10 Stargate Characters Who Vanished Without A Trace

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oh sure sure everybody remembers o'neill carter and telk and that other fellow who was there for a while disappeared what's his name oh yeah jonas quinn with that in mind i'm sean ferrick for what culture and here are 10 stargate characters who vanished without a trace number 10 hermiad hermiod was the asgard advisor assigned to the daedalus primarily to simply oversee the asgard upgrades that have been added to the ships though his appearances were infrequent he became an essential member of the team often stepping in to save the day when most other options had failed he was strict and a little colder than other asgard that the sgc had encountered lacking the relative warmth of thor and freyr however he did agree to help in battles such as the battle of atlantis even if he disapproved of his technology being used for war on several occasions he used asgard beaming technology to send nuclear devices to wraith hiveships though this was against the asgard code for this list it can almost be assumed what happened to him as he is infected with the same illness that was killing the rest of his race however he was in the pegasus galaxy when the asgard decided to destroy themselves in their world so it is certain he didn't die with them having said that in the show his last appearance comes in mckay and mrs miller though he is mentioned by name in tower of rodney it's never actually explicitly stated what became of him number nine colonel william ronson colonel william ronson was the first commander of the prometheus earth's first hyperspace battleship he quickly got under the skin of jack o'neill during the ship's shakedown cruise though both officers came to understand each other quickly the very nature of the show has sg-1 effectively saving humanity again and again while ronson's continued readiness drills for his crew were designed to ensure against precisely that having to rely on sg-1 to save their hides the whole time o'neill understood that though they butted heads again once the prometheus had to eject its core and land on the planet to grey their arrival caused issues for the local population with ronson remaining steadfastly against helping them unless they compromised the ship o'neal was able to talk him around on a later mission ronson is vanished along with the rest of the crew while studying a nebula at the behest of samantha carter though he's returned soon after this would be the last time that he was seen while he was presumably just reassigned there is something to be said about the man who lost control of the ship on several occasions and didn't get along with jack o'neill number eight nicholas ballard when nicholas ballard wasn't the big character in terms of the stargate series he was important to insofar as he was actually a blood relative of one of the main characters as daniel jackson's grandfather his experience with an earlier giant alien was finally given credence despite no one in the academic community believing it were it not for his family toys in fact it's very possible ballard would still be sitting in a padded cell however his actual fate may not have been much better his only appearance in stargate came in the episode crystal skull wherein daniel is rendered invisible by the eponymous artifact when it is discovered on an alien world ballard is contacted due to a supposed connection to these aliens daniel is able to communicate with him and him alone so he sees his grandfather manipulating the situation to ensure he can travel through the stargate once through he aids the retrieval of daniel but his true intentions were to simply interact with and study the giant aliens that do indeed exist he then left behind on this planet with no mention of him ever again he may not have been an integral part of the team but it does seem a bit cold to leave an old man on an alien world and never check up on him number 7. haikon haikon was originally a leader in the sodon a group of revel jiffa warriors who rose up against their system lord over five thousand years prior to their discovery by sg-1 thielk was well aware of them though had never met a member they existed by surviving on goa old symbians stolen from jafar who still remained loyal to their gods though this caused their numbers to dwindle over the years haikon came to believe that the real gods were never the goa rather they were the ancients who existed millennia before them thus he led the sodon into converting to origin while this could have been a devastating blow mitchell and telk were able to convince him that the aurai were no better than the goa old he had served beforehand he agreed to help sg-1 defend earth against anorai plague in retaliation the ori caused one of the sodan valnik to go mad and apparently die only to be resurrected this undead warrior then slaughtered a village leaving only haikon alive though his symbiant was killed sg-1 saved him providing him with tretonan and after this he was never heard from again despite being a valuable asset to sg-1 and the free jaffa so it is unknown what became of him number six ishta ishta had once been a high priestess under the gold system lord lord malik during her tenure she was forced to oversee sacrificial ceremonies of all young female jaffar as molok dictated that only male jafar could serve in his armies making them stronger in his belief she quickly found that she was unable to continue being a part of this leading a group of fellow female jaffa and saving many of the girls on her worlds she developed this following into a rebel faction the hackteel resistance at first their methods were also brutal they would attack and kill jafar warriors then steal their symbionts for the girls they protected they did this believing there was no other option not knowing of the drug trotonin which served as a substitute for a primta her activities brought her into contact with teal and the pair quickly bonded she began to come around to dratonin helping to break the cycle of dependence later when molok discovered the hackteal she was brutally tortured by him in his first prime she was rescued by teokun sg1 and at this parting she and teok agreed that they would meet each other again though it was the last time she was seen or heard from in the show number five major michael griff michael griff was one of the members of sg2 though he commanded sg1 on one occasion while still a captain in that case he was assigned to help the unit recover daniel jackson who had been taken captive by an oonas this occurs on the planet p3x 888 which jackson believes to be the original homeworld of the goa old his theory is given weight when the waters surrounding the teams turn out to be absolutely full of symbians some of whom attacked the team possessing two of them captain griff is shot in the chest with a staff weapon by dr ronald rothman who had been taken by a symbian thankfully the captain survives and is brought back to the sgc there he's promoted a major he has worked closely enough with colonel o'neill to discover that administrator calder of p3r118 is attempting to trick the team into a wild goose chase though sg-1 returns before any major incident can take place he is then later assigned to protect a group of scientists on m4c862 a task that frustrates the soldier immensely when he and the rest of sg2 are relieved by sg-1 he practically skips his way back to the stargate only to apparently disappear into the event horizon never to be mentioned again number four sarah gardner sarah gardner was an old colleague in flame of daniel jackson's who most unfortunately ran afoul of the goal world system lord osiris she was quickly taken as a host proceeding to become a major thorn in sg-1 side over the following years although osiris himself was male he was unafraid to use his female host to further his goals he quickly established himself as an underling for the returning system lord anubis a goal so evil that even the rest of the system lords expelled him millennia ago protected by anubis osiris enjoyed a position of unique power among the others not quite being the face of the enemy yet still in control of almost every situation the downfall of osiris came when he overplayed his hand attempting to use daniel jackson's subconscious memories to ascension to help him translate a tablet that would lead anubis to the lost city of the ancients sg1 caught on and captured him with the topgraph finally extracting the symbiont and freeing sarah from its grasp despite the veritable wealth of knowledge she would surely have retained sarah is never seen again after this despite her prior relationship with jackson number three major aaron gant major aaron grant fared slightly better than colonel william ronson she was also present during the prometheus shakedown cruise during which she was responsible for ensuring the crew were ready for the various tests and simulations that the colonel was to put them through she also worked closely with samantha carter in studying the knackwater generator that was powering the hyperdrive she was one of the crew members who also vanished along with ronson when the prometheus encountered an alien vessel that was trapped in a pocket of unstable space gas carter was able to negotiate for her return along with the rest of the crew offering these aliens a chance to escape along with the prometheus itself she served as the pilot of the prometheus under general hammond during the battle of antarctica which would be her final appearance on the show after this she would not be seen again either on the prometheus or at another posting making her another of the soldiers who simply got rotated out of the show every so often number two ryack ryak was tilke's son played by actor neil dennis he appeared early on in the show forcing his father to return home to chulock to deal with the repercussions of revolting against the goa woold there ryak and his mother drewack were living as social outcasts as the family of a traitor no one would speak to them worse ryak badly needed a symbion to survive though he received no help from the priests tilke gave his son his own prim to saving him between then and ryak's final appearance he and his father had a tumultuous relationship he blamed entirely for his mother's death even after witnessing the efforts that his father had gone through in saving the jaffa people his own life was saved several more times including after he had been brainwashed by apophis to kill himself and everyone in the stargate compound despite all of this he managed to find happiness in one of the many engagements between the free jafar and the goa old the system lord malik was killed ryak met and fell in love with karine a female jafar warrior they married despite teal's initial objections from this eight series episode ryak vanishes from the show altogether with no more appearances despite another two seasons of sg-1 featuring his father number one louis ferretti louis ferretti is one of the few members of the original team that stepped through the stargate to survive returning to the sgc along with kowalski and o'neill leaving jackson behind on abidos of this group he's the only member of the team to have never died on screen though he has had a few brushes along the way so that begs the question where the heck did he disappear to following the death of kowalski he was given command of sg2 later that year he was ordered by general hammond to seek and retrieve sg-1 and return them for court-martial they had illegally traveled through the stargate believing themselves to be the only ones capable of stopping apophis in chlorell's invasion of earth dope already suited up with the rest of the team he was unable to go anywhere as the gate wouldn't connect estu on a traveled unbeknownst to them or anyone else to a ship that contained a gate rather than a stationary world the ship took off into hyperspace meaning there was no longer anything at the address this was the last time that ferretti was seen in stargate despite a couple of name drops along the way perhaps it was his willingness to capture sg1 or simply o'neal's insistence on being the only face left from the soldiers who traveled to howard whatever the actual reason poor major ferretti ended up on the cutting room floor that's everything for our list today guys who do you reckon disappeared without getting a proper send off drop it into the comments below please don't forget to like share and subscribe and remember that you can catch us over on twitter at whatculture and you can catch myself at sean ferrick as well remember guys cree jaffa cree thanks a million
Channel: WhatCulture
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Id: 295qD1JwgCk
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Length: 10min 42sec (642 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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