10 Smartest Lottery Winners

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number ten Jason fry after claiming a thirteen million dollar lottery jackpot in late 2007 Jason fried did what many lottery winners do he started spending it lavishly he became the owner of a brand-new Cadillac Escalade and weeks later he along with his friends and joined a limousine drive to Orlando Frey also spent some money to become a professional golf player after a few months of leisure he finally decided to get back to work he started a batteries plus store followed by buying a driving range in Fort Myers along with establishing himself as an independent political officer although he started off like a typical millionaire now he acts like a careful and farsighted businessman who avoid spending unnecessarily and even says I don't go out to dinner that much number 9 su herdmen just a few weeks after a fortune teller predicted she would come into money hairdressers who heard been what 1.2 million pounds on the lottery spending the cash on big ticket items just wasn't for her instead she decided to become a pig farmer and although she is often knee-deep in mud she has never been happier Sue's typical day starts at 6:30 in the morning when she gets up with her partner to tend to the 7,000 pigs on the family farm in northeast England also every three weeks around a thousand piglets are born on the farm in an interview hurt been said winning the lottery was amazing but the first time I brought a piglet into the world I felt like I'd hit the jackpot we can only conclude this is not the usual life of a millionaire number eight Yancey Hicks the antsy Hicks from Chicago was able to materialize his dream after winning a million dollars in 2008 instead of quitting he kept working at McDonald's where he was already working for the last 26 years he's always dreamt of having his own franchise in the next four months he researched for several restaurant franchises and ultimately decided to go for a Subway franchise in 2010 he reconstructed the restaurant that today has nine employees yet she didn't spend the rest on expensive things he didn't need and was careful with his new earnings he ant sees other goal as his daughters college education for which he spent for the money he won the only expenditure made for himself was a thirty thousand dollar Chevrolet Corvette number seven Emma Wilden Emma Wilden and her husband Philip sketched out a highly professional plan after winning a million pounds in 2013 she wasn't interested in getting fame for being a millionaire until the news was broken and the media approached being a financial advisor her husband was a great help in managing the money in their account the family agreed to set aside a hundred thousand to blow and the other nine hundred thousand pounds were used to invest in two rental properties today the business is managed by Emma herself giving her the confidence and the family a regular monthly income although her husband would like to buy an Aston Martin and the laughs it away commenting he has to wait for that time to come number 6 Roy Gibney Roy was a sheetmetal worker when he scooped a 7.5 million pound lotto jackpot following the win he started doing what you'd expect from a lottery winner he bought a six-bedroom mansion three racehorses and many other unnecessary things that didn't bring him any profit then he realized it would be better to start investing his money Roy is set up his own sheetmetal company and is invested in 14 properties in England as well as a luxury villa in Cyprus the property's value is double since then Gibney also thinks it's important to give back so he has supported many charities whether it's running charity fishing case or dressing up as father Christmas for the local hospital number 5 Mark Brunell the winner of the lotto jackpot of nine hundred thousand pounds in 1997 Mark Brunell owns a five-bedroom family home and stockton-on-tees England when he won the lottery he was a chemical tanker driver and also the manager of a local bakery together with his wife he's been running a double glazing business for the last 13 years it was what they had invested in for years after winning the lottery in an interview mark said we used a majority of our winnings to set up our business however we also bought ourselves a great home as well as some lovely cars winning the lottery set us up for life and has given us options we would never have had number four Brad Duke Brad dude the winner of the 2005 how I ball dreamt of raising his amount to 1 billion dollars within three years what Duke won in 2005 had reduced considerably after taxes on his lucky day he said to his father I bet you never thought we would both retire on the same day but actually Brad started striving harder from that day he started several projects with about 20 employees including a personal assistant accountants a publicist salespeople and consultants Brad spent a major part of his win in traditional investments and on the other hand managed mountain bike races and promotion Duke thinks that all lottery winners should define what is important to them and develop a smart plan around it number 3 Peter Lavery Peter Lavery is the former bus driver in the winner of ten million pounds in 1996 in the National Lottery he's one of those wise spenders who have multiplied the amount they had in their pocket despite that he paid a half a million for expensive luxury cars Lavery is wealth since claiming the prize has increased three times today he owns 33 properties given out on rent across Northern Ireland a number of housing sites in development and his own whiskey distillery and Peter also hires more than 70 people around the UK number two James Harvey and his colleagues in January of 2005 MIT senior James Harvey was planning to carry out independent study when he found out about cash windfalls loophole unlike traditional lottery games cash windfalls biggest prize did not exceed two million dollars if the six number jackpot was not one which occurred about 99 percent at the time the two million dollar prize was rolled down in the smaller prizes that matched four or five numbers sometimes increasing those prizes tenfold Harvey determined that during a roll down each lottery ticket was worth more than it costs so Harvey and his dorm mates placed $1,000 worth of bets that soon became three thousand dollars the group eventually determined that if they purchased at least six hundred thousand dollars worth of tickets during a roll down they could garner an average profit of more than 15% so they began attracting investors and in 2010 they won nearly the entire cash windfall prize in a single drawing purchasing seven hundred thousand $2 tickets and cashing in eight hundred and sixty of the nine hundred and sixty three winning slips estimates say the group earned about 3.5 million dollars over seven years however in 2011 the lottery restricted the number of tickets any store could sell in a day and the game was stopped in 2012 number 1 Joan Ginther as the people call her the luckiest woman interest won the lottery four times most people believe that winning the lottery four times is more than what could be called a coincidence this 63 year old Texan went five point four million dollars in 1993 then some ten years later she won two million dollars then two years later three million dollars and in the summer of 2010 she was lucky enough to get a ten million dollar jackpot the 20 point four million dollars she won tops not only cases involving seemingly normal players it even exceeds examples involving lottery cheaters who beat the system through various illegal schemes many experts doubt her luck and believe that she a math teacher cracked the algorithm and found out the lottery winning secrets one of the explanations is that she bought a huge number of high-priced tickets and used the strategy similar to the one used by the MIT students you've just heard about you
Channel: Listopedia
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Keywords: 10 smartest lottery winners, 10 smartest people in the world, smartest man, 10 luckiest lottery winners, 10 dumbest lottery winners, 10 stupid lottery winners, top 10 best, 10 people you won't believe exist, 10 unluckiest lottery winners, 10 lottery winners who blew it all, powerball, 10 richest people in the world, lottery changed my life, lottery winners documentary, lottery winner reaction, lottery ticket
Id: __rxCmTYOcI
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Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2016
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