10 Things Lil Yachty Can't Live Without | GQ

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• some important information aside from his essentials boat said he's working on his own frozen pizza line that he wants to release in stores

• he's working on 3 projects, a New York Drill project, a project with Working On Dying, and a collab project with Lil Tecca (which he claims is almost done)

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/DracoOnMe 📅︎︎ May 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
i got two wallets in here and i got singles like a bunch of ones what's the reason that you got a bunch of ones in there yaddy i don't know i think this just changed from like a broken hundred or something i wasn't at the strip club that's what you wanted me to say yo what's up gq i'm lil yachty and these are my essentials [Music] pot of gold no i'm just kidding this is my grill basically i have my grill in pieces because i like it to give that permanent look you know like i like it to look like it's permanent it comes in six pieces because i love bright smile the logic i come up in my head is i want to make a really lot of money young or you know mid age to like 35 you know so by the time i'm like 48.50 i can do all the that i couldn't do when i was younger because i wanted to make smarter decisions like i haven't gotten any face tats or like permanent teeth because like i want to act and you know i enjoy being a face for you know big companies and it's important to keep a proper image so i'll say when i get like 50 i'll be like super rich i'm gonna get face tats i'm gonna get permanent teeth when i'm like 55 like 60 i'm gonna get like a boat right here under my eye like people think when you get old you can't live but in my brain i'm like i'm working super hard young so i get old oh my god i'm gonna live an extravagant life i'm gonna tour the world on your eyes with young bad with diamond teeth and face tests at 63. and i'm gonna go by grandpa bo grandpa boat with all the yeah all right sunglasses these ones in particular because these are you know these are blue tom but they're from the negro virgil collection these are extremely rare and they look like just their mommy looks like some la gangsta 90s easy nwa looks like a real sleek cool vibe and just look fire i passed so many over the years i've lost a bunch but sunglasses was a real thing i really like to collect sunglasses i have a bunch of really cool vintage chanel glasses a few product glasses but also i have this collection of future mood glasses that are super sick and it kind of needs crazy because i wish i had them downstairs but i'm also doing my online with them i'm super excited to just really create and go outlandish with it so that's the one we're going to take to the top look it up if you haven't heard of future news studios and glasses are literally insane all right vitamin e make sure i take every single day literally everywhere i go no matter where i am you gotta have vitamin e thing with me is i don't eat anything like i don't eat any fruits i don't eat any vegetables i don't drink orange juice my doctor just told me that i need vitamin e [Music] water not just any water just water of course i've known of just water for a few years now but it wasn't up until maybe like a few months ago i don't know it was extra hot outside or i just had a cold just water that just hit different to the point where it was like wow just water is literally the best water i've ever tasted and it's not this isn't an ad like jaden isn't paying me this is generally just the best one i've ever tasted so now it's like like if you saw my fridge it's nothing but just water and i've just been trying to drink a lot more water like my skin gets very dry i think water tastes better in the car than in plastic i don't know if that's true but i do i feel like it does so just water is generally can't live without just water literally have to drink it every day i was definitely drinking a lot of soda before too much soda but i started realizing like i started getting cotton mouth and i started having acid reflexes like middle of the night like i'd be asleep and i'd wake up with like built up acid in my throat in the middle of the night and started scaring me you know so i started cutting back on drinking sodas i think i took all sodas out of my refrigerator just trying to better myself if i don't then i won't be able to live out the dream of grandpa both at 64 in spain [Music] girl scout cookies thin mints i'm their estimated underrated terribly duplicated my dad introduced me to girl scout cookies when i was maybe four years old that's the only cookie ate therefore is the only cookie and i grew up eating so i've never actually tried another girl's brow cookie to this day i don't even know the other flavors i don't even know thin mint is the one the winner the green box don't give me the baby blue don't give me the purple i'm giving the yellow give me the green the cookies are topped tier unfoldable i don't even like mint mint chocolate i'm liking that but thin mints are god's snack i actually have my own personal girl scout shout out to jada jada always gave me right every time it's that season they hit me up and it's time to get some girl scout supreme shouts out to jay to get me right with 10 minutes try to get about 20 30 boxes gotta have to miss that's also my favorite just water and thin mints going crazy my headphones these particular ones are my faves edition beats shouts out to all my boys and phases you know i am a phase clan member these get me through any trip any flight i love music music is my life again another thing my dad introduced me to i incorporated every piece of my being i genuinely in the house have a ton of headphones i mean speakers like i speakers everywhere in my house so i'm more speaker guy in my house but on the road anywhere else headphones any flight any hotel gotta have great headphones i love the red tiger stripe camera so headphones are a necessity [Music] pizza i love red bearing but not red brands specifically just pizza in general all right another thing my dad introduced me to because my dad is really awesome definitely dedicating this episode to my dad obviously pizza man it's my favorite food i eat it every single day i have been eating every single day for at least the last 18 years i'm 23 you know slowly since i was five i eat it all frozen pizza new york pizza brick oven thin crust not a step crust fan i don't like chicago style either i like deep dish but i don't like original chicago style which is salsa top cheese in the bottom that's weird it's like lasagna i don't know i don't get it i'm actually about to release a frozen pizza in grocery stores and that's the first time i actually ever said that that was new information that you guys know now but i am working on my own frozen pizza line can't wait to release it because it's my favorite of all time pepperoni is my favorite but of course we have to cater to everyone so of course you know we gotta do four cheeses pepperoni sausage uh supreme meat lovers i do vegan pizzas for the vegan people out there what we're not gonna do is talk about the competitors because we love them all love our brand i love these journals we love tonys i love all of them i love the kroger brand shout out to all the frozen pizza companies out there killing it doing your thing so that's out the california pizza kitchen and a frozen pizza lime i can talk about pizza for hours bro pizza is my my keys i actually suck with the keys i lose them all the time i am a terrible key person but keys are a part of my everyday life i actually don't have a key to any of my houses and i have three my mom keeps the spare up all my keys for some fact if i always lose them my lamborghini key went missing for like three months it was in my washing machine like in the washing machine in the little like circle part i don't know how i got there he was hiding in my car i literally sat in my driveway for three months my lamborghini and it was undrivable of your cars which is your favorite my main bag which is in the shop right now my buck my back precious hard drive all the data in the world all my music everything having to deal with everything having to do with anything that i've recorded it's right there that's extremely important i try to record music every day so that bad boy right there is everything my engineer has a backup then my head engineer has a backup i don't have a backup i'm if that's gone spend more time with my engineer than anybody it's one time i engineered my girlfriend i'm working on three projects right now like a new york drill project where i'm like flipping samples on drill beats i just released a song called cortex on youtube i'm also working with production group from philly called working on dying it's that summer young term energy and my fans are going to go crazy for it that's really what they want and like it's up there so that was too super important i also got a project with a little techa it's damn it done and i'm gonna start my album in third fourth quarter i'm planning on doing all these side projects because when i do the album sounding album i want to be a completely different vibe all right my it's a miyaki shoulder bag i'm a huge fan of simiaki it's got my wallet got deodorant i got diamond chain in here more sunglasses more and more sunglasses like 50 sunglasses here gotta have all my necessities gotta have your mask make sure you always keep a mask some hand sanitizer i got my earrings in here moisturizer for my face my passport i'm cheating right now this is where i added all my extra but this is a part of my bare necessities man you gotta have this i got two wallets in here and i got singles like a bunch of ones uh what's the reason that you got a bunch of ones in there i don't know i think this just changed from like a broken hundred or something i wasn't at the strip club that's what you wanted me to say no i think this has changed from 100 deal and this bag is really sick it's really big but it's a shoulder bag and i just think it's really dope and it doesn't look flashy like it doesn't have any labels or names just a black bag with a leather handle it doesn't look like anything's in it it's just whatever and those are my essentials thank you guys for watching man
Channel: GQ
Views: 1,362,074
Rating: 4.9538908 out of 5
Keywords: 10 essentials, 10 essentials lil yachty, 10 things, 10 things lil yachty, buyers guide, favorite stuff, gadgets, gq, gq lil yachty, gq magazine, lil yachty, lil yachty 10 essentials, lil yachty 10 things, lil yachty 2021, lil yachty essentials, lil yachty explains, lil yachty favorite, lil yachty favorites, lil yachty gq, lil yachty grill, lil yachty interview, lil yachty top 10, menswear, must have, ten essentials
Id: 8DwUggq8P8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Wed May 26 2021
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