10 Ways a Narcissist Disables You Psychologically

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There are many tactics a narcissist  will use to manipulate, control,   and disable you psychologically. These include  things like gaslighting, deflecting, intimidating,   and so much more. If you've been reading and  researching about narcissism, you know the   narcissist is a master at distorting reality,  changing history, avoiding responsibility,   and systematically breaking people down mentally  and emotionally. In this video, I will give you 10   concrete examples of what the narcissist might say  or do to psychologically disable and destroy you.   Now keep in mind that on occasion some of  these things happen in normal relationships,   but it wouldn't happen often, and would usually be  followed by a genuine apology. With a narcissist   or other toxic type of person, these will happen  regularly, deliberately, and often to a point of   absurdity and it will never come with an apology,  unless it's the type of narcissistic apology along   the lines of I'm sorry but you deserved it or some  other form of justification and then they will go   and if it's your first time here, welcome! I post  weekly videos on topics related to mental health,   trauma, stress, and relationships. This  content is for informational purposes only,   so if you are in need of support, please seek help  from a mental health professional in your area   and if you like this video please like,  comment, or subscribe to my channel and   click on that notification bell so you don't miss  out on any of my videos. In no particular order,   here are some of the ways a narcissist - or some  of the things a narcissist will say or do to mess   with you psychologically, again, keeping in mind  that some narcissists are much more pathological   than others. Number one, they will pretend to have  selective amnesia... they didn't hear, see, say,   or do the things you are remembering. They are  made out to be a figment of your imagination.   They'll say things like: I never said that; or you  know I'd never say something like that; or why are   you always making things up? Or you're twisting  what I said, taking it out of context. Number two,   if they do admit to remembering what happened,  they'll delete, distort, and edit the details,   and they mix their edits in with just enough facts  to make you question whether it might actually be   true and it can be the most trivial and stupid  things but it can also be something significant.   So, they'll usually start with something small  in the beginning because they're testing you. So   here's an example: they'll try to make you believe  that you said something that you didn't say. So   with complete certainty and confidence, they'll  tell you the false thing that they're claiming you   said followed by "remember right after that you  said..." and then they'll rhyme off word for word   something that you did say and you're like oh  right I did say that part, so then you think,   maybe I said the other part too... I don't think  so, but wait did I? Bingo! They've just instilled   enough doubt in you and as soon as you give sign  that you're even considering the possibility that   this false thing that you said might be true, they  pounce on that and they get some form of agreement   from you on their new version of events. If it's  something significant, they'll repeat the edited   narrative making more edits, casually weaving  in more details as though they're facts,   and then reminding you of your agreement until  a whole new version of reality is created.   So the narcissist will combine their untruths with  the truth or at least enough of the truth to make   you doubt yourself and make you lose trust in your  own perceptions, interpretations, and memories and   you know we've all had the experience of sharing  a memory with someone and the other person saying   "No that's not how it happened!" and as you each  recount your version of the events, you know,   maybe you agree to disagree but often you start  negotiating on those inconsistencies, but what's   different with a narcissist is that it's not a  negotiation and it happens constantly. So, over   time you start to lose trust in your own memory.  On some level, you may know that they're lying,   but you're confused and unsure of what's real and  what's not. See, most people think that memories   are like video recordings, that they're permanent  and unchangeable, but they're not and in fact   memories are being edited all the  time. Every time you pull up a memory,   it's subject to modification, and  if you're interested in this topic,   there's an amazing documentary called "Memory  Hackers" which I linked in the description below   and in this documentary researchers researchers  show how easily our memories can be manipulated.   Number three, the narcissist puts words in your  mouth and then says "you even said it yourself"   and if you confront their lie they get aggressive  about it they start pulling stuff out of nowhere   and deflecting and this is when they shift  your attention away from their behavior onto   your behavior. They usually do this by pushing  your emotional buttons... how this might play   out is you're having an argument disagreeing on  something that you know they did so they start   getting defensive they start getting mad and when  their usual tactics to manipulate you don't work,   they might say things like: "Well how can we have  a relationship when you're always accusing me of   lying, it's like you're always looking to make  me seem like a bad guy, I think we need to talk   about why you always need to be right. Almost  any time a narcissist accuses you of something   like lying, cheating, manipulating, or whatever,  they are either deflecting or projecting.   They are trying to gain control of the  conversation and of you, so pause for a moment   and bring yourself back to the issue at hand. What  were you talking about? And pay close attention   to what they're accusing you of because they  are giving you clues about what they are up to   and their own intentions. And if they manage  to rile you up emotionally, you'll see that   they're happy about it. They'll smirk, they'll say  something condescending like "maybe we should talk   about this when you calm down" as they roll their  eyes and walk away from you. Then you're standing   there thinking wait a minute what the heck just  happened? And if they don't walk away, they might   use this next tactic, which is telling you that  everyone agrees with them and is on their side.   Something like "even your brother said you blamed  him for everything growing up" or "even your dad   thinks you're crazy". Now what started as a  disagreement or an argument about, you know,   them lying turns into you having a pattern of  falsely accusing or blaming other people. Now   keep in mind these are just examples, I could have  chosen from thousands of other examples so feel   free to add your examples in the comment section  to help other people recognize what deflection   might look like when you're in a relationship  with a narcissist. Number five is that they'll   say things to backtrack on the promises they  made to you and then blame you for it. They'll   say things like: I said that when I thought you  were going to hold up your end of the bargain"   or that was when I thought you were deserving or  you were going to bring more to this relationship   or, you know, fill in the blank with whatever  supposed shortcoming of yours. In other words,   all of the promises they made, that whole fantasy  illusion they created for you is getting pulled   away piece by piece and it's all your fault. It's  because you're not good enough, you're not worthy,   depending on how malignant the narcissist is  they can use sensitive information you shared   in vulnerable moments as evidence of why they  are now forced to break their promises to you.   For example, I get now why that happened... fill  in the blank with some terrible traumatic event.   Number six, they'll play on your fears, on your  guilt, and on any other emotion that they can use   to trigger a reaction from you. They want you to  act out because that makes it so much easier for   them to make you believe that you're the issue in  this relationship. It makes it so much easier for   them to manipulate you so they'll poke at you,  they'll provoke you, and then they'll just kind   of stand back and wait to see your reaction. When  they see a reaction, they know the buttons. Number   seven, their body language doesn't match their  words. They are telling you that they love you   while physically distancing themselves from you or  they're stroking your hair, or you know, looking   into your eyes while insulting you. Number eight,  they will invalidate you by saying things like:   "here we go again with all of your drama!" You're  just so sensitive, you're too needy, you're being   hysterical. Why are you overreacting like this?  You're always blowing things out of proportion.   They want you to feel like your thoughts, beliefs,  and concerns are wrong and invalid. Number nine,   they will isolate you from any supports you  have... they will belittle you for wanting to   be close to your family, spend time with friends,  or for accessing professional supports. Here's how   this might sound: you're too attached to your  family, it's unhealthy, it's dysfunctional.   Don't you think it's kind of weird that you call  your sister every other day. You're an adult.   It's always about the kids. Oh is that  what your therapist said? Number ten...   this is not about you! Why are you always making  everything about you? They want you to believe   that you're the one who is self-centered and like  you're the one that's selfish and self-absorbed.   They may also say things like I'm doing this for  your own good. No one else would do this for you.   No one will ever love you like I do, and of course  this is to make you feel like you are undeserving   of their presence in your life, like you owe  them something. That they are teaching you to   be a decent human being. If you can think of other  typical things a narcissist will say or do, please   add them in the comment section below and please  subscribe to my channel if you haven't already.
Channel: Lise Leblanc
Views: 95,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: narcissists hate you, things narcissists hate, how narcissists treat, how to outsmart narcissist, how narcissists control you, how narcissists manipulate, how to leave narcissist, leaving toxic people, vulnerable narcissism, covert narcissism, hypersensitivity, introverted, manipulative, blame-shifting, gaslighting, covert nacissist, vulnerable narcissist, working with narcissists, female covert narcissist, female narcissist, female narcissism, male victims of narcissistic abuse, npd
Id: tHJJI9aznms
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 31sec (691 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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