10 Worst Villain Pet Peeves

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hello everybody before we get started I just wanted to thank everyone for entering my cover reveal giveaway I had so much fun going through all of your posts and I'm so thrilled everyone loved the chapter to sneak peek of the saviors champion I've been reading your messages they're amazing and I can't wait for you guys to read the whole book second friendly reminder that today is the first day of my cyborg photo challenge on Instagram if you don't know the details I've got a link to last week's video listed below along with a link to the Instagram post itself all you gotta do is follow me on Instagram post pictures that meet each day's theme and use the cyborg photo challenge hashtag and seven people are gonna walk away with awesome prizes but enough of that [ __ ] today is my birthday I'm officially 31 years old I'm still alive which is nice and since it's my birthday I feel like now is a good time for me to whine about shitty characters and shitty fiction it's my birthday and I'll [ __ ] if I log to today I'm ranting about villains cuz when the bad guy sucks the whole book sucks here are the top 10 worst villains in fiction in my personal completely biased and a hundred percent correct opinion because I'm a perfect person who's never wrong about anything number one the cartoon villain this is just your run-of-the-mill bad guy there was no thought put into them they just meet all the generic bad guy criteria wears lots of black check has a scary name like the dark one or the overlord check ominous laughter nameless henchmen a handlebar mustache that he occasionally twirls while concocting evil schemes triple-check look your bad guy doesn't need to be the most original character in the world but could you maybe not get their dialogues straight from a cartoon the same thing we do every night pinky try to take over the world if your villains voice is reminiscent of a mouse from a children's show maybe work on it number two the poor little bad guy everywhere I turn one is writing a villain with a pathetic tortured backstory let me guess they had a hard childhood and someone they loved I did everyone they loved died first of all statistically speaking people who have gone through heavy [ __ ] and to be more empathetic because of it so there's that second this tumultuous past is usually used to humanize the villain which is some gross [ __ ] see it's not his fault he's evil his dad died oh you know what you're right because everyone whose dad dies ends up enslaving entire civilizations unless it's directly relevant to the plot I honestly don't give a [ __ ] about your villains backstory and I don't know why you're telling us about it lots of people have sad childhoods and yet somehow managed to not slaughter innocent human beings number three the unnecessary redemption arc not everyone needs to be redeemed okay some people are just [ __ ] piles they don't have goodness within them they're not gonna get better and even if they do I don't care I've seen that error in my ways I want to change that's great but you committed genocide so methinks this might be too little too late writers I'm gonna let you in on a secret some people just suck and plenty of bad people remain bad for their entire lives that's not cynicism it's just reality number four the guy who's evil just cuz this works in comics comedy and that's about it we get that your bad guy is evil that's why they're called the bad guy but I'm gonna need a bit more than that a motivation and impetus something no one wakes up one morning and thinks you know what I'm a well-connected billionaire living in the side of a mountain and I'm just gonna blow up the entire planet but Jenna my bad guy does have a motivation he loves being evil but why does he love being evil cuz he's the bad guy Wow you literally put zero thought into this look if you took the time to figure out why your hero wants to save the world you should take the same amount of time to figure out why your villain wanted to destroy it in the first place number five the sexy villain love interest this character is vile they commit terrible crimes they have definitely tried to kill the MC multiple times but they're also hot which means you're gonna see it's probably gonna [ __ ] them now don't get me wrong people make mistakes and sometimes that mistake is putting a scumbags dick in your mouth but your emcee isn't just gonna [ __ ] this character they're also gonna fall desperately in love with them which is horrifying who needs trust loyalty and respect when you have rock-hard abs and blind rage and they may be a liar and a murderer had a sexual predator but let's try to look beyond the layers of human garbage and see the hot piece of ass within focus on what matters folks number six the other villain wow what a homogeneous cast of characters you've got there well except for the villain we've all seen it every character in the book is white except the villain every character in the book is straight except the villain every character in the book is gorgeous able-bodied or neurotypical but somehow the one person who happens to be disfigured disabled or mentally ill is the villain now I'm not saying you can't make your villain gay or they can't be unattractive but the only character the only one in the whole book you decided to give one person to disability and you gave it to the evil piece of [ __ ] that everyone hates wow you're kind of an [ __ ] aren't you number seven the villain who doesn't do a goddamn thing your bad guy is so evil and how do your readers know this because everyone in your book talks about it all the time watch out for Zordon he's the most evil alien in the galaxy he does things evil things that's great but is he gonna actually do any of these things on page I'm not gonna hate your villain just because your characters hate him this isn't high school like oh my god did you hear that sword on is like the most evil alien in the galaxy why don't you shut the [ __ ] up Becky and stop spreading rumors it's not nice if you want me to fear Zordon I'm gonna need him to blow up a planet okay have him Flay some peaceful aliens and then maybe I'll believe he's the most evil dick weasel in the galaxy number eight the chatty villain it's the climax of the novel and your villain is about to do the very thing they threatened to do throughout the entire book first a soliloquy where they explain their plan and boast of their genius now don't get me wrong I understand the purpose of this the writer needs of the reader to learn these specific details and this is the easiest way to do it and sometimes the soliloquy works but most of the time the reader is just sitting there thinking for God's sake just destroy the world already you're wasting your opportunity writers I know you got to deliver the goods but don't make your villain look like an idiot in the process number nine the femme fatale this villainous is gonna waltz into your story wearing a pleather cat suit she's gonna throw a knife at the good guy then crawl across the table seductively in order to retrieve it she's gonna lick her lips she's gonna squish her boobs together and every piece of dialogue is going to include a sexual innuendo meanwhile straight women around the world are rolling their eyes and straight men would roll their eyes too but they're too busy masturbating she's a villain who controls men with her sexuality because apparently sexuality is the only weapon women are allowed to have I get that she has tips and knows how to use them but can she do something else remember that knife she was throwing around who needs sexuality when you can just stab dudes in the dick and number 10 the bad guy who absolutely sucks at being a bad guy I am pure evil the cruelest mortal to ever walk this land but somehow your protagonist is going to destroy my genius plan on the first try without any assistance knowledge or training I know you're just trying to make your hero come off as a badass but that's not how this is translating your hero doesn't look awesome the villain just looks really pathetic and hey I love a happy ending I want the hero to win but I also want them to bleed a little okay I want them to bleed a lot the climax of the novel is a lot like a climax in the bedroom if it's over in two seconds you probably suck at this that's all I got for you today sometimes villains suck and not for the intended reasons I'm supposed to hate them not hate the way they're written and if you have a problem with anything I've said just remember today's my birthday which means her not allowed to find fault with me it's the law don't forget to subscribe to my channel I post new videos on Mondays and Wednesdays and if you want to be alerted as soon as I upload bring that Bell my cyborg photo challenge starts to day on Instagram check it out and win some cool prizes and be sure to follow me on social media I'm on Instagram Tumblr Facebook and of course you can tweet me at Jenna Marcy bye
Channel: Writing with Jenna Moreci
Views: 249,906
Rating: 4.8814054 out of 5
Keywords: write, writer, writing, read, reader, reading, book, books, publish, publishing, literature, novel, author, motivation, inspiration, writing tips, writing advice, writing motivation, villains, worst villains, writing villains, funny, humor, laugh, laughter, comedy
Id: bHe2seINnE0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2018
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