10 Simpsons Predictions That Could Come True In 2020

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hi mom lisa hello how are you doing in england the simpsons somehow have the amazing but scary ability to predict the future we have all heard that the simpsons have predicted donald trump becoming president and they also predicted the virus that would shut down the entire world the dreaded osaka flu has hit springfield with over 300 cases now reported so what's next with 30 plus seasons of content there are things that are bound to come true in 2020 including some major sports predictions future technology and possibly another presidential prediction honestly we hope that some of these simpsons moments don't come true because well they aren't all good so let's just get right into the video do you want to win a brand new iphone or a brand new macbook pro maybe you'd prefer a 500 amazon gift card well comment the hidden message in this video for a chance to enter to win of us predicting what the simpsons already predicted confusing right let's start the video by going over some predictions that have already come true in 2020 one of the very first simpsons predictions that came true was the kansas city chiefs winning the super bowl let's go back to a season 10 episode in this freakishly weird episode homer and the gang attend the super bowl in miami where an unnamed team in red wins the super bowl flash forward to the first week in february of 2020 the chances of them getting this right seems pretty easy because they just guessed that a team with a red colored jersey would win but just think about it out of all the nfl teams and different colored jerseys they just happened to pick the correct team not only did they somehow predict the color of the winning team but they also got the super bowl location correct miami is often a hotspot for super bowl games but the big game has been played all over the country including dallas and new orleans the player numbers featured in the locker room scene also match up many of the players on the active chiefs roster one number that stood out number 21 which represents the cornerback on the chiefs who had seven tackles and an interception in the big game the prediction is just one of the many sports based ones the show has featured over the years i've been trying to figure out how the heck the simpsons predict literally every major event that has happened it has to be time travel right the simpsons also might have predicted the coronavirus yes it's true how the heck would the simpsons know about this in 1993 the simpsons episode margin chains season 4 episode 21 shows a mysterious virus from asia invading the town of springfield a sick factory employee in japan sneezes into numerous packages containing juicers that everyone from springfield ordered when the springfield residents open their boxes from japan they get their products and a whole lot of germs the disease called the osaka flu spreads like wildfire and the small town must endure a scary pandemic that feels a bit too much like what the world is going through now honestly this could have happened with any other sickness but it's crazy that they even predicted this and now something so horrible is happening in real life please don't tell the supervisor i have the flu i've been working with the shuttered pelvis for three weeks mother get an extra special hug ready i bought you a new juicer good look since we are on the topic of health here are some major medical advancements that are getting closer and closer to becoming reality in season 23 episode holidays of the future passed we see a pregnant maggie get treated by an advanced medbot who performs an ultrasound and gives advice since the episode aired we've seen surgery robots diagnostic robots and medical robots who can fill prescriptions i know for a fact that everyone watching this video has seen a robot video on instagram or twitter they are pretty scary right hopefully they don't take over the world anyways advancements in this technology will help the treatment of pregnant women robots have been on the simpsons since the show began one of the earliest was the season six episode itchy and scratchy leg the crazy robots went haywire causing massive destruction then there's also the 2013 episode where mr burns hires robots to take over the nuclear plant well in 2020 we will see the advancements of robots along with some potential problems one of the first indicators the disney world avengers campus previews have showcased a spiderman flying high over guests and performing multiple mid-air moves well it's only a matter of time before the thing goes haywire and lands on the guests some companies like amazon are relying on ai tech even more than before with major plans for expansion in 2020 just like the nuclear plant robots we could see some major glitches or errors there's one doctor in japan who is developing a medical robot to conduct ultrasounds in remote locations so no hospitals are needed once the robots get unleashed it could change the way women are treated while pregnant and help serve people all over the globe i don't want to talk about robots anymore since they scare me but another piece of technology we could see becoming true is a hologram male the episode of bart to the future not only featured the infamous donald trump prediction but there's also a small moment where bart receives a hologram message in the mail facetime technology has already become reality and looking back nobody would have thought that facetime would ever be possible but now it's 2020 and we're on the forefront of hologram technology glad i was able to get through security and it's so great that they finally moved comic-con to the 3 million square foot convention center in las vegas no no homer you know it's san diego come on oh so san diego must have built 10 000 more hotel rooms in one good restaurant as well as products like the real fiction hd3 display showcasing hologram like technology while it's marketed towards businesses you could own one for your home soon the visuals will integrate to feature live recordings and facetime will become a hologram time imagine just having a hologram of your friend just in your room and you guys are just chilling talking about video games pretty cool honestly sticking with the episode bart to the future we have another fun moment featuring marge and homer enjoying dinner together but marge didn't spend hours preparing a perfect meal her and homie simply suck some tubes in their mouths as they enjoy vr food so far half of the scene has become reality vr sets are everywhere now from playstation kids to mall displays you cannot escape the growing trend of vr technology imagine eating vr food now that would be wild somehow we are actually pretty close to it there is an art exhibit with a restaurant theme where people wore vr headsets as they went on a food journey experience and they eat food they didn't even know what they were eating hosted at the james beard house in new york city the visuals in the headset showcased a blend of food imagery and visual the people would get handed the food items and eat them not knowing exactly what they had until they read a menu card so one day we might be eating french fries with our vr on and we might actually think it's a nice salad if the simpsons somehow predicted that then they deserve to be awarded for the best tv show of all time like there really isn't any other show that has predicted anything even close to what the simpsons have predicted 2020 is a major election year and this year's election could give us a major glimpse into the future seeing how the simpsons have already predicted donald trump's presidential run we have to imagine they wanted to take another shot in the dark well in 2016 the treehouse of horror special featured the simpsons family shopping for a christmas tree on halloween night homer was dressed like a robot from the future he peels back a panel to reveal a political button that reads ivanka 2028 well we know ivanka won't be running for president in 2020 we could see the seed set for a run in the future and it all depends on how the election goes in november if somehow donald trump loses he could set up one of his children for a run in the future if donald trump does in fact win then he could want his legacy to live on forever by having one of his children to become president now we don't like talking about politics on this channel but the simpsons could be right on with the timing and we could have a political showdown that pits kanye west against ivanka trump if the simpsons predict the first female president i will personally find the creator of the simpsons and annoy him by asking if he's a time traveler until he tells me the truth as you know we've inherited quite a budget crunch from president trump 100 days in office so many accomplishments lowered my golf handicap my twitter following increased by 700 and finally we can shoot hibernating bears my boys will love that way back in 2005 we got another glimpse into the simpsons future with the episode future drama many people love to reference the hover cars in the story were focused on homer and marge's relationship the episode was a sad one because the couple got divorced because homer spent all of their savings on an underwater home while the idea seems crazy back then homer's investment may have actually paid off underwater homes are slowly becoming the newest vacation destination and by the end of 2020 we'll see them everywhere from tropical destinations to popular tourist spots like dubai take that marge should have never left homer because he's going to be a rich rich man multiple companies in japan have been working on a concept known as the ocean spiral the design is meant to house hundreds of people and provide sustainable living using the ocean's energy and wildlife so yeah the next time you find yourself staying in an underwater hotel or putting a down payment on an atlantic ocean oasis you have homer simpson to thank does anyone else think that every year more and more companies are merging together we have a giant world of disney incorporating 20th century fox marvel star wars muppets abc and espn then there's cbs and viacom with the paramount network mtv and nickelodeon only time will tell but the simpsons are already on the right track in the flash forward episode lisa's wedding we saw a news report by kent brockman who was reporting for cnn cbs which was a merger between cnn and nbc and cbs while these companies will remain separate for the foreseeable future some streaming giants could acquire companies pretty soon rumors have circulated about lionsgate being sold to a bigger company and set up streaming services like apple and roku may acquire their own companies as well as the major players will only grow and gobble up a bunch of tv channels in the process get ready for amc to become amc netflix or some powerhouse streaming network as disney settles down with their massive fox purchase other companies will look to expand their foothold 2020 is already crazy and it feels like this year isn't even real but one thing that we all know now is that anything is possible if you have seen the simpsons you know and loved the simpsons episode deep space homer but this wasn't the only time the simpsons went to outer space in the season 27 episode the marge in chronicles lisa signs up for a one-woman expedition to mars as the company plans to colonize the planet when marge becomes upset at lisa's decision she decides to go along for the ride only to have the trip delayed all the way to 2051 when it shows marge and lisa actually living on the planet the simpsons great prediction seems like it will be happening pretty soon actually the one and only elon musk has his spacex program and elon musk says there's some major plans for the future it starts with a cargo trip to mars in 2020 then a citizen-based trip around the moon in 2023 this will be followed with a human mission to mars in 2024 the first of its kind if it all goes to plan anyway if the mars test goes well it can only be a matter of time before astronauts start spending extended amounts of time on the planet for every advancement in clean green energy on one episode of the simpsons lisa enters an alternative energy derby her solar-powered car was unable to finish the race due to a blimp blocking out the sun while 2020 is the year of major advancements and major hurdles companies must go through to get mainstream it seems that some of these companies have used the simpsons as inspiration okay now let us know what simpson's prediction will come true in 2020 and the years to come it seems that it's obvious that their technology predictions will come true robots are already doing crazy things so just imagine what they will be able to do in the future if you guys enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like and subscribe
Channel: Caught On Camera
Views: 1,309,372
Rating: 4.7505322 out of 5
Keywords: 10 Simpsons Predictions That Could Come True In 2020, simpsons predictions, simpsons predicts coronavirus, simpsons predict killer bees, simpsons predictions that can come true, simpsons predictions that haven't come true, the simpsons, simpsons, donald trump, simpsons predict donald trump, simpsons predict, simpsons future predictions, times the simpsons predicted the future, simpsons predictions that came true, simpsons predictions 2020
Id: J-mlBIA--8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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