10 Things Jason Sudeikis Can't Live Without | GQ

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I've always liked Sudeikis he was great on SNL. He could also do really silly, pissed Will Ferrell-style yelling, speak Cajun gibberish in a courtroom or at NASA, and do sarcastic asides to the protagonist in another sketch. Just a great underrated performer on the show.

So yeah I hope he hosts sometime in season 47.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Snoo-8506 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 14 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

He looks like a mascot for vintage pomade, in a good way. Also, great acne treatment recommendation!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PicklestheWise πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

That backpack is so nice! I kind of want one but unfortunately it's $1000.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/olp9 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 15 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
jason go watch the stuff don't bring it up yeah nobody with my sh hey folks my name is jason sedakis and these are my essentials [Music] look i'm going to be transparent with you i'm shooting a tv show here ted lasso the second season of that in london so i don't have my most essential essentials i have my bare minimum essentials but these are the things i you know i roll with you know and they all go in this number one essential this that's my backpack this was a birthday gift for my 40th birthday about five years ago from shinola it is a beautiful beautiful like deep green when i worked at saturday night live i tried the you know the side saddle i tried like a jack spade bag like a messenger bag and i just found myself going back to the backpack time and time and time again it's been beaten up and broken in and worn in and you know shinola makes good shinola the laptop sleeve which there is one in here not important to me because i use this uh mont blanc sleeve within a sleeve so it you know it doesn't matter where i put it but that's where i keep my my laptop i would say the laptop is the most essential because yeah this is what i you know write rewrite send notes for everything with the show i mean the whole first season because post-production was done during covet time i mean i basically edited on this thing too you know through zoom you know speaking with our editors so for anybody at home you can make a tv show with just one of these especially when someone that makes these pays for it it makes it a lot easier and it also has you know dozens and dozens of dozens of thousands you know probably like 50 000 personal photos of all my years through snl family photos if i lost that i would be can i say the next essential that's a red pen right there your pilot g2 this is basically what i do all the notes on any hard copy of a script or anything i start with a box of these and i lose them throughout the season another red pen up in there another red pen sharpies just in case the delete key on the you know the laptop is is very functional but a lot of times i work with hard copies just because it's easier to jot down notes it's just the way i got used to doing it at saturday night live from you know people like tina fey and jim downey and you know mike shurer and seth meyers like why would i change now so yeah the pilot g2 [Music] if you do this it makes it look like it's rubber all right i've got two decks of cards in there red and blue tally hoes i like magic i like card tricks i get a lot of idle time in the world these days you know and i was like i don't just want to stare at my phone and get mad all the time i want to do something else with my hands and messing with a deck of cards was it's almost like a professional like fidget spinner to just sit there and like shuffle cards and i just like i've just kind of gotten used to like screwing with them every now and then if i've had enough beers i'll do like card tricks for friends but for the most part they're in there just to pass time in cars or on set or doing tarot card readings if you you know know the symbolism i i don't but you know i think aces are good [Music] again you know operating out of a backpack this is kiehl's blue herbal spot treatment that's for pimples keel's like a company i feel that as a guy from the midwest who doesn't pay too much attention to the way he um looks it feels like i'm not too far off this feels like being a grown up and being responsible and like this and the face scrub that's about that's about that's about what i do and that's that's that [Music] well here we go this is important you might know what this is it's my eyeglasses these are my glasses essential for a number of things most importantly seeing also for looking smarter than i really am i use these i am nearsighted which means i can't see far away and this is a brand called tart optical i have a lot of different styles of this exact same frame like a lot of different flavors i would say like brown and clear and you know mocha or whatever the heck these have done these have done the trick and oh oh this is being filmed oh i'll always wear glasses every time i think about doing lasik i just uh buy new like frames and and then that desire to have someone shoot lasers into my eye is is removed headphones i got you know air pods i got you know airpod pros in here somewhere i think too wait a minute do i have the airpod pros look at this i mean i've got them like airpod pros regular air pods and then the airpods max or i forget what they call these these are what i use when mixing the show because you know you want to be able to hear everything they're great they fit great they look cool phone calls i just go with the airpods and then the airpod pros are great but like i've got weird little ear holes when the thing goes in there i'm just not built for them as well like they fall out i love headphones i grew up traveling on a team bus playing basketball in high school in college in the 90s so i'm used to carrying big headphones when big headphones came into play and a disc man so now you know with bluetooth and everything no wires i'm happy to live in the future here but i'm always on the search for them i love what they do at beats i love mastering dynamic banging loves all of a sudden if there's a groovy pair of headphones out there i usually you know try to check them out and these are great because they just slide right into the right right into the thing and also uh the kind folks at apple uh gave them to me for free this is just a notepad it's a website i really like cool material there's a notepad that i fill up with with various ideas it says brilliant ideas i had while stoned um and that's not always the case we are all capable of having brilliant ideas when we're sober but this is where the stone ones go if you're looking for you know mother's day it's right around the corner no you know i do skew more analog hence the red pen i'd carry around a notebook for my chicago days of doing a sketch and improv like when you would have a good idea you jot it down i still keep my notebooks near and dear to me this isn't my passport but this is my global entry card that's an essential i'm covering it up so that you you little stinkers out there can't steal my global identity not to be able to do much with it but yeah oh it expires no i'm sorry it is expired it expired last september this son of a gun right here this is it this is a leather man squirt it's like a little tiny leather man like a swiss army knife you're not that big son of a gun that your dad's friend wore on his belt all the time no it's like a little guy this thing is open wine bottles and beer bottles i mean i've used this puppy to like trim my mustache i mean look at that and i use that for nose hairs this is my second one the first one again i got as a gift and i traveled with it a year two years and then i was heading home and security back in kansas city stopped me and took it out i was like you can't have that i'm like i've been everywhere with this i've literally been here with this come and gone and then they they took it i repurchased another one on my own so it'll go at any point maybe it's contraband maybe it's illegal i don't know you know i guess security isn't a form of art that i was unaware of so yeah leatherman squirt all right well folks those are my essentials that travel with me in my backpack now you know a little bit more about me and if you ever need one of those things and you see me you can you know i'll help you out
Channel: GQ
Views: 2,134,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 essentials, 10 essentials jason sudeikis, 10 things, 10 things gq, 10 things jason sudeikis, buyers guide, favorite stuff, gadgets, gq, gq 10 essentials, gq magazine, jason sudeikis, jason sudeikis 10 essentials, jason sudeikis airpods, jason sudeikis favorite, jason sudeikis favorite things, jason sudeikis gq, jason sudeikis interview, jason sudeikis items, jason sudeikis travel, menswear, must have, ten essentials, want list
Id: kyrUM58nauA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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