10 Worst Ways To Die In The Stargate Universe

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i'm fairly delighted to say that i don't really want to die but if i did there's one universe i'm fairly certain i wouldn't want to die in with that being said i'm sean ferrick for what culture and here are the 10 worst ways to die in the stargate universe number 10 getting hit with freeze lightning imagine you're attending the poshest party in the world alongside the likes of bill nye and neil degrasse tyson it's a splendid affair requiring your signature on a ridiculously long contract but it's all going to be worth it until you realize you're smack dab in the middle of the stargate atlantis episode brainstorm the party in question was attended by dr rodney mckay and dr jennifer keller so it was never gonna be a safe affair the scientific demonstration at the party involved the initiation of a matter bridge which was technology stolen from the aforementioned mckay when it's turned on to combat global warming the massive heatsink designed to contain the heat fails and instead draws in too much heat from one direction the resulting drop in warm temperatures generates an arctic cold that generates something unexpected freeze lightning freeze lightning shoots randomly throughout the facility though it's first discovered when it slams into an unsuspecting partygoer it instantly freezes half of his body killing him where he stands getting hit with freeze lightning may cause instant death if you're lucky but it's nonetheless a horrible way to die number nine being sucked into a black hole in a matter of time sg10 makes the horrible mistake of visiting px3808 a world circling a newly formed black hole if you know anything about the nature of these astronomical wonders you know it isn't going to end well for them and it doesn't the bulk of the episode centers around the inability of stargate command to close the wormhole instead of collapsing like usual it's sustained by the black hole's energy which creates a problem for sgc the anomaly's gravity begins warping time and space pulling everything into the wormhole threatening earth it's all dealt with throughout the episode but the fate of sg-10 is only glossed over as theirs is the worst of all falling into a black hole is no picnic and it's easily one of the worst ways to die in any universe because of how a black hole warps space-time sg-10 is effectively trapped in time from their perspective they run from the black hole in normal time for everyone else in the universe they're trapped in their fate forever number eight developing explosive tumors one of the saddest deaths from the entire stargate franchise came in the stargate atlantis episode sunday when dr carson beckett was killed the death came as a surprise at the end of the episode and it shattered fans belief that the core characters were safe from being killed dr beckett died from an explosion which isn't a fun way to go but it's not the death that lands his demise on this list instead it's all about his patient and the one he wasn't able to save in the episode an ancient device is found that turns people into weapons spice emits a form of radiation that creates large tumors in the body but these aren't your run-of-the-mill tumors in fact they are explosive and capable of transforming anyone irradiated by the device into a walking talking time bomb the scientists who discover it houston and watson suffer this fate dr beckett managed to save watson but the tumor he extracted exploded killing him after the surgery houston wasn't so lucky and a few hours prior she mysteriously blew up killing three people her death was instantaneous but she exploded from the inside out killing her friends and colleagues number seven having your lifespan artificially accelerated the ninth episode of stargate sg1 brief candle saw the team visit the beautiful planet argos they soon meet the argosians a people who live a life of luxury though they never leave the proximity of the central temple honoring the greek hero pelops who was of course a goa world soon after arriving colonel jack o'neill begins to age rapidly reaching an elderly state in a short amount of time he ultimately accepts his fate and prepares to die though his friends attempt to everything to save him but to no avail after taking a walk outside the temple's area of influence things change it's revealed that everyone on the planet is infected with nanites developed by pellets to accelerate their aging they are born live and die within a hundred days that's all they get the experiment's purpose was to speed up human evolution but pelops abandoned it leaving the argosians to their fate fortunately for jack his condition was reversed but everyone who came before sg1 arrived countless generations of people they were made to live and die in only a hundred days they may have been ignorant of their natural lifespan but they were denied it nonetheless number six being consumed by the r-75 when a planet refused to convert his denizens to the faith of the aura the priors threw all manner of horrors onto its people one such horror was the insect designate r75 by stargate command the little buggers were nocturnal and only ate crops destroying them from the roots as an aurai plague r75 devastated a planet's ability to sustain the population's agriculture but once they got into the sgc's hands things changed they were given some meat at the alpha site to see what might happen and they changed they became carnivorous and voraciously eating anything but with a particular taste for humans not only did they change to love the taste of people but they also managed to reproduce asexually and exponentially quickly managing to burst out of containment they traveled underground and fixed on their targets via echolocation making it incredibly difficult to avoid and or fight against the swarm unfortunately for several members of sgc avoiding them became impossible anyone who was overtaken by the swarm was eaten alive their entire bodies consumed in most cases they began with the feet before moving up to the torso and head so the poor victim felt everything as it was happening number five being incinerated in the town square when daniel jackson and vala investigate an ancient communications device it doesn't work in the traditional sense instead of making a call through it they are rendered unconscious and their minds are swapped with two people from another galaxy which the ori controls the episode avalon part 2 introduces the series next big bad with the ori and their followers and those people are the real problem they are led by religious zealots called the priors of the aurai and through their benefactors the priors are given a great deal of power when daniel and vala find themselves at odds with a prior it results in vala's persecution she's labelled a heretic and is brought to the town center where prostration is normally conducted instead of the day's prostration she's placed at the center of a stone formation where she is bound and burned alive she was immolated and her screams resounded through the town square as she burned being burned alive is horrific enough but it isn't made better as dozens of people watch she was later resurrected with the pain of her death even while in another's body forever remained number four being bitten by an eratist book it doesn't take long for the atlantis expedition to meet the wraith before entering the pegasus galaxy returning them to active status just about everywhere the team went they met something new and nasty mucking things up for everyone in the whole galaxy and one such creature was the erratus bug in 38 minutes major john shepard is bitten by one of these nasty buggers and it's not easy to remove in fact it's next to impossible to take the thing off and that becomes a serious problem when the team's puddle jumper is trapped inside a stargate when the auratus bug is attached to him it sucks his life energy in much the same way that a wraith does when it's shot stabbed burned or anything happens to it really it uses this energy to heal itself this makes it impossible to remove and every attempt results in horrific pain for the victim the eurasis bug's only purpose is to drain the life from whoever it's attached to but unlike a wraith it doesn't do so in a short period of time instead it latches on sucking life for hours slowly killing its victim who was fully aware of what's happening to them number three being taken over by the replicators the replicators are another big bad in the stargate franchise and when they kill it's pretty nasty they spew acid on their victims or simply tear them apart but those normal ways of killing aren't as bad as the fate they reserved for james marrick in stargate the arc of truth marek foolishly recreated the replicators via asgardian technology and they quickly got out of hand he was thrown into the brig on the odyssey to keep him from causing more trouble before he could be properly dealt with and it was inside his cell where he met his ultimate end the replicators found him inside but instead of tearing him apart or melting his face off the replicators instead tried something new they took over his body by tearing into his skin and incorporating their technology with his organic frame making him into a replicator cyborg he didn't die immediately but he was no longer in control of his body in much the same way as a goa old host he was killed in an explosion but the replicators continued to use his body as a weapon making him into a zombie cyborg monster number two becoming a host to a goal throughout the early seasons of stargate sg-1 the goal would insist that nothing of the host survives when they take over a human body this is generally accepted but it proves untrue in later seasons and this makes being taken over by a goal much worse when the goal world takes over a human's body they suppress their consciousness to take control this pushes the person's ability to control their own body to the back of their mind but it's revealed that they are fully aware of everything that happens to them including everything their body does imagine living for thousands of years trapped in a prison of your own mind while your body goes on a killing spree subjugating and destroying humanity across the galaxy that's what being a host to the gold is all about and in most cases it lasts for millennia without any hope of extraction later in the series extraction is made possible but for most people getting taken over by a goal means death over an unimaginably long period of time the victim doesn't die right away but for all intents and purposes they are dead to the world right up to the point when the gowall dies taking them with it number one becoming a meal for the wraith the wraith were introduced at the beginning of stargate atlantis and they were as nasty if not more than the goa old the wraith are a race of creatures who live seemingly forever of the victims life force energy they accomplish this by farming the galaxy's humans normally they remain in hibernation but when the atlantis expedition wakes them up all hell breaks loose and the wraith begin a feeding frenzy endangering the galaxy's population of humans the thing about the wraith isn't how frightening they look or how powerful their technology is it's the manner in which they feed a wraith feeds by placing its open palm against a human's chest which begins the process they literally suck the life out of them through an opening in their hand they can take a small amount of life or all of it if they so choose the process is excruciating for the victim who feels their life energy being pulled from them this results in rapid aging and if the wraith completes the process the victim dies painfully ultimately becoming a skeletal desiccated husk completely devoid of life on that cheery note that's everything for our list today if you reckon we missed anything please drop it into the comments below please don't forget to like share and subscribe remember you can catch us over on twitter at whatculture you can catch myself sean ferrick on twitter as well whatever you do in the meantime till i'm talking to you again look after yourself you're all awesome guys thanks very much bye
Channel: WhatCulture
Views: 21,013
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Id: uSVKd0cber4
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Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 26 2021
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