10 Things Megan Thee Stallion Can't Live Without | GQ

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they are my family and me and Kelsey been knowing each other for a long time since like 2013 he got in my mom what's up GQ is Megan stayin okay ate a hot girl coach and these are my essentials so my phone is definitely an item I cannot live without I mean how am I gonna talk to y'all about how my father and I need to be call me up y'all need to be calling me I can't live without you I actually have like four phones but this is the main one and my other ones or actually my other three are dead all the time I don't I don't even know where they are right now honestly like the other phones I don't even know the phone numbers - I've literally had my number since maybe the sixth grade so everybody calls this one all the time these are jalapeno kettle chips and they're not just regular jalapeno chips they're our kettle brand jalapeno chips and these are legit the best-tasting chips that I've ever had in my life I literally asked for a bag of these chips all the time so all my hotel rooms are like filled up with in here like all my rooms backstage or like full of kettle chips they just burn like you know when you eating a bag of hot cheetos and you got like all the fires like little crumbs at the end that's how I feel about this like I will literally lick all ten of my fingers forget all the flavor I've chosen from these two I definitely cannot live without my Beach I have at least three pairs of these I write everywhere I go so I'm literally just all day long with my beats on my head and the seekers are just like super high quality feel like I'm in the studio I'm not the girl that likes air pods because I will lose them and they will fall out and so these are big enough I can find them can't lose these but yeah I like super love these cuz oh they're stupid loud I listen to my music really high so I gotta have my beats actually sometimes I'll write before I get a beat so a lot of the times when I get the hitch they're in them nine times out of ten I probably I knew what I was gonna say I was just going to put a perfect beat to fit my list here but a lot of the times when I do get instrumentals I'm like no this is bringing this type of energy out of me and so then I start right today then when I hear a beat that I really like from right into it every day all day I'm listening to it at any time I'm listening to it at the moment [Music] my next item is my lip gloss clear lip gloss at dad like it's like the perfect topcoat for everything and I really like this one my Revlon because I don't know it's just super thick and I really like pink gloss I need gloss that's gonna stay on my lips through eight bags of chips I need glosses gonna stay on my lids all day but this is like just the perfect top coat and I literally hate to my lips to be dry any time you see me my lives gonna be looking real juicy real classy that's why I need the next thing I'm definitely can be on this earth without waste water it's really my favorite thing wanna make you feel good why to make you smell bad water make it taste good water is just good for your body so I just feel like I always gotta have it I'm always performing I'm always running around you know what you want to go you just got to make sure you stay hydrated last year I don't feel like I was drinking enough water and like when you don't drink a lot of water it could really mess with your skin so ever since that I've been might improving with how much water I feel like I've been going with it so yeah got to get that water [Music] hello the beautiful thing that I cannot live without is my food for for he worries say huh he was a gift and you know he's just been my little blip everything he's gonna be turning one next month I'm just a problem with it I literally I take for every where like that there's not a place that you will see me without Bohr and everybody knows unisport goes everywhere they need to start giving him his own dressing room at this point because he's famous like people people don't even run up on me they run up on four that's like oh my god Cory worry mom I get lost in the stock I literally begin my day watching every day and I end my day watching anime when I'm doing my makeup I'll have it playing in the background and then before I go to sleep at night like what I fall asleep to right now I'm like watching this one called High School of the Dead and it's super cool I just got done watching an assassination classroom not too long ago I really like Soul Eater boot Exorcist that's what I have on my nails right now shoutout to my new girl Coco I really like I love love love my hero academia everybody knows that I'm talking about you Tina I really love Hunter x Hunter I really love attack on Titan I'm just I cannot live without music it's just like anime like I literally wake up to it I go to sleep to it but music is just something that's very consistent in my life like all the time I'm either rapping or listening to somebody else right it's always been a big part of my life and I definitely cannot see myself surviving without music recognized by partynextdoor yes I'm a huge part next-door fan earlier I was probably listening to some Dom Kennedy I love Dom Kennedy and I'm always listening like UGK emcees my favorite rapper I always listened to be yes because Tony snows can see so I am the female pimp see so it's only right that I use my I absolutely positively cannot live without these people like I would not be able to carry out my day if I did have Kelsie if I didn't have Caitlyn hell for if I didn't have T fares all right now if I didn't have AJ they just definitely get me together from head to toe and just as crazy as I am that's just how crazy they are if they not worse they're like my family they are my family and me aquel should be known each other for a long time since 2013 [Laughter] [Laughter] okay we know yeah so I can't live without them and I'm just very lucky and blessed that I have these are wonderful human beings in my life so you have thanks so much for checking on my stitches until next time
Channel: GQ
Views: 8,617,043
Rating: 4.9423914 out of 5
Keywords: 10 essentials, ten essentials, megan thee stallion, megan thee stallion 2020, megan thee stallion interview, megan thee stallion gq, megan thee stallion 10 essentials, my essentials, megan thee stallion favorite, megan thee stallion favorites, favorite megan thee stallion, megan thee stallion 10 things, megan thee stallion explains, megan thee stallion breaks down, 10 things megan thee stallion, megan thee stallion top 10, 10 essentials megan thee stallion, gq, gq magazine
Id: ANbhxA4xJ3g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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