10 Strangest Things Discovered After Tsunamis!

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like an subscribe right now or you're going to have terrible luck for the next week natural disasters wreak unimaginable havoc on the lives of people who experience them but those disasters aren't just disasters for human beings alone they are disasters for other kinds of life too tsunamis hurricanes and other such natural disasters can change the life of a marine animal in fact in many cases these animals end up experiencing forced migration when they wash ashore because of extreme weather today we'll be looking at the strangest and most incredible things discovered after a natural disaster like a tsunami number 10 Fang toothed marine mystery this animal certainly doesn't look like a fish or anything you've seen before in fact it would look perfectly in place in a science fiction movie about slimy monsters instead of on a beach regardless of this it was found on a beach after a particularly devastating hurricane science communicator 3d design was the one who discovered the fish during a recent outing and she said it looked like a lamprey from afar however upon seeing its mouth she knew that it couldn't possibly be a lamprey it had to be something else something different something strange and indeed it was the animal was an eel and the family pitched the die a group also known as snake eels most scientists came to the conclusion that the animal was an alpha topis to Lotus the fangtooth snake eel or dusky eel when one considers how horrifying this animal looks it's no surprise to learn that the name for it roughly translates to terrible serpent number nine the floating dock in 2011 that tsunami wrecked Japan millions of dollars in property was lost and several people died however impact of the tsunami was not to be felt in the United States until several months later on June 5th a floating dock a massive concrete that was longer than we could ever imagine washed ashore on the coast of Oregon the dock brought with it so many species of marine life from Japan that it was impossible to catalogue them all some of these animals included barnacles clams mussels and so many other tiny creatures that we may not be able to recognize the dock weighed 188 tons was 7 feet tall and stretched 19 feet wide by 66 feet long it also brought with it some 118 species of foreign marine life that scientists quickly killed it was confirmed to be one of the four cut leaves from the Japanese city in Misawa during that March 2011 tsunami that devastated the area before the dock arrived most scientists expected that some things would wash ashore from the Pacific but no one expected an actual dock this size number 8 rowing boat this rowing boat 4 skiff was found on the 7th of April 2013 on the shores of Crescent City California the boat was called como Mei who was owned by a high school in Rikuzentakata sadly the high school has been completely destroyed by the tsunami that hit the town it was in about two years earlier pupils of del Norte high school helped to remove the barnacles on it and worked with Japanese officials to send the rowing boat back to Japan by this time spoole and reconsent Okada have been rebuilt and the two schools started to arrange visit and later became sister schools this goes to show that even the most unlikely items can bring two groups of people together in the unlikeliest of ways number seven the motorcycle can you imagine a motorcycle suddenly washing ashore well you should be able to a motorcycle is just like any other thing that could wash ashore that's why you shouldn't be surprised to learn that a hardly Davidson motorcycle once washed ashore Graham Island in British Columbia in Canada the Motor City had washed up in the container that its owner had used to store it so technically it was a container that washed ashore it just happened to have a harley-davidson right in it the container and it's motorcycle were discovered by Peter mark in April 2012 Peter discovered that the motorcycle had a Japanese plate number so he decided to trace it it was traced to eco Yokoyama a Japanese man however eco decided not to pay the shipping fees to get the bike back to Japan instead he asked Peter to exhibit the bike at the harley-davidson museum in Milwaukee USA it would be a memorial to the lives that were lost during the disaster number 6 giant blue eyeball how big do you think a regular eyeball should be about an inch wide about the size of a golf ball I thought the size of two golf balls well do you think the eyes should be small organs no bigger than golf balls you heard her a shock this large blue eyeball was found on a Florida beach in 2012 yes it's real and it washed ashore Pompano Beach in Florida at first everyone was confused it was surely the eye of some large animal but what animal was it and how large exactly was that animal to have such a large eye the eye was handed over to the Florida and Wildlife Conservation Commission for further investigations most scientists believe that it would have been the eye of some large fish well some believe that it's most definitely the eye of a squid but which animal is exactly big enough to have an eye so large well apparently it belonged to a swordfish swordfish is had striking eyes number five South shomer ooh the 2011 tsunami of Japan is in recent years one of the most impactful tsunamis in fact it's very difficult to think of a tsunami in the last 15 years that has wrecked more havoc venit after the tsunami swept over the Tohoku region of Japan it ripped this small blue and white fishing boat from its moorings and cast it out to sea amazingly the boat didn't capsize and simply drifted eastward through the Pacific Ocean after two years of aimlessly drifting through the oceans the boat finally washed ashore on Long Beach Washington the hull of the boat was encrusted with barnacles and seaweed one of its components was filled with water and the boat looked terrible in general however one thing shocked the people who found the boat inside the compartments filled with water work 5 striped black fish fish were still young and we're only about 5 inches long the fishes had probably been swept into the boat as larvae and had spent their entire lives growing in the compartment of the fishing boat number 4 the ghost ship the vast majority of the strangest things discovered after a tsunami are usually small things they rarely weigh up to a ton and are usually quite small however in some cases just like this one the debris recovered is so large that one can only stand in all of it this proves ghost ship was discovered off the coast of the Canadian province of British Columbia on the 23rd of March 2012 while it was slowly drifting about the Pacific it was a 50 meter long ship that looked like it had gone through hell twice over it was rusted in bad shape and there was no question that it had become heavily entangled in the tsunami that wrecked Japan just about 9 months earlier it looks like a squid fishing ship and after further investigations the assertion was proven right sadly the ship posed a danger to other ships and it was near impossible to savage the solution to the problem that the ship rose sadly was - scuttled the sink was sunk by naval cannon fire just about 314 kilometers from Sitka Alaska number three the story of the blob of Yahoo chicheme on this story may be quite confusing so hold on and listen carefully after the devastation of the 2011 tsunami blogs all over the world including the mirror The Daily Star and the Daily Mail published an interesting article apparently a blob lake creature washed up on the beaches of Japan after the tsunami in fact they attached a sketchy video to the article to authenticate it the footage showed a blob lake animal on the beach on the set to have been shot by a survivor of the disaster in fact several YouTube channels have gone with this video as a way to claim that supernatural or extraterrestrial animals exist beneath the ocean however it's not true the bobbing question is real of course but it was not discovered after the tsunami it was actually found in 2010 a whole year before the tsunami struck the blob was actually found in a small fishing village called yeah Buchi Jima a cultural museum curator for some reason is called to the scene now it's time for today's best paper our picture today was sent in by a subscriber did you come across a picture online would like to know its origins you can send it straight to us what else your picture might get featured in one of our videos number two the ship lost at sea for six years 2012-2013 and sinneth sent 2014 were the years for strange things to wash ashore after the 2011 tsunami but this ship pushes the boundaries for even that as it was lost at sea for more than six years when found the boat was filled with barnacles this is to be expected it been lost at sea for six years after all firs of the ship showed a haunted and ghost environment devoid of any life except the barnacles of course scientists guessed that the ship might have been struck by a wind that took it all the way to Hawaii and through the Great Pacific Garbage Patch before bringing it round to the coast of the US before we move on I've got a little challenge for you that'll take five seconds to complete so here's the deal you just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you'll get 25 years of amazing luck try it it really works number one two-headed porpoise so number one fishermen got the shock of their lives when they caught a purpose that had two heads it had one body and sprouted two heads interestingly and appeared that the animal had managed to I mean alive for a while so it was an adult porpoise that had two heads one had ever seen something like it before scientists have now confirmed that what this fisherman caught was actually the first case of Siamese twins seen in porpoises and is only the tenth ever seen among cetaceans a group of animals that includes whales and dolphins spooky right that's all for today guys if you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a like and subscribe to the channel see you on the next video [Music]
Channel: 100M
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Keywords: top, education, 100m, Tsunami, Strange, Things, Found, Weird, Strangest, Japanese Tsunami, Top, List, Mysterious, Ocean, Bizarre, Scary, Mystery, Facts, Unbelievable, Creature, Washed up on the Beach, Viral, Discovery, Creatures, Shore, After, Tsunamis, Deep Sea, Washed up on Shore, After a Tsunami, Crazy, Strange Things, Things Found, Unexplained, Washed Ashore, Washed Up, Weirdest, Paranormal, Beach, Discoveries, Underwater, Ashore, Caught on Tape, Unexplained Mysteries, Animals, Fact, Strangest Things
Id: iA-i6mOPIl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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