HOW To Play SOLO AMONG US (Among You)

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so of course you guys know among us dudes introducing among you this was made by a youtuber to kane i'll put a link in the description to his youtube channel dudes this game is act i've played it for a little bit it is a crap ton of fun i'll explain it here in a minute but the idea is simple we are a detective our job is to use our evidence that we collect to figure out who the imposter is so dudes while this loads if you want to be a detective with me i'll give you a clue if you go down below the video the like button right the clue is if you hit it it'll turn blue just hit the like button so i shut my mouth hit the subscribe button alright so here's how the game look look at this it's among us here's how it works you see in the bottom right we have a search menu or a search button that's how we find clues we can also find dead bodies around the map which limits which color the imposter can be our goal is to detect out who the imposter is and then oh we gotta call them out okay look at this so you see our view distance is really low we can open up the phone and look at the map we got report security east power office navigation kit all these areas we can also click lights and we can turn on the lights whenever the lights are on the imposter won't come out of the vents to kill us so check this out look at this there's a vet right there ah please don't come out okay he's over here here's let's turn on the lights in east power now we got lights now the impostor can't come out what we're looking for are yeah you see the search button is lighting up normally there's like a spark a twinkle that happens i love get out did you hear that noise that means the imposter is coming in and out of vents please don't kill me okay okay let's turn back on light and the lights have a cool down okay let's look see if we can get the this search button search there we go we're searching for a clue now right in this area normally like a flickering happens we just got a clue oh no oh no i just heard an event i just heard of it i just heard of it impostor please don't come oh dead bodies okay report this one wait that's me that means i can't be the killer okay teal [Music] there's the imposter run okay you can outrun the imposter but he can randomly come out of vents while you're doing uh uh looking for clues and looking for stuff and that's when he eats your face and then you die okay okay let's head back to the button okay use this so this is how you whittle down who the killers as you can see here my evidence i have uh what is this clue yellow fingerprint location east yeah that was in the top left corner so we have a clue that yellow was up there we also have a clue that cyan is dead on the west side that was me though crap i'm not dead okay so our goal is to figure out who the killer is we know it could be yellow because they have fingerprints but we know it can't be cyan because we found that dead body do we think it's yellow if i vote wrong i lose crap i'm gonna skip i'm gonna you skip voting i'm not gonna vote anybody out just yet okay we gotta go find more we gotta go find more stuff we gotta go find more more fingerprints we gotta go find more i'm gonna go back up i wanna go detect that body over there just so i have it on file okay run oh there's another clue right there you saw that little sparkle look zimmer zoom in on the sparkle show him the sparkle i'm gonna turn on the lights in west power there we go brown dead is it dip brown i think that's brown there we go we have that we have that on locking key now we have that evidence okay so we know it's not brown cyan and we know of yellow fingerprints so here's what i'm gonna do i wanna go back up to the top left and i want to look for that that evidence look down here there is a vent there if okay let's turn on the lights turn on the light so the killer can't come out and get me dead body orange get out before the vendors before the vent comes out and eats me look for vents look for vents let's sit in this hallway wait for the killer wait for the killer okay i want to get back up there and remember i have to be looking for those sparkles as well okay here's what i'm gonna do here's what i'm gonna do here's what i'm gonna do the killer almost got me already in the top right that was spoopy okay click that and go run through here so we can't come out of the vent there we go okay so here's what i'm gonna do let's head back to the report okay let's see anything three dead bodies orange dead and repairs brown dead so we know it's not orange brown or cyan but we do know yellow has left fingerprints all right boy we coming for you imposter we will find you dudes again this map was made by tokkaint okay link in the description go check them out this is a sick game so and also hit the like button so i can feed my family cheerios what am i saying all right so remember there was up here east power yeah there was just yeah right there searching for clue while the lights are on hurry up go clue found cliff what was the clue what was the clue let's go find out what the clue was we've only been in this for five minutes oh gosh please don't kill me okay let's see what that clue was what is this clue black dna so we have clue about yellow and about black crap all right all right we're good we can we're good we out here we out here okay so we got there's is that gray or black hole let's see if we can find is it gray oh no let's see if there's a black or is it just gray that's gray or is that black i think that's black okay okay okay so we're sus of yellow and black this is getting intense the more you i think the longer this game runs around the more aggressive the impostor gets i'm pretty sure okay you saw the imposter here's a little beady eye there he is huh yeah what's up boy what's up you trying to get me yeah i'm faster than you get out idiot okay let's look for more clues more dead bodies more dead bodies look for clues look for sparkles look for dead body oh there's a vent you hear moving around there's a vent right there i do not want to walk out there he will immediately murder my face any events any clues let's go over here let's go over here let's go over here anything over here no dead bodies oh no we need more clues we need more dead bodies oh no oh no can i turn on the lights again i can't it's on cooldown oh he's gonna kill me okay go go go go go okay we're fine we're fine turn on the light turn the light turn on the lights no one's home come on there we go okay lights back on let's back up please don't kill me let's look for clues i want to see if the search button lights up anywhere maybe in here i hear noises right there you saw that sparkle right he's moving in the fence i heard him go go go go go please don't come out please don't come up please don't come out that was so the only reason why i ran through that top left is because uh i heard him come out of the vent in the cafeteria or in the gym i think it's the gym no that was the office yeah i heard the vent in the office okay okay let's see what we got here blue fingerprint so we're suss of yellow gray and blue now are you kidding me there are so many colors how am i gonna figure it out this is kind of difficult ain't it okay let's let's get going let's keep going maybe there's something down here i'm gonna bait out the killer oh okay we're good we're gonna hey get out get out of my face i am gonna bait you like a foot okay let's yeah he's still following me there we go he stopped he's probably gonna hop in a vent soon that gives me a little bit of time to search for clues oh cafeteria i have not been in the cafeteria there's a clue right there clue right there cool right there okay let's turn on the lights i can't turn on the lights in the kitchen he's gonna pop out and kill me huh get the clue already yeah you can't turn on the lights in the kitchen no no no no there's a clue right there i saw a clue oh my gosh that dude just almost ate my face you see how more aggressive he gets the longer this goes okay there's a clue in cafeteria clueing or not cafeteria office office office office okay okay let's turn on the lights in the office let's go get this next clue it was like dead center right here over here over here over here lights please don't turn off that dude almost killed me clue found i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go i gotta go there's another clue right there another clue right there let's go back to the button and let's see what i found so far dude give me more dead bodies okay use what do we got what do we got oh my gosh so many clues so now we have green dna in the kitchen that was the dude in the kitchen wait do we have to figure out like fingerprints and dna in the areas that these dead bodies were found we remember we found cyan and brown dead in the west but we haven't found any dna or fingerprints in the west we have green d or dark green fingerprints in the office green dna in the kitchen this is getting difficult i'm just trying to figure out who the killer is oh no okay okay let's get back in let's get back in there just gotta be smart gotta be smart gotta be smart gotta be smart okay here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go down here bait out the killer bait out the killer there we go get baited idiot i'm smarter than you you ain't smart get rekt okay he's gonna chase me for a minute okay i think he's done chasing me let's get this clue that was right where is it where's the clue it's right there give me the clue give me the clue okay you know what you know what i'm turning on this light i'm turning this light so i can see the clue better there we go there we go now we got the clue now the dude can't kill me then i'm gonna run down center clue found i'm gonna run over here actually yeah this is where i found the two dead bodies in this room right here the killer's gonna pop out at any second get out of my face you idiot just take off your hat take off your hat yeah you better run take off your hat so i can see who you who you are gosh that is terrifying all right let's see what clue we just got i will figure this out boys don't leave this video yet we will red red now has dna dude the office is popping we have found so much evidence in the office okay he's gonna pop out of that event 100 so i'm turning on the lights and repairs anything any more dead bodies let's go check uh let's go check storage whoa he's gonna pop out he's gonna pop out okay we're fine we're fine we're fine i baited him down there ah get out yeah what's up what's up you can't catch me boy what's up now i know he's stuck there okay we gotta we gotta go look for stuff i'm gonna go to storage i'm gonna go look for stuff for storage really quick there's gotta be dead bodies in stores right please don't pop out and kill me i'm not risking this i'm turning on west power lights oh god okay let's go back to let's go back to the office anything in the office anything popping up in the office nothing in the office okay he's definitely gonna pop out right there he's okay please are coming please okay okay we're good maybe i'm not finding enough uh enough clues he just came out he just came out where'd he go where'd he go where'd he come from you heard that event right let's go check kitchen he just came out event so i think i'm good no i don't want to go down there oh here we go look more clues look for more clues he should pop out soon he should pop out soon then we'll be ready for him we're ready for you sucka what's up boy you trying to get cut oh there look at that hey what are you doing over there huh smarter than you boy what's wrong with you okay okay let's keep looking for clues i'm just trying to get this dub i want to see what happens when i figure out who this little jerk is and i'll cut off his face i don't know what that okay he's over there i get a free check in this room i think we're good check check see if the button lights up check to see if the button lights up so so far nothing crap i mean i'm looking for clue let me turn on the lights in west power this is where the two bodies were let me see if i see any clues i'm seeing nothing sparking i'm not seeing the search button light up anywhere go gotta go i don't know what to do somebody help me in the comments tell me how to dab okay he's gonna jump out and kill me at me okay we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine get out that's what i thought can't mess with me boy what's wrong with you i mean what room haven't i checked oh wait maybe i need to go to navigation no no i don't like you oh that dude almost ripped off my face and ate it holy crap all right let's go down to navigation i haven't checked these corners okay let's hit the lights in navigation down over here nothing i gotta go down there and check and see if there are clues he's gonna pop out and kill me isn't he gosh okay i got an idea i got an idea here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna i'm gonna fake him out over here fake him out over here i'm gonna go into the kitchen and get him out of his little cage he's not afraid of me i didn't mean it i didn't mean it don't rip off my ears don't rip off my ears they're my ears are you going to stop anytime soon can you stop now can you stop chasing me please you please stop chasing me no hey can you please stop chasing me can you please stop chasing thank you what happens if i chase him oh it disappears did i break the game there's a thing i found an exploit okay we're gonna go in here i'm gonna check down here i don't know what to do i think i've broken the game this is my first game recording and i already broken it i mean this is the info that i have so i'm gonna think strategically about this i have checked this entire map cyan died in the top right up there in west power i'm gonna i'm gonna take a picture of this i'm gonna take a picture of this map and i wanna see what all information i have yellow's fingerprints were in the east so was black's dna in the east over here in east power so that's the opposite side of the map essentially so i am not as sus of those two but blue was in office which is right next to west power green dna was in kitchen which is fairly it's kind of far away from west power you got gotta go all the way through office is right next to west power dark green fingerprints and red dna was also in office blue fingerprints dark green and red oh i don't know but dna doesn't exactly mean that they're the killer because like if you just you know kill somebody and then their blood's left on the floor that's their dna but their fingerprints the only one that has left fingerprints in the office is dark green dark green obsessed with you i'm obsessed with you i'm going to do one more trip around the map to see if i can find any dna any clues [Music] you almost just say my hair will save my face any clues oh why did you just run by me you psychopath okay let's look in here any clues any clues i'm pretty sure i've broken this game i'm fairly certain i've broken this grain game and i'm pretty sure dark green is the killer fairly certain to start green if it's not dark green i'm gonna uninstall my foot what does that mean okay you know what there's nothing up there what about in here what about down here all right here we go check down here this is also close to the crime scene no clues it was purple what do you mean it was purple it was purple i was wrong about dark green you know what let's get the killer knocked out really quick i'll show you what that looks like yep so all i did was run around find three dead bodies go back guess purple and i won i don't know if this game works properly hit the like button hit the subscribe button click this next video to watch the next video we'll see you dues next time
Channel: SSundee
Views: 6,595,593
Rating: 4.9370751 out of 5
Id: EbJjCijqzHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 30 2020
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