10 Times NBA Legends DISRESPECTED Eachother..

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these are the top 10 times nba legends disrespected each other and for number 10 we got the time that reggie miller thought he could just disrespect michael jordan and get away with it one on two one on three who couldn't get it and put back hoe it did fall now michael jordan and reggie miller having a go at it and i mean we got fist throwing here come the benches damn jordan was about to claw that man's eyes out but this was just one fight some legends take the disrespect to a whole new level cause in number nine paul pierce is literally addicted to disrespecting lebron james yeah back in 2016 when paul became an analyst for espn the man decided to dedicate his entire tv career to trash talking lebron you know my air is out the league we wasn't afraid lebron i would trade lebron james this is going to be a big hit on his legacy and i've already said he's not a top five player of all time i don't want to hear none of his goat talk no more why do you think he moves to miami beads [Music] did he just say he spit on lebron uh but hey at least you could tell the hate that he's got for brawn is real cause for number eight what if i told you one of the most legendary beefs in nba history was one big lie back in 1998 the bulls were taking on the jazz in the nba finals and in game six with chicago just one win away from the championship dennis rodman and carl malone started doing something weird every other play they were getting extra aggressive with each other almost like they were professional wrestlers or something now you might be thinking these dudes were just going at it being competitive because the championships on the line i mean that's what i thought until i heard the commentators say this he and carl malone regrettably are scheduled to wrestle in one of those bogus events next month why malone wants to lower himself to that is anyone's guess and rodman apparently wants to start the wrestling now yeah it turns out that these two had a wrestling match coming up and they were using their time in the nba finals to promote it and this entire beef was fake but i mean it ended up being worth it for both of them because a month later they wrestled on live tv and they each got paid over a million dollars for it damn i didn't think being disrespected could ever end well especially after hearing about number seven the time that kobe bryant's disrespect destroyed an nba super team yeah back in 2012 kobe and dwight howard teamed up on the lakers i'm talking prime kobe and prime to white these two were expected to dominate the nba and grab rings left and right but just three months into their first season hit the fan see in a game against the clippers dwight ended up tearing his shoulder and this injury was so bad he was told he needed surgery it could miss up to six months so obviously the man took a little break to recover but uh kobe he wasn't so understanding telling the media we don't have time for the white shoulder to heal we need some urgency dog this man's got a busted shoulder what do you want him to do and dwight was wondering the same thing because later that day he clapped back at kobe in an interview saying kobe's not a doctor i want to play but at the same time this is my life yeah this one incident caused tensions between kobe and dwight to skyrocket they started bickering on the court arguing in the locker room and though it shaded each other to the media but the final straw came after they were eliminated in just the first round of the playoffs and with that kobe snapped his fingers and made dwight disappear yeah do i sign with houston and officially ended the lakers super team but i mean it could have been worse for dwight he could have had to put up with shaq like at number six cause the way that shaq disrespects nba legends should get him locked up in a straight jacket surrounded by squishy white walls in a federal penitentiary yeah this man is a nutcase see shaq once said that as a kid he was denied an autograph by hall of famer david robinson and ever since that day shaq was filled with a burning rage swearing that if he ever made it to the nba he'd do everything he could to get revenge on robinson and that's what he did shack against robinson drive stop slam dunk wow well he just made david robinson a poster child but years later after they both retired from the nba shaq had a little confession to make set the record straight on the david robinson story and the way i have heard it was that he stiffed you for an autograph when you were a kid and you held it against it and you're not now you're telling me this is not true it's not true i made it all up mr robson i apologize yeah shaq just completely lied about the entire thing this man's a psycho now the disrespect between shaq and robinson may have been fake but at number 5 the beef between scottie pippen and charles barkley is so real it's been haunting them for decades see back in 1999 scotty and charles were teammates on the rockets and they were expected to win an nba title but instead they were eliminated in just the first round of the playoffs and with a loss that embarrassing scotty decided to blame charles and request a trade i mean that's all pretty damn disrespectful so our boy charles he wanted an apology well uh i think scotty had something else in mind i wouldn't get charles parker an apology at gunpoint so he could never expect an apology for me if anything he owed me apology for coming to play with his star pet butt damn scotty all you had to do was say sorry man jeez but um thankfully everything got resolved scotty was traded to the blazers charles retired from the nba and the beef was over until two decades later when in 2021 scotty did a gq interview to promote his new book promote his bourbon and diss charles again saying yeah charles is in the hall of fame but when you think about success in winning you don't speak of charles barkley's name and i mean if you know charles he's not just gonna let that slide so he came back as scotty one final time scotty i've always liked you you're a good player i ain't that we never got the fight we never had no bad words all of a sudden i'm a bad guy because you got a book and a bourbon coming out i just kind of felt sad you know what i felt like when i'm watching tv and i'm seeing somebody who's like gonna box and i'm like yo man you didn't save your money you got to do anything like this is crazy damn legends hating on legends for over 20 years that's petty but charles and scotty's feud doesn't compare to number four because hardin's beef with giannis got him clowned by the entire world yeah back in 2019 hardin got beat by giannis for the nba mvp award and he went on a full-blown media tour just to complain about it telling gq i had eight fifty point games two sixty point games in one season and all the talk was about giannis there's no way and then in a 2020 espn interview he even said giannis wasn't skilled at basketball you know but i wish i could just run running with seven feet and run and just dump like that takes no skill at all disrespectful but just a year later all that giannis slander came back to bite harden in the ass cause in 2021 when the bucks faced the nets in the eastern conference playoffs giannis got his revenge eliminating hardin from the playoffs leaving him so defeated that harden wouldn't even shake giannis's hand but that's not why this ends because after giannis won the championship the internet completely roasted harden [Music] wait a second hardin's not subscribed to the channel what the hell is this guy doing everyone should be subscribed to the channel but anyways winning a championship that's a crazy way to settle a beef but we're entering the top three so things are about to get even crazier because in number three lebron james cost himself an nba championship by disrespecting the legendary dirk nowitzki see back in 2011 lebron's heat were facing dirk's mavs in the nba finals when after game four dirk started feeling a little weird the night before i'd go home and start shivering a little bit and started to call i was like i probably just need to go to bed but now i'll be great tomorrow but it just didn't happen that way the trainer comes in and says dirk's sick huh sick what do you got like we got the flu i said oh no no no not right now not in this moment [Music] yeah dirk got the flu in the middle of the finals and for some reason instead of being a good sport about it lebron and dwyane wade decided to pull up to game 5 and mock the poor guy did y'all hear me call i think i'm safe this was a bad idea i mean have you ever seen dirk nowitzki angry well no one else had either until now in fact this clip pissed him off so much that his own teammates literally forced him to watch it on replay so they could fire dirk up for the rest of the series and what do you know it worked dirk went on a killing spree winning two straight games and officially costing lebron a championship damn brian you messed up dog but hey some legends mess up a whole lot worse than that because for number two i'm talking about the time that kevin durant stabbed his best friend westbrook in the back see back in 2008 kevin durant and russell westbrook became teammates and they spent the next eight seasons becoming one of the greatest duos in nba history but in 2016 after being eliminated by the warriors and the western conference finals katie secretly blamed russ and felt like he never won a championship with him so he started exploring his options and despite telling russ to his face that he'd return to okc and still be his teammate katie went out the very next day and stabbed him in the back agreeing to sign with the warriors the same team that had just eliminated them both from the playoffs now that all sounds really disrespectful but the worst part about this situation is that katie didn't even call russ before his decision went public russ literally found out what happened by checking twitter damn it's sad to see disrespect just destroy your friendship but number one destroyed something even greater because the disrespect between shaq and kobe marked the end of one of the most legendary teams in nba history and it all started in 1998 when during a lakers practice shaq slapped kobe in the face for trash talking what a way to start a beef off but this was just the beginning of their beef cause in 2000 when shaq showed up to training camp 20 pounds overweight kobe was so disgusted that he made fun of shaq to a reporter saying a guy selling donuts at 7-eleven has more pride in his job than shaq and with that comment this beef became personal they started bashing each other to the media every chance they got so by 2003 despite winning three straight championships the two could not stand each other to the point where shaq tried getting rid of kobe for good telling reporters this is my team kobe doesn't like it let him go after the season i don't think kobe's gonna like that one yeah after that the two literally showed up to a lakers practice trying to fight each other so it became clear that whatever chemistry they had left was completely destroyed and a few months later they not only suffered their first loss in the nba finals but they also told lakers ownership to trade each other so the next season shaq was sent to miami and with kobe by himself the once legendary lakers team missed the playoffs for the first time in 11 years officially ending their dynasty but hey it wasn't all that bad because five years later in the 2009 nba all-star game they decided to officially squash their beef and become teammates again kobe is the best player in the league so a plus on that side and no a plus foot you know being a great guy and he even let me you know take the trophy home today for my boys so appreciate them for that all right thank you hey y'all i wasn't expecting a beautiful ending man but uh you know what else i wasn't expecting this video to pop up right here yeah these are legends verse legends and you need to watch it so what are you doing click it
Channel: REBOUND
Views: 6,723,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nba, rebound central, rebound
Id: m-sJCfQHCr0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 27 2021
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