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news just in unspeakable is back making minecraft videos wait what wait what wait wait wait what wait wait hey what is this guys welcome back to another video hope you guys are having a wonderful day today we're putting this map called wait what now if the map is called wait what did I think that I think we're gonna have an interesting time most of the video we're probably not gonna say wait what though we're probably gonna say something along the lines of this flick what does this say this might be my first map but that doesn't mean it should be easy no cheating I know you will haha we heard you know but /spawn point breaks the map okay so no spawn point there we go and there's the map creator as well and then I guess his YouTube channel epic hm so I'm excited for this best youtubers oh I better be on this list oh ah oh I get it I get it would you look at that so you got unspeakable unspeakable unspeakable unspeakable unspeakable unspeakable unspeakable and unspeakable before he wakes up in the morning sounds about right this one says press me oh it actually is unspeakable okay so for some reason I guess the heads are glitched out but look it all says unspeakable games head so I guess this map was made for me just gonna troll me really hard flat oh wait I mean I didn't mean to say flip I mean to say wait wait what wait I wasn't actually I was I was hoping the texts were gonna be there that said wait what but it said it's just my massive head okay well thank you map creator I didn't even like know like but wait what alright I'm done I'm done let's start the map or let's not start the map what was I thinking you should have seen this coming would you look at that that wasn't too hard to find oh there's no way I can reach that um we're gonna need you to find there might be some type of way to get up there I don't there's got to be like some invisible blocks or so oh you can just walk right off the edge okay well there's no invisible blocks any invisible blocks over here oh there's one right here okay hold on oh wait it's just here in the corner Oh what I'm like stuck under something now I think there's like some type of pork or here Allah let me Anne what is this what is it Oh flip okay what if I go over to this Oh what I don't know what's going on right now let me go forward uh-oh maybe go to this one in the corner Oh nope not that one okay so I went to the side I think and then I went up this way I don't know cuz there's nothing right there I know cuz we walked on unless I have to parkour like over there or something or maybe I couldn't know I can't reach the button from here um we tried jumping up this way oh oh come on there's another block in front of me which means I can probably jump up is there another block in front of me yes there is oh my gosh can I touch it now oh I should be able to definitely hit that come on come on come on what are you serious I spent so much time trying to get up there and all you do is kill me and the buttons gone now great what a wonderful day whatever what's the flip toy do now my inventory doesn't have anything in it I have no buttons on my head unless there's some sort of invisible block pattern that maybe goes to the text and maybe there's like a button on the text I don't know speakable is brain-dead there's there's like no and there's what if I try pressing this again wait what I mean flip why why why why why why oh my gosh choose your hats alright do I want a cacti and anvil a unicorn or a glass was a cacti one look like what does this one look like oh wait let me see the anvil one looks like old odd oh no no no I look so ugly what about that glass one okay kind of look like an astronaut what about the Unicorn I think this one's gonna look okay the unicorns not bad I think the cacti is the best of the best though okay it doesn't get much better than that and that's probably gonna be my face after I get done recording this video of course because I'm gonna be like wait what start the map a maze there's no portal right there but it's behind glass okay um ah what there's no into the maze I'm pretty sure that you're supposed to press that button but look there's no way to get a ball what a troll oh look there's carpet I wasn't there before was it can we just walk all the way to the end oh my gosh if we can actually just walk all the way to the end to the fence oh my gosh you've got to be kidding me if you are still confused yes you were supposed to walk on the fences I guess that's level one this is level 2 all right I do need to throw out some of these heads though because I think I'm gonna need some inventory space eventually to be able to get some blocks so I'll throw it a couple of these okay so it looks like we got some dirt that I cannot break okay okay so we got a bunch of different ores I'm assuming we're gonna have to get a pickaxe that slowly starts to let us break this block then that block or that blog and then you know going on the process however we do not have any type of pickaxe that can break anything or anything really there anything on top of that no maybe there's something hidden back here oh my gosh what a savage can break dirt oh gee gee my dudes a G to the G of the geez alright looks like we got HS right here can break cobblestone of course and then then cobblestone there's gonna be another pickaxe that can break something else there we go iron ore there we go gold ore okay alright alright listen this is a pretty basic level like you know you know when someone makes their first map when you put this level in it no offense no offense I'm not saying this is a bad map I'm just saying this is a pretty typical minecraft or map okay okay and what are we here obsidian all bar I don't know where this chess is I'm assuming it's in the middle okay just gonna drink my coffee a little bit more while I just look how long this straw is ah flip it's not even there where the flip is this chest I don't want to dig through like ten layers of obsidian I have no idea where it be that the hello obsidian guys please guide me to the way of you gotta be kidding me wait there's probably something under this block right here because this block goes into the ground oh I may have found this secret unspeakable where has found me secret Oh what is this can be placed on a lapis but oh look there's more my heads that's weird it just literally it literally just randomly completely randomly started working alright um so I got a button I can put a little get on my heads over there oh jeez I got a button that can be placed on a lapis block what I'm thinking is there's probably something hidden in one of these piles something that allows us to maybe get the lapis block maybe it's hidden behind the walls I don't know we're just gonna go pile by pile this one can break the iron ore and law my name is unspeakable and I'm looking for a secretive block Herot wait you think your steel come on I was so sneaky getting in oh my gosh and it's just a dead Bush you know what maybe the dead Bush does something I don't know it probably doesn't I'm just taking a while I guess alright dead Bush look for something within the walls give me a lapis block what if us walking around this dead bush like it all of a sudden just like like a lapis block just like appears I'd be like wait what what wait what what oh my gosh the dead Bush actually does something I've been walking around this level just literally in silence for like 15 minutes trying to figure out what the flip is going on and I literally walked past this thing with a dead Bush and it opens a door and then there's a lapis block sitting right here I'm so don't I'm so done oh my what is that is that a frigate spit that is a frigate spinner stop looking at the frigate spinner and kill yourself like I said all right all right I guess I'm pressing all these buttons I don't even know if these buttons even do anything it doesn't look like they're connected anything because we can see through the ground unless it's just like some sort of a delusion maybe the fidget spinner kills us I don't know I would like oh wait what if it does kill us oh my gosh I think the fish is better can actually kill us death by pigeon spinner and minecraft death by frigate spinner oh my gosh wait is there anything okay I was just checking to make sure maybe there's something in my inventory but no we're literally gonna die we just died from a spinner okay oh not puck I'm gonna need more coffee for this one here we go ladies and gentlemen it is your host with the most unspeakable gaming oh I feel like a lot of these are gonna be invisible or that that could beat yeah probably jump over here and then what to this one ha ha ha and then if I was the map creator if I was the map creator personally I'd be a troll and I would think all the players are gonna go with that one but I'm gonna go this one oh my gosh I read his mind but I'm not that much of a troll so I probably switch it here so I probably go this one or not the map the map creator is just a straight draw wait did I see you button under there hold on oh come on I think I saw I think I saw I feel like I saw a button under there oh no maybe I'm just seeing things I don't know I'm definitely seeing things okay so you're telling me that's how for you and then you go to this one no it's still going are you serious what a troll what a troll does just go to the end like oh my gosh I missed the jump how how do you miss that jump okay so we literally oh wait what wait so if these two cuz I jump to that one last time and then I just jumped to that one and that one killed me so maybe I'm supposed to like jump between them did we go to that one I don't know I can't go to that one because I want to I know that one has a barrier block on it oh okay oh my gosh there we go that's what I'm talking about I have to jump around this don't I I have to jump around this don't I yep I do yep yep yep I literally hate these jumps this one's probably gonna be another one yep yep they're all the off foot okay oh my gosh I didn't even jump oh my gosh oh my gosh oh last one come on it's people you got this wait is this one a yep it is okay I'm just double checking I don't want to do it if I don't have to okay Oh finally oh my way what that's a pretty long jump yeah I think this is like a four block jump if I'm correct up yep yep yep you get it get it ready get it ready and oh there we go oh my gosh did it really just did it did that make that block disappear for a second what the heck you you've gotta be kidding me I'll flip my thumb what there's a fish in there and it says oh nine Sharkboy oh that's great I'm just gonna burn it oh yes okay oh wait I hope we didn't need that fish okay so now I do a little bit of an issue that's not a possible jump that's definitely like a six-block jump but we can give it a try maybe they'll be like nope there's just barrier blocks right in front of me the question is where the heck else do we go maybe we've got to make it on the chest that's not a possible job that's four that's one two three yeah that's four blocks half slab up I don't think that's possible because the farthest jump you can make minecraft is four blocks if you want to jump up a block it has to be three I really don't think that's possible it looks possible but you know there's no way I've been looking around for quite a bit and I noticed that there is a button under that block but other than that I have no idea what to do so we could try to go back and press that button I guess I guess we can I guess we can try that but if that doesn't solve the issue then I honestly don't off okay so the button is right under there I don't how the flip do you press that oh I press it wait x plus y equals x plus y equals what what do you mean X plus y equals what I'm still burning this button do oh it's giving me a lot of levels I have 6,000 levels nah it's 20 18 paintings are old x plus y equals I'm like I'm completely trapped in here X plus y equals what I'm completely stuck in this room not it's 20 18 paintings are old I don't get it there's nothing that I can look at it's like outside of the map because I'm there's like barrier blocks above my head so like I don't I really don't know what to do there's nothing I'm really stuck here I'm gonna put this stuff back in this furnace and for now I'm gonna do slash kill till I figure it out because I've never seen any x plus y equals anything so I really don't know there's a door up there though I'm sorry guys I gotta go in creative mode I gotta figure out what's going on over here like I really real I'm really stuck okay there's a putana barrier blocks what wait a second how do you wait how do you get over to this thing though so if I if I was to land on the chest there's no way I can even get over to it oh we know there is okay and then I get into here and then it's just oh my gosh that is so troll wait how do you get to the next part ah I see and then you basically jump to that that is so troll but how do you get on the just this is what we'll do we'll just start in the chest even though we've already seen everything and we can kind of see what's going on here geez this map is still extremely difficult though oh no no no I need to jump up on something I forgot what it was I'm so dad wait what oh oh and then you jump to something on here and then on this one oh no I know you cheated the parkour was impossible what it look okay so I guess this chess jump was impossible wait how do you beat the level hey how do you beat the LUP how do you beat the level I'm so confused wait there's that room over there okay so there's the room I don't see any signs or any hints for the X&Y so I don't know what's going on there okay there's an observer block but I can't like get on top of it or do anything to it I am very confused guys what if I jump down here Oh wonderful wonderful don't you just love looking at all the it's at the answer 209 I might be cheating but I'm gonna beat the level get me right in there okay X plus y 209 209 let's try it let's try it 209 okay I guess we put it in this hopper 209 what oh this is terrible oh no it's not that bad it's not that bad come on I swear if this button just kills me I'm going to lose it what don't tell me is so you get past it wait first off how are you to know the number 209 I I never saw that number anywhere maybe I did see it anywhere but like what the heck what does this button do of course I can't press it wonderful wonderful I still have a barrier block on me oh there's a button right there I wonder if that does anything nope of course it doesn't okay can I jump up here yes I can maybe barrier block parkour I don't know I really have no idea there's a barrier block right here okay oh my gosh no way ah flip ha ha I hate invisible parkour it is especially when you have no direction of where it goes this invisible parkour could go all around this level and it would take me hours to figure it out like if it did all if it does I'm gonna rage quit no maybe it's a farther jump it's either a father jump or it goes like out in the middle of nowhere nope I miss at that time nope missed it again nope missed it again nope missed it again where's this berry block did you just like disappear I could have swore it was not that there it is there it is okay what if we try a or the jump oh my gosh yes are you serious right now you've got to be kidding me maybe it teleported up here no maybe it's in here is this - maybe there's a secret button that we can press through the wall I don't know I am very confused now maybe it's just maybe I'm thinking maybe it's it's on top of the wall maybe we have to like invisible parkour to it that would be terrible that would be absolute because there is invisible blocks right here let's try this nope that killed me I don't know I don't know I've been trying this jump like jumping around different places but it's like I I can't I can't figure out where it goes if it goes anywhere like there's because there's a barrier block right there I don't know if it I don't know I didn't know and then there and then there I didn't know what to do and don't know what to do I didn't nobody do the Winship anyway please I wish there was a secret block in here somewhere anything I can use what wait what that was not there before what oh my god you've gotta be kidding me explore the map of blow up the map I'm gonna blow up the map what I want to thank you guys so much for watching this has definitely been a very interesting video to say the least it was one of those weird confusing of minecraft maps it didn't make any sense you know we've done a lot of those on our channel sure you guys are know exactly what I mean especially after watching this whole video your brain is probably like and speaking about why did you just play I don't understand what you have to I knew that I also I want to thank the map creator for you know kind of including me in his map that is just so awesome dude you know I love these types of maps and at the same time I also hate them so thank you for doing that anyways guys thank you all so much for watching I hope you guys have a safe and fantastical super day and I will be seeing you guys tomorrow in a brand new video so hit that like button and subscribe before you guys go and I'll see you guys tomorrow in a brand new video [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: UnspeakableGaming
Views: 7,543,519
Rating: 4.8642282 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, unspeakablegaming, unspeakable, mini game, mod, gaming, game, custom, map, crazy, spotlight, showcase, challenge, roleplay, modded, mods, games, maps, secret, redstone, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, tutorial, traps, trolling, glitch, funny, moments, craziest, prank, pranks, no cursing, no swearing, creations, facts, minigame, how to, house, parody, troll, adventure, comedy, video, unspeakablegaming minecraft, troll smp
Id: wXq3vqt5-S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 54sec (1194 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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