10 Of The Most Skilled Warriors In World of Warcraft

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ten of the most skilled warriors in world of warcraft now keep in mind in this video the word warrior is used in a broader sense for example I will be mentioning characters who are exceptionally skilled with a melee weapon but they may have other abilities that may not classify them as a warrior in the game like I may mention someone who is a paladin death knight or demon hunter in the game but so long as they have skills with a melee weapon as well as possessing whatever abilities that they may have they can be on the list also another thing to note is that just because a character is ranked higher on the video doesn't necessarily mean that they are going to be stronger than characters that were mentioned before them and it certainly doesn't mean that they will 100% decimate them in a 1v1 but with a feat said let's go ahead and get started on the list with number 10 Luther Luther was the first paladin of the Knights of the Silver Hand and the teacher and friend to Arthas Menethil through his deeds in the second war he was given the title of light bringer biter alien after aiding the Alliance and victory over the Horde numerous times his skills both with the light and with his hammer were incredible with most people viewing him as the most legendary paladin to have ever existed alongside tyrion fordring and they aim to live their lives as othor had lived his in the third war however Arthas betrayed his people and joined the ranks of the scourge leading an army of undeath throughout his own lands that he once protected Luther was one of those brave enough to stand in arthas's way refusing to give up Terrance's ashes to his own son luther raised his weapon and the traitor prince and the Lightbringer fought in a tense and fast-paced duel in their fight Luther's connection with the light was so strong that he radiated an intense bright aura that would have blinded those who stared at him long enough so strong was he with the light and so skillful was he with his hammer that he managed to throw Arthas off-balance knocking him off of his feet and nearly killing him so close was he - killing Arthas right then and there that Arthas began to lose hope he stated that he should have never abandoned the light for its perfect champion now stood in front of him to exact retribution but at the last moment Arthas dodged the killing blow regained his composure countered the Paladin at every turn lighting numerous blows on ether with Frostmourne until the legendary paladin fell to his knees and frost more descended upon his throat killing Luther the light bringer number nine Charon bloodhoof cairne bloodhoof was one of the first friendly faces thrall had met upon arriving in Kalimdor Charon blood hook never shied away from combat but he also never had a love for it and it wasn't due to him not being skillful with a blade but rather he hated seeing his own soldier struck down brutally in the midst of battle even though he was old and his age stripped away most of his speed Karin was still one of the most powerful and skilled warriors that the horde had to offer but going back to shying away from combat he didn't embrace it but he would never run away from it either before the Cataclysm Karin challenged Garrosh to a Makura believing that the orc had ambushed a peaceful meeting between turin and night off druids during the duel Karen moved gracefully revealing nothing but utter confidence that he would win the McCory Garrosh on the other hand was sloppy tired and injured Karin had dodged and parried every one of his attacks the tauren had again and again pierced the flesh of Garrosh with his weapon until Garrosh was nearly bloodied head to toe however as the battle dragged on Garrosh managed to land one blow on Karen a blow that was not nearly as strong as the previous blows Kant had inflicted onto Garrosh but the difference was was that garishness weapon was unknowingly coated in poison disorienting Karin and making him unable to evade any of garages attacks leading to the young or killing the elder Turin that very day number 8 Maya have Shadowsong Maiev Shadowsong skill with the clave paired with her deadly awareness and countless years of experience in war makes her one of the most dangerous characters in world Warcraft she has gone toe-to-toe with Illidan's most powerful demon hunters and bested them in single combat as well as being able to stand her ground against Malfurion Stormrage and Jarod Shadowsong together Maiev has also been able to stand her ground against cool Dan nearly decapitating him with her clave but not just any cool Dan a powerful bolstered fel enhanced cool Dan who had enough power to wage war on Sarat alone now to be honest she probably would have died in that confrontation if Khadgar wasn't there to protect her with his spells but the same could have gone for Khadgar as well he would have probably died that they were not for Maiev Shadowsong keeping goo dan on edge making sure that my EV was nowhere near him to slit his throat open number seven garage garage was heralded as one of the greatest champions of northrend during the war against the lich king his tactical brilliance paired with his incredible skills with gorehowl inspired fear within the Alliance ranks as well as the hoards time and time again Garrosh has been able to best Rahl physically in a mock aura and his sighting alone on the battlefield would cause Alliance soldiers to retreat or focus their full attention just to take him out no matter the cost on top of this Garrosh was able to stand his ground against possibly the most skilled warrior that possess no magical abilities to have ever been born Varian Wrynn although he did possess some aspects of the demigod cauldron which made him not only somewhat hot-headed in nature but also extremely Swift agile and ferocious in combat Garrosh nonetheless never shied away from the opportunity of fighting Varian even if it meant losing his life in the process now the reason why I rank Garrosh higher in the list and Karin even though Karin obviously dominated him in the Makua is because during that time Garrosh I just recieved gorehowl switching from two one-handed access to using a two-handed axe which you didn't really have any time to perfect his fighting for him with however as time goes on Garrosh becomes very skilled with gorehowl becoming familiar with the weapon and being able to stand his ground with other incredibly skilled warriors in the process now does that mean that he can defeat Karin if you paired him and mop with Ken pre kata I'm not really sure but one thing I do know for certain is that he has definitely gotten much stronger since that point number six tyrion fordring tyrion fordring was one of the first five nights of the Silver Hand and also a legendary paladin like a third the light bringer who also held such a powerful connection to the light that he managed to purify the corrupted ashbringer after it refused to aid Aryan in slaughtering the paladins defending lights hope chapel with ashbringer in hand Tyrion also managed to throw Arthas off-balance forcing him to retreat and flee back to Northrend under Tyrians leadership the north korean counter-offensive was able to infiltrate Icecrown Citadel where we were ultimately killed by the Lich King but as all hope seemed to fade Tyrion broke free from his icy bonds and shattered to evil yet legendary blade known as Frostmourne releasing the souls from within allowing the Scourge threat to be quelled for the foreseeable future this was a paladin the held a connection with the light which was so strong that not only was he able to purify the ashbringer once it was within his grasp but who also maintained his connection with the light even though it was apparently stripped away from him by ether the light bringer number five brock cigar brock cigar needs no introduction Brock's was viewed as a champion not only amongst his orcish people but also in the eyes of the Night Elves within the Cal Drive resistance during the time of the war of the Ancients he was even viewed as a champion in the eyes of the most races among them which meant a lot considering that at that time they were pretty damn xenophobic and viewed all races who were not Night Elves as inferior in this war Brock cigar realized that the only way his future would be saved was if his allies would have time to combat the Legion and so he selflessly sacrificed himself by jumping through a portal which led him into the realm of the Burning Legion so skilled was he with the acts of cinereous that he managed to cut down legions of demons single-handedly denying them access through the portal behind them and eventually building up a mountain of corpses from the multitude of demons that he had slain so courageous was he that even when the Fallen Titan Sargeras showed up to end the orcs life Brock sigue inflicted wound on sargeras's lake making him the only known mortal to have ever been able to actually wound Sargeras although Sargeras struck him down Brock cigar died in such a glorious death that he had sealed his place in history resulting in even the night of xenophobic as many of them may be to raise up the statue in his memory number 4 alexandros mograine alexandros mograine the father to both Renault and Darion and the man who was in a way responsible for the creation of the ashbringer was a legendary warrior who decimated the Undead Scourge with his mastery over the ashbringer kel'thuzad and balnazzar both seeing Alexandros as power and both relishing the idea of converting him into an undead agent manipulated renault Alexandros his son to lure his father as well as his trusted friend high Inquisitor Fairbanks into a trap in this trap an army of undead ambushed them swarming over the two men Fairbanks quickly was overpowered while mograine stood alone against literally an entire Legion of Undead Scourge all the while cleaving multitudes of them down with both the light and the ashbringer every undead that was sent to ambush him fell by his hands and as Alexandros dropped his blade in fatigue and exhaustion Renault came up from behind him and impaled alexandros with his own blade corrupting the legendary ashbringer thrilled by this Kel'Thuzad retrieved alexandros his corpse resurrected him as his champion and as one of the four original horsemen within naxxramas number three Varian Wrynn Varian Wrynn otherwise known as lo gosh was one of the most ferocious and skilled warriors that has ever existed in Warcraft history so terrifying was in combat that the orcs named him lo gosh translated as ghost wolf even the Burning Legion viewed him as a noticeable threat referring to him not as Varian but as the wolf and seeing his death as a major victory he was also known to be more agile more quick and more powerful than the worgen themselves despite the worgen actually having wolf-like physical attributes this is because Varian has a connection to gold wren in the novel wolf's heart variant performs a ritual to control his inner wolf the part that is connected to the demigod gold Wren but the part that is also responsible for his incredible unmatched skill in the combat but also responsible for his unstable and aggressive behavior however upon finding balance between both lo gosh and himself Varian became more deadly than he ever was during the Cataclysm the horde led by Garrosh invaded ashenvale and nearly took control of the inn or land underneath garages leadership he managed to out think both Chandra's feather moon and Tyrande Whisperwind destroying outposts and nearly killing ta'rhonda however when Varian joined the battle leading the worgen as both low gosh and himself Genn Greymane and his soldiers saw Varian possessing the aura of gold rin himself with the strength and swiftness of a wolf variant turned the tide of the battle slaying dozens of horde soldiers enormous magnetar and garages lieutenants the battlefield roared with chanting the name golden was shouted loud enough for all to hear giving birth to new hope to the Alliance and fear to the Horde fear to all but one orc Garrosh watched very and cut through his men with not fear but ah the war chief though seeing that barian was one with himself more so than ever regardless engaged Varian in combat and he almost lost his life for it in the battle Varian parried each of garages attacks even coming close to slid in garages throat by slicing a thin line through garages chests with shallow Mane that ended just shy of his throat seeing the danger that their war chief was in to corchran dope into the fray eager to kill Varian but they ultimately fell with relative ease very and then re-engaged garage Varian fresh and full of energy while Garrosh began to give ground low gosh dug his sword deep within garages arm causing Garrosh to shake with pain to where he could not hold onto gorehowl but as Varian was about to deal the killing blow a magnetar which was swarming with worgen attacking it came crashing down between garage and Varion allowing garage to reluctantly retreat number 2 Arthas Menethil the lich king Arthas Menethil was an exceptional fighter as a paladin but his power grew even more when he was crowned the Lich King mentored by the legendary paladin otha the light bringer and the veteran dwarf muradin bronzebeard Arthas became a skilled warrior melting fighting styles between that of a holy paladin of the light and that of a brutal and powerful warrior when Arthas first took the light however and picked up Frostmourne if you manage to kill many powerful opponents such as mal Ganis Luther Sylvanas Gavin rad who is also another one of the first paladins of the silver Han Ana Starion Sunstrider the father - killed us whose mastery over fellow Malorne and skill with the staff allowed him to hold his ground against Arthas for a while during the undead assault on court the Lots jarash sour fang who was killed in one single blow Kael'thas Sunstrider who only managed to evade death at the hands of Arthas by distracting him so that he could cast a teleportation spell and even Illidan Stormrage who was bested in a duel against Arthas in northrend prior to Arthas becoming the Lich King he was also the only enemy that we faced that actually managed to kill us I mean Arthas really needs no introduction as a young man he was taught the ways of both the paladin and the warrior and when he became the Lich King not only were his melee and necromantic skills enhanced but he's still recalled to teachings that ether and Muradin had taught him when he was young that it made him truly a dangerous foe one of the many reasons why it took so many people from both the Horde and the Alliance to dethrone him in Northrend number one Illidan Stormrage Illidan Stormrage the twin brother to Malfurion was once a gifted source route his arcane powers rivaling that of even Queen Azshara until his destiny led him down the path of becoming a demon hunter throughout his life Illidan had stood his ground and defeated many foes such as Mac Theron high Lord cruel ty cadres holding his own against Arthas as a death knight in felwood but ultimately being bested by him in Northrend slaying countless demons perhaps more so than any other person on Azeroth and even leading invasions on demon conquered worlds or demon home world such as the home of the north regime Illidan exists only with one goal in his mind set the utter destruction of the Burning Legion through this mindset Illidan has trained demon hunters who shared the stop process and who hunger for revenge against the Legion and with them rallied under his leadership Illidan has dealt countless blows to the Burning Legion even slaughtering hordes of not regime on their homeworld and ultimately destroying the planet Illidan also planned on invading Argus and killing kil Jaeden but this plan never came to fruition since we the players basically killed him before he had the chance to do this now you may be wondering why Illidan is ranked higher on this video than Arthas the dude who nearly killed him well because Illidan is destined for greatness a greatness that we do not know exactly what it is yet but a greatness that could possibly lead to the destruction of the Burning Legion entirely and also the war against the void in the Illidan novel an elder Naru shows Illidan a vision where he is one of the leaders of the army of the light radiating an aura of light as he leads his forces against the void Lords in this moment Illidan stated that he did not understand the vision but he felt a sense of rightness about it both Illidan and Arthas have no doubt become much more powerful since they fought each other in northren in Warcraft 3 but one thing sets them apart Illidan is still alive and his destiny is not yet fulfilled meaning that he can still grow much more powerful especially if he is going to embrace the light and lead us against the void Lords you
Channel: Krucial
Views: 645,126
Rating: 4.6878862 out of 5
Keywords: World of Warcraft, WoW, Facts, World of Warcraft Fun Facts, 30 Fun Facts About World of Warcraft, 30 Fun Facts About WoW, Random Fun Facts, Blizzard, Hellscream, Fun Facts, WoW Fun Facts, Random Facts, 10 Of the Most Skilled Warriors In World of Warcraft, 10 Most Powerful Warriors In WoW, 10 Strongest Characters in WoW, Top 10, WoW Top 10, World of Warcraft Top 10, Hellscream Top 10, WoW Facts, 10 Most Powerful Characters in WoW, 10 of the Strongest Characters in WoW
Id: apH7dVcROJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 56sec (1016 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2016
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