The BEST Nintendo DS Game Money Can Buy!?

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hey everyone how's it going Ellie here again in today's video we are going to be having a look at potentially the best DS game that money can buy [Music] now I haven't got a lot of hopes because this thing doesn't look fantastic and it's rattling quite a lot but not too long ago I did a video on the best Game Boy game that money could buy which was a game from AliExpress which I paid not a lot for and it had so many Game Boy games on it all the Pokemon zeldas literally Mario's everything you could want Mega Man Donkey Kong everything and it was literally about 10 pounds so um if we can beat that then I'll be very surprised but anyway this thing costs 16 pounds um there was a quite a lot of different ones I've got the one with the most amount of games on it 520 games obviously we're not going to have a look at all 520 even if there are 520 which I highly doubt it um and so I'm not really sure what to expect from the front not a lot because Disney friends uh it's like Tinkerbell Tangled SpongeBob uh imagine which is like a the kind of the most common game that you see in charity shops because obviously it was the best game and then a bunch of uh Hello Kitty games but on the back we have this ridiculous list which honestly I can hardly read now as I said I paid 16 pounds for this I bought it on AliExpress oh it comes in a little uh case that's quite nice so although it comes in the Box it comes in a separate box um protector as well which is very interesting and it does actually say on the side 3DS now that is really what's going to be the most interesting thing to find out if we have any um 3D on here so I've got a 2DS and a DS Light if it does have 3DS games on it then I'll get a 3dsm and we'll see what the crack is but for now I think what we'll do actually oh look at that that's very interesting it's got a Micro SD card in it with eight gigabyte micro SD card in it so that's really really weird okay I was not expecting that at all uh so maybe there's just a bunch of ROMs on here we'll have to uh wait and see if I can actually get this thing back in put that in the quality of it does not feel fantastic I'm not gonna lie but hopefully it will do the job and let's go ahead and turn this on okay here we go I'm kind of excited I'm slightly nervous it has actually registered that there's a game in there it's saying that there's a SpongeBob game you can see there on the top it says SpongeBob's Atlantis it's Square panties so let's go ahead and open that up and actually see what we get I'm hoping to see some sort of a menu screen as opposed to just loading this one gain oh here we go wow okay wow so very interesting start we've got this little um menu screen it says there's Moon shell I'm not sure what that is can we open that up if I press Start select famicom super famicom what on Earth is this um okay Nintendo DS so huh this is really really weird so here's a load of games and I imagine these are the 500 games and as you can see it definitely looks like there is 500 games but the interesting thing will be to see if we can find a 3D game I'm not even going to scroll down here to see if there is actually 500 games it looks like it there's loads of different names file types um thumbnails they all look kind of like shovelware kind of puzzle games but there certainly looks like there's 500 games that's for sure interesting though that there's um like seems like emulators I'm definitely gonna have to try and put a Game Boy game on there and see if we can get that working but there we go guys hopefully if you want you can slow down the um this last segment here and you can read back if there is actually 500 what was it 20 games very very weird okay so we're back to the start again let's try oh I saw on Mario face Mario and Sonic Mario versus Donkey Mario Party Mario 64. okay so that is new Super Mario Bros okay that's a 3DS game no it's not that's a 2DS game no that's a just a regular DS Lite game oh my God but it works though 16 pounds what the heck okay so let's just see if we can actually get a save going that would be probably the most interesting thing to see I'm not sure how to save and out of this game I always remember having that problem if I go quit you can't save it you want to quit yes Mario game oh look no so it hasn't actually saved anything all right so I've just saved this game and what I'm going to do is hit return so you can see if I click on adventure that I should have a save file there we go file a zero stars now I'm going to hit the home button and click ok and then what we will do is go back and see if it's saved now obviously that would be fantastic you can see there that it's um definitely not going to have 3DS games because it's registering it as a regular DS game so that we can write off that's definitely not going to happen and we will go into uh let's just see what's on the menu here and see if there is actually wow you can apparently play a lot of different things but there just doesn't seem to be any [Music] um it's got the date and time right which is quite cool can't find a gba card in slot 2. do you want to boot to GBA mode hmm interesting okay let's see has the saved worked gotta just find there you go 64. fingers crossed everyone for the Moment of Truth this is the most important thing that's happened all year on the Retro future Adventure oh my God it has actually saved 16 pounds for 500 legit DS games okay right the next thing to do is put some Game Boy games on there and see what we get now what I'm gonna do actually before I try that is I have obviously my odroid um go which is a portable emulator for old vintage handheld games what I'm going to do is Chuck that SD card into here and just see if um this is just the ROMs and actually this has some software on it here's my odroid go let's see if we run into any problems using a 32 gigabyte Samsung card over the uh cheap little one that it comes with there we go we'll pop that in Moment of Truth in fact we'll try it on the the DS Light here because I did a let's refurb on that not too long ago so I'll give this a little bit of love and let's see what we get couldn't find DS menu dot that okay that might be the problem with loading games off of that okay what I'll do is I'll put some Game Boy ROMs on this SD card and we'll see what we can do so I put a couple of uh ROMs on there I think I put a Super Nintendo ROM and a Game Boy ROM on there let's see if either of those are gonna do anything I kind of doubt it because that would seem suspiciously cool but we can always try so it's registering that there's a card in there and it's loading there's our regular menu so let's try go to uh super famicom Game Boy okay nothing is actually working so far if I go on here it kind of looks like it's not really going to work this is just going to be our regular oh okay wow we haven't had this before let's try Slot 2 card oh there is no favorites micro SD card oh what is this ah it's a gba symbol I don't think this is working guys I just don't know how to do it just doesn't seem to be working but then you go in there into uh here then you get all your DS games again but I'm not sure why it's not working I'm sure maybe some of you can actually figure that out for 16 pounds it definitely seems like it's worth a try does it have 520 games yes does it play 3DS games no is it the best thing that money can buy for the DS arguably I definitely cannot get that to work I'm gonna um have another try uh off camera and if I do get it working I'll make a follow-up video if any of you get it working I'd love to hear what you think below join my Facebook page or whatever and put a post in there if you get it working potentially this thing is like a little R4 card for 16 pounds with a free eight gigabyte SD card from Kensington seems very interesting let me know what you guys think hope you guys have enjoyed this video and I'll catch you in the next one peace foreign [Music]
Channel: The Retro Future
Views: 2,560,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheRetroFuture, RetroFuture, The Retro Future, Gameboy, Nintendo, RetroGameTech, Famicom, NES, SNES, Super, Repair, Fix, Restore, Collection, Japanese, ThisDoesNotCompute, Switch, Nintendo DS, 3ds, 2ds, the best money can buy, DS, Multi Cart
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 10 2018
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