Top 30 Future Weapons and Modern Fighting Vehicles Already Being Used

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ultimate fact presents top 30 incredibly futuristic weapons and modern fighting vehicles before we begin click that like button to inspire us moreover subscribe to our Channel and click the notification bell to be inspired by this type of ultimate fact warfare has always led to the biggest leaps Ford in technology with each country constantly striving to have the most advanced and capable armaments to protect their interests at home and abroad seemingly drawing inspiration from science fiction the latest and greatest advancements in military hardware and future weaponry paint a scaly accurate and dangerous view of the world of warfare and coming years join us on the battlefield as we take a trip across the globe to find the biggest brightest and best weaponry and military hardware from recent years as well as predictions of the future hypersonic missiles since the 1990s the American air force research laboratory has been involved in a design development and testing of hypersonic propulsion systems with a view to create a missile capable of Mach 6 4,000 miles per hour the result is the Boeing x51 Waverider an unmanned scramjet aircraft designed to be launched from a b-52 bomber f-35 fighter still work-in-progress the x51 Waverider has shown plenty of promise during testing reaching speeds of over 3,000 miles per hour aromatics smart pistol the aromatic smart pistol is a 22 caliber pistol with a smart technology designed to ensure it can only be fired by authorized user unlike designs from the movies this gun doesn't function by a fingerprint reader on the grip but instead requires the use of an accompanying SmartWatch this watch operates as an RF IDP to the lock allowing it to fire the watch itself also holds other real-time data on the gun including battery charge levels and the number of shots fired within a given time frame austech origin 12 shotgun the fostex origin 12 shotgun is pitched as the world's fastest firing shotgun although not fully automatic this shotgun is capable of firing 30 rounds in under eight seconds it's also capable of working with a silencer CEO salvo 12 sound suppressor making it a menacing weapon in anyone's hands adaptive camouflage the enemy can't shoot what they can't see that's the goal of BAE Systems adaptive camouflage to mask a military vehicles infrared signature and shield them from detection by allowing them to blend in with their surroundings this technology essentially renders thermal imaging systems obsolete and ensures friendly fighting vehicles are offered some protection from initial detection hydrodynamic explosive munition the mayhem weapons system by DARPA uses a magnetic flux generator to fire a projectile without their traditional use of chemical explosives greeting a more efficient and precise launch system this projectile weapons system also uses molten metal to penetrate enemy armored vehicles increasing lethality and effectiveness on the battlefield taser shot way the Taser shockwave is a large-scale area-denial system designed to help assist with riot control situations essentially a large modular system for firing numerous teaser x26 stun guns in a 20 degree arc with a 25-foot range not something you'd want to be anywhere near and it went off modular advanced armed robotic system why send men to do a job when a robot can do it just as well while most of us live in fear of being replaced by robots soldiers on the battlefield are probably grateful to see this tract monster rock up alongside them the modular advanced armed robotic system is a heavily armed bot designed to save lives and handle situations too dangerous to send real people into the cv90 one to 0t ghost the swedish t ghost is a camouflage tank that uses bae s adaptive camouflage to make it invisible to enemy thermal imaging systems the ghost tank also uses a high-caliber 120 millimeter compact main cannon with new technology designed to reduce recoil and lower overall vehicle weight Black Knight unmanned combat vehicle the Black Knight unmanned combat vehicle is a prototype unmanned combat vehicle with the appearance of a small tank and a firepower to match a 30 millimeter cannon at 7.62 millimeter coaxial machinegun combined with the ability to be deployed from a military transport aircraft make this a combat vehicle to be reckoned with precision guided firearms precision guided firearms are designed to take the missile lock-on system from fighter jets and apply them to traditional long-range rifle systems these firearms use target tracking advanced fire control and heads-up display technologies to help guide a bullet to its target and account for human error to ensure a higher probability of hitting the target the first time even at long range the laser weapons system the laser weapons system is essentially exactly what it sounds like a ship mounted laser cannon this laser system allows for pinpointing targeting and destruction of enemy assets including everything from small ordnance to enemy aircraft engines Laser Avenger the Boeing laser Avenger is an aerial defense weapon that can be mounted to a vehicle and use the shoot down enemy UAVs unlike conventional and anti-aircraft weaponry the Boeing laser avenger system doesn't create a muzzle flare or smoke trail when it fires this means it can be fired from concealed positions keeping friendly troops safe and out of harm's way human Universal load carrier human Universal load carrier is a hydraulic powered exoskeleton suit intended to support soldiers on the battlefield and allow them to transport heavy loads for extended periods of time without the usual exhaustion that would come with such a task [Music] personnel halting and stimulation response this crazy-looking weapon first appears like an alien technology or something out of science fiction it's actually a non-lethal incapacitation device designed a temporary blind to disorient targets the phaser rifle fires a low intensity laser beam with a blinding effect and is perfect for a variety of situations where the aim is to disable the target electromagnetic railgun this monster cannon is actually the culmination of over a decade's worth of development and testing an electromagnetic railgun capable of firing projectiles at over 4,500 miles per hour and smashing through concrete structures 100 miles away high-energy laser mobile demonstrator the high-energy laser mobile demonstrator is another laser can an equal bowl of blasting enemy drones out of the sky this 10 kilowatt laser can be built by mounted for easy transport and where it's needed powered by lithium ion batteries and a diesel generator it's easy to use and maintain but provides the army with the firepower they need the enemy eyes on the sky hybrid insect micro electromechanical system another weapon system straight out of science fiction this time the form of bugs though it might look like someone's just strapped a circuit board to the back of a beetle it's actually a basic representation of a technology that's been worked on for decades micro air vehicles maps and micro electro mechanical systems MEMS have been in the works since the 1940s and our cyber Borg's and winged creatures that have been enslaved to do man's bidding xm25 honored to file a target engagement the xm25 CdTe is a semi-automatic air burst grenade launcher with a laser range-finding system allowing soldiers to calculate the distance target for most effective combat use the xm25 has almost quadrupled the effective range of standard grenade launchers but it's also heavy and cumbersome to use budget cuts delayed entry into service and other issues have called development and deployment into question nonetheless this is one dangerous weapon on the battlefield Active Denial system ABS another non-lethal energy weapon system designed to help with crowd and riot control also known as the heat-ray this system works by heating the target surface on the same principle as a microwave oven under continued exposure people have experienced severe burns to the top layer of their skin this idea is simple enough things get so hot you wouldn't want to stick around foreigner shot being able to shoot around corners as the military operators dream meaning they can fire at a target without exposing themselves to risk the corner shot device is capable of working with a range of pistols which makes it flexible but due to the nature of the weapon its range is effectively limited 100 metres ad s underwater gun like something out of a James Bond film the EDS amphibious rifle is an assault rifle capable of firing underwater developed by the Russians it is said to be used by Russian naval commandos and includes attachments such as a silencer and grenade launcher Kriss vector this compact machine gun is an extremely capable and flexible weapon that's compatible with a range of different ammunition calibers but what makes it interesting is the Kriss super V recoil mitigation system which pushes expended energy from fired rounds downwards you could gun on target and dramatically reduce recoil the vector is also capable of firing over 1,200 rounds per minute and takes standard Glock pistol magazines which means it's perfect for police forces and military bodies who use Glock guns as their standards zum wohl class destroyers although it looks like some sort of bonkers submarine this is actually a multi-role battleship with stealth capabilities the low radar cross-section and wave piercing Hall combined with a range of other technologies make this destroyer a ship far less capable of detection by enemy radar than its comparable counterparts backed by nine point six billion in research and development costs the zumwalt-class destroyer is possibly the most expensive vehicle of its kind the design apparently gives the destroyer a radar profile similar to a fishing boat makes it 50 times harder to spot than standard destroyers mq8 see fire scout this unusual looking helicopter is an unmanned aerial vehicle designed to provide reconnaissance aerial fire support and targeting for ground troops it is the latest in a line of similar craft that has been in development as part of a three point zero six billion dollar program in operation since 2010 the mq8 sea is yet another in a long line of automated unmanned military assets and development by the US government and shows a move towards removing humans battlefield whenever possible extreme accuracy past ordnance DARPA zyk stream accuracy test ordinance is essentially a self steering guided bullet designed for military snipers to support improved accuracy over long range in unfavorable conditions such as high winds essentially it's a smart bullet and this ammo has the ability to hone in on targets and even change course in midair to compensate for target movements or changes in wind speed the result is a round that can even be fired by novice shooters and still hit their target with near pinpoint accuracy at long-range oberon pl0 one stealth tank the pl0 one is a bullish light tank with a modular ceramic aramid shell an additional armored plating capable of providing a full range of protection against a variety of projectiles improvised explosive devices and landmines equipped with a 940 horsepower engine it's capable of a top speed just under 45 miles per hour with a range of 310 miles the highlight of this tank though is the stealth technology as a fifth-generation stealth tank it's the world's first armored vehicle that's practically invisible both infrared and radar detection systems the various technologies here make this the most advanced stealth tank in the world which is surprising considering it's from Poland not Russia or the United States long range acoustic device LRAD the LRAD is a piece of modern military technology with two different applications first it can be used as a hailing device allowing users to send messages over longer distances than is normally possible with loudspeakers secondly it is also capable of being used as a so-called sonic weapon for riot control crowd dispersion or other situations that require a non-lethal solution hostile action quantum stealth camouflage straight out of science fiction comes a light-bending technology called quantum stealth that provides active camouflage to the user and mimics the surrounding environment pictures of the actual technology haven't been released for security reasons but these mock-ups give an idea of how effective the camouflage is military testing has demonstrated that the quantum stealth material is effective against both infrared and thermal scopes and works as one of the most efficient camouflage systems currently in military use among these which one seems most terrible to you let us know in the comment section that is all for now like always if you enjoyed it be sure to give us a big thumbs up and leave us some love in the comments section keep up to date with all of our awesome videos be sure to hit subscribe and turn your notifications on to never miss a thing until next time do take good care of yourself
Channel: Ultimate Fact
Views: 1,873,224
Rating: 4.7527571 out of 5
Keywords: Future weapons, future, weapon, weapons, military vehicles, future technology, future war, Modern weapons, military, technology, science fiction, scifi, railgun, tank, army, nuclear, airforce, new technology, ultimate, fact, facts, top, department of defense, missile, navy, special forces, tank destroyer
Id: xcSRLdlWJM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 40sec (880 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 25 2020
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