10 Useful 3d Prints in 1 Hour or Less

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hi this wrote the doctor of Acts Channel and today we're gonna have some fun before corona if I was out with friends and I was telling them what I was doing on the dr. Beck's channel they asked me why would anybody ever want to use a 3d printer in fact can't you just buy that stuff cheaper you go online you can buy it for a lot less money well today we're going to look at some practical prints that are just a lot of fun and the reason they're practical is because you can have them when you want them customized to just the way you're looking for yes you can buy lots of things inexpensively online today but the ability to customize a plastic or a plastic composite item to just your specifications is what makes 3d printing so special we're all learning a lot about this today because of the need for personal protective equipment that is used by our healthcare providers and others and this is an example of a product called an ear saver that you can print in 20 to 30 minutes off pretty much any 3d printer so stay tuned and let's learn something together [Music] now we're gonna start today was just some fun toys then we're gonna move into useful items then we're gonna move into items that magically you can go online you can customize you can download and print it feels like science fiction so let's start with just a really fun toy any of the [ __ ] toys that you print off a 3d printer that articulated I will tell you they're a big hit with grandchildren I assume they're a big hit with children but my children are thirty year older so they're not playing with these things too much anymore this first item is called the flexi dolphin and before I go any further let me give credit to Thingiverse Thingiverse is a completely free website it's sponsored by MakerBot and it got a bad rap for a while because for a while over the last couple years it was really slow and clunky and hard to use they've clearly done a software update on the website they've introduced advertising which some people might object to but it helped someone pay for the site I get it and advertising doesn't really cost you anything directly you can ignore the ads and they're done very tastefully there are over one point eight million models of things you can print on Thingiverse 1.8 million and so it's very likely you can find something you're looking for there are a range of other sites and I'll show you a link to a video here where I talk about some of those other sites they're also very very interesting I tend to go back to Thingiverse because it has a very large repository of models so this is called a flexi toy or a flexi dolphin I'll show you on the screen here the site the model on Thingiverse and I'll provide links down below to all of these models the next item I want to look at are these pair of earrings these are actually quite beautiful you could scale these ups Carolis down if you search for earrings you'll find many of them now I chose these because it's a good example of elaborate design that's available pretty much for free now depending on the license for these items and each item as a license you may not be able to resell it but everything on Thingiverse you can use for your own use these are printed in hatch box PLA and let's see here I printed this on my monoprice ultimate - at a smaller resolution at 0.16 most of this is printed at point 2 O in what they call a fine profile so it prints a little slower so that you can see all the details a beautiful print next the final toy we're going to look at are these individual blocks these are printed a little bit too hot so there's a little bit of screening on these these were printed on my a net et4 you can print two of these in a little under an hour so you'd probably take all day if you wanted a whole bunch of these for your kids to play with but it's the type of project where you could print a couple of days and add them to your children's collection you'll see these here on Thingiverse and once again the link will be down below now let's shift gears to practical prints the first practical print are these clips we all have all these bags around the house hopefully we don't eat the whole bag of potato chips in one CD but that can happen especially these days worse we're stuck at home these are just little clips you can prank they print very quickly you can print three of them in under an hour these blue clips are printed in hatch box PLA and these were printed on my ultimate two in hatch box PLA just a lot of fun you can print them into various colors now here was another good example you could buy these online and they come maybe tomorrow or the day after the amount of plastic in these this probably sells for I don't know what they sell for maybe you get a handful of them for five bucks this is about twenty cents a plastic or less and you get him when you want him you want bigger clips you going to your slicer and you scale it up you get bigger clips you want smaller clips you going to your slicer you scale it down so the ability to customize and get things now now being within an hour or two is really very powerful let's go to the next example so you'll see the original model on the screen this one has the dr. VAX logo on it once again I went into Tinkercad I loaded the model then I loaded my logo which was in an SVG file technical detail you can actually type things right into Tinkercad and just edit it on top now how do these work well you clip these to your favorite masks and then instead of the mask painting on your ears it goes around the back of your neck which is really much more comfortable probably a little hard to hear me right now so we'll take this off these prints in about 30 minutes I've printed these for a bunch of my doctor friends they're very useful I find printing them scaling them so that they are 1.25 millimeters high in PLA this is manner hacker bill PLA works very very well these were printed on a a net et4 next a very simple practical print that once again you could scale up or down this is a hook that goes over your shower door so it sort of goes like this over your shower door and you can use it to hang things in your shower easy simple what's fun about this is you can put it in any color you want so another example of a simple simple practical print and the last example I haven't seen these much in the United States but in Europe and in the Middle East if you go to get a shopping cart they're chained up with locks and you have to put a coin in there to get them out well these are just the right size to go into that slot wonderful item that you would personalize going to Tinkercad put your name on it put a logo on it and give it to friends now the next type of object we're going to look at is magical because by filling in a form on the screen you can customize these let's look at these together and we're gonna start with this battery holder now this battery holder holds nine triple-a batteries I could have made it for double-a batteries for C batteries for D batteries I could have made it for twenty four batteries I could size it just the right size to fit into a drawer how do I do that it's trivial I go to Thingiverse I find an item that has the word customizer in the description so if you search for customizer you'll see all the items that Thingiverse can customize for you that's really magical let's understand this a bit together there are a number of different ways to design 3d items you can use a computer-aided design program like Tinkercad or fusion 360 or free CAD in which case you draw on your screen the item you create a 3d representation but you also can create 3d items with programming languages if you've ever played a video game all the 3d images that are moving around the screen I created with a programming language so there's a programming language called s CAD and you can see an example that on the screen on the left hand side you'll see the programming language and then on the right hand side you'll see the result of this program so you'll see here that at the top line - it says battery type line 5 it says battery count row line 8 it says battery count column those are the parameters those are the settings you set in order to create the particular battery holder you're looking for now this is scary-looking stuff you're not a programming geek like me maybe you don't want to mess with that well you don't have to because in Thingiverse you can take and just click on the tab that says customizer and you'll get a form you'll see an example that form here on the screen you just fill in the entries and it will automatically create your item for you then when it's done running and it'll take a minute or two it'll put that item into your account on Thingiverse and you download it like any other model but there's a problem I wanted to show you items that basically you could print in an hour now I'm gonna break that rule later in this video for a very special item so this initially was gonna take an hour and a half but it was much taller so I just went into my slicer you'll see a picture of Kyra here I selected the scale item and I scaled a single dimension I didn't want to scale the X in the Y dimension because then the batteries wouldn't fit but I made it less tall that's the Z dimension and now it prints in under an hour another item you can customize that is very practical item you take a little double stick tape and this will hold your phone now show you this with my phone in it but I'm using my iPhone 11 to film this video so another wonderful item and in fact you could scale as much bigger and it would hold a bar or soap so these are all practical items that you can customize this next one is magical so you have a child's toy you have something in your house where it broke and you need a bolt to hold it together it doesn't have to hold a lot of weight well just print that bolt and that nuts on your 3d printer here's a picture of the object in Thingiverse so this is a customizer item you can define the length of the bolt the size of the bolt the thread the nut the nut size this was printed on my end or five using hbox PLA and it's magical how well works so a very practical item you have that one bolt you need doesn't need to be overly strong just print it and the final item you'll see on the screen here so you're upgrading your house to smart smooches and maybe you have a bank of two or three switches you're just gonna replace one switch the existing switches are the toggle stop your new smart switch is one of these flat decorator styles where do you get a switch plate that has multiple different styles in it well your 3d printed now this takes a long time to print this took about four hours to print but using this customizer object form on Thingiverse I can print this wonderful model with up to six components and each component can be different so why do I use a 3d printer well I use it for the fun of it I love making things myself but while doing that I also can make very practical items practical health care items toys for my grandchildren organize all those batteries in that drawer that are rolling all over I need a bolt to hold a couple things together no more potato chips in the bottom of the drawer and I even can build custom lighting or outlet plates for my home and I could do these in fun colors so maybe you just want to replace the plate that's in your child's room with a pink plate that has their name on it well produce the plate in the customizer in Thingiverse download the STL file take the STL file load it into Tinkercad and customize it with a name thanks for watching if you enjoyed this give me a thumbs up please recommend the channel the doctor VAX channel to all your friends you want to discuss these things leave a comment below or go to forum dr. VAX comm forum that dr. VAX calm is a new discussion group we're you can upload your own photographs of things you print thanks so much have a great day let's continue to learn things together
Channel: MakeWithTech
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Keywords: 3d printed, 3d printing, 3d printer, useful 3d prints, best 3d prints, awesome 3d prints, 3d prints, cool 3d prints, functional 3d prints, 3d printer projects, 3d printing ideas, top 3d prints, practical 3d prints, 3d printing for beginners, 3d printer review 2020, useful 3d prints thingiverse, useful 3d prints for home, cool useful 3d prints, top 10 useful 3d prints, best 3d prints on thingiverse, best 3d prints 2020, 3d printing nerd, Make With Tech, makewithtech
Id: zVuHkv5sOJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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