10 Secret Minecraft Commands You Didn't Know Existed

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hey what's going on guys and welcome to some minecraft secret commands if you can see what's next to me yeah that is a slime tornado we're going to be checking out some crazy commands that you probably didn't even know that existed in today's video so hope you guys are having a fantastic day and with that being said be sure to give this video a thumbs up as Lexar greatly appreciated and let's go ahead and hop into ten crazy minecraft commands that you didn't even know existed alright guys so our first command is lucky blocks how cool is this so the first thing you guys need to know how to do is get a command block so I'm gonna make sure all of you guys know how to obtain a command block within Minecraft so what you want to do is type in this command that you guys can see right here but of course put your name instead of my name put your minecraft username so my username for Minecraft is unspeakable game but you guys would put whatever your username is and then go ahead and press Enter and you get a command block so after that you will need to place the command block down and go ahead and copy and paste this massive command all the commands for all these commands are in the description and to go ahead and hit done you can see this huge massive command so after that you'll need something to something to activate this command block and then you can see this giant contraption just being built and keep in mind this is all vanilla this is vanilla 1.8 and vanilla 1.9 so then we have the lucky blocks command by Phillip underscore W a so it says right here get items so we have to get our items and then what we're going to do is we're going to place the Coldren throw a block of gold and you can see we get this crazy fire type thing you're probably going to speak well what's going on well there's instructions right here it says throw a goal block into the cauldron to get a lucky fire and then throw gold ingots in the fire to get lucky blocks or throw paper in there to destroy the fire so if you wanted to show the fire throw the paper in there but if you want the lucky blocks like I do go ahead and throw iron or not iron a gold ingots in there so we're going to throw five of them in there which is going to give us five lucky blocks so we're gonna spawn in five lucky blocks one two three four five okay so we have five lucky blocks right now and we're going to destroy them and see what they have to so hopefully it's nothing bad okay what is this ooh what is this lucky Bow Wow Wow okay power five punch five flame one infinity one yeah that is one crazy bow okay what do we have in here oh geez okay yeah that was that was not a good one okay what's the next one oh oh chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill chill can I shoot you with my bow hey hey see this bow might come in handy get out of here you older guardian there we go okay oh my gosh all right didn't expect that all right oooh just just uh just an enchantment table nothing nothing too scary okay sweet uh-oh and a gem sheep of course multi-coloured gem sheep okay yeah did you drop it on a sponge what did you drop Oh a wet sponge thank you thank you very much elder Guardian all right so uh yeah that's that command that's the lucky blocks command and let's check out the next one this next command we have here is the extremely so-called Opie chest so we're gonna copy and paste this command in our command block new you see it's a pretty big command also not as big as the lucky block one but let's go and activate it and we get this chest and as you can guess it's extremely Opie so what do we have in here we have hold my gosh okay so this sword has 325 attack damage that is that is insane okay so we have five attack damage for we we don't really need to pay a petition to attack damage on our on our tools but you can see that they have some crazy enchants and then spike the diamond boots of feather falling look at the enchantment levels are 255 for everything thorns of 255 that is absolutely absurd the unbreaking shears oh my gosh okay so I'm gonna grab all of this stuff and we're gonna see what we can do with it oh hey cow don't don't mind me don't oh I'm sorry oh wow I wonder how much meat you dropped oh oh wow GG 61 pieces of steak okay so let's see let's see what we can do here to a tree I'm gonna go to like a more fully sized tree we're gonna oh okay oh geez alright uh how many how many pieces of wood was that only four okay so I guess it doesn't give me like more pieces of wood but yeah that chops down crazy fast let's how much how much oh my gosh okay let's just kill a couple animals here and let's see how much food we can get here okay so let's now collect it all we've just killed like three animals not even or four including the first cow that we killed but oh my gosh that is a lot of stuff okay so if Oh oh geez okay here we go I want to see what mining is like are you guys ready for this here we go here we go you got you guys ready okay okay okay oh yes that's kind of scary honestly ready ah and look how many ores I'm getting look at that you see that look how much coal I got I just got like three stacks of coal just from destroying two coal blocks that is absolutely absurd alright guys you've got to be quiet about this next command chicken you're gonna be quiet yes no chicken okay okay guys guys be quiet about this next command cuz this next command or this command oh I'm about to show you guys is a trolling command so what it's going to do we're going to paste it in our chat you don't need a command block however you probably could use one but I'm going to just do it in chat and what it's going to do is it's going to appear to say that herobrine joined the game so this is mainly to troll your friends I don't know why you use this on yourself because you're the one activating the command but once I press Enter look what it says herobrine join the game and it actually looks like herobrine joined the game so that is something really cool you can show your friends with and if I'm correct you can actually change these texts so you can say something like or you can put your friends name that's like not even online so like if your friends not even online then you can say that your friends online so we just be super scary or you can say something like not to join the game or you can go back and say something like I don't know yeah scary monster join the game or something like that you can completely customize it which is awesome so you can make anyone up here to join the game so this next command is called the ultimate man book so we're gonna see what this ultimate book has in store for us so I'm going to go ahead and copy and paste my command into here it's a pretty big command and wow I instantly got the a magic book apparently so we're gonna open this book and you can see it's about seven pages and you can pretty much just click these things and it will give them to you which is pretty cool but also it won't also like give those things to you but you can also do things like you can change you to survival or I can change myself to adventure mode or let me go to spectator mode now I'm in spectator mode and like can I get out of spectator mode dang it okay I have to go back I have to go back okay game but one there we go okay so and if we keep going over you can change like the day so I can change it to night or let's see what other things rain I don't really want it to rain though so please dad don't don't don't start raining yet okay so let's go over and then we can summon stuff like a I don't know a charged creeper hey what's up buddy how you doing and then um what else do we have here so we can summon an ender crystal okay that's interesting why hello there and crystal okay that's pretty cool all right so let's see what else we got here we have a command feedback the death messages so you can customize all that stuff you also have more settings like that so you can turn off the mob spawns the inventory you can keep your inventory mob griefing regeneration and then this is the last page the creation and stuff kind of credits I guess you would say and let's go back to the first page so you can do like the entities and then you can oh oh I'm so sorry I'm so sorry so that killed like all the entities in the area and then you can also do a scoreboard so you can do like player scoreboard or a global scoreboard stuff like that so it's going to reset my school board but um yeah so uh that's that the ultimate magic command book the next one we have here is insane it's crazy and it's absolutely hilarious so I'm just going to uh put down my picture at all I'm in creative I have unlimited amount of dragon eggs but yeah so we're gonna copy and paste this command and then this is called before I show you guys I gotta warn you this is the slime tornado look at that look at that you cannot tell me that's not cool they made a like tornado out of slime so you can see we have a small slime going up to big big big big big and bigger and massive slimes so yeah that is these slime tornadoes so the slime tornado is just gonna hop around and all the other salons of course have to follow him oh my gosh it's just adorable it's so adorable let's see what happens if I go into a survival mode will they come after me oh man they're coming quick now I wonder how much damage he deals oh not too much all right so our next command is a crazy fast teleportation so I'm going to go ahead and paste our command in here and we're going to use our block of redstone to activate it and we get oh you see that you see that you should that see that so this is called the walking stick so yeah the walking stick so hold it to make traveling a lot easier so apparently with this walking stick we're going to travel a thousand miles per hour it doesn't give us like a speed a speed potion or anything like that it just went oh okay I accidentally I accidentally pressed a and that's what happened I barely even pressed it so I'm just going to touch W I'm not going to hold down I'm just going to touch the key W and let's see how fast we or how far we can travel so I'm just gonna touch it ready three two one just touched it I just touched it that's it and that's how that's how far we travel just by me touching it so if I hold it down you can imagine that we're going to travel pretty dang fast so if you had like a straightaway or if you did this on a super folk keys okay uh oh my gosh I'm gonna go like out of the map before I even know okay but yeah if you did this like on a uh oh okay oh hey Jojo you did this on a super flat world that would just be absolutely absurd but I'm just trying to get back over to my area okay I'm here okay okay chill Jojo okay yeah but whatever you just stop using it you can just take it off your hand and then you're back to normal walking and oh my gosh I feel so slow the next command we have here allows us to give ourselves our own heads so I'm going to take my head off I guess you could say I don't know so we're going to type in this command and we're going to put our usernames in here so I'm going to go over here and I'm going to put my name and then you want to put your name on the last one too and then after that press Enter and you will get to your head and it actually says unspeakable games heads so yeah I can just place this down thank you okay not today but I can just place my head down you know wherever I desire maybe over here you know buy some lava and stuff like that so yeah I have I have my head now which is a pretty sweet I mean it's kind of kind of scary honestly but yeah it's a great home decoration I guess you could like put it outside your door and feel like hello this is my house and this is my head next to my door yeah that's that's creepy I don't know if you want to do that well now since we're done with our heads we have another command here of course this one is a custom mob spawner so I'm going to go ahead and activate it and you can see well yeah yeah it's right there but this is because the mob spawner and it doesn't spawn anything right now until you put some something in it so for example I'm going to grab a spawn egg let's say I want this I want this thing to spawn I don't know horses so I can just throw it in there and it's gonna start spawning courses whenever it desires so let's actually do this again here see if I get another one going and let's see if we can spawn magma cubes I don't know if they would spawn and desert okay alright yep they're spawning alright horses are you spawning yet nope but uh yeah so that's that let's see if we can do is something Oh woops let's see if we can do something else here so let's see what else would I want to spawn hmm hmm guardians cave spiders wolves let's do witches which is what about witches I mean I know it's horrible to spawn witches but I mean who has ever seen a witch spawner not me so that one's pretty cool you can pretty much customize it and spawn anything you want which is pretty sweet this next one is one of my favorites it's the pet indoor dragon so check this out we're going to copy and paste our command in here and I'm going to place a block and you can see that we have a Douglass the dragon which is now my pet and the way this works is well there's nothing above them but below him you have a wolf and what you need to do first is tame this wolf so I'm gonna grab some bones and the wolf's like oh look look look at this face look Oh oh yeah oh yeah you like these bones oh yeah you want to be chained alright so now the wolf is ours I'm actually going to change the color of his actually no I like it I like it black because it goes with the inner jagan but I was going to change the color or they died of his collar but um yes so I'm going to let him roam around and you can actually follow me now Douglass a dragon yeah that's what I like to see yeah so now I have a pet into dragon how cool is that I don't know how this guy's going to fit in my house or anything like that but um well we'll make it work we'll make it work so if you guys haven't noticed but the way it works is basically there's a Indo dragon spawned on top of a dog it's it's kind of weird but I mean you got a pet into dragon so it's not that weird this next one is a pretty sweet command and as you can see we have a village with a blacksmith and a desert temple over here pretty sweet I may have to check those out and because I'm just kind of curious what's in them but uh yeah so let's go ahead and hop down here and let's see what we have oh I can place the command okay I oh oh Douglas Douglas get stop stay bad Douglas stay over there I'm gonna run over here wooden let me place the command block because Douglas was glitched in me alright so here we go so here's our command and once we place this we can see this big crazy thing in your like unspeakable what is going on so this is actually making us banners cuz this command is going to give us about 20 very unique and cool banners and as you can see now we have them so I'm not sure what does this thing say made by okay so that's who it's made by if you guys can read that orange creep 3 alright orange creep all right Thank You orange creep for the command but yeah so we can have we have all these crazy banners and I'm going to go ahead and place them all down and we're gonna take a look at them so here is all our banners we're gonna go through them about one by one pretty quickly here so this one looks kind of like a ship this one's like a cloud with I guess a lightning strike this one's like a tree with a Sun pretty sweet this one's a creeper with like a brick wall I guess and this one's us some type of symbol not entirely sure what that is you guys can probably predict what some of these things are this one looks kind of like a Sun this one looks like a door or window or something like that I'm not really sure pretty cool design though this one is a gun interesting this one is a it looks like a zombie in a bed sleeping that's what it looks like to me uh and this one looks kind of like a dragon this one's also a dragon wood looks like we have some type of wither ish skeleton ish figure then we have what it seems to be a door another dragon another kind of like a scold and bone with fire I guess this one is a Pokemon ball I think that's the master ball if I remember correctly I'm not entirely sure what this one is and then we have another creeper one and then back over here we have like a Sun one and it looks like a little tree so yeah those are pretty sweet now keep in mind that you can also apply these banners in Minecraft 1.9 to the shield so if you want to take one of these designs and put it on your Minecraft shield then you couldn't do so I think some of these designs would look pretty cool on a shield haha can you guess can you guess which one's me huh of course the one on fire but yeah guys so I want to thank you all so much for watching this video let me know in the comments section below which command was your favorite and keep in mind if you guys want to try out these commands for yourself all the commands are in the description there'll be a link that takes you to another website where all the commands are probably in like a paste bin or something like that because the commands are too long to list in the description some of them are like 30,000 characters which is just absolutely insane but that's like the lucky block command that spawns in like a hundred more command blocks but yeah so anyways this was a pretty crazy video let me know if you guys enjoy videos like this by giving this video a thumbs up or if you haven't already click that subscribe button if you'd like to be notified when my next awesome video is live but without all with everything said or being said in this video I really enjoyed making this video it was honestly a lot of fun checking out these commands they honestly blew my mind and before I made this video I didn't know I didn't know about any of these commands except for two of them and then I saw all these other ones that I'm just like what the heck are these commands like they're absolutely insane so let me know in the comments section below which command was your favorite and keep in mind if you guys want to make these commands for yourself in your own Minecraft world all the commands are in the description so with that being said I want to thank you guys all so much for watching and I will catch you guys later in another minecraft video
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 5,202,014
Rating: 4.8475976 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, commands, minecraft commands, minecraft redstone
Id: isgpbUWHteQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 14 2016
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