10 Things Mulatto Can't Live Without | GQ

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I never did this before what's up GQ is my lot of big lot of and these are my stitches one thing first and foremost I cannot live without good so I keep my own key see that's called arc and that's the earliest form over across so I keep that on my shows I pray when we on the road for we get in the car if you ever see me and I'm just like this [Music] I got a lot of parts this is baccarat today and this is for rich it smell like money and good this is my perfume blowing smoke say I got to you I got Chanel I start to the side she I got out it but this is my favorite one cuz it costs the most it shows in smell this is the red bottle so it's like more potent whatever you got more oil in but I got this one ain't no long can I reach are you I love me a booster I got this one week it's like I said I'm unplugging alone right here we got a um a Gucci old sheet you know I'm saying I got another Gucci today so I brought out the Gucci Gucci I like to match my bags we would have outfit I got our own so today we went with the blue Gucci cuz I got my Gucci and just writing them don't touch that's the cash you got some air parts I'm not going in case could a dirty him I got Chanel you're sitting in I got a hell of a season the government tried to kill me baby ain't gonna let me get this right here is my gluten I'm really give me a free trip because y'all be asking me like Hobby shining on stage I'm saying this is this one I got from the 6th or the state store got the real I don't want that damn dollar store this this stuff real deal so you don't saying it's not good so my but just the liquid version so you may stick some together and you're gonna be shining shine bright no you got a boobies buff at the same time not some different occasions they for everyday use I think wearing glitter highly since I seen myself on stage for the first time because I was like I want him to be shining down Julio the shots I hit a mil I go rock out this is the guy play with dog I used to dry the hidden boat sound with your Mexico and they introduced me to Don Julio my life ain't been the same since no care it's like he lying baby and when I feel like going big on a little bit I get the 1942 but this everyday Sampo up when I told in any boat lady I was on a hinny for a long time till I made their own tequila boat in Mexico baby I went down to Mexico I went there for my 21st birthday and my friend Venus name soon yeah party different you know say something like charge me I won't so today so they put me on this boat and it's been I've ever seen [Music] so when you when you on their own now Julio bow you got a love of your life out with some water you think it's specifically called water they really need to cut the shape because I beeping on court water is the best water if you ask me to water I drink hello water to be honest if I'm not drinking water then is some shots at Don Julio but like I won't drink soda and juicy stuff these right here are some lashes so usually I begin my individual me lashes installed but lately I've been traveling like a mom so I've been having to do shirts these is essential I need I'm light-skinned and I got my natural hair is blonde my real lashes is blind they look invisible so I mean these lashes I like my lashes long and I like my lashes do this right here is called lace glue okay this is a beauty supply store latex glue it gets even stronger Denise the distant ghost wearing lace glue so when I be performing I turn I put on actual show if you ain't been to one of my shows you need to come out period I turn so I be sweaty and we might just look back to the beat but I'm just cleaning up hit that lace with some days later he said this what I got with me in New York right now I can't live without my jury this is a bus down rolling I had upgraded my other watch cuz I had it on just the bezel bus down and everything was else was start I pushed down put a pink and then my chain I bought this when I was like 19 I like just make me sit me mean a lot to me because 19 be able to buy old she was trained with a beat or a pending on that I like that it's a sign of success that gave me many deer on my watch in the NYPD in my time I feel like Rolex is like the og like him when he lost and the value and wrote this ain't going no damn work around for years and it's gonna be calm we gonna be dropping that much money on some damn jury I better hold this before long goddamn time busting it down I already took the value down so it be at least a valuable branding I don't really do that on trendy I stay with the old she's really I cannot leave what I want phone that's why I'm dying right now do you know I left my phone there over yesterday and it was driving not answering the phone still I went on for him and he had a phone over 24 hours and I'm itchy I'm itchin my blood pressure cuff and look I'm dad listen I can't live without my phone it's the Grammys like I got pictures in their phone but it's okay could we gonna wipe that from we're gonna race that phone I was trying to give it a little time but I don't think I'm getting a phone back and what's in that phone cannot be seen so that it will be wiped probably when I leave he'll wipe clean this it's okay we're just gonna pray that what's in that phone is my seat see the internet see the world listen listen listen if I tell you [Applause] big lotto become when he thank y'all for watching this was my essentials [Music]
Channel: GQ
Views: 2,726,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: favorite stuff, buyers guide, want list, menswear, gadgets, must have, 10 essentials, ten essentials, luxury, mulatto, mulatto 2020, mulatto interview, mulatto gq, mulatto 10 essentials, mulatto 10 things, mulatto favorite, mulatto favorites, favorite mulatto, mulatto 10 things, 10 things, mulatto explains, mulatto breaks down, 10 things mulatto, mulatto top 10, 10 essentials mulatto, my essentials, gq, gq magazine
Id: q8nLkxts2dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2020
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