10 Things F1 Driver Alex Albon Can't Live Without | GQ Sports

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the problem with just espresso is you drink your espresso you put your balaclava on and then that's it you know you've got your helmet on I know you're smelling is your coffee breasts when you're driving around which is which is no fun [Music] hi I'm Paula One driver Alex Howard and these are my 10 Essentials anyone who knows me knows I lose everything I think that's because I'm a lot of the time so focused on the driving that I honestly my mind just goes into a different place and the amount of times I've lost a wallet phone passports is on and on so airtags are my savior my Crocs I mean Crocs are cool now right I've got basically my little debits and they're my travel shoes but they're actually quite embarrassing so sometimes when I travel with the other drivers I'll end up um not wearing them they'll stay in the back they're quite simple if you want a bit of a backstory behind them 23 it's my race number sport mode it's always engaged peace sign I'm kind of known for a bit of a peace sign Lightning McQueen I have seen I've got Lightning McQueen Crocs out right now so I need to go and buy them these are so easy to use I mean like you can literally put them in the washing machine you can throw them around they smell good like the detergent sticks on the on the shoe so it's pretty nice [Music] so this is my Chipotle celebrity card very excited I get free Chipotle that's all I can say what did I do deserve this I don't know I'm just very privileged I can eat this as much as I want I think I'm not sure my trainer will agree but I but I I think I can moving on to the third item these are kind of actually more my my race kind of things so I picked lane pass this gets me into the circuit which is obviously very very handy I do lose this a few times but this is pretty much gets us anywhere it actually gets us also to race control so when we're being naughty and we get to go to the stewards and they're going to tell us off we have to use these cards to uh to get into the buildings this photo was taken from 2019 I was at a restaurant with my family they asked for a photo and I was late to to respond to the email so they just took a photo from I think my my monk gave them a photo and cuts everyone out so there you go lovely and then this is kind of more serious actually this is my notebook for for racing so it's a little bit messy it's a bit a little bit worn down but it's really important to me it's where anything I do about my racing so before every session I have notes in here corner to corner basically telling me what I want to be doing in terms of my driving in terms of setup and just little check marks and and pointers for when I go out each session we also got loads of numbers you know when we're driving around oil temperatures Tire temperatures when we want to pit stop there's a lot of things to remember and as I said my memory is not very good so I need to write these things down as I forget a lot of this stuff is actually confidential because of all the numbers on there this is one this is like a a normal kind of test it's actually the first test of the year so this would be like um what I want to be doing corner to corner just little things which gets me into the zone and gets me ready and then I don't know what this paper is but I think this was my waiver this was Mexico so this was not Mexican circuit's fault for me having a crash and dying so I'd say these are my go-to's this is actual performance now this is kind of what I call Natural melatonin again traveling a lot sometimes we're doing week on week traveling you know six jumping six seven hour time zones and I struggle with melatonin quite a lot I feel like my sleep doesn't feel like real sleep it's I kind of wake up disorientated and don't feel very good going into the race week so this is a a really good substitute it's just Cherry extract if you drink too much of this you'll need this and this is caffeine gum and I'll take this pretty much before every every session so well it's a mental sport you need to be on top of your game sometimes you might be you know a little bit tired or sometimes you just need a routine and for me that's taking some caffeine before I get into the car and it just um stimulates the brain and gets you focused a lot of drivers will use espresso or take an espresso which is fine and sometimes I do as well but then there's also this gum if you want a really good hit you'll take espresso and this which is nice because then you don't get the coffee breath when you're driving around caffeine gum is the way forward [Music] this is my Oculus Rift it's something which I've got into since covid obviously when we're going to race tracks we're spending so much time in hotels and a lot of the circus we're going to wherever it was we had you know one day two day quarantine sometimes and in hotels that can be pretty boring so I bought myself an Oculus Rift my girlfriend does too she has one picking's got competitive so there's some really good games out there but I was losing badly and so I adopted I found this thing online which is like a like a golf grip attachment my game has changed ever since and I'm still losing but I'm losing less and obviously with them being in a long distance relationship it's also actually quite nice to play games together these are my kind of comfortable loungewear so of course you know I've got some some Levi tracksuit bottoms which are very cozy and I kind of travel with these everywhere I go and then this is my racy underwear so these are these are great because I actually had appendicitis this year and I had to have a few scars and all that kind of thing to make it comfortable they don't have any kind of seams in them it's all pretty much one material so they're very comfortable and I got to wear them more and more just because I found them the best thing to wear I lost my scars were repairing it's been a big thing this year in Formula One where underwear has become a big talking point I would wear previously as my normal underwear and then my fireplace over the top but apparently that's really bad for you the material that gets used you can get these burn marks in unwanted places I like my body parts secure when I'm driving around my girlfriend gives these to me and tells me I need to put these on every day so this is gel cream this is SPF cream and that's that's so my skin is quite sensitive I have quite all these skin also with the driving as well what's quite tricky is when you have your helmet on and you're sweating so much you don't want kind of a you know a thick cream and it starts to be uncomfortable when you're driving so the gel cream is quite good because it's quite lightweight my girlfriend just tells me all the time to wear it she claims you can get sunburned even indoors which in a greenhouse something like that so I'm wearing this all the time and if I'm not wearing it she will literally open the bottle and just cover me in it so that [Music] I guess this is going to be a hard one too um a piece together Chili's I love chili I love all kinds of chili I'm half Thai these aren't Thai chilies funny enough these are Chinese chilies from my girlfriend's family they make the most incredible Szechuan peppers I use this for everything I normally have eggs in the morning these go great with that and there's your basic iPad so I'm a I'm a massive iPad kid I love watching YouTube and pretty much that's my that's my chill out go-to thing so when I get back from a circuit you'll see me watching if you guys know Mark Queens he's like a YouTuber street food guy I'm a big foodie I love spicy foods so yeah Mark Wiens is my hero foreign this is a passion of mine photography all kinds really this is a Polaroid I see these more and more now especially in America a lot of people and fans will come up with Polaroids instead of cameras which is pretty cool and you sign them and they give them back but yes it's a bit of fun I normally take these with my girlfriend wherever I'm watching her compete or if I'm she's watching me compete we'll take photos of each other and then just a normal film cameras so I like my film photography I love the feeling of not knowing what you're going to see until you get the results we'll normally have a day to adjust a jet lag or whatever I mean that's the perfect time to use a film camera and just walk around thank you for watching these have been my 10 Essentials
Channel: GQ Sports
Views: 893,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 10 essentials, 10 essentials gq sports, albon, alex albon, alex albon 10 essentials, alex albon essentials, alex albon f1, alex albon funny, alex albon gq, alex albon interview, alexander albon, buyers guide, f1, favorite stuff, formula 1, formula 1 racing, formula one, gadgets, gq, gq alex albon, gq sports, gq sports 10 essentials, luxury, menswear, motor racing, must have, sport, sports, want list
Id: -GVEIaWo9Sc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2023
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