10 ways to always look CLASSY | Isabelle Ahn

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hey guys welcome back to my channel so in today's video I'm gonna be sharing with you ten easy ways to always look classy I do feel very passionate about this topic because that is the very reason why I started my own luxury handbag and accessories collections I can easily elevate my looks with key quality pieces that will never date that I can use for years to come classy style never goes out of fashion personally I think it is the biggest compliment when someone describes myself as being classy as it is definitely what I strive to be and classy style doesn't always have to be boring as you can always incorporate classier trendy pieces into your looks and of course there's so much more to being a classy lady than just the way you look but for the purposes of today's video we'll focus on how to look classy before we get right into the video if you're new here and this is the very first video of mine that you clicked on I am so glad you're here welcome I'm Isabel and I do new videos every single week relating to luxury fashion and style so if this is something that you're interested in as well I love it if you subscribe to my channel by clicking that red button down below and press the bell button as well so you're notified every single time that I upload a new video if you end up liking this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and share with your friends that may find these tips helpful so tip number one is to keep your clothes looking pristine and clean at all times what I mean by this is that you don't have to go out and spend hundreds of dollars getting really expensive clothes instead even if you are wearing something that only costs thirty forty fifty dollars if you present yourself well and wear them right you can make for a very classy healthy two really important things when keeping your clothing items pristine and clean is one have them always crease free I have tried out so many irons and steamers and I personally find steaming a lot easier than ironing so my favorite thing to steam all my clothes is this portable steamer this was only 50 Australian dollars and if you ask me the best fifty dollars I've ever spent on anything so it is so easy use really quick to heat up and you can take this anywhere with you since it doesn't have a bulky base or you know it doesn't need a big station so you literally just fill up the water in the water bottle and plug the cord in and you literally just press this and the steam comes out and you just run the steamer along your garment and whatever you're steaming comes out Chris free so quickly so the other great thing about having a great steamer is that it doubles as a semi dry cleaning tool so if you do have dry clean only clothes what you can do is you can dry clean them a little bit less frequently and in between dry cleans you can actually steam them with the steamer and because theme is pretty much boiling water it disinfects which means it makes the clothing item really clean and at the same time it removes odor as well so a steamer is a great investment and secondly of course it is important to keep your clothes looking really clean and it is always important to follow the instructions in the little tab that has wash instructions because that will keep your clothing item looking pristine at all times if you wash particular quoting items in the wrong way they can start looking really deadly and dated so no need to spend lots of money on clothing items as long as you present it correctly tip number two may be an obvious point but it is to limit the amount of skin you show so don't show too much skin everywhere I think it is completely okay to wear something slightly revealing but the rule that I like to go by is to balance it out so if you are wearing something slightly revealing on the top showing a bit of cleavage then I'd balance it out with something a bit more conservative on the bottom such as pants that cover your legs you can still wear a skinny fit and show off your figure but it is much more classier to cover up the bottom half and vice versa if you are sharing a bit of leg on the bottom then I balance it out with something a bit more conservative on the top and when you pair something a people revealing with something more conservative I think it creates a really classy look that's still quite attractive and it is always good to leave a little team agitation so I always keep that in mind when I'm trying to dress classy tip number three is to do with your makeup hair and nails so when it comes to your hair makeup and nails I feel that going minimalistic is always classier so obviously I'll still do a few things to enhance my looks but I would not go overboard so with the makeup I think the three key things to focus on would be your skin so always have your skin with King nice and clean and there's nothing worse than a really cakey foundation look especially this day and age everyone is going for the more natural glowy looks so I do like to use some light coverage BB cream or foundation for the skin so that the skin just looks a little bit tidy up but it is okay to share one or two spots it's quite natural the other thing that I like to focus on would be your eyebrows so eyebrows definitely frame your face so if you have messy eyebrows no matter how nice your clothes are or how nice your hair is I feel like your face just looks not put together as soon as you have neat and tidy eyebrows it really enhances your overall look and my favorite at the moment is this car brow by benefit I am using the shade 4 because I do have darker hair but they do come in five different shades so you can always find the right shade for yourself the other thing I love about this one is that it comes with an inbuilt brush so you don't actually have to go and purchase a separate brush and the actual product is a gel type of consistency in a little pot down the bottom the other thing that I like to focus on is just having really full eyelashes now I have very sparse Asian lashes that just almost non-existent so I dream that some time and a little bit of money on getting my lash extensions every three to four weeks I definitely think that having full lashes by either getting your extensions done or spending some time applying mascara to your lashes really adds to your whole look and as for eyeshadows and that sort of thing I like to stay neutral so everything just has a really nice natural and neutral look as for the hair hair dresses always recommend only washing your hair twice or three times a week so I have been following that but there is in between days between washes at the hair can get really greasy and oily and there is nothing classy about having greasy or oily hair so in between washes there are three things that I recommend that you do one is either using dry shampoo or talcum powder and my favorite is actually the talcum powder the way that you should actually use this to soak up the grease from your hair is to apply it the night before so those days in between your hair are chefs what you do is before you go to bed put a little bit on your scalp and you know cut your hair put it evenly around your scalp and sleep on it and trust me and that works so much better then applying some dry shampoo in the morning so overnight the talcum powder absorbs all the grease from your hair when you wake up in the morning your hair looks so fresh and it is so much cheaper than dry shampoo one other thing that I do to keep my hair nice and clean is to actually use a really good quality brush so this is Mason Pearson brush it was definitely an investment but it definitely makes a big difference this I've had for years and not only is it easy to brush through on your knots and things because if you have merged hair or colored hair like me your hairs probably damaged like mine and in such a chore to get through all the knots with a traditional brush this one works so well in going through all the knots not only that these little bristles they stimulate the circulation on your scalp and distribute your natural oil evenly throughout the hair and that's what keeps your hair looking really nice and healthier because there's nothing better than your natural oil to keep your hair looking nice and shiny as for nails I do always get my nails done with the gel nail at the salon you don't always have to go to a salon but it is just important to keep your cuticles nice and clean so there are a lot of different cuticle oils and things that you can use to keep them softened so there's no peeling skin and little details always counts and if you do get your nails like me I do recommend going for a more neutral shade that way when your nails grow out or you get chipping on the nails but you're not able to get back to the salon straightaway it's not so obvious and it'll still pending with your nails and not look true tacky my next tip is to accessorize with dainty jewelry so for your everyday accessories it is always classier to go with dainty jewelry that look high-quality so I have a couple of go to pieces that I wear every single day pretty much and it is this necklace that I'm wearing at the moment it is 18 karat gold field so I can wear it in the shower and not worry about it getting tarnished it is from Rose jury I have a few pieces from them they're an Australian brand based in Melbourne and I absolutely love their stars and their quality so we will link to their website down below so having a few pieces that are really dainty and good quality that'll last you through the years will definitely give you a more classy look overall tip number five is to wear comfortable clothes so there is nothing classy about wearing something and constantly adjusting yourself I'm sure you have experienced these clothes that look really beautiful on so you can tell yourself even though you know they're a bit uncomfortable you buy these things and wear them trying to rock them and what happens when you're out and about is that either the bottom rides up or whatever the case may be and you're constantly adjusting yourself it just makes us look not very confident with ourselves and the constant fidgeting is just not classy so when you're trying on quotes before buying items in the store what I like to do is in the change room I really walk around and move around then have a seat and see how the items sit on me while I move and if they pass my movement test then I'll go ahead and purchase the item but if there is even the tiniest little thing that makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable and I won't go for it so the next step ties in with the previous tip and it is to go up in size when you're in between sizes so I'm sure I'm not the only one that always seems to be in between sizes whenever I try clothes on I'm typically between an Australian size six and eight and I believe that's between us size two and four and sometimes I fall into the trap of thinking oh I'm a size six it just makes me feel I suppose better because I like to be slimmer or what the psychology behind the East but I sometimes try and squeeze into the smaller size when the slightly bigger size it may be a little bit larger on my body but it just falls better and I know deep down that there is nothing classy about wearing something that you look like you squeezed in true so whenever you're in between sizes I definitely find it more classy to go up a size tip number seven is to incorporate high-low fashion into your style of course I had to include this point because that is the very reason that I even started collecting luxury accessories and handbags and shoes so that I can add a couple of accessories that are really good quality that will elevate my whole look sometimes you can't deny the fact that more expensive quality pieces just look a lot classier than the cheap alternatives and I feel horrible saying this because I know sometimes you can get really well priced quality pieces and sometimes we can't justify the high prices of some of these designer accessory he's fine I definitely think that they do something to elevate your outfit and looks so what I tend to do is I usually go with really affordable clothing that fit me well and add a couple of design accessories such as a handbag or shoes or belt or you know a little jury and use those few pieces to elevate my whole look and they will become the statement pieces of the outfit so a few of my favorite items are designer belts so I've got an hermes belt that elevates that looks really well they do cost a lot upfront but you do definitely get a lot of use out of them as opposed to if you were to go out and buy designer clothes because there's only so many times you're gonna wear the same clothes whereas accessories and bags you can keep using the same one over and over again and incorporate them into different outfits and that will create a totally different look but keeps your look classy and look quite expensive as well once upon a time it was frowned upon to mix high street with luxury but these days it is kind of cool to do that so I'm definitely really happy that's going these days tip number a is to go easy on logos I know the logo trend is going really strong at the moment where everyone's into logo shirts and all of that but in my opinion if you do want to keep your looks classy I think having one statement piece that has logos is more than enough so you don't have too many pieces in your outfit that fight for attention and it can quickly become tacky when you're way too many logos all at once so for example if you are wearing a Gucci belt with the big GG buckles then I probably won't wear a huge CC Chanel necklace or anything like that to clash with the Gucci belt I have done this before and with certain outfits it works if your outfit is really plain but as a general rule of thumb I usually go for just one logo a piece that does all of the talking so make sure you don't wear too many logos all at once if you are going for a classy look the second last tip is to find a style icon that you look up to and the star that you admire so for example for me I absolutely love how the Royal Lady's dress sorry my favorite is Kate Middleton and now Meghan Marku I loved her waist from suits anyway those ladies have stylists that know exactly what they're doing and the royal ladies always look so classy so I don't mean copy exactly what they're wearing because I mean obviously that'll probably cost too much anyway but you can definitely take some inspiration and find similar styled pieces and put them together so I find a style icon that you get a lot of inspiration from and just learn a few things that they do with colors or pairing different styles and go from there and the final tip I have for you guys is to have a signature scent so I'm a big believer that whatever scent you're wearing really completes your whole look and it really creates the demeanor and aura around you so personally I'd say invest in a really high-quality perfume that has good lasting power and that has a lot of natural ingredients rather than synthetic in green at the moment my favorite brand that does really good quality perfume is Louie Vuitton of course and I'd say my signature scent these days is this apogee so this is more of a fresh scent and I think it is great fresh all year round said that doesn't give you too much headache but guys this one lasts all day on me I'll be truly put two spritz on myself in the morning and it is enough for the whole day so these perfumes are definitely a bit more pricey but they last so long and Louie Vuitton fragrance they're known to use a lot of natural ingredients and you can definitely tell from the scent so in my opinion every classy lady should have a signature scent to create that great ambience when you are interacting with people it just adds to your classy look so they were my 10 tips on always looking classy if you agree with my tips let me know if you disagree and if you've got other tips on looking classy to share them with all of us by leaving them in the comments below as well if you like this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel as always thank you so much for watching and spending some of your precious time with me today and I can't wait to see you soon in my next video bye guys taking me home one thing really do since we don't know is that you [Music]
Channel: Isabelle Ahn
Views: 626,596
Rating: 4.7428312 out of 5
Keywords: how to look classy, how to always look classy, how to look classy everyday, how to look classy and rich, how to look elegant and classy everyday, 10 ways to always look classy, 10 ways to look classy, how to dress classy, how to dress classy on a budget, how to look expensive, how to look good, how to look rich, how to be stylish on a budget, how to look stylish, how to be stylish, 10 ways to look expensive, style tips for women, hermet belt, look classy, classy women
Id: 8Z7jYGCghSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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