10 Things That BROKE My Natural Hair OFF! | TYPE 4C

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so in today's video we are going to be talking about natural hair breakage so first things first rubber bands rubber bands to the major part and breaking my hair off alright I am I am this close to saying rubber bands of the devil like that close now reason being that rubber bands is number one on my list is because a lot of people don't think that rubber bands can break off your hair so I'm here to tell you my experience now when my fro was much longer I had to consistently wear my hair in a ponytail for work okay worst times in my life now of course a rubber band goes on the very ends of your hair and then you wrap the rubber band around and tight as you possibly can to make sure your hair is looking slick and slayed but what you don't really realize is that the rubber band is going on the most delicate oldest parts of your hair okay the parts that need the most love and care you're actually taking a rubber band and wrapping it around the most sensitive part of your hair so what was happening to me was at the end of the day when I was taking my rubber band off I would notice my hair it would feel dry especially where the rubber band was placed it would almost feel like I had heat damaged weirdly enough okay and the same thing would happen if I put my hair in a - this is why I tell you guys if your hair is not long enough to be put into a high poof don't force it because when I was forcing it of course I had to make sure the rubber band was tight and in return the perimeters of my hair would feel very dry and peak damaged okay even though there's no heat do you see what I mean by rubber bands are like this club like I'm this close to calling him the devil now the second thing letting my mom do my hair okay reason being is because she couldn't do my natural hair in the first place which is why she gave me a perm when I was like 5 or 6 now my mom broke a lot of my hair off in the very very beginning when I first went natural because I wanted braids but I didn't know how to braid my hair she was the only one who would ever do my hair for free so I went to her biggest mistake babies who stay number one is because your mom's been doing your hair since before you even really knew what hair was so you can't tell her nothing okay hat like I said half the reason I had a perm in my hair in the first place because she didn't know how to do my hair so then coming back to her with a full fro she really had no clue I tell you when my mom would braid my hair she would she was literally whip out a rat tail comb and it wasn't even face it it wouldn't even say that she saw it as a challenge and she would comb my hair with the rat tail comb then when I was trying to tell her like you're using the wrong tool of course that's disrespectful oh I just had to buy some Bulleit and either let her rip out a majority of my hair or get somebody else to braid it it was as simple as that but I now know that my mom she is not the person to go to when I'm trying to get my natural hair done okay she is she's not her number three braiding my own hair this now like I said in the very beginning I didn't know how to braid my hair which is why I went to my mom and after my mom breaking a lot of my hair off is when I realized I need to learn how to do my own hair now this is where the skin so weird okay since I didn't know how to braid I also did not have like a head to braid on so I had an experiment with my own hair okay I do not recommend this because if you don't know the braid pattern for cornrowing you're just instantly going to rip out a lot of hair okay that braid pattern is very important to keeping your hair organized and detangled and when you're a brand-new braider and you don't know that braid pattern you end up just ripping out a lot of hair because you're trying to get the pattern down the pattern is what keeps you organized you don't know the pattern you ain't organized you just ripping out here okay so I highly suggest if you're braiding your own hair twisting your own hair and you don't know how to do it be very careful because that can lead to a lot of breakage I know myself when learning how to braid I was very freaking determined because you're not going to learn overnight look at a majority of the night I swore I would and your girl will just be ripping out all kinds of hair okay don't do it don't do it practice on somebody else with hair okay rip out their hair don't do it on your own number four not using a shampoo brush okay many of you don't know this because you're new to my channel but I have been natural for like five going on six years in that first three years I was not using a shampoo brush okay I was just either trying to learn how to senior detangle or I was just using a regular comb and using very small sections okay now around the time that I did do my second big chop is when I really looked at my hair and I noticed I had a lot of breakage and I didn't really know where it was coming from and then once I've been chopped and I started drawing the little hair I then came across the shampoo brush that you guys see that I use in my videos all the time now I started using that brush and it was just like a butter knife just couldn't do some butter like it was ridiculous and going through my hair it did not snag a knot it did not do anything but detangle like I did its job a hundred percent however now that I'm about at my two-year ish mark I think one and a half like it's a twos I don't remember but now that my hair has grown a lot more I have noticed that I do not have any thin edges I don't have any broken off pieces of hair sometimes back in the day I was pull out my natural hair and I was seeing very sparse in between the ends none of that has happened and that leads me to believe that the shampoo brush has eliminated a lot of that breakage that I was going through okay I was doing a lot of trials and errors with finger detangling and I broke off a lot of my hair so the fact that I switched to a detangling brush and have not had any of those issues I'm telling you I'm telling if you had that same issue like a lot of your hair was breaking off and you or somebody whose finger detangles or you're using a rat tail comb or you're using a regular comb or a wide toothed comb definitely try out the shampoo brush okay it might save you in the future just saying just saying number five not mr. eyes incorrectly I guarantee you if you are having issues with your natural hair breaking off and you are not moisturizing correctly I'm so that's the number one thing you don't want to deal with okay because for me I was I'm very I'm very local angel okay so some days especially on a watch day yes your girl will moisturize but after that I will get lazy and I will just sleep on my hair I won't i won't even spritz it throw a little oil in there I will just keep trucking for the rest of the week with dry and brittle hair okay it's embarrassing y'all don't see that side of me okay y'all don't but that's how I can be if you are not moisturizing correctly the number one thing that's gonna happen is breakage okay I was going to say so much but breakage breakage is what is going to happen if you do not moisturize correctly okay number six I not keeping it in a protective side the reason I bring this one up is because I noticed that I receive a less of breakage when I'm not touching my freaking hair okay and the best way to not cut your hair but keep it moisturized keep it organized is in a protective style so when I put my hair in two braids that's wash today I wash my hair getting all oiled up greased up moisturized and then I put it in a nice even braid pattern two braids going straight back and I can rock that for about two weeks or so and then when I'm done or when my hair is all dry and whatnot I can then in an organized manner do you braid my hair out you know fluff it out and then do the same thing again and that makes it where I'm not doing my hair every single day that lessens my chance for breakage keeping it in a protective style okay I know some people throw do not agree with protective styles but honestly in my personal opinion I feel like that is due to not knowing how to properly moisturize if you know how to properly moisturize then your hair should have no problem being in a protective style now I must admit certain protective styles are not good okay which leads me to number keeping your hair in a protective style that you know your hair does not like okay for example okay the whole reason I big chopped in the beginning when I was in high school was because I found out that my hair no longer like being in individuals okay like micros if you know that your hair does not do well in a certain style don't keep doing it no matter who says it's the thing to do don't keep doing it alright for me I cannot wear micros which is why you don't see your girl an individual or micros if I do want to wear some individual style braids I wear big box braids okay or I'll wear twists but you never want to see me in some micros I don't know what it is my hair does not like it my hair it doesn't start to break off or anything but it just gets extremely dry like extremely dry so I know that's not for me hence the reason you ain't gonna see me wearing but for you guys if your hair does not agree and being in two braids going back maybe it doesn't agree in box braids or whatever it may be don't continue to wear it okay I'm not going to say protective style isn't for everyone because I noticed that my hair really flourishes when I keep it in two braids not to mention all the other protective styles I have tried but just two braids are the best for me okay so for you I know there's a protective style out there that is the best for you okay number eight following a natural hair fad okay and what I mean by that is usually every year or maybe every two years in the natural hair community becomes a challenge or a fad or you know get a bunch of growth quick scheme it just uh it pops up every now and again in our community okay and I noticed when a lot of people jump on these fads and they try them out like I think there is one where you only wash your hair with water like come on now come on now you only wash hair from what I mean but a lot of people try those things out and they may work for certain people but I guarantee you you do not want to play Russian roulette with your hair because once you break your hair off you cannot get that hair back I don't care what shampoo I don't care what you know biotin or what vitamin you take once you ain't got something you ain't getting them back until it grows back okay a lot of people think once you break your hair off there's a certain skill you can take that will fix the ends of your hair somehow I just want to let you all know your hair is not living it's nothing but dead cells so whatever you break off on the ends is never coming back okay unless you cut it off and then your hair grows back to that point suta means because a lot of these fads can damage your hair now they may work for some people they may even work for the youtuber who is showing you how to do it but if it sounds crazy I suggest just watch the video to see how to do it for a little entertainment you know for knowledge purposes but do you really want to try though your hair I mean your hair is going to grow regardless okay whether it takes you four or five years I guarantee you at the five-year mark you're going to have your hair down your back okay not to your booty but at least pass your shoulders within five years and that's just what happen regardless okay so give your hair some time to grow and don't jump on these fads okay because they can do more harm than good number nine I touched on this you know about the whole protective style but number nine is keeping your hair organized okay I know it sound crazy but role listening not keeping my hair organized really contributed to a lot of my breakage reason being is like I said whether I was braiding and not doing the correct abrading pattern or whether I was detangling my hair and I was just lazy so I grabbed a whole clump of it and decided to rip through it okay if you're not organized with your natural hair it ain't going work so with that being said if you're not keeping your hair organized with how kinky and nappy it is yes you're just going to keep receiving tangles and that's gonna frustrate you so then you're just going to start smashing through curls and causing a lot of breakage okay so keep your hair or as possible I mean break it into as many sections as you can while you're styling or while you're detangling I'm telling you y'all it's not help go help now it's time for number ten and this one is very dear to my heart and it is the most important okay number ten not having confidence in your hair if you don't have confidence and how your hair looks if you don't have confidence in the fact that you're proud to be type four or whatever type that you are struggling with if you're not proud I am so serious I'm so serious your hair can smell fear okay and if your hair feels like you don't like her she feels like you always so in shade you always talking about how ugly she looks you never given her the TLC that she needs I guarantee you she's going to reflect your mood if you think your hair is ugly your hair is going to be ugly okay I cannot tell you how many women have came up to me me tied 4c okay literally my hair is nothing but frizz and that ain't life look at that it just popped out on a film like my hair is super nappy and there are so many women that will come up to me and go oh my gosh I love your hair I really wish I really wish my hair looked like yours that's why I don't want to cut it off because I just know my hair will be a nasty mess and I would literally be looking at her like my hair is a nasty mess now I love my hair but for somebody to come up to me with me knowing that I have tie for C there's really no there's really not much nappy or you can get here's the difference though because I love my hair okay I take care of my hair I give my hair that TLC it needs because she's gorgeous okay so I keep my hair moisturized I keep it detangle I keep it from looking dry and brittle okay I put a lot of work and effort into my hair to make her look good okay if I did not keep her moisturized and all those things that I just mentioned yes she would look extremely nappy and extremely dry and brittle okay trust me I've seen her look that way when I'm not giving her the TLC so when people come up to me and they go oh I want my hair too like you're so much for my hearings so nappy I literally that goes in one ear and out the other because it doesn't make any sense my hair is tight for deceit okay if your hair is an Appius of napping you're going to be type 4c which means you have the potential to look like this okay but if you're already programmed to think that nappy hair looks bad okay and you're already scared that your hair is going to look like that alright you're not going to give it to TLC okay you have to have confidence in your hair if you have the confidence in your hair to sit down and learn how to keep your hair moisturize your hair is going to look good I mean honestly I'm curious like how many of you ladies don't really have the confidence to rock your hair okay because I know if you clicked on this video you're probably drinking some form of breakage whether it is the first nine things that I mentioned or maybe you're receiving a bunch of breakage and you think is due to those nine things I mentioned but then on the low you kind of low-key don't even like you hear like your low-key kind of hate you hear okay so comment down below like let's start a discussion have you noticed that when you don't give your hair the TLC and love that she needs she can sense it like let me know because my hair can sense everything now thank you guys so much for tuning into my video I really hoped you liked it okay if you did like it thumbs it up and share it with your friends okay cuz I want to meet your friends you know I know y'all but I want to meet your friends okay so share the video and don't forget to click that subscribe button and I will see you guys in the next one peace out [Music]
Channel: Chazzzisawesome
Views: 243,152
Rating: 4.9251723 out of 5
Keywords: natural hair breakage 4c, natural hair breaking off, natural hair breakage in the front, natural hair breakage in the back, natural hair breakage and split ends, 10 things that broke my natural hair off, chazzzisawesome, type 4c, natural hair breakage repair, natural hair, natural, hair, natural hairstyles
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 14sec (1034 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 06 2017
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