10 Tragic Lore Facts In World of Warcraft

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World of Warcraft is the home to many stories based on many events whether they be spoken about a hero rallying his allies in order to save Azeroth from a rising threat or whether the stories are told of a warrior that has walked the path of damnation and becoming the very lasting that he swore to destroy we have seen all of us a number of sad stories tragic stories and even dark stories within the world Warcraft and that is why in today's video I am here to share with you all 10 tragic lore facts within the world of warcraft at some point shortly before the war of the Ancients Neltharion created the demon soul in order to combat the invading forces of the Burning Legion what the other dragon aspects did not know however was that neltharion also wished to use the artifact have complete dominion over the other dragonflights however during an accidental cave-in a scale was torn off of death wings body and landed on the demon's soul which damaged a meld Orion soon discovered that something so small as even a scale of his own could potentially be enough to damage the demon's soul let alone destroy with great care the Dragon aspect protected the artifact until was finally ready to be unleashed upon his fellow dragonflights Neltharion scription however was not known to the other dragon flights until was far too late as the aspects ender dragon flights flew towards in ashati where the Night Elves held the Legion at bay they stood by and waited for an El Darian to leave the attack it was then that the black dragon revealed his corruption and insanity by channeling his power into the artifact the destroyer wiped out a legion of demons with a single swing of radiant magic but he did not stop there for there was no limits to his unending fury now Thorian also used the demon soul to kill hundreds of nano that were also engaging the minions of the Burning Legion horrified by the act of Neltharion Malygos commanded his blue dragonflight to surround death wing in an attempt to take the demon's soul away from him but with a swing of the artifact that swing single-handedly destroyed nearly all of the blue Drake's crippling the blue dragonflight ahnuld wore a Titan complex serving as a prison to the old God yogg-saron players entered the raid in an attempt to quell the threat of the old one emerging from his prison the heroes of the northern counter-offensive that enter yog Sirhan's mind can see three possible visions these three visions represented key moments within the history of Azeroth one vision revealed the dragon aspects coming together during the War of the Ancients approximately more than ten thousand years ago in order to forge the demon's soul another vision was King lanes assassination by gorona half organ which played a huge factor in the fall of Stormwind during the first war in the final vision revealed the Lich King mercilessly torturing bolvar fordragon after the events of the wrathgate the conversation between the paladin and the death knight then plays out like this ah I am Not Afraid of you your resilience is I will break you as I when Arthur says I will break you as I broke him he is referring to drain a shower fan the Horde commander at Angra thar that had been raised to none death to serve thus courage this can be proven because as soon as he says this players can see a silhouette of dry now appearing next to the Lord of undeath some people also believe that since these visions were revealed to the players during the encounter that Joxer on may have something to do with influencing these events sindragosa is known by many as the mighty frost worm who was raised by the lich king himself at centric OSes fall an ice crown however many people do not know of centric OSes tragic past during the War of the Ancients as Deathwing used the demon soul to eradicate numerous demons and Night Elves sindragosa was one of the first blue dragons under Malley Gauss's command to engage the earth water as the corrupted aspect turned on its brethren and unleashed the might of the demon soul upon them malli goes narrowly managed to raise his fell fast enough to protect himself and a handful of other blue dragons that were lucky enough to reach the safety of his barrier sindragosa was not one of these dragons the blast from the artifact hurled sindragosa far across the world into the frozen north wounded and crippled she sought desperately to reach dragonblight the graveyard of the dragons however the power of the artifact was great and because she was critically injured cincher Gosa was unable to fly and plummeted into the region of Icecrown calling on her husband for aid she received nothing but the reply of the howling Arctic wind her death played a huge factor in contributing to malli gooses insanity after the events of the War of the Ancients and the Sun during the world was difficult for the trolls the trolls were met with famine plague and terror which caused him to become desperate for aid the Gurubashi trolls saw aid from ancient mystical forces and eventually fell under the sway of the darkest primitive God hakkar the soulflayer was this God the savior of their people although he heard the trolls call for aid and rescued them from their state of agony he demanded compensation for his efforts the God demanded souls to be sacrificed to him daily and he dreamed of gaining access to physical world of mortals so that he could devour the blood of all creatures the presence of Hakkar created the ally who were an extremist tribe that existed solely to please and serve the blood God and they were willing to betray their own people in the process the rest of the trolls however realized how much but the rat hot car would inevitably be if he were to succeed with his plans and decided to turn against him the strongest of the tribes rose up together as brothers and sisters and with the combined might they waged war against both a car and the ally although the terrible war that ensued between the two factions of spoken of only in whispers the battle concluded with the trolls destroying her car's avatar and banishing him from the world the blood gods priests the Otto lie were either executed or driven from sole guru but forced to survive at the Uncharted swamp lands of the north although the priests were defeated and exiled they inevitably survived a harsh land and erected the temple in reverence to Hakkar where they could prepare for his arrival into the physical world this temple was the temple of italic are unknown to many was the War of the spider the War of the spider was a war between the nerubian Empire of onk ahead and the shoal in the Reuben Northrend against Ner'zhul's undead army the war began when the nerubian Spider Lord sent their elite forces to attack the frozen region of Icecrown after discovering that the lich king was extending his influence over the entire continent of northren and in turn proving to be a serious threat to the nerubian empire the Spider Lord's commanded vastly Jensen had an underground network that stretched nearly half of the continent which allowed them to organize many hit-and-run tactics against ner zhul's undead Empire which made it nearly impossible for him to route the mound in addition to this there's who eventually discovered that the nerubians were not only immune to his undead plague but also to his telepathic domination powers as well which gave them the rubens a great advantage over him however among all of this he also learned that they were not immune from being raised in undeath they served the former shamans will initially the nerubians had the upper hand the immune to the former elder shall powers plague of undeath and even managing to avoid his armies from rooting them out but in time new souls war against the spider Lords was eventually won by attrition with the help of the dreadlords in the Legion of Undead Scourge warriors the lich king invaded ashildr boob which caused in Rubens to dig deeper underground in order to seek refuge from the undead onslaught however this would prove to be a grave mistake which would result in their undoing upon digging deeper the spider Lords encountered the malevolent baseless ones who immediately attacked the nerubians which does forced the spider Lords to fight a war on two fronts therefore depleting much of their resources in time then the rubian Empire was crippled which allowed the lich king to exterminate the remaining living spider lords and raised him a non-death to serve as he willed barak Seaguar dread also known as brock's was a veteran or warrior well known war hero and the only known mortal that has ever physically wounded the burning legions leader Sargeras himself brock's was caught in the temporal anomaly in the stonetalon mountains' that sent him back ten thousand years ago into the events of the well of eternity although he was initially thought to be an enemy and captured by the moon guard he was later released by the Kon priestess ta'rhonda who gave him food and healed his injuries while he was in captivity upon his capture Roxas axe was taken from him which required the battle-hardened orc to wield a new weapon perhaps a new weapon that would meet his standards and meet his standards it did Malfurion under the demigod Cenarius direction created the mystical axe of wood that had the sharpness and density of a diamond in the orcs hand this weapon would be the death of thousands of demons at the final battle over the well of eternity brock's realized that if the world and his future were to be saved his companions would need more time and he would need to sacrifice himself for the greater good in order to do this the orc left from the back of one of the red dragons and passed through a funnel which delivered him directly into the realm of the legion once he arrived he immediately without hesitation began slaughtering every demon within his way which in turn blocked their advance towards the portal he eventually killed so many of the legion soldiers with such ease that he eventually stood atop a hill of their own bodies brach cigar even at one point mock the Burning Legion taunting four more of them to come and challenge him for none of them could withstand its unbridled fury none but one Sargeras Lord of the Legion came personally to put an end to the orcs life but brach cigar fearless and devoted to saving his companions swung his axe at the Fallen Titan which struck a small wound in sargeras's lake although the Fallen Titan neva tably defeated the orc Brock cigar died not a mere honorable death but was struck down in a blaze of glory nearly unheard of in all orcish history from the moment of lilian boss's birth she was raised by her father and her peers as a weapon against all who would oppose the Scarlet Crusade her devoutness to her duties in the urge she had to please her father resulted in her studying in stealth sorcery martial arts and the ways of a warrior her love for her father and her commitment to the Scarlet Crusade resulted in her not having any childhood whatsoever sometime after this however she died from sources that are not clearly stated and was raised by the Forsaken Valkyr under the command of Sylvanas Windrunner in order to be recruited into their ranks however upon resurrection vas was horrified by her undead appearance and ran away in a deep state of denial claiming that her father would protect her despite her no longer being quote-unquote alive she is soon after found by novice Elrond death-knell who gives the forsaken player a hand mirror to show lily and her appearance hoping that she would come to her senses and see that the forsaken would be the only place where she would be accepted when she saw her own face in the mirror however she ran away calling for her father and denying her life as an undead abomination shortly after however she was captured by the Scarlet Crusade and imprison lieutenant Keppler supposedly a friend from her past brings word from her father Gettler announced that whereas her father had viewed her as a weapon against his enemies in life he now sees her as a wretched abomination in death and has disowned her as a daughter and instead has ordered her execution boss who was completely horrified and enraged by her father's response to her death instantly kills the lieutenant orders the Forsaken adventurer to leave her be her only purpose now is to seek complete retribution against her father and all of the Scarlet Crusade it should also be noted that liliane vos is the hooded Crusader within the Scarlet monastery shortly before the siege of shattrath the power-hungry or Cogan called all of the orcish clans to the throne of kil Jaeden in order to drink the blood of the pit Lord mana Roth unknown to go Dan who is that his former mentor ner'zhul warned Durotan of the dangers of accepting this gift which resulted in Durotan the Frostwolf clan and orgrim Doomhammer denying the demon blood which caused all of the other orcs and gould in to become highly suspicious of them and their future activities cool then even went so far as to try and eliminate Durotan by freeing one of black hands strand slaves and blaming it on the Frostwolf chieftain black hand enraged at Dorot and challenged him to a mock aura but the duel eventually became a stalemate when both orcs realized that the dry night prisoner had left in the midst of battle seeing the conflict that's meaningless since the prisoner had escaped both orcs ended the duel causing Gulden's plan to fail after the fall of Shattrath and the mysterious disappearance of kil jaeden the Horde began to construct the gateway in order to set up a portal between John aura and Azeroth Goro tan and his clan continued to voice opposition against the Horde leadership which resulted in boudin exiling Durotan and his entire clan accepting their fate Durotan his wife Chaka and the Frostwolf clan settled deep in the Alltrack mountains where they lived throughout the first war and had their only son thrall realizing that he wanted a better world for his son Durotan decided to take action against school Dan and traveled to the encampment of the only other orc who has ever stood by him orgrim Doomhammer at this time Doomhammer had already assassinated black hand and had took the mantle as the new war chief as the new war chief he welcomed Durotan and raka into his encampment as old friends Durotan explained everything he knew about Gul Dan - Doomhammer and the more chief vowed that he would stand a trivet hand side as they confronted Gould and with but for now he must send Ratan and Chaka away to his safe haven the Warchief had signed a few of his soldiers to escort Durotan and his kin to a safe place but it was later discovered that several of doom hammers warriors that were accompanying the Frostwolf chieftain were actually Gould and spies the spy summoned assassins who killed raka and mutilated Durotan by slicing off both of his arms to prevent him from ever holding his child again as dirt and slowly bled out his last thoughts and his mind came as a relief to him that he would not see his own son torn apart by the creatures of the forest thrall otherwise known as go well where the son of Durotan was the war chief of the restored orcish horde and the ruler of Durotar in Kalimdor but he was not always a leader as a baby he was found amongst the bloody bodies of his murdered parents by Blackmore a commander of the internment camps which held orcish prisoners after the second war Blackmore bestowed the name thrall upon the young orc which translated to the word slave in the human tongue and raised him as a gladiator with all of the savagery of an orc but with the strategic intellect of a human though thrall was an excellent fighter and extremely resilient Blackmore's abusive beatings began to take their toll eventually thrall met a human woman named Teresa Foxton and the two became very close friends even despite their major differences they began to write to each other and talk behind Blackmore's back and eventually thrall stated to Teresa that he wished to escape from Duran hold teretha agreed with her orc friend the black moors treatment of his prisoners were cruel and dishonorable and agreed to help the young orca scape she then created a diversion inside to keep which allowed the Rahl to escape from his cell unnoticed after escaping they met outside the fortress by a cave where Teresa gave him provisions and supplies go well then left Blackmore teretha and Duran holding that he would never return much time has passed and eventually thrall was taught what it truly meant to be an honorable orc he had sought out Grommash Hellscream himself and learned the tongue of his people he met the WHI shaman draktharr who taught through all the old ways of the Horde before Gauguin's corruption and he had inherited the mantle of war chief among hammers death with his first action as Warchief thrall attack turn hold in an effort to dismantle the entire internment camp system before the attack however he met secretly with Teresa asking her to leave Turan hold with her family but she refused hoping you would never come to battle and fearful of the consequences if Blackmore noticed her missing went through all arrived with the Horde at his command he confronted Blackmore who was drunk out of his mind and asked the human for a peaceful resolution Blackmore however responded by tossing the severed head of teretha into the courtyard screaming that this was the fate of all traders thrall enraged at the fate of his close friend ordered the orcs to lay siege to the internment camp among the midst of battle thrall cornered Blackmore in the hidden tunnel and bested him in combat when Blackmore tried to explain his actions and asked for thralls aid to help him subjugate the Alliance the WarChiefs rager to read this fate broke all barriers and he struck Blackmore down as he laid there dying Blackmore expressed pride in what thrall had become and what Blackmore claimed credit for making him into after Arthas made his glorious return the lands of Lordaeron son praised at the miraculous appearance of their Prince and heir to the throne however he was not the so-called hero that they recalled them to be when Arthas traveled to the frozen north in order to exact his revenge on mal Ganis he found a curse a Troodon blade known as Frostmourne after succumbing to the whispers of Frostmourne the former paladin murdered an entire regiment of soldiers that had helped him defeat mal Ganis including both of his highest-ranking captains captain Fowler reek and captain Marwan when the Fallen paladin returned back to his kingdom they stood at his side and watched as Arthas personally murdered his own father which broke this ability within Lord Arryn Arthas then tasked both of the former Alliance captains with the duty of slaying the citizens of the city and raising them into undeath as well with their newly gained power phal Rick and Marwan are the two captains that encountered the soldiers of the Northmen counter-offensive as they make their way into the halls of reflection
Channel: Krucial
Views: 1,091,238
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Keywords: World Of Warcraft (Video Game), WoW, Facts, World of Warcraft Fun Facts, 30 Fun Facts About World of Warcraft, 30 Fun Facts About WoW, Random Fun Facts, Blizzard, Hellscream, Fun Facts, WoW Fun Facts, Random Facts, 10 Tragic Lore Facts, 10 Tragic Lore Facts In World of Warcraft, 10 Tragic Lore Facts In WoW, Tragic Facts, WoW Tragic Stories, Top 10, WoW Top 10, Tragic Stories In World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft Top 10, Hellscream Top 10, WoW Facts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 43sec (1123 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2015
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