10 Worst Games of 2019

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[Music] anyone who's seen a struggle with sentient cars mummified kickboxers or tom clancy's tweaked-out terrorist guards will understand we're quite partial to a good bad game naturally we've focused a lot on titles from previous console generations in our worst games ever series which you can find on our channel by the way subtle plug but and I hope you're sitting down for this bombshell revelation new games are coming out all the time and some of those are also absolute toilet whether it's a shoddily designed mess a license that had no reason to exist or literally last year's game with a new title publishers are constantly finding new ways to piss in our cornflakes for the sake of fairness and to avoid the temptation to put something rather controversial in here literally just to piss people off we've used Metacritic rankings from the year of 2019 thank you very much for that by the way Metacritic so we can be sure that they're considered by critics to be real dog plops for multi-platform games we've picked the one with the lowest review score of them all we've also stuck to Metacritic stipulation of needing 7 or more reviews for the games to count mostly to weed out the huge steaming pile of awful steam asset flips but of course all we've taken from Metacritic unless otherwise stated is the review score itself and all thoughts expressed about these bargain bin dwellers are our own and oh boy do we have a few I'm Peter from triple-jump and here are the 10 worst reviewed games of 2019 number 10 narcos rise of the cartel at PC 45% in November last year there was a notable marketing push for this turn-based strategy title but nowhere in any of the adverse was it explained exactly why they felt the need to slap a license for a highly rated series about the 1980s Colombian cocaine trade onto a blatant XCOM clone in a way the choice to go with the strategy genre for this IP is to be applauded when so many cheap TV tie-ins would just plump for the generic shooter template but it's also a completely baffling decision narcos somehow managed to be both uninspired in its level of imitation and include terrible decisions with the few gameplay changes they did make to the XCOM format first off you're only able to move one unit per turn which means half your team get left behind in most fights the AI is frustratingly defensive and tedious the models are mostly dull reskin z' and if a unit that does resemble a character from the show happens to get killed it's an instant game over brilliant wouldn't want too many deaths in our game about murderous drug cartels now would we I think PC gamer said it best when they asked why aren't I just playing XCOM instead number 9 generation 0 ps4 45% this one's a bit of a surprise anomaly for Swedish developers Avalanche Studios the team behind some respectable and often a high-quality open world such as Just Cause Mad Max and the hunter call of the wild missed the mark quite drastically with their self-published title generation zero this desolate survival experience started with a lot of promise setting you up as a young adult that returns from an island excursion to a 1980 sweden to find that everyone's just gone and that the only signs of life are a bunch of aggressive robots the problem was that when first released playing the game felt just as bleak and devoid of any life it was accurate to the concept we guess but you can still have a wasteland based game without you know being crap this world lacked the environmental cues of games like fallout but also didn't offer compelling survival gameplay as seen in titles like rust or Ark it basically boiled down to shooting and looting robots rinse and repeat the big mystery wasn't even explained in any clear or meaningful way either which was a real waste of potential although we should say there have been regular updates since launch so hopefully the Just Cause bet Trane's can salvage something from this wreckage in time number eight submersed ps4 44% what's more terrifying than being stuck in shark-infested waters in a clunky old diving suit experiencing exactly that but through the medium of what feels like early ps3 era shovelware there is a way to make retro 3d graphics work well in a horror setting but this deep-sea disaster is not the way to do it believe it or not submersed was released in july of 2019 but everything about it looks and feels dated from the clumsy AI to the hackneyed horror tropes poorly executed puzzles and the inventory system with only eight slots that seemed to actively despise you for using it now the concept of shark based spooky is fine on paper but it's like they looked at Jaws is dated animatronics ignored the rest of the movie's fantastic tense cinematography and thought that's what we need for our first scripted encounter with the big bad sea Chomper although we'll admit it does look hilarious to dismiss one of the bitey bruce's with your electric prod that's right stay in the naughty corner and don't question our use of electrically charged weapons in an underwater setting ever again we would say this title is the sharknado of the aquatic game world but at least that movie had some moments of fun number seven FIFA 20 legacy Edition Nintendo switch 43% many people look at EA's yearly football franchise and score for the practice calling each iteration a bare minimum upgrade with just a few updated team lineups now while that's clearly an exaggeration for what is for most people's money the best digital emulation of ball kicker II out there the Nintendo switch version of FIFA 20 was actually that a shameless reskin of last year's FIFA 19 almost a cynically named legacy edition or in other words the we couldn't be asked so here's last year's game with a $49.99 price tag addition non of the real FIFA 20s notable changes are present in the switch version including the much-hyped of alter mode which was advertised on the game's trailers for goodness sake many Ultimate Team features were missing too and even seemingly simple updates like custom house rules are also absent the game's Amazon listing are since updated to sound a little less savage first described as the quote same gameplay innovation from FIFA 19 without any new development or significant enhancements or out all I can say is I look forward to the day when all this annual rehashing behavior comes to an end as Nintendo life but it this can't Cuttino happening frankly that pun might be the best thing to come out of this blatant insult to fans everywhere number 6 WWE 2k 20 ps4 42% yeah you knew this was coming the long-running wrestling series had an absolute shocker of a year and you've probably seen the countless memes even if you have no interest in sweaty grapples whatsoever when veteran 2k developers uke stepped away and handed over the reins to NBA 2k studio visual concepts none of us were prepared for what would come of it significant graphical downgrades were just the tip of the goldberg sorry iceberg terrible animations unnecessary control changes a main story mode with incomprehensibly bad writing and loathsome protagonists that's right I want to give your grandmother bedsores what is wrong with you and then there's the glitches oh sweet unholy Undertaker the glitches broken textures that caused a nightmare inducing fleshy monstrosity x' tattoos crashing the game bizarre body contortions and slapstick animations ropes that are possessed by the devil honestly there are so many horrific yet hilarious bugs we don't know whether to laugh or cry and somehow 2k are still having problems on the first of January 2020 a coding error the game to consistently crash making 2k 20 impossible to play in the yay 2k 20 it beggars belief number 5 dollhouse ps4 41% this unnerving horror noir title is a textbook example of how an intriguing concept can be completely butchered by terrible execution first announced in 2013 dollhouse takes psychological horror to a very literal level as you assume the role of an amnesiac detective delving into the recesses of her own mind in search of clues about her past you'll need to solve puzzles while avoiding evil entities like the weeping angel style mannequins then find reels of film and edit them together in game to create a lovely little memory movie all sounds like prime horror material on paper right well unfortunately he went all said and done the game essentially just boils down to searching for randomly placed collectables in a procedurally generated map of samey corridors the developers don't seem to realize that there's a fine line between tension and tedium and the lack of anything remotely interesting in this game turns the potentially eerie into the dreary oh and if you die you start all over again with a completely different layout great an underwhelming story that's poorly placed and the monotonous gameplay are the final nails in this promising idea coffin and I'll probably leave you wishing for the sweet embrace of amnesia yourself just so you can forget you ever played it number 4 contra rogue core Nintendo switch 40% Oh awesome Contras back so what's the old bullet blazing jungle runner doing these days what what yes yet another legendary name from gaming's past has suffered the indignation of an abysmal modern reboot the change from side scroller to a hybrid twin-stick shooter isn't an offensive decision in and of itself but ever thing else is practically insulting for starters the awful repetitive level design recycles bosses like their on wartime rations the dialogue is cheesy too now sure is a series born from 80s action movies but it feels like they're trying too hard to pander to an edgy teenage audience who won't know what a contra even is oh and by pander we mean a literal pander there's a panda character why is there a plan the character movement is clunky shooting is inaccurate but the biggest sin is the weapon overheating mechanic that forces you to stop shooting in a franchise that was built on non-stop shooting this so-called contra title so lady ps4 and Xbox one but the switch version topped them both when it came to bad reviews with its poor resolution and murky textures we're so sorry for what they've done to you contra number three blades of time Nintendo switch 38% bringing back a legendary franchise just a butcher in front of millions of adoring fans is one thing but a sadder story is bringing back a completely unremarkable title for the benefit of what we're still not exactly sure who gauge in Entertainment first released blades of time in 2012 on the previous console generation and it received little fanfare even then it starred the and I quote gorgeous gun wielding treasure hunter a yume which translates from cynical shovelware speak to lady protagonist with minimal clothing and amongst the boring predictable button mashing there was only one interesting feature the ability to rewind time but just because one can manipulate time doesn't mean that one should as I can only assume that's how we ended up with this dated mess in 2019 in the first place actual time travel the flow of combat is constantly marred by both terrible framerate issues and intentional game design choices like long delays after dodging a dreadful targeting system and clunky transitions between ranged and melee attacks even the time manipulation appropriately slows down the switch itself to a snail's pace were three wine since ah basically if you want engaging combo rich brawling with a cool sassy female lead that manipulates time then blades of time is absolutely the perfect game to trade in for Bayonetta number two left alive ps4 37% amazingly one of the worst games of last year came not from a small indie studio but from one of the big boys or girls Square Enix yes that Square Enix this stealth action with mechs number is technically a sequel in the long running front mission series the first one in almost 10 years in fact with the producer of the armored core series Toshi Femina Vashi me along with former Metal Gear character designer Yoji Shinkawa both on board during development it certainly showed promise but that only added to the disappointment upon seeing that they literally just came up with a poor man's or poor woman's Metal Gear Solid clone this title dialed back the front mission series focus on giant robots with massive guns although there are still plenty to be found and put a whole lot of unforgiving poorly implemented stealth in its place and when stealth inevitably fails the combat is even worse thanks to awkward aiming mechanics and poor AI the story also borrows from Metal Gear and its school of hamda acting but at least provides a decent narrative with strong anti-war themes that pull from the series rich world but sorry longtime front mission fans that's about all you're gonna salvage from this trainwreck mech wreck if you like I don't know and number one eternity The Last Unicorn ps4 36-percent well done eternity for almost single-handedly managing to ruin unicorns for everyone this woeful action RPG does a lot of things but the story is something else entirely supposedly inspired by Norse mythology even though we're absolutely certain that unicorns are remotely related to Viking era legends it all began with the arrival of the elves at Alfheim for unicorns sacred creatures were given to the elves by the goddess Mariah it's like someone blended half a dozen generic fantasy books into a pint glass downed it in one and then vomited the resulting mess onto a videogame script other noteworthy trailer quotes include beings of light a witch coming from hell because that's where witches come from and the elderly scrolls off I hope someone from void Studios is keeping an eye on the post for a letter from Bethesda's lawyers honestly I just feel bad for the trailers voice-over artist if no one else who has little to no control over the drivel she has to read out a bit like if I was forced to say mystical penis biscuits of pixie land or what I actually really enjoyed death stranding what the rest of the game feels just as antiquated as the setting with bog-standard combat that frequently breaks and a protagonist who likes to ignore her own health bar and just drop dead at random intervals this and many more issues give eternity The Last Unicorn the unenviable award of the worst game of 2019 we just hope this isn't the first and last attempt for the newly-formed avoid studios just stay away from the elderly scrolls okay and there we are the best worst games from the last year at least according to Metacritic I think it's safe to say that they all came together beautifully but worst games can often be personal and subjective things we should know so there's no your own picks for 2019 in the comments below you can follow myself on triple jump on twitter here and if you want to support the things you enjoy then check out the rewards patreon finally don't forget to like the video share with your friends and subscribe to the channel I've been Peter from triple-jump and thanks for watching
Channel: TripleJump
Views: 202,759
Rating: 4.8511529 out of 5
Keywords: worst games of 2019, worst games of the decade, worst games ever, worst games, worst video games 2019, worst video games ever, worst video game, worst reviewed games of 2019, worst reviewed games, worst reviewed video games, 2019 worst video games, 2019 worst games, 2019 video games, 2019 games, worst game reviews, worst video game reviews, video games metacritic, metacritic 2019, lowest ranked video games, worst video game scores, triplejump, teamtriplejump
Id: 2CjJR1Ce_z4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 55sec (1075 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 23 2020
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