10 Star Wars Fan Theories That Make Too Much Sense To Ignore

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the scope of the storytelling scene in the galaxy far far away has grown exponentially since 1977. with its on-screen presence stretching almost 70 years of in-universe time of course not every single detail within that period has been explored and in fact there are some pretty big gaps that have been left wide open this is where the Star Wars fans step in with some pretty compelling fan theories there have already been some famously popular theories debunked including those revolving around snoke's true identity and Rey's parentage but there is still so much of Star Wars left that exist between the lines thankfully this always leads to Great theories that make an undeniable amount of sense so with that in mind I'm Padawan Gareth from what culture Star Wars and here are 10 Star Wars fan theories that make too much sense to ignore number 10 Darth Vader stopped Luke from going down the dark path throughout Star Wars Emperor Palpatine has always tried to manipulate those around him usually successfully so the most obvious example of a character did find him was Luke Skywalker who told him he would never join the Dark Side but was that actually true during the events of Return of the Jedi Palpatine encourages Luke to strike him down to Channel all of his anger and hate and kill him ah stop at that now this would have completed his journey to the dark side and Luke actually took the shot it's just that Darth Vader blocked it the most obvious explanation for this is that this was an apprentice protecting his master but what if Instead This was a father protecting his son from striking the blow that would have changed the course of the entire galaxy way back when Palpatine encouraged Anakin Skywalker to kill Count Dooku in much the same way starting him on the ultimate path to becoming a Sith Lord seeing that Luke was about to take that same path Vader stopped him knowing just how crucial such a moment would have been this may have actually been Anakin's first step back towards finding the good inside of him number 9. Darth Jaja looking for a way to see jar jar AS more than just the most annoying character in Star Wars history well look no further than the theory that suggests he is no mere gungan idiot but instead a powerful Sith Lord he may come across as a bumbling buffoon but he is clearly a skilled fighter just look at how he not only survived but thrived in the Battle of Naboo then there is his potential use of Jedi or Sith Mind Tricks jar jar does gesticulate a lot when he speaks anyway but watch when he gets promoted by boss nasta general or when pupme raises him to Senator even when he addresses the Senate to convince them to give Palpatine emergency powers in every instance his hands are waving as if using the force to manipulate their minds on that last Point surely the fact that it was jar jar who essentially won Palpatine the power to create the Empire to remove democracy from the Senate altogether should ring some alarm Bells not in the fact that both he and palpatina from Naboo and may have had a relationship stretching back many many years and this Theory starts to make more and more sense number eight k2so doomed his entire Droid line Rogue one a Star Wars story is one of the strongest movies that franchises ever put out it's easily the best outside of the original trilogy and is rather unique among the rest in that it ends with every main character's death yay there is however a theory that the sadness doesn't stop there and that an entire line of droids was decommissioned as a result the reason well one of the Galaxy's most beloved droids k2so originally an imperial Droid k2so was reprogrammed to fight with the Rebellion against the empire something that after the movie's conclusion on scarif would have been impossible to hide perhaps this is the reason why no other similar droids are ever seen later in the Star Wars timeline the Empire sees how easily k2so was corrupted and immediately decommissions that particular line and destroys any others to stop the risk of it happening again ah how sad number 7 Yoda's home planet is ilama it has never been confirmed exactly where in the Galaxy Yoda comes from but there is a compelling argument that it could be illum this is a snow-covered planet where Jedi were taken for the Gathering a ceremony in which they would select the Kaiser Crystal from which they would create their own lightsaber clearly this planet had strong ties to the force and the Jedi there have only been three of Yoda's species introduced on the screen thus far two of them Yoda and yaddle are extremely powerful Jedi with seats on the council with the other being grogu another incredibly Force sensitive being this is no coincidence honey what makes sense if this species came from an environment so Tethered to the force there is also the tiny added detail that in the Clone Wars Yoda didn't feel the need to wear a jacket on ilum when everyone else did apart from if you're a Wookie could this suggest that the Jedi Master was used to the freezing temperatures of his home planet maybe number six Palpatine is Anakin's father there are a lot of reasons why Qui-Gon Jing gravitated towards Anakin Skywalker and believed him to be the prophecy Chosen One among the fact that his midi-chlorian count was higher even than that of Master Yodas that was the fact that he didn't have a father naturally this immediately raised eyebrows his mother couldn't explain it but a hugely popular Star Wars on Theory certainly could there must have been some force behind Anakin's conception and with Darth Plagueis teaching his Apprentice Darth Sidious everything he knew including how to manipulate the force into creating life it's hard to disagree with this one knowing the rule of two would be so important to him as a Sith Lord why would property not decide to create his own tailor-made Apprentice he craves power and this would be one more thing that was under his control yes he may have had apprentices like Darth Maul and Count Dooku in the meantime But ultimately wouldn't the emperor be able to rely on one he designed and created himself in a way he couldn't with anyone else number five grogu was created by the force coming off the back of the previous Theory should Palpatine have been able to create Anakin from the midichlorians alone himself there is a further theory that this act of evil was combated directly by the force itself the hinge of the theory is that Anakin Skywalker and grogu were supposedly born in the same year of 41 BBY with the idea being that this wasn't a coincidence what if the force actually created grogui as it may have done Yoda and yaddle previously in a time of need the mystery behind the race of little green force users could be explained by them perhaps not even having a home world at all instead they are created by the force itself grogu being brought into the world as a direct opposition to the evil that Palpatine brought forth in Anakin ultimately He Could Be The Light Side Jin to the darksides Yang number four Yoda is grogu's Father yes grogu may have been created by the force but that's certainly not the only fun Theory surrounding the small green creature that took the World by storm in 2019 and 2020 maybe those that referred to groku as baby Yoda weren't that far off after all it's well known that Jedi are forbidden from Love and from starting families this is why Anakin's marriage to Padme had to be kept secret there are exceptions however one of which was kiari Mundi as part of Star Wars Legends the Jedi Master was allowed to have a child in order to try and save his endangered race though by definition anything classed as Legends is no longer canon in the Star Wars Universe something similar could have happened with Yoda he and yaddle the only two of their species at the time known to the Star Wars Universe were both insanely Force sensitive both rising to the rank of Jedi Master it would have made sense then that the Jedi Order would want to create more of this powerful race could they have greenlit Yoda and yaddle coming together strictly just to create another of their species in the hope that they too would grow to be one of the most powerful Jedi of their time perhaps eh number three Kira leaked information to enfist Nest Han story in Solo was something of a comedy of errors a lot of the time it seemed the only thing to move the story on would be a mistake or a plan backfiring on more than one occasion this came in the form of enfist Nest during Han's original Mission with Tobias it was Memphis who was a thorn in their side a thorn that ultimately led to Dryden voss's potential coaxium take being lost the resulting High stuff on refined coaxium from Kessel was also interrupted by enphys clearly she had Tangled with Tobias before the events of the movie ever happened but how did she know so much about where they were going to be and when one Hollywood Reporter interviewer offered a theory to solo writer Jonathan kazdan that he was Kira who was leaking this information the idea behind this is that Han's love either wanted to bring Dryden Voss down to free herself or to seize his power as she ultimately did by the end of the movie though kazdan said it wasn't exactly what was in his mind at the time he did say that it was a great Theory and never actually said no so number two Finn is a child one of the key pieces to the opening scenes of the force awakens was Finn's baptism of fire on the battlefield for the first order and his subsequent betrayal and desertion however the more his backstory is examined the more questions are raised the character that would be known as Finn was apparently taken by Imperial forces when he was just a child too young to remember who his true family were yet the battle on jakku at the start of the movie was his first combat experience as a stormtrooper why would this have taken so long there is also the fact that the image on his ID card is of him as a child again having supposedly been a part of the Imperial real forces since he was a child why wouldn't this have been updated this Theory poses an answer to both questions stating that Finn is in fact still something of a child the clone troopers produced on Camino during the clone wars were put through age and growth acceleration to ensure the Grand Army of the Republic wasn't waiting two decades for its troops to grow into maturity who's to say the first order didn't do a similar thing with its own Stormtroopers for those very same reasons eh number one socatano trained Luke Skywalker it's generally considered that Luke Skywalker is one of the greatest Jedi Knights of all time however it wasn't always this way Anakin Skywalker was once considered too old to be trained by Qui-Gon at just nine years old and yet Luke was almost double that when he first learned about the force immediately he was at a disadvantage even by the end of The Empire Strikes Back Luke was very much a beginner this all changed by the beginning of Return of the Jedi however by this time he had become nothing short of a Jedi master he couldn't have ultimately defeated the emperor if he wasn't far more skilled than before and the only way he could have gotten this good would be to train with a true Jedi between the two movies the manner of his conversations on Dagobah suggested that he hadn't seen Yoda or Obi-Wan at all in that time so who could it have been arguably the most compelling answer to this question is a Silka Tano there has always been a question as to what the former Padawan was doing during the original trilogy and this could fill in a huge gap who better to train Luke Skywalker to defeat Anakin than Anakin's own Padawan right oh some insight into these years in ahsoka's upcoming solo show on Disney plus and it would make a lot of sense should this be revealed and if it is you headed here first day and that's our list of any other Star Wars fan theories that make too much sense to ignore then let us know all about them in the comments section right down below and do not forget to like share and click on that subscribe button while you're at it also if you like this kind of thing then please head on over to whatculture.com and find some more fantastic articles just like the one this video you're watching right this second is based on I've been Gareth from what culture Star Wars May the force be with you as always and I have a theory today is going to be a wonderful one for you bye bye
Channel: WhatCulture Star Wars
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Id: 0H-ZNz0KED8
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Length: 11min 1sec (661 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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