Inside Central Cee’s Louis Vuitton Bag | In The Bag

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hi everyone I'm Central C and this is what's in my back oh first and foremost this dog is actually Madeleine when I'm here I partake in um part ownership Fitness is essential this is a better Club art when I actually wear it in public trying to be like low-key it doesn't actually usually work next item I've got is my passport I've got a boarding pass in here in Tokyo to London that I just got off the plane yesterday my passport is always with me this is the extra page one I ran through a whole British passport last year Jewelers might need to cut a check for this one I got some jewelry in here this chain is quite special I went number one with this mixtape 23. I wore it a lot last year but I'm putting it down now it's hardest time I got my headphones I use these when I'm in the gym and I can like run I listen to like a lot of like like garage I don't want to hear much words I just want to hit up Tempo beats this will be more when I'm like on the plane the noise cancellation great underneath I had nothing [Music] this is my like fancy gold-plated book I've got like a complex that I always forget because I'm just always on the move I thought it would be nice to just write things down and remember them in different ways not just like videos or pictures like I can kind of depict it a bit more or describe it a bit more so I'm gonna try and do that this year I write my lyrics on my phone I can just type really quick but when you're writing with your hands it takes too long so I wrote the Dodger cat lyric in a hotel and it's funny because I was on a massage bed I was just rapping in my head the whole massage that and then I came up with that lyric and it's stuck and the rest is history I've got this tea bag that my mom gave me just before I left to go to Thailand I don't drink milk so I'll just be drinking like her booties chamomile and lavender it sounds nice it looks like a condom sliders they're not that interesting but they are essential though like it is important that I have this in my bag every Hotel I go to a soccer necessity that there's a spa anytime I'd brush my teeth I probably don't have my toothbrush on me I'll just use the toothbrush that's in the hotel or I'll just buy one like on the move but I will have this with me because I can't brush my teeth without it this is a tongue scrape for weird thing but it's definitely hygienic if you use this and you haven't used it you'll see how dirty your mouth is like it's mud I'll just come back from Thailand and I got this natural version of Vicks it just clears your nose It Dummy Justice on the 15 hour flight that I took back from Japan England should make something like this because once this is done I'll have to import some from Thailand or something these crackers are so Elite my mom gave me this she bought it for Christmas I haven't talked into these yet that's how busy I am I think the last time I saw I even saw my mom is really Christmas it's a nostalgic snack for me yeah good stuff I put this book on my Instagram it made a appearance The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway Madeline bought me this for my birthday imagine just like a friend of mine that spend a lot of time when I'm in England something like that she's written on every page annotated it or whatever the word be he said I really admire the way you take things in your stride and in some ways I admire the way you talk in such simple terms about the way things have or have not affected you it's something this book and you have attempted to teach me I reckon this cells are going to go up after this Earnest Hemingway he used to cut me the check too it's a Sentimental nice thing to have in my bag even if I'm not gonna read it it just something cute in it [Music] if you want someone [Music] alright thanks for watching I'm Central C and that was what's in my bag
Channel: British Vogue
Views: 4,337,920
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Keywords: british vogue, celebrity interview, central c, central cee, central cee doja, central cee essentials, central cee freestyle, central cee interview, central cee let go, central cee let her go, central cee louis vuitton, central cee obsessed with you, central cee reaction, central cee reacts, central cee wireless, in the bag, in the bag british vogue, louis vuitton bag, men’s essentials, men’s style, vogue, vogue in the bag, what’s in my bag
Id: F7dfwKMa_gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 20sec (260 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 23 2023
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