10 things to Know Before You Go To Rome Italy for the first time in 2023

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are you planning a trip to Rome or  thinking about it then you need to   watch this video now there are  even more crowds the bill is very surprising Rome is a city that ever everybody wants to visit  but with all that popularity comes a  few challenges in this video you will   learn 10 challenges of visiting Rome  and how to deal with them here we go challenge number one Rome can get super  crowded and getting tickets for sightseeing  requires a lot of planning but don't worry I'll  help you speed up your process by breaking down   key elements of getting tickets in Rome these  are essential tips but it might be too much   detail if you're not actively planning  just yet feel free to skip to number two   so you are actively planning your trip to Rome  here are two things you must know about getting   tickets in Rome first off you absolutely need to  book tickets online in advance if you don't want   to end up on a line like this where do you buy  tickets in advance go to the official website of   each Landmark I'll say a couple of weeks or even a  month before your trip but here's the tricky part   most tickets are time the entries so you really  need to have a specific itinerary planned Rome is all about planning if you need help or  inspiration check out my three-day itinerary   video I'll link here and down in the description  secondly you need to decide whether you want to   buy a regular ticket or the skip the line ticket  I booked the regular tickets for the pantheon and   the Vatican Museum since we already have a ticket  they scanned the ticket and we are going through the   security now after a quick Security check which  is required for any ticket holders I believe we   were able to get in pick up our ticket and  go on with the audio tour at the scheduled   but when it comes to the Colosseum you need to  get a group tour ticket and be accompanied with   a licensed tour guide if you really want to skip  the line so 12 10 I think we're still should be in   some kind of a line here even though we bought  the skip the line ticket now we're getting in   I hear the line can be as long as 40 to an hour  if you're not entering as a group now you might   be actually surprised to hear the line at the  Colosseum isn't as terrible as you expected   that's because the Colosseum no longer sells tickets  on site there is no ticket booth nor extreme line   anymore in other words everyone is required to  have a ticket to show up which is also why getting   tickets online is more competitive now so if you  can find a ticket from their official website   Don't Panic you can still get tickets from a third  party or a reseller or you can book a group tour   like I did to minimize the wait and to learn  more about these historical sites Challenge number   two is restaurant and Cafe scams the bill is very  surprising this Cafe had a misleading menu outside   the store and didn't offer a full menu with the  price a cup of Americano which Americans usually   order it costs the same as these two pieces of  Panini I know tourist traps exist everywhere but   in Rome it wasn't like any other European cities  I've been to so we are we're staying in this like   very touristy area near the Trevi Fountain and  we've been having trouble like finding a cafe   that offers menu with price that is not packed  when you are in tourist areas always check   Google reviews and ask price for every single  item you order otherwise you might end up getting   a very surprising bill speaking of Bill did you  know restaurants in Rome charge a small service   fee it's usually just a couple of Euros which is  nothing compared to the 20 tip I'm used to paying   in the US so I just want to give you a heads up  you can check your bill and see if the service fee   was charged and you can decide how much extra tip  you want to leave if you want to challenge number   four it's pretty difficult to find diverse food  in Rome sure people go to Rome to eat Italian food   and they have great food but sometimes I just want  a simple avocado toast with eggs or a salad or   hot noodle soup compared to the other big cities  in Europe I definitely felt that I had much less   Choice when it comes to the variety of foods  so if you're like me I would highly recommend   staying at an Airbnb with a kitchenette rather  than a hotel room so you can make yourself small   snacks and meals I stayed in a hotel but we  had a common area where we were able to have   a little breakfast with the produce we've got from  a supermarket and that was a lifesaver Challenge   number five this isn't much of a challenge but I  was surprised to discover that some of the water   faucets don't have a knob or handle so I went to  this restaurant and went to The Powder Room to   wash my hands and I had no idea how to turn on the  water because I couldn't find a knob or handle So   eventually I asked the staff and the staff showed  me that there is a paddle underneath the washstand so you're supposed to push the pedal instead  of turning the knob I wasn't definitely the only   person who had a hard time figuring this out I saw  another Foreigner standing in front of the washstand having no clue how to turn on the water  so I had to tell her about the pedal Challenge   number six when you order a taxi using an app you  might not get an exact quote for your ride and if   you use Uber you'll be redirected to the local  taxi service Rome had each own taxi app which   I didn't install because I already had Uber on my  phone I'm not sure if using Uber had anything to   do with it but I ended up paying about two Euros  more than the Uber's quote it's not a big deal   however I've used Uber in Paris and Lisbon I never  had to pay more than the quote from the app so just   something to be aware of maybe you should install  the local app and maybe you will get the exact   quote Challenge number seven you probably need  to bring more cash than usual when we travel to   Europe we usually bring just a hundred euros just  in case and we hardly use them because most of the   time we pay with our credit cards and mobile  payments but in Rome we were asked to pay in   cash more frequently for example our hotel charged  us a city tax when we were checking in which was   around 20 euros and they asked us to pay in  cash only so bring more Euros when you go to   Rome Challenge number eight Rome turns out to be  the most popular destination for field trips so I   went to Rome in April instead of summer months to  avoid a big crowd turns out April can be even more   crowded with students from all over Europe so if  a crowded place is not your thing do not plan on   going to Rome ever just kidding make sure you are  going to roam during the off season weather-wise   and fieldtrip-wise Challenge number nine be aware  of random police passport checks well this didn't   happen to me in Rome but in Florence so who knows  you see the police behind me we were just   walking around first impression of Florence yeah  we were already like relaxed and more peaceful can I see your passport so we show  them the passport and I asked wow   okay this is not an airport why is this  necessary and they said like there are   just like a lot of random passports like  checks I'm sure all of you are traveling   um legally but make sure that you have your  passport near you the takeaway here is keep   your passport safe and within reach for me I always  carry my passport with a tile tracker so if I can't find it for some reason I can ring my tracker I'll  share the link for this item in the description   below Challenge number 10 if you are planning  to visit the Vatican museum be sure to have a   big breakfast and bring some snacks with you the  museum is huge and you will feel quite exhausted   and hungry at the end of the tour the museum has  a self-service food court and it was a bit below   average in terms of quality of food and price in  comparison Ikea has a way better food court after   looking at the tons of great artwork I have to say  the cafeteria was a bit of a letdown I'm all about   sharing my personal and honest travel experience  if I come across as ranting about Rome I want you   to know that despite all the challenges I was  blown away by the incredible history and Rich   culture of this city everyone should visit Rome  at least once in their life if you find any value   in this video please click the like button and  let me know what you think and if you haven't   already be sure to subscribe and join our travel  planning Community I'll see you in my next video
Channel: New Yorker Juhui
Views: 4,296
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Keywords: 10 things to know before you go to rome for the first time in 2023, visiting rome italy for the first time, rome italy travel guide, rome trip tips and tricks 2023, buying colosseum tickets online, buying vatican museum tickets, how to plan a trip to rome italy 2023, tourist traps in rome, dos and donts in rome, travel essentials 2023, international travel essentials, new yorker juhui iceland, new yorker juhui lisbon, new yorker juhui paris, honest and personal travel experience
Id: Bv57h3MpCuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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