10 Ways To CHEAT In Among Us

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dirty cheaters everywhere i'm sick of it i can't play a single game of among us without green having his friend on discord tell them i'm the imposter so today i'm exposing 10 ways to cheat and among us and that way if green ever cheats in your lobby you'll know how he's doing it but first anti-cheater tip number 10 never trust afk players all right there's a secret way that people have been cheating in among us and almost no one has realized it yet if you've been in a lobby with someone who was afk for a couple rounds and then suddenly knows who the imposter is it's a little sus but now we know that these guys are actually cheaters apparently they'll join the lobby on two or more devices at the same time and then they just stay afk on the device while they play on the other of course once they conveniently get murdered they know who the imposter is so they could simply go onto their other account and expose the identity of the murderer it's pretty hard to prove they're cheating but hey now you know that you can never trust them but now we have to go over a little less subtle way to cheating among us and that's the no kill cooldown hack of course there are people out there who don't care if they get caught and just straight up download hacks from among us these are the worst kinds of cheaters people but they're also a little less common some hackers have a mod that will actually remove their kill cooldown when they're the imposter so basically if they just feel like it in a game they could kill someone and they take out all the witnesses in the room with no cooldown or they could probably just kill everyone in the lobby within seconds assuming the kill range is that long so basically you don't want these kinds of hackers in your lobby because they're someone the most chaotic and they don't care about any punishments but it turns out we're getting actual accounts in a reporting system in the near future because you know it's getting out of hand while no kill cooldown hackers are bad at least you could just get it over with unlike number eight discord cheaters i think we could all agree that hackers are bad but they aren't even as close to being as annoying as discord cheaters you know what i'm talking about they're the guys who just sit in a discord call with their buddies join up in a public lobby and then just tell everyone who the imposter is once their friends died it's always the classic my friend on discord told me line you see in the chat that's the one that's a pretty common way to cheat and among us you can't even prevent anything like this either it's pretty hard to add an anti-cheat to the game which will ban people from talking on discord or something like that but hey it's not all doom and gloom because sometimes your lobby might just kick the discord cheater from the match i guess it just kind of depends if you have yourself a good bunch of gamers most of the time though yeah the impostor often you gets voted out because some dude loves to cheat on discord and speaking of literally knowing who the imposter is always coming in at number 7 we have the new cheat engine so back over to the hackers while i said a lot of cheaters like to just do their hacks in the open and not care who spots them these particular hackers are very subtle there's a famous program that works in a ton of games called cheat engine and people use it to hack or mod games of course cheat engine works with among us and people have been using it to actually hack the game and be given the impostor role every single time it's a super weird cheat but it actually works in every match they always get impostor no matter what but not in the way you think instead of getting the official imposter role in the lobby they could get the crewmate role and then force the game to switch them to the imposter's team so they're basically just a crewmate who could run around killing people and sabotaging so honestly even more dangerous than the actual imposter but that brings us to something even more devastating with number six the mirador glitch while some people cheat using hacks or downloading mods even just using discord and more this next one is something that literally anyone could do on their own and they have been there's an out of the map glitch that's been on mirror hq for months now and still hasn't been patched doesn't use any hacks or cheats but it is a little difficult to do basically people found out that you could head to the door in decontamination and actually push yourself out of the map by standing on top of the door while it closes if you do it right you'll pop right through the wall and straight out of the map it's pretty overpowered because there are even some spots where you could do tasks outside the map or maybe you could just watch from afar and maybe even witness a murder either way you have a huge advantage and people do this glitch whenever they can in public lobbies it still works so we're just waiting for inner sloth to patch us one but you gotta hear about number five the among us notepad alright so this next way to cheat is pretty split between the community but i figured i'd add it in anyway it's called among us notes and there's a few sites on the internet with the same premise basically it's a tool that's used by people who want to play among us professionally or i guess more like strategically or i mean i don't know if you have bad memory or something like that sum it up it's a notepad that lets you keep track of everything going on in the lobby it even gives you a summary of the map you're playing on showing where every vent leads and what every common and wiring task is available the site also lets you put people into things like a suspicious or an innocent list and you can write your own notes if you need to remember something i gotta admit it's genuinely the best tool out there for among us and some of the community actually consider this cheating it does give you a huge advantage that's for sure but cheating comment section let me know is it cheating or not i'd love to hear it coming in at number four we have the revive yourself glitch for those of you who play on your phone turns out there's actually hackers on that platform too so over on the android version of among us people have been downloading a game hacking app called game guardian kind of like cheat engine but for mobile and a lot more complicated well it turns out some cheaters are actually using this hacking app and among us now it doesn't just give you a list of mods you can activate you have to go into the game's data and change things to get what you want but it hasn't stopped from cheaters from taking advantage probably one of the worst hacks with this one is that if you get murdered or voted off you can just go into the game data and change one thing or two and boom you're back to life in the game yeah you can literally revive yourself if that's not completely broken i don't know what is but cheaters are lazy people and maybe they don't want to go into a bunch of data and random numbers to break among us and that brings us to number three the wall hack bug a bug that literally anyone could do right now and among us is literally just something in the settings this isn't a glitch that requires a list of steps or even any effort whatsoever it's probably the easiest way to cheat among us that anyone will ever get all you have to do is play among us as usual but head into your game settings go to the resolution option and change it to the lowest it could go then just change it back to your normal mode and for a few seconds it could actually let you see through walls completely ignores the darkness and you can see whatever's in the corner of your screen it's overpowered for seeing through walls and it it it's easy to do now i'm not saying that you shouldn't do this but i'm just saying it's really really easy now it's time for a second to last cheat with number two insta-complete tasks there are a few life hacks around the among us map especially in places like polis and mirror hq in some spots you can simply do tasks through walls that will both save you time and let you sneakily do your tasks without worrying about a camping imposter there are also ways to just complete your task instantly like spam clicking the arrow on the upper engine and that just completes both engines in one go you can also complete the reactor sabotage on your own by tapping the hand as you close the task menu it then lets you do the second scanner without needing a second person and just before we get into our final way to cheat we have our honorable mention which is the no voting screen glitch but there's a weird glitch right now and among us is that if you spam the open and close the submit scan menu at the same time that someone calls a meeting it breaks the emergency meeting button apparently it also stops you from opening chat and just completely breaks the lobby it's weird but anyway as for our number one spot you've gotta check out being invisible as a crewmate so in one of our previous videos we mentioned a glitch over in freeplay mode where if you jumped into a vent at the exact same time that the countdown of a sabotage hit zero you would become completely invisible sure that's cool but it was only in free play mode and it's been patched however those of you who are excited about this are gonna love what was recently found this glitch has returned in some form and it's in normal modes too basically instead of jumping into event when the clock hits zero this new glitch involves meetings if a body is reported or a meeting is called at the exact same time that you hop into event you go entirely invisible now it could be patched by now i'm not 100 sure but i guess there's only one way to tell and don't try these glitches or hacks at home because hacking is bad people don't be agreeing but that's all we have for you today click on screen right now to check out our next video this has been tommy and you're watching t5g
Channel: T5G
Views: 1,668,182
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Keywords: among us, 10 Ways To CHEAT In Among Us, among us cheaters, among us cheats, among us hackers, among us hacks, amoung us discord cheaters, among us new, new among us, new among us update, among us new update, among, us, among us top 10, top 10 among us, amoung us 2021, 2021 among us, new, update, video
Id: IG_t9yUTk3c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 31sec (451 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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