10 Stargate Storylines That Were Never Resolved

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[Music] stargate as a franchise has 10 seasons from sg-1 five seasons for atlantis two seasons from universe a season of infinity and a season of origins that's a lot of ideas to work through and to be fair that's a lot of plot lines that will eventually need to be resolved whether it's the nature of the four races of the alliance or the lasting impact of the replicator attacks throughout the milky way galaxy there are plenty of questions that we still have all these years later i am sean ferrick from what culture and these are 10 stargate storylines that were never resolved 10. are the ritu still out there the re2 are a mostly peaceful race who have been hunted almost to the point of extinction by the goa old there are rebel factions of them who try to fight back against them not by attacking them head on but by destroying all potential hosts for the gall world instead with the help of the tokra they are stopped though this leaves charlie the human raised by a ritu who came to warn the sgc about an incursion in the position where he's dying he is sent off to the tokra so that they can put a symbian to him to help save him and that's it that's the end of the story and the end of the redo plotline did charlie survived or did the blending process fail nine what did the teenage jack o'neil clone grow up to do in the seventh season a rogue asgard named loki is revealed to have been experimenting on humans for almost 20 years this comes to light when a teenage version of jack o'neill arrives at the sgc believing himself to be the real o'neill even if no one else believes him it takes some time and a lot of comedic proofs but it is discovered that he is a clone of o'neill the clone o'neil goes back to high school though with 30 years of military training and experience in his mind another jack o'neill running around out there would be a plot thread that should at least be checked up on if nothing else eight where is sarah daniel's old colleague in flame sarah gardner is taken as a host by the go old osiris whom she had inadvertently freed from mummification she goes on to become something of a recurring villain in the series sarah is eventually freed from osiris control and is presumably debriefed by the sgc and allowed to return to civilian life however this is the last we ever hear of her while keeping her locked up is clearly not an option with her knowledge and everything osiris saw and did she could at least have been a fantastic asset to the sgc leaving her to return to normality or as much of normality as a postcard old possession could be seems like a misstep for the character 7. did daniel ever check up on his granddad in the episode crystal skull daniel jackson spots an artifact through malt telemetry that is reminiscent of something his grandfather nicholas ballard discovered years previously in that encounter ballard claimed to have been transported to an alien world after coming into contact with the titular skull though he was mocked by the academic community when he tried to publish this when daniel vanishes after coming into contact with the new skull ballard is brought into the sgc to help in the search they all travel back through the gate to the planet where they found the skull ballard convinces the aliens present that they are not a threat and elects to remain behind and as far as we know he is still on that planet with those aliens might be worth a phone call six when are we going to see the furlings thanks in large part to the actions of sg-1 humanity becomes a power to be reckoned with in galactic conversations the throdgy attention of the asgard who informed them of a great alliance between four major races the asgard the ancients the knox and the furlings the hilarious episode 200 imagined a race that were reminiscent of koala bears doomed by a catastrophe that samantha carthur wasn't able to prevent but in actual run of the show they have either become extinct or moved on to another part of the universe considering that humanity was well on its way to becoming the fifth race in the alliance it really would be nice if we could eventually meet the fourth race five there are five zpm's in the pegasus galaxy in the first season of atlantis the expedition encounters a cryogenically frozen and seriously old version of dr weir she came from an alternate timeline where after her expedition arrived at atlantis they were almost all immediately killed she only escaped thanks to time travel as you do and went back in time to the ancients there atlantean scientist janus helped her remain behind after the rest of his people leave establishing a failsafe to protect the prime ware and her team from suffering the same fate as this alternate weir oh and it gives the location of five zpm's spread throughout the pegasus galaxy three of which however by the final episode of the show seem to have been entirely forgotten about four are all of the tollen dead the tolerant were an extremely advanced race one which daniel jackson speculated had descended from humans kidnapped by the goal old thousands of years prior when anubis returned to the milky way galaxy he sent his emissary tanith to tulana shattering their deeply held belief that they were more advanced than everyone else anubis's ships managed to withstand fire from the iron cannons dotted around the planet the tolent are quickly forced to develop weapons that will pass through barriers including the sgc's iris until these weapons are destroyed by sg1 this results in an all-out assault on tolana resulting in almost total destruction of the planet this is a story that has not been revisited on screen in the expanded universe a colony of tolerance survived and that is something that is not hard to believe especially with their advanced tech their weapons may now be outdated but there is a lot of other tech that could to be used left three did anyone ever return to take on the wraith in the series finale of atlantis the miraculous read as the show was cancelled and they needed to wrap up the journey invention of wormhole drive is created by mckay allowing the city ship to transport to earth's orbit to destroy a zpm powered wraith hive ship and save the day however the atlantis expedition entirely accidentally is responsible for unleashing the wraith on that galaxy again as it was they who woke the wraith early their escape to the milky way galaxy was a fantastic escape for them but it then leaves the rest of the humans in the pegasus galaxy to the mercy of the wraith a species who are not well known for their mercy by the series close there are around 20 active hive ships in the galaxy someone really should do something about them two is the destiny still out there stargate universe divided the fans as it took on something of a darker tone resembling the re-imagined battlestar galactica the darker tone made it a harder pill to swallow and subsequently low ratings forced the show's cancellation at the end of the second season as of the writing of this post the destiny is still on its journey to the next galaxy and eli is still on his own on the ship this is the kind of story that begs resolution while budgets etc might preclude a full third series a stand-alone feature to help tie up the ending of the series will be perfect and one did they ever move atlantis the final shot of the series sees atlantis having returned to earth and due to a battle with the wraith hive ship in orbit is forced to land on the surface specifically in san francisco bay it makes for a gorgeous last shot with the cast all standing on the balcony looking out the golden gate bridge happy to be home the issue while the city is cloaked and no one can actually see it it can't remain where it is because the first boat to stumble into its path is going to crash right into it this is a relatively simple fix in any follow-up series that we may receive one that should pick up on almost all threads broken down on this list atlantis could become the new base of operations for the sgc it is with the sincere hope that this list has been written please bring back stargate and give us the follow-up that we want and that is it for our list of 10 stargate storylines that were never resolved thank you for joining me don't forget to like share and subscribe and remember jaffa cree the force is with us what culture star wars is our brand new channel dedicated to all things star wars we'll have all the usual lists features and news plus there'll be ups and downs for all the latest shows and movies and coverage on star wars novels and comics subscribe today via oneculture.com forward slash star wars or search what culture star wars on youtube you
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Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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