want to be you.” This is  what I came here for! All I want to see are the   moral implications of how a life of privilege can  corrupt not only your ethical code, but also your   mental health and outlook. Is that too much to  ask? Number Two (2): The Vulnerable Action Hero.   There is absolutely NOTHING exciting about a  hero who has no weaknesses. Show me someone who   is real, raw, and vulnerable and you have my  attention. I want to see a hero who when they   get shot, actually has to go to the hospital and  recover. I want a hero who fights the bad guys,   then suffers from PTSD. I want a hero who  struggles with the fact that they've killed   someone, even if it was in self-defense or for  the greater good. And most importantly, I want   a hero who actually has to STRUGGLE when fighting  the bad guy. Nothing about the hero's journey is   interesting if there's no challenge. Give me  a vulnerable, relatable hero, or don't give me   the book at all, ‘cause I won't like it. Number  Three (3): The Almost. The best literary climax,   especially in heroic adventure novels, involves an  ‘almost.’ The character ALMOST loses. They ALMOST   fail. They ALMOST die. This is my absolute  favorite part of the climax, not because I'm   a sadist. Okay, maybe a little bit because I'm a  sadist. It's because it's SO gratifying to see the   hero come back from such a low point! We all want  the encouraging story of seeing a character fall   flat on their ass, coming SO close to failure,  and then somehow STILL defying the odds! This   is inspiring! It's uplifting to pretty much anyone  who's struggling with anything in their life. Plus   from a literary standpoint, it makes the win feel  justly earned. The hero had to fight for this win!   They almost lost their life in the process,  and that's what makes the ultimate takedown   all the more satisfying. Number Four (4):  Cue the Awkward. I am so sick of heroes who   are perfect at the art of seduction. So they  get to be a lethal weapon AND a fuck factory?   Unfair! I'm calling the police. I find the  juxtaposition between being able to say, easily   murder a band of assassins versus tell your crush  that you like them, extremely endearing. For one,   it humanizes the character! They are not endlessly  indestructible. They're a real person. Two,   it's very obnoxious for a character to be good  at all things, seduction included. I think it's   sweet to see them fumble with something so many  people struggle with. It takes a character with an   uncommon strength like heroism and makes them  instantly relatable. Number Five (5): Personality.   This isn't even a trope, it's just a basic  request. A plead, if you will. Can we have   more heroes with personality? I don't think that's  too much to ask. I'm really sick of the brooding,   gravelly voiced, monotone, one note hero. You  can claim they have emotions, but that note   hasn't reached their facial expression or tone of  voice. I enjoy heroes that, you know, are people   with feelings and stuff. Give me a hero who's  funny or awkward or really angry. Give me a   hero with SOME kind of personality. I'm tired of  the Batman voice and the same tired backstory.   Speaking of backstory... Number Six (6): The  Tragic Backstory. Unless it involves a dead wife,   ‘cause you neckbeards have done that one to  death. I talked in the past about how I don't   always enjoy a villain who has a tragic backstory.  Give me a hero with a tragic backstory, however,   and I'm intrigued. Psychologically speaking, there  have been links between trauma and struggle and   the increased development of empathy, so it  makes more sense for your hero to have had   some kind of tragedy in their past. People hate  orphan characters, but I like ‘em. There are   few tragedies worse than losing both of your  parents. So long as you're not fridging a woman,   give me a sad, sad story and your hero will have  my support. Number Seven (7): Gray Characters.   I am extremely picky about this point. There  are certain evil actions that are completely   unforgivable in my eyes. For example, adultery  or sexual assault. Murder, for some reason,   isn't on that list. My point is, I do enjoy  a hero who isn't a beaming light of goodness.   Again, I'm particular. I would like for them to be  a good person. I'd just like for there to be some   bad in the mix. Some mistakes. Some questionable  decisions. Maybe some typically evil actions where   you kinda get where they're coming from so you  turn a blind eye. “Whoops, didn't see that murder.   Didn't happen!” I enjoy this shit because it makes  the character a lot more layered and interesting.   It also creates more room for struggle and  hardship, and as we already covered, I do enjoy   a struggle. I'm not sorry. Number Eight (8): The  Unchosen One. I love a good underdog, but there's   a particular underdog that really gets me going.  It's not enough that the character is overlooked,   they're specifically seen as ‘not cut out for’  whatever they're doing. It's kinda like Captain   America. He's so unqualified that they won't  even let him enlist in the military, and this   is back when standards were pretty damn low. This  trope is even more satisfying when there is some   other character who is seen as ‘the chosen one,’  or supremely favored. Not only is our hero NOT   supposed to be here, there's some other character  who's already been slated as the hero. Ain't that   a bitch? I love this trope because it produces way  more obstacles for the hero to overcome! They have   a fake hero to dethrone. They have to gain the  support of a world that's completely turned its   back on them. This storyline is inspiring! I think  a lot of us can relate to being told we can't do   something or that we're not cut out for something,  so this storyline is really satisfying to read.   Number Nine (9): Bring on the Pain! I just  want the hero to suffer! Is that so wrong?   If the hero doesn't have some kind of emotional  or mental breakdown by the end of the story,   if they don't hold the dead body of someone they  love and scream, “Why, God? Why?” to the heavens,   if they're not dripping in blood while they  walk away from a battlefield while explosions   resound behind them, are they even a real hero? I  don't think so. Make them hurt, or I don't care.   And Number Ten (10): Happily Ever After. If you  make me sit through all that heroism and courage   and sacrifice, and then the hero DOESN’T save  the day or end up with the love of their life,   I will light your face on fire! Okay, I won't do  that, but I will leave a very critical review! I   am not here to read about heroes with tragic  endings. That is not a hero story, it's a tragedy.   Label it appropriately, so I don't get tricked and  conned and gooped. I just want all that hard work   to be worth it, specifically in regard to romance!  Just let the couple get together and enjoy   each other's private parts. If they're into that,  of course. If not, that's fine, because I love and   respect my OTP. Just let them be happy, damn  it! So that's all I got for you today, which   means it's time to hand out a prize! My number  one best-selling dark fantasy novel The Savior's   Sister is currently available for pre-order, and  everyone who pre-orders it is welcome to enter my   presale giveaway! One lucky winner is walking away  with a signed copy of 10 Steps to Hero by Sacha   Black. Sacha is a former developmental editor who  gives amazing writing craft advice! She is also a   fantasy writer, a podcaster, and an all-around  awesome human being! And the winner is...this   person! Thank you SO much for pre-ordering TSS!  It means so much to me! And a HUGE thank you to   Sacha Black for supporting my platform! She is  so amazing! If you haven't checked her out yet,   I have all of her information below! If you want  to read a fantastical, romantic, and heroic story,   be sure to pre-order The Savior's Sister! It's  available in e-book, hardback, and paperback. And if you want the chance to win a bunch of prizes,  enter my presale giveaway! I have the links in   the description below. Don't forget to subscribe  to my channel! I post new videos on Wednesdays,   and if you want to be alerted as SOON as I upload,  ring that bell! And be sure to follow me on social   media! I'm on Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook - and of  course, you can tweet me @JennaMoreci! Bye! (Older   Male Voice) This is Wembleton! If you haven't  subscribed to Jenna’s channel, then by all means,   go for it! The people will love you for it! Go on,  press the button, ding that bell! See you soon!
Channel: Writing with Jenna Moreci
Views: 34,197
Rating: 4.9643626 out of 5
Keywords: write, writer, writing, read, reader, reading, book, books, bookish, literature, author, novel, Jenna Moreci, the savior's champion, the savior's sister, the savior's series, booktube, authortube, writing tips, writing advice, writing motivation, writing inspiration, publishing tips, publishing advice, 10 best heroes, 10 worst heroes, hero tropes, best heroes in fiction, best fictional heroes, how to write a hero, humor, comedy, laugh, laughter, tips for writing heroes, tips for writing
Id: s7SCvaOgQZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 09 2020
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