BEST THINGS TO DO IN ROME FOR FIRST TIMERS W/ MAP (2024) | 20 Must-Dos, Hidden Gems & More!

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there's a lot more to do in Rome than just drool over ruins and stairs so in today's video I'll be sharing a thorough Roundup of things to do in this epic City with honest opinions on what's worth it in case you're new here hi I'm Christina from happy to and this channel is all about practical travel tips from someone who's been there and done that so be sure to like And subscribe if that sounds like your kind of thing and stick around until the end for a free map that plots all these activities along with recommendations for cafes and restaurants now let's start with an important Musto before seeing the SES and that's to Gorge yourself on Roman dishes Rome is responsible for some of the tastiest and most popular pasta dishes on the planet so it makes sense that when in Rome you need to slurp your way through them all with Reckless abandon pasta carbonara is a popular one that is already globally famous made with eggs cheese and cured pork but other must tries include Catu Pepe which is made with cheese and pepper pasta alaana which is made with tomato cheese and cured pork and pasta alaga which is made with cheese black pepper and cured pork I know this all sounds very simple but the beauty of Roman Cuisine is in its Simplicity if you're looking for non- pasta dishes to try artichokes tripe and oxtail are also very popular as is the almighty trapido a beloved Roman Street food that combines pizza and sandwiches for a thrilling triangular result that is perfect as a quick bite on the go and of course there's plenty of great coffee and gelato to enjoy as well along with plenty of rooftop bars where you can soak in the sights from a unique vantage point now on that note let's move on to the main attractions and sites starting with the top must do which is to tour the Coliseum possibly the most famous monument in Rome the Roman Coliseum is the largest standing Ampitheater in the world dating back almost 2,000 years for centuries it was here that Rome's Infamous Gladiator fights and animal hunts took place often to crowds as large as 880,000 today it can receive up to 30,000 visitors a day making it one of the most visited monuments in the entire world World which is why you should 100% make sure you get tickets in advance or even book an after hours tour for a unique less crowded experience I can definitely recommend paying extra to tour the underground Arena bit which only opened to the public a few years ago it really does help you understand how the arena would have worked and operated back in the day now next on our list of Rome must is to see the Roman forum and Palatine Hill a visit here is included in the ticket you buy for the Coliseum so you might as well along the epicenter of commercial and government activity in ancient Rome this multi-purpose space would have been used for countless aspects of daily life from elections and social Gatherings to religious ceremonies and criminal trials to be honest this is a space that can be tough to appreciate without the help of a guide since these days You're mainly looking at ruins with minimal signage so consider reading up on the history of the space in advance or potentially hiring a tour guide to help you get some much needed context close to here you'll find another Wonder of ancient Rome Tran's Market an impressive second century complex spanning six stories and over 150 rooms considered to be the world's first ever shopping mall besides cool ruins the site is also home to the Museum of the Imperial forums where you can learn more about the forums that once occupied this space another highlight here is the almost 2,000-year old Tran's column whose impressive details actually tell the Epic story of Emperor Tran's victory in the 2 Century dacian Wars a victory so huge they apparently partied for 123 days after now next on our ancient Rome Hit List is to visit the pantheon of all the buildings that remain from ancient Rome the pantheon is by far are the best preserved dazzling visitors even 2,000 years after it was originally constructed and there's a lot of reasons to visit after all the pantheon houses tombs for some of Rome's most famous figures including Italy's first king king Victorio Emanuel II and Ninja Turtle namesake the famous painter Raphael it's also home to the largest unsupported concrete dome in the world weighing in at a shocking 4535 tons this is definitely one of the most incredible places to visit in Rome so make sure you add it to your list and if you're not tired of ancient Rome quite yet then be sure to check out the city's less famous ruins while not as epic and wellknown as some of the sites mentioned above some other ancient Roman sites to visit include the circus Maximus where chariot races once took place as well as the T deala once among the largest public baths in Rome and today open to the public for visits which includes a virtual guide that helps you visualize what the complex would have looked like back in the day there's also the cat sanctuary built on the site of where Caesar was murdered over in the Laro dor Argentina set among an ensemble of modern shops cafes and restaurants as well as maybe my personal favorite a McDonald's with its own piece of Roman Wall located inside Rome's tery station of all places this is possibly the only place in the world you can wolf down big nuggets while sitting next to a 2500-year old chunk of Roman wall so definitely worth checking out if even just for a quick peek now leaving ancient Rome behind it's time to tackle another one of Rome's top musos commonly considered to be a disappointing one and that's to admire Piaza dispa and its Spanish Steps as one of the most famous sites in Rome many visitors are surprised to see they are indeed just 135 photogenic steps and not much else but in their defense they are iconic so worth a quick look just beware that they're always very packed with people so coming early in the morning or late at night is the only way to really appreciate them properly by the way know that you also can't sit or eat on them as many whistle armed guards will remind you now speaking of overcrowded places you should visit early in the morning another Rome must do is the Trevy Fountain perhaps one of the most famous fountains in the entire world at 65 ft wide this Monumental Fountain is best known for its Impressive Marble sculptures and of course its dreamy blue hues these days millions of tourists come for a chance every year to augle the Fountain and partake in the classic tourist ritual of throwing a coin or three over their left shoulder the first to ensure a return to Rome the second for romance and the third for marriage it is a beautiful Fountain but always swarming with people so again plan accordingly from the try Fountain it's only a two-minute walk over to one of the prettiest hidden Courtyards in Rome Yia Shara this unassuming walkway talks behind a McDonald's no less is a lovely Hidden Gem full of beautiful frescos and artwork to admire with a Gorge gous glass and iron ceiling that makes the space feel impossibly Grand especially when you consider that it's simply home to offices these days now next on our list is to pay a visit to Piaza Del poo translated as the people Square Pia Del poo is considered one of Rome's most important and aesthetically pleasing squares housing a number of attractions including the Leonardo da Vinci Museum and several churches another mustsee Square in Rome is the Barack Masterpiece known as petza naona with a unique oblong shape thanks to its history as the former site of the mission Stadium which was built back in the 1st Century to introduce Greek style Athletics to the Roman public who main source of entertainment at the time was pretty much just watching slaves murder each other with cameos from lions tigers and bears unfortunately Romans far preferred their Gladiator games so the stadium fell into disuse over the years eventually being transformed in the 17th century into a gorgeous Barack Piaza another musty for history lovers in the city is Castel Sant Angelo few monuments in Rome have evolved with the city's history and power struggles as much as this one which has been around since the 2 Century originally built as a mosam for Emperor hadrien it was later converted into a castle by the popes who from The 14th Century on Wards began to add their own little flourishes like chapels and statues to Glam up the place to their liking luckily they got a lot of use out of it not only has Castel s Angelo been a fortress and safe haven over the years it has also been used as a prison and more recently even a film set where it starred as a key location in angels and demons as well as Eat Pray Love Now next on our list is to see the victoriano also known as the altar of the Fatherland or more whimsically the wedding cake or typewriter this pristine marble Monument was constructed in the late 19th century to commemorate Victorio Emanuel II the first king of a unified Italy it was officially inaugurated in 1911 40 years after unification with a design inspired by helenistic monuments like the pergamon altar since 1921 the monument has also housed the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier a shrine dedicated to those who perish and sacrificed their lives during World War I there's also some nice museums inside this is definitely a monument worth checking out in Rome because it's completely free to visit with only a small additional fee for the elevator ride up the Terrace if you so choose so be sure to check it out now let's move on to one of the most popular Rome activities and that's to visit Vatican City nestled within the heart of Rome Vatican City stands as the world's smallest indep dependent State as well as headquarter of the Roman Catholic Church this micro state is home to the pope and several points of interest including the largest church in the world St Peter's Basilica with a dome that reaches just under 450 ft this is truly one of the most stunning churches in the world filled with ornate details and magnificent works of art as well as an excellent view at the Top If You Can Brave the climb if you can time your visit to coincide with the hourly Mark you'll also get to hear the church bells ring from Rome's hundreds of churches at the same time which is a pretty special experience granted it does get very narrow at the top and there's a lot of steps so don't attempt it unless you're reasonably fit from this view you get a great look over St Peter Square where you'll be greeted by the Monumental Obelisk and surrounded by elegant colonades designed by Bernini this square is where the papal audience is held at certain times of the week and today mainly just a spot for photos and lining up to get into St Peters be aware that lines can get very long here so I plan to visit first thing in the morning and don't forget about the strict dress code as well which requires you to have both knees and shoulders covered the other Main Attraction here in Vatican City are the Vatican Museums which has an unparalleled collection of art and historical Treasures including the world famous cistin chap I'll be honest though this museum while stunning is almost always packed to the brim with people so much that you aren't really able to appreciate the pieces at all and are instead herded around like cattle especially in the cinee chapel where they constantly shush you with no mercy with peak season crowds it's really not the best use of time in my opinion unless you are really really interested in art there's also the Vatican Gardens a tranquil o basis within this bustling city state as well as an admittedly cheesier stop the post office where you can send a postcard through Vatican City's own Postal Service with its own unique stamps just make sure you don't forget a pen now having discussed St Peter's the largest church in the world now feels like a good time to mention another Rome activity which is to explore some of Rome's 900 plus churches yes there really are that many which explains exp why we don't really have time to name them all my honest recommendation is to just wander around and have a look inside churches that catch your interest so that way you can find your own hidden gems but here are a few unique churches to add to your list that I think are really cool firstly there's the kza des sanio de Loyola which is home to incredible frescos that offer a cool and unique optical illusion as well as the Basilica de Sant Andrea de la Val known for its massive Dome and also amazing frescos for those looking for a darker experience there's also the Santa Maria de la conet de capuccini known for its capucin Crypt which is filled with chapels artfully decorated with bones and the Basilica of Santa Maria and cosmine another popular one thanks to some unique features like the school of St Valentine and also the famous boka deita an ancient marble mask said to bite the hands of Flyers to be honest this mask isn't anything super remarkable especially given there's almost always a long lineup to take a photo with it so I wouldn't necessarily go out of my way to see it the church though is pretty cool now one place I would go out of my way to see though is the amazing Villa boresi one of Rome's prettiest and largest public parks and also home to a number of Villas and museums including the Galleria boresi one of Rome's most famous art galleries with an impressive collection spread across 20 rooms and two floors another highlight of the park is a quick but affordable rowboat paddle they'll be warned that the lake is 100% filled with other tourists who have no idea how to row boats so the experience is less than notebook and more like an on-water addition of bumper cars lastly while here don't forget to soak in the beautiful views from tataa Del pincho this is one of the best panel pamic views in the city and a great place to get your bearings when in town it's also a highly popular Sunset spot so you might want to consider coming back later with a bottle of wine in hand speaking of great views you should also make sure to visit the jardino dean also known as Parco savello this leafy Garden on Aventine Hill is lined with its namesake orange trees with a gorgeous panoramic view over the city especially at sunset this is a great place to relax and take in the views plus very close to here is the bu deat de Malta AKA Rome's Keyhole a popular photo op with a unique view of St Peter's Basilica that you can access through a keyhole which is perfectly framed by Hedges to create a surreal and dreamy postcard view though be warned it's actually pretty tough to photograph of course with Rome famously built on Seven Hills there are many other great SPS spots to enjoy a view in the city including janiko just south of the Vatican which has its own beautiful Monumental [Music] Fountain now up until now we've discussed a lot of big sites to see but it's important to note that another fun room must do is to visit one of the city's many museums some of the most popular ones include the Muse capitolini which are considered the oldest public museums in the world there's also the stunning Bazi Gallery as previously mentioned and The Palazo dorya pili which is home to an elegant Art Museum as well as many many others so if you're looking for more things to do in Rome especially on a rainy day be sure to add Museum hopping to your list finally it has to be said that Rome is an amazing City and while most visitors will spend their time exploring the most Central and touristic Parts there are tons of gorgeous neighborhoods beloved by the millions of Romans who call it home so if time allows be sure to check out some more neighborhoods outside of the central Corp some nice neighborhoods to explore include the trast neighborhood home to tons of beautiful streets and restaurants the unique quti cop which is tucked away in The Trieste district with a mish mash of varying architectural Styles and Tacho home to Rome's last remaining pyramid [Music] now finally if you're up for a cool day trip Rome does have quite a few options as well while most companies will try to sell you on a really long day trip to Pompei or to the Uli Coast my personal pick would be something closer like tiv which is home to a few elegant Villas and magnificent views that you can reach in as quickly as 40 minutes there's also many cool sites closer to the city including catacombs the apion way also known as Europe's longest straight Road and more relics of ancient Rome like aquadex now while this video has only just scraped the surface of what to do in Rome I do hope you enjoyed it be sure to check out this link for a free map of all the places I mentioned and like And subscribe for more practical travel videos just like this one I'll see you guys next week bye
Channel: Happy to Wander
Views: 34,785
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Id: KJNMnKu0Mbc
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Length: 18min 49sec (1129 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2024
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