10 Unexplained Archaeological Discoveries

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10 Unexplained Archaeological Discoveries NUMBER 10: THE DEVIL’S BIBLE The Codex Gigas [Codex Gee-gas], also known as The Devil’s Bible, is an object surrounded by myth and mystery. Legend has it that the text was written by a 13th century monk on the orders of the devil. The monk supposedly wrote the book in a single night, and Satan marked it with a portrait of himself. It is estimated that such a manuscript - which was written on over 160 animal skins and requires two people to lift - would have taken approximately 30 years to write. Bizarrely, analysis found that the handwriting remains remarkably even throughout the bible, implying that it was written by a single person over a very short period of time. NUMBER 9: THE PIRI REIS [Pi-ree Rays] MAP Discovered in 1929, this curious map was written in 1513 by Piri Reis [Pi-ree Rays], an admiral of the Turkish navy. The map depicts Europe, North Africa, the coast of Brazil, and even Antarctica - although it’s thought that the continent wasn’t discovered until more than 300 years later. Mysteriously, the map describes Antarctica’s features in meticulous detail, including areas that have been covered in ice for the last 6000 years. Scientists are baffled by how Piri Reis would have been able to map out the landscape beneath the ice as accurately as he did. NUMBER 8: THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM [Anti-kith-era] The Antikythera [Anti-kith-era] Mechanism, dubbed the ‘first computer’, is a clock-like machine that was discovered near the Greek island of Antikythera in 1902. The 2000-year-old instrument is believed to have been used by Ancient Greek scientists to predict astronomical positions. Its design is so complex that its discovery forced a re-evaluation of our understanding of ancient engineering capabilities. What is especially mysterious about the mechanism is that no contemporary documentation mentions it, nor have any earlier prototypes been discovered. Also, the technology behind the mechanism was strangely forgotten, as no comparable inventions existed until the fourteenth century. NUMBER 7: THE RONGORONGO WRITING Believed to be a form of early writing, the rongorongo glyphs are a series of wooden carvings discovered in 1864 on Easter Island. Despite several attempts by experts, nobody has ever been able to decipher the meaning of the symbols. If the cryptic symbols do turn out to be writing, they would constitute one of only three or four times that humans independently developed systems of writing. Some scholars also believe that translating the glyphs may offer an insight into why the early civilization of Easter Island collapsed. But, with translation efforts exhausted, it looks unlikely that we will ever be able to find out their true meaning. NUMBER 6: BAGHDAD BATTERY The Baghdad Battery is a ceramic pot that was found near Baghdad in Iraq, along with a metal rod and a tube. It was speculated that it may have been used for coating silver objects with gold, through a process called electroplating. Modern experiments on replicas of the vase show that this would have been theoretically possible. As the items have been dated to between 250 BC and 224 AD, the existence of such technology could evidence an understanding of electricity much earlier than previously thought. Another possible explanation for the pot is that it was a storage vessel for sacred scrolls, but there is no absolute proof for either theory. NUMBER 5: ROMAN DODECAHEDRONS First reported in the early 18th century, 116 dodecahedral Roman artifacts have been discovered in various locations, ranging from Wales to Hungary. The bizarrely-shaped objects are all made of either bronze or stone and range from 4cm to 11cm in size. There is a great degree of mystery around what the objects were used for. Because many were found in temples, some speculate that they are of religious significance. Other ideas include children’s toys, instruments of war, candlestick holders, or even knitting aids. However, because there are no accounts of them in Roman records, historians are unable to definitively prove what their purpose was. NUMBER 4: THE LONGYOU GROTTOES [long-yoo grott-oze] The Longyou Grottoes are a series of manmade caves in China, which date back to 212 BC. Covering a massive 30,000 square meters and including a series of rooms, bridges, and pools, their discovery in 1992 represented one of the largest underground excavations ever. Archeologists, engineers, historians, and geologists have all investigated the grottoes, but - mysteriously – no one has any idea how they were constructed. It’s been estimated that it would have taken 1,000 people, working day and night over six years to complete the caves. Yet no tools have ever been found in the area and there isn’t a single reference to them in any documents from the era. NUMBER 3: YONAGUNI MONUMENT [Yo-nah-goo-nee] The Yonaguni Monument is an underwater pyramid-shaped structure that was discovered off the coast of Japan in 1986. Leading experts disagree on whether the structure is man made or a natural rock formation. Professor Masaaki Kimura [Mas-are-key Kim-oo-rah] of the University of the Ryukyus [Ree-ooh-cus] points to the structure’s steps and columns as evidence that humans constructed it when the area was above sea level some 10,000 years ago. But Boston’s Dr Robert Schoch [Shock], on the other hand, argues that water erosion and earthquakes could have caused these formations. There is insufficient evidence on both sides of the debate to offer an undeniable conclusion. NUMBER 2: COSTA RICA STONE SPHERES Ranging in diameter from a few centimeters to over 2 ½ meters, these perfect stone spheres are among the world’s most famous unexplainable discoveries. They were first noted in the 1940s and since then over 300 have been found, scattered throughout the Costa Rican jungle. They date back to between 500 and 1500 BC, and no one knows what they were made for. One theory is that they were distributed by people familiar with astronomical alignments, because of the way they were carefully arranged. However, since the majority of the spheres have been moved from their original locations, it is impossible to further test this idea. NUMBER 1: THE SEWER OF BABIES In 1988 archaeologists excavating an Ancient Roman sewer under a bathhouse in Ashkelon, Israel, made a haunting discovery: the skeletons of nearly 100 newborn babies. None of the bodies showed evidence of disease or skeletal malformation, implying that they had not died of natural causes. Due to the regularity of female infanticide in Ancient Rome, initial suspicions were that the sewers had been used as a mass grave for unwanted daughters. However, when it emerged that a large proportion of the bones belonged to boy babies, archaeologists were stumped. To this day, nobody knows why such a large number of bodies would be found in this specific location.
Channel: Alltime10s
Views: 6,308,309
Rating: 4.8448033 out of 5
Keywords: alltime10s, 10s, facts, video, list, top 10, archaeology, discoveries, mysterious, spooky, Antikythera Mechanism, Ancient Greek, Piri Reis, Antarctica, Devil’s Bible, Satan, Codex Gigas, manuscript, Rongorongo writing, proto-writing, Easter Island, Baghdad Battery, ceramic, electroplate, scrolls, religion, Longyou Grottoes, Yonaguni monument, pyramid, Masaaki Kimura, Robert Schoch, man-made, stone spheres, sewer of babies, skeletons, unexplained discoveries, unexplained archaeological discoveries
Id: ecOVnlej6tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 28 2016
Reddit Comments

Cocaine is a hell of a drug

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Riztonium 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2016 🗫︎ replies

I tried finding articles that talk about this so-called sexual assault, but I found nothing. These channels really need to do some more research before putting stuff like that out there.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2016 🗫︎ replies

If you read Corey's book about ghosts, he does mention that the mansion had a lot of fucked up supernatural shit going on. Don't know about sexual assault tho.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/dracozilla 📅︎︎ Jun 06 2016 🗫︎ replies

lolll sexual assault come on hahaha joey got raped by a ghost? shitty story but some supernatural shit have happen to this mansion when they recorded it

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/gpiowa 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2016 🗫︎ replies
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