10 Top Secret Guns That Will Be Released Soon

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when we think of military weaponry we tend to think of the mainstream guns and heavy artillery common to forces around the globe but there are some lesser-known weapons out there that are crazy unbelievable and for lack of a better word even straight-up weird today we'll be taking a look at some of the most unconventional fantastical and futuristic military weapons that have been developed in the 21st century let's dive in trucks with lasers more specifically Boeing's directed-energy program including the Boeing laser avenger and high-energy laser mobile demonstrator or hell md for short boeing has been working for some time on directed-energy laser weapons and with a significant amount of success the one that's farthest along in the implementation process is the Boeing laser Avenger essentially an Avenger air defense system or a NT wq1 with a directed-energy weapon affixed to the top the Avenger if you're not familiar is a Boeing surface-to-air mobile missile system that is anti-aircraft guns attached to a jeep like vehicle Boeing first started working on this particular project in 2007 when they attached an early one kilowatt solid-state laser weapon to the top of an Avenger and successfully used it to destroy several mortars and drones in 2008 more complex testing was successfully completed and in 2009 Boeing announced that the laser trucks would be fully up and running and available to militaries wanting them within a year as of 2017 their latest Avenger model happy weaponry already built in and they were fully able to retrofit existing Avengers with the weaponry boeing has been pushing the feature as it has both high capability against unmanned aerial vehicles and according to their spokespeople can be shot without alerting potential enemy to the whereabouts of the troops as it creates no exhaust or gun flash making it safer to use for hidden individuals and many devices with similar uses well it's not known if any of the world's militaries using the adventurer have bought into the laser version yet beyond laser rangefinders for targeting UAVs we do know that the US military has been exploring adding directed-energy weapons to a number of their manned and unmanned vehicles so it's likely only a matter of time if they're not already in use pirate repelling noise machines officially name the long range acoustic device or LRAD these acoustic hailing devices developed by the appropriately named LRAD corporation are typically used to make mass notifications or deter wild geese from sitting on runways but have also found a uses weaponry these devices can emit loud deterrent noises which can be anywhere from uncomfortable to physically painful and even physically damaging the uncomfortable noises have been used by police to break up crowds while the more intense sounds are used by military and especially naval forces who use them for long-range communication and have used them successfully to repel pirates while the ones in use today are only intended to cause intense discomfort and occasional minor hearing loss research shows weapons like this could be used to do serious long-term damage in the wrong hands especially but not exclusively underwater for just 15 minutes of exposure to certain sounds can cause brain and internal organ damage pretty scary for what's essentially a particularly powerful speaker small robots big guns next up check out the Foster Miller talon a little robot that packs a big punch if you like r2d2 and bb-8 you should probably still cower in fear if you see one of these things passing by developed by us robotics company Foster Miller which has since been bought out by UK firm kinetic the original version is a little less fearsome being primarily used for reconnaissance but these swords or special weapons observation reconnaissance detection system is a weaponized version that the US has deployed in Iraq controlled remotely they are a highly accurate shooters and can be armed with a variety of weapons including an m16 rifle a 7.62 millimeter m240 machine gun or even a six barreled grenade launcher it's also one of the fastest robots in production as a night-vision option and can climb stairs and travel on sand and through snow while the sword's model hasn't received further funding from the US forces beyond the ones already in use kinetic is hard at work on an updated and even more powerful tiny robot friend copy modular advanced armed robotic system or Mars versions of the Mars have been in testing with the US military since 2008 and are expected to be put into use by the Marine Corps in the not so distant future the only problem with it they found a new model to be too small to ram through doors to enter a room and too large to easily squeeze through tight corridors so if you do come across one it might be wise to consider closing your door real-life mech suits in case you thought mech suits were a figment of the imagination of video game designers sci-fi writers and anime fans let us introduce you to the tactical assault light operator suit or Talos a robotic exoskeleton in development by US Special Ops nicknamed by some the Iron Man suit the Talos in theory is bulletproof weaponized and equipped to monitor the wearer's vitals move over Tony Stark first presented in May 2013 and officially launched in 2014 there were some delays getting the prototype to where it needed to be to me P US forces briefed the most recent known deadline was summer 2019 and that doesn't seem to have been met at the moment the United States has put the project on hold but that doesn't mean this kind of check isn't coming soon to a battlefield near you there are a number of non military powered exoskeletons already in use plus Lockheed Martin has a different kind of exoskeleton the Onix already in use by troops but it's a suit aimed more every deucing fatigue than anything else after five years of development all the different agencies involved in the development of Talos must have learned something and you can expect to see those lessons applied in full and partial body armor in the coming years smart bullets this entering on our list of the weirdest and most futuristic weapons of the 21st century doesn't even need a new fun name for the title the concept of smart bullet speaks for itself these are bullets that can track targets and even turn corners and they already exist in fact they've existed since 2015 and are already being used if sparingly by the American military developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA for short these 50 caliber projectiles make use of optical sensors to steer themselves according to tests as far Rebekah's 2015 a novice shooter could shoot one of these smart bullets and successfully hit a target no target practice needed seems like some wise eye out there heard the phrase dodging a bullet and said not on my watch vomit gun last but certainly not least we come to the invoke on vomit beam when you imagine incapacitating your enemies perhaps you imagine throwing a good punch or bopping them over the head with a bottle or bombing their hideaway but did you ever imagine making them puke their guts out with a ray gun another totally fantastical villainous super weird and very real weapon the vomit beam is said to do exactly that in the early 21st century the US Navy contracted with in Vulcan Inc to procure these unusual weapons that make use of beamed radiofrequency energy to disrupt human hearing and by extension specifically your enemy's equilibrium it has some similarity to the Active Denial system but differs in Chuukese ways first instead of pain it causes discomfort and nausea and second it can go through walls and thick clothing no problem so if you have some enemies whose days you'd like to violently disrupt boy do we have a ray gun for you the basic concept is that like the ADR this could be used to incapacitate without doing permanent damage which is always a good thing while news about the beam went quiet after 2007 there's been no official word that a programs been cancelled and in 2019 invoke on won an award from Northrop Grumman so you know they're still up to something in the defense space is it Ralph Reyes let's all try not to be on the receiving end to find out military robot dog introduced in 2005 and sadly discontinued in 2015 for one sweet decade the military had robot dogs called big dogs the big dog project a collaboration between Boston Dynamics Foster Miller NASA and Harvard and funded by DARPA produced a four-legged robotic pack mules and debatably friends the big dog featured an on-board computer system a laser gyroscope and a stereo vision system its joints were powered by low friction Hydra and used four legged locomotion to better tackle tough terrains with sitting standing walking trotting and running functions and it was sort of cute in a military robot kind of way unfortunately in the long run the big dogs gas-powered engine was deemed to be too loud for combat or one might need to be stealthy but the saga doesn't end there the big dog project was followed by an all-electric robot dog named spot any 2019 iteration named spot mini and Boston Dynamics continue to work on the big dog pass its introduction creating a version with an arm so it could pick up and toss things presumably for military purposes and not just so it could fulfill a dog's dream of being able to play fetch with itself an invisibility cloak for tanks when you read Harry Potter did you think to yourself gee that invisibility cloak seems great I wonder if it could cover a tank no well someone did and they named it adaptive created by BAE Systems of Sweden in 2011 adaptive as an active camouflage technology that protects military vehicles from infrared detection using infrared screen technology the cloaks so to speak are made of roughly 1,000 hexagonal panels that bae systems has described as thermal TV screens infrared cameras gather information about the vehicle surroundings and then use thermal cloaking to emulate either what's behind the vehicle or a preset library of items that make the tank or other military equipment look like something benign a regular truck or a large moving rock for example today adaptive is also being modified for use on aircraft and ships if it becomes widespread it could render the infrared radar systems very commonly in use today at least temporarily useless as those interpreting the information they send back adapt to much subtler radar clues the system is currently in use in Sweden and a similar model has been tested in Israel we'll have to see if in this century this new slightly weird technology catches on dolphin force while neither new nor technically a weapon we couldn't list weird military weaponry equipment and tactics without talking about military marine mammals did you know that there are platoons of dolphins in league with several of the world's military forces well it's true and something between adorable and terrifying Russia and the United States are the primary utilizers of this kind of force both programs started in the Cold War era which makes sense this sounds just like the sort of hair brain called War era scheme that was left to language and ultimately cancelled in the 90s right well if you thought that you'd be wrong both programs were still known to be up and running and presumably training new recruits as of 2019 in fact the US has at least 100 marine mammal troops in his Legion today what would you need a Marine Mammal force for good question dolphins are capable of finding underwater mines sea lions were also by the way in the mix have an incredible underwater vision and are used to detect enemy swimmers and Russia trying out belugas as possible partners training them to pull ropes and the fan base entrances but found in the end that dolphins and seals were better suited to the work all mammals in both countries programs have also been trained to help carry tools to divers and detect ammunition and torpedo attacks pretty handy if definitely also weird bendy rifles for those tricky corners the corner shot which is actually technically a weapon accessory and not the weapon itself is basically a super advanced version of a periscope the corner shot makes use of a digital camera and flashlights plus a mid frame hinge to allow users to see and shoot around corners without putting themselves in harm's way by physically exposing themselves while it can be fitted to many different weapons it's most commonly used with pistols rifles and believe it or not Renea launchers it's said to be accurate to between 328 and 656 feet would match with a pistol depending on the pistol model it could even be set up and remotely operated official corner shots which were introduced in 2003 and a number of variations on it are used in Israel China Mexico India Russia Turkey South Korea and Vietnam among other nations and there you have it those are the 11 most insane unusual and freaking military weapons of the 21st century so far we'll be waiting with bated breath and thick clothing a vomit bag a solid door and a digital dog biscuit to see which of these will become major players in the years to come and which developments fade away what do you think will any of these weird weapons stick do you have any ideas for an unusual tool that might be handy for today's militaries let us know in the comments thanks for watching and don't forget to take a moment to give us a like and subscribe to this channel for more modern military content like this you
Channel: Insane Reality
Views: 688,251
Rating: 4.7201591 out of 5
Keywords: strange weapons, weird weapon, weird guns, weapon, weapons, ever invented, ever created, ever involved, experimental guns, experimental weapons, weirdest guns, strangest weapons, weirdest guns ever, weirdest weapons ever, weirdest military weapons, military, weopnry, unusual, insane, top, top 10, weird
Id: i5MSccCbTLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 01 2020
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