10 Ways to stop making EXCUSES - #OneRule

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you're just making excuses don't be gun excuses you can find opportunities don't accept excuses but we've got no time for excuses and I'll have an excuse no excuses no chooses my friends no longer wallow in my self-pity maybe it's my own fault maybe I led you to believe it was easy when it wasn't maybe I made you think my highlight started at the free-throw line and not in the gym maybe I made you think that every shot I took was a game-winner if my game was built on flash and not fired maybe it's my fault that you didn't see that failure gave me strength that my pain was my motivation they better led you to believe that basketball was a guy given gift and not something I work every single day of my life maybe I destroyed the game oh maybe you just making excuses the thing about being an entrepreneur is this it's just all to you you know a lot of people like to make excuses I don't have connections I don't have money I don't have this but you know if you find something that you like to do or love to do be great at it and see if you can turn it into a business and worst case you're going to have fun doing what it is you love to do in best case you can turn it into a business I I'm just not big on excuses I just think if you really everybody had that opportunity to go for it they just got to do it we have a lot of we have a Alibaba Group we have a team or group we have a tarball group with a lipe and people say how you make it why this make it why people cannot have fun opportunities you can find opportunities and I think people same here today Jeff where is the opportunity I don't have a job I don't have this I don't have a debt I remember 20 years ago I hate a Bill Gates I say he took all the job you know he's such a great Larry Page Bill Gates and every success people they did good and why I don't have this chance the same question like you later I come down myself and luckily I win I tell you unlucky to know a lot of famous people Bill Gates Warren Buffet the Jack Welch Larry Page Mark Zuckerberg I know all of that I would like to share with you that those people the difference between those people and other people they are always optimistic for the future they never complain they always try to solve the problems of the others and I think where is the opportunity the opportunity lie always lies in the place where people complain some people sit there complain you think if I can solve that complaint that's the opportunity I was I had a horrible temper poor self-esteem all the things that you think would preclude success but I had something very important I had a mother who believed in me and I had a mother who would never allow herself to be a victim no matter what happened never made excuses and she never accepted an excuse from us and if we ever came up with an excuse she said do you have a brain and if the answer was yes then she said then you could have thought your way out of it it doesn't matter with John or Susan or Mary or anybody else did or said and it was the most important thing she did for my brother and myself because if you don't accept excuses pretty soon people stop giving them and they start looking for solutions and that is a critical issue when it comes to success we know that too many young men in our community continue to make bad choices and I have to say growing up I made quite a few myself sometimes I wrote off my own failings as just as another example of the world trying to keep a black man down I had a tendency sometimes to make excuses for me not doing the right thing but one of the things that all of you have learned over the last four years is there's no longer any room for excuses I understand there's a common fraternity Creed here at Morehouse excuses are tools of the incompetent used to build bridges to nowhere and monuments of nothingness but we've got no time for excuses not because the bitter legacy of slavery and segregation have banished entirely they have not not because racism and discrimination no longer exists we know those are still out there it's just that in today's hyper-connected hyper competitive world with millions of young people from China and India and Brazil many of whom started with a whole lot less than all of you did all of them entering the global workforce alongside you nobody is going to give you anything that you have not earned nobody cares how tough your upbringing was nobody cares if you suffered some discrimination and moreover you have to remember that whatever you've gone through it pales in comparison to the hardships previous generations endured and they overcame them and if they overcame them you can overcome up to my son's 14 is fabulous and we're having this conversation about when he plays in sports or when he does something about you go full out or do you not and I see sometimes in him that when he's out on the field of doing something he doesn't play full out and I'll have an excuse like my leg hurts or my arm hurts or something happened the coach was unfair what other hanger the referee was unfair and what happens with people is we tend to go out into the world and we look for those sort of excuses about why things aren't the way we want them and when you do that you lose all your power in life when you start focusing on the external on your excuses you lose your power here is the way people really think I will tell you I can go out onto stage and bomb you go out there you just bomb right and people will respect you for going out there and trying your hardest it's not how you actually perform that earns you the respect of your peers it's the fact that you went out and actually did it that's the difference I decided to go to film school because I loved the idea of making films I loved photography and everybody said it was a crazy thing to do because in those days nobody made it into the film business I mean just unless you were related to somebody there was no way in so everything is silly you're never going to get a job but I I wasn't moved by that I set the goal of getting through film school and just that's focused on getting to that level because I did you know I didn't know where I was going to go after that I wanted to make documentary films and eventually I got into the goal of once I got to school of making a film one of the most telling things about film schools you got a lot of students in those days especially it's not quite so much today but wandering around say oh I wish I could make a movie I wish I make a movie you know I can't get in this class I can't get any you know first class I have was an animation class it wasn't a production class I had a history class on and an animation class and in the animation class they gave us one minute of film to put onto the animation camera to operate it to see how you could move left move right make it go up and down and it was a test to see you know then the teacher would you had certain requirements you had to do you had to make it go up man and make her go down and then the teacher would look at it and say oh yes you maneuvered this machine to do these things and I took that one minute of film and made it into a movie and it was a movie that won like you know 20 or 25 Awards you know in every film festival in the world and kind of changed the whole animation Department and in meanwhile all the other guys were and so well I wish I could make lluvia which is a production class and so then I got into another class and it wasn't really a production class but I managed to get some film when I made a movie and I made lots of movies while I'm in school while everybody else are running around saying oh I wish I could make a movie at early so speaking of excuses one of my other favorite ones is no excuses no victim mentality the world owes you nothing the world might come help you but I wouldn't count on it and if you start from the feeling that you need the world to participate in order for you to be successful at taking on this new thing that you're considering doing you're right to be scared a mite I wouldn't count on it though but if you start from the perspective that the world owes you nothing which it doesn't and then it is not likely to bring you any particular help you have nothing to lose because really isn't that for every one of the people you brought onto team isn't that how you want them to feel when they report to you you know what excuses that doesn't mean that you can't fail or that they can't ever fail but right when you're starting you have nothing to lose right when you're a huge company you can spend 99% of your time worrying how not to mess up the billion-dollar year money hoes you've created but you don't have a billion dollar your money hoes right now you have nothing so you can't lose spend 99% of your time imagining what would happen if things went well and planning for that because there's no downside it's like a free option on an adventure Roberto asks what do you feel is a bigger obstacle to success a lack of time or lack of capital Roberto this is a tremendous question I think the biggest obstacle to success is a lack of optimism that question in itself is the problem my friend right you're looking at two things that are both negatives and guess what both of them are obstacles when I started winelibrary.com transformation for my business I had time I worked my face off every minute but we don't have a whole lot of money in our profit Center so it took more time right it's just the way it is today I have more money but boy don't I have time but neither ever ever will be an excuse for me and so just a drill dhis through the throat of the vaynernation that's right I went that graphic don't smile d-roc here's the bottom line I refuse to allow you to get an answer to that question because both of them are firmly square in the excuse column and I have no patience for that there will always be problems let's talk about a million other things that are a way to stop success the health and well-being of your family members so it takes your mind away from execution the country you live in government and political you know concepts at these moments I lost startups in China that I've invested in that got traction but then people that were wired into the government decided to not allow it to happen and then the startup disappeared not as easy to be an entrepreneur there it's still a communist country sorry it just is and so all these things can be problems right there's a competitor with a billion dollars who's also skilled and punches you in the mouth and knocks you out in the first round right the world changing I mean there's just a million obstacles right the media one bad coverage of you a moment in time you know what I think about a lot you know what I think about a lot let's get really real this is why we did this show I always I'm a human being and I always think about a moment in time what if I just say the wrong thing at the wrong time right what if I call out China for being a communist country in an episode while I'm on a rant and somebody who's watching doesn't like the way that tastes and it takes away a business opportunity for me in China in seven years even though I'm not trying to zing it's just things that I saw what if what if you know what if what if I look down on my phone while I'm driving even though I've really not done that and I hit somebody and I kill them and that becomes the story and I like forget about the story about what you think of me I will never recover from that because I killed somebody because I needed to check a tweet these are moments in time so there are so many things that can keep you from being successful right the people that you invested in having something bad happened to them so it slows you down my friends there are a million reasons why not but there's one great reason why which is you've just got a persevere no matter what it is it's just the way it is it's hard being an entrepreneur it's hard building a business everybody thinks it's so easy that there's an entitlement there's a disaster zinging China here comes my us thing right now there is an insane generation of 18 to 25 year olds right now that think they're entitled to having a business because they saw the social network movie and everybody's decided if you're a kid and you know what Tech is because you used Instagram early on you're entitled to actually build a business building a business is hard and you know what makes it really hard everything that happens every day of every moment so you can pick time you can pick money as the one or two things that you think stopped you from winning your game but the truth is there's a million reasons 99 percent of businesses go out of business for a reason and that reason is it's hard and so if you're watching this show I've got a sense of who you are and you need to start creating layers and layers and layers and layers of skin to be able to get through because the glamour of being an entrepreneur the goodness you know you get very confused by my optimism because it's my optimism I can't help it it's just how I roll it's probably one of the variable 1% reasons why I'm successful but please don't get it twisted this is hard every day is hard and if you don't have the stomach to weather the storm you will not be successful and by the way let me throw you a real weird curveball and that's okay people have to look themselves in a mirror and understand if they're number 2 3 4 5 6 7 in an organization that has differences of being a number one but maybe that's where your skill set sits maybe that's how you make your fortunes and happiness and all the things that you're looking for and so that question got me going a little bit Steve because it's endured a context of excuses and I will never make an excuse everything that's a problem with me everything I don't achieve everything that's a problem at vaynermedia and everything is my fault and I I succumb to that and I respect that and I actually think that's the way it should be and so um no excuses my friends when I had open-heart saving I died I used to I used to ask myself I just wanted to myself I used to ask the good Lord I was a pregnant why why did this happen have to happen to me I felt like I was a pretty good person I tried to treat everybody right I wasn't prejudiced god I loved everybody I didn't care what Kody was I loved so why why did the lower kidney mean why'd it have to be the the fortunate one or unfortunate however you want to look at to be stricken down and have to suffer like this for a year and a half after my surgery 18 months 18 months 6 months I had to spend in a wheelchair 6 more months I had to sleep sitting down on the floor with my back up against the wall because if I lay down I couldn't breathe they had to cut my diaphragm during the surgery a whole lot of complication anywhere I've sit there I asked a good Lord why did I have to go through this why why was I mind you do this to me and it got so bad so bad the pain was so bad my hurt was so bad times done I used to say Lord if I'm gonna have to live like this for the rest of my life then just take me take me now I don't want to suffer like this anymore I went to one of many many many doctor visits that I had at the VA hospital a young doctor approached me came up to me sick CT I heard it used to be the champion of the world I raised my head up but I had a little little little inkling of pride still left and I say yes I'm won and you heard about I'm the one that they told stories about yes I'm Ct Fletcher he said what in tho happened to you man-boy you know that hurt me that hurt me down deep but I tell you what if that doctor was here today I would thank him because his snide comment is what made me determine to no longer wallow in my self-pity - no longer ask God why did he do this to me my determination changed from that day on I want to prove to that little smart wise but I could come back that I will still see T foots now I'm gonna let his little smart be right I'm not down I'm not done I'm not through it's over when I say so and not before thank you guys so much for watching I'd love to know which of the clips you liked the most and are you going to stop making excuses or do you make too many excuses I'd love to hear your story share it in the comments below thank you guys so much for watching continue to believe and I'll see you soon
Channel: Evan Carmichael
Views: 369,802
Rating: 4.9134116 out of 5
Keywords: business, success, advice, help, entrepreneur, how to, better, life, money, work, job, career, company, motivation, education, inspiration, Evan, Carmichael
Id: h8jGoaSx1j4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 04 2016
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