10 Scrapped Star Wars Movie Scenes Better Than What We Got

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as one of the most popular film franchises of all time Star Wars has more than its fair share of memorable and iconic moments still for every instance of Brilliance in Star Wars there seems to be an equal number of moments that either have half-baked ideas or just they're not as good as they could have been whether they are simply Concepts that were pushed aside in favor of others or fully realized deleted scenes the franchise is unfortunately littered with plenty of scrapped moments that could have been major additions to the films so I am Gareth here from what culture Star Wars and here are 10 scrapped Star Wars movie scenes better than what we got number 10. Obi-Wan and jacosta new discus Count Dooku attack of the Clones for some reason George Lucas decided to kill off Darth Maul a villain with great potential in The Phantom Menace for a bit at least and then take over an hour to introduce the new Sith Apprentice into that film's follow-up apart from a few very brief mentions of being a political idealist by Yoda Count Dooku is crammed into episode 2 once Obi-Wan Kenobi is captured by separatist forces on Geonosis although the scene where Dooku tries to pull Kenobi over to the dark side by utilizing their shared bond with Qui-Gon Jinn is enjoyable an earlier scene had been filmed which definitely better introduced the villain in the scene Kenobi and Jedi librarian Jo Costa new discussed dookie you and why he left the order Jocasta says that Dooku left due to his faltering loyalty to the apathetic and hypocritical Jedi Council as well as to the corrupt and crumbling Republic new also makes apt comparisons of Dooku to his former Apprentice Qui-Gon which sets up Dooku to be a wise and Noble free thinker for Obi-Wan so on top of giving the character some much needed backstory the later revealed to Kenobi that he is now a Sith is more shocking than it otherwise would be they should have left it in dammit number 9. kylo Ren meets the eye of webbishbarga the rise of Skywalker after the worst title crawl in Star Wars history where it is anticlimactically revealed that somehow Palpatine has returned the rise of Skywalker cuts to kylo Ren's Herring through Mustafar Ren immediately finds a Sith wayfinder which acts essentially as a map to the Sith Homeworld of hexagola and he is then whisked away to find the hidden planet and the phantom emperor whilst it is good to see Mustafar again the scene is incredibly rushed this wasn't always the case though in the novelization of the rise of Skywalker Ren accompanied by General Hooks and Allegiant General Pride met with the eye of webbish burger a giant spider-like creature and a former servant of Darth Vader the creature then eventually tells ran he is worthy of the Sith wayfinder and hands it over to Vader's grandson this seems would have made for a much more gripping and Eerie opening to episode 9 as well as creating a better dynamic between Ren and hooks who accuses the supreme leader of Chasing Ghosts instead of putting out the fires of rebellion across the Galaxy number 8. Luke and Biggs A New Hope whilst being a nearly perfect film something that was missing from the original cut of A New Hope was more of Luke of Luke Skywalker's relationship with his Tatooine friend Biggs dark lighter when the film was initially released in 1977 the two didn't share any scenes until the Death Star Battle over Yavin IV where Biggs get shot down by Darth Vader the score swells and cuts to a shocked look yet since the movie didn't set up the pair's relationship at all the moment felt a bit flat for the 1977 special edition of the film George Lucas added a crucial scene back where Biggs and Luke reunite on Yavin 4 before boarding their x-wings and attacking the Death Star while certainly an improvement Lucas had filmed more scenes between the two which were also cut in one deleted scene Luke meets Biggs after leaving Toshi station where they discussed the state of the Galaxy big says that he is leaving Tatooine to join the Rebel Alliance and tries to convince Luke to do the same but Skywalker can't since his uncle needs his help on the farm have this scene been included in a new hope it would have given Big's death a bit more weight as well as help explain why was initially so Keen to become a rebel 7. Mafia Jared's Death Star dilemma Return of the Jedi whilst Return of the Jedi is largely viewed as the weakest of the original trilogy it also has one of the best final acts in the entire Star Wars franchise ominously looming over the forest Moon of Endor the second death star headed by the emperor himself was protected by a deflector shield on the moon making the weapon virtually impregnable in the theatrical cut Han Solo and a squad of Rebel troops with some help from their Ewok allies destroy the deflector Shield leaving the space station vulnerable shortly after Lando Calrissian and X-Wing pilot were chantillies Target the death star's main reactor causing the station to explode however while still exciting this sequence could have been much much better in a deleted scene Palpatine tells Mafia Jared that if the shield generator is disabled the Death Star should fire on the forest moon in the scene Mafia Jared is very apprehensive in following this order as he does not want to kill his men stationed on Endor as the shield generator is destroyed Jared hesitates before reluctantly ordering endorse destruction as well as creating plenty of tension for the fate of the heroes on Endor this scene would have also demonstrated a compelling more complex and human side to the individuals of the Empire number six phasma's death The Last Jedi as one of the most underutilized characters in the franchise Captain phasma had less than four minutes of screen time across the force awakens and their Last Jedi before meeting her anticlimactic and above the supremacy after a brief battle with Finn phasma falls down a seemingly Bottomless Pit in the burning Supremacy with the ex-storm trooper finally embracing His Rebel scum identity annoyingly this feeble scene could have been far far better in a deleted scene phasma best Finn with Stormtroopers flanking his position Finn then exposes phasma as the one who brought down Starkiller bases shields in the force awakens which makes the Stormtroopers begin to question their Captain before they can though phasma guns them down only for Finn to shoot her with a heavy Blaster this scene gave some much needed focus on phasma and Finn as well as giving the aforementioned the force awakens moment some retroactive dramatic significance to number five the Rebel Alliance is born Revenge of the Sith at its core Star Wars is a political story about people rising up to fight tyranny so it's fair to say that the founding of the Rebel Alliance is a pretty important piece of the tale sadly this idea has not really been seen in the films though this wasn't always the case shortly before the empire was formed in Revenge of the Sith a handful of senators including Padme Amidala Bale Organa and mon mothner met to discuss the worrying developments around the power hungry Palpatine and a clearly dwindling Republic after their brief discussion Organa announces that he is forming an organization which he hopes will preserve democracy in the Galaxy everyone agrees to the proposition but mon Mothman makes it clear that no one not even family can be told Padme is clearly on comfortable with the idea since this means she will have to hide it from her husband Anakin this scene actually demonstrated the genius subtlety that George Lucas was occasionally capable of so its removal from the film is particularly confusing number four kylo Ren torches Chewbacca the rise of Skywalker although the rise of Skywalker is certainly one of the weakest entries in the Skywalker Saga if that wasn't clear already this concluding chapter still contains some brilliant scenes even if they were few and far between one of these moments of Brilliance could have come in the torture scene between kylo Ren and Chewbacca after The Wookie is captured on Persona had it not been cut during the deleted moment the supreme leader would have brutally tormented Chewie both physically and mentally according to Ray Carson author of The novelization of the rise of Skywalker Kyla was meant to mock Chewbacca about Han Solo's death as well as go into his mind to see his torment all kylo would find though was love for Ben solo making the scene even more heartbreaking this scene of course never made it into the film though Chewbacca actor junior suertamo described working on the scene as very intense and very tough since Adam Driver had psyched himself to be a real monster through it all instead of this the heroes bought kylo ship immediately rescued Chewie and Jet off in the Millennium Falcon boring number three Padme tries to kill Anakin Revenge of the Sith in essence revenge of the sith's plot is mostly concerned with Anakin's relationship with his Secret's wife Padme Amidala and how this ultimately created Darth Vader throughout the film Skywalker and Amidala share a loving yet uneasy bond with him having visions of his dear wife perishing during childbirth swearing to never allow this to happen Anakin falls to the dark side and becomes Palpatine's most important instrument in wiping out the Jedi including the Younglings after this Padme takes on an increasingly passive role in the film apart from expressing her Terror to Anakin at the acts he had committed she was very little to convince her husband he is on the wrong path this wasn't how it was originally going to be however a scrapped concept saw Padme landing on Mustafar running to hug her husband only to pull a dagger on him still even after everything he had done and all of the Innocence he had slaughtered Padme could not kill her husband she loved him too damn much Not only would this have made for a more tragic end for the pair but it also would have explained why Anakin was so consumed with rage at the site of Obi-Wan as padme's act would have better demonstrated that she had truly turned against her husband number two Luke Mourns Hans death The Last Jedi during The Last Jedi Jedi Master Luke Skywalker starts the film as a miserable old man who believes he failed with it later being revealed that for the briefest moment he gave into fear and considered killing his nephew Ben solo while some fans despise this others were even more disappointed by the fact that Luke never got to see Han Solo who was murdered by his son on Starkiller base in the force awakens this is possibly one of the biggest missed opportunities in Star Wars history but the Last Jedi director Ryan Johnson did at least address this in a deleted scene after Luke retreats to his Hut Chewbacca burst through the door with a Defiance Roar surprised to see his friend and the Millennium Falcon worry sets in as Luke hesitantly asks where's Hannah in the theatrical edition of the film The Audience are then abruptly whisked away to meet kylo Ren and his supreme leader but an extended scene would have shown a devastated Luke as he realized Han is no longer around despite the scene only being seconds long it would have provided a truly powerful and emotional moment for Skywalker as well as the audience number one Anakin begs for help Revenge of the Sith episode 3 is an immense dramatic spectacle with the final battle between Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi I could be being the best lightsaber duel ever after a fearsome brutal fight Kenobi finally gets the upper hand by landing on the all-important high grounder and go loads his Fallen Apprentice into jumping which of course he does once Kenobi lands the decisive blow on Skywalker he leaves him to burn alive lovely that wasn't exactly how it was always going to end though in the making of Star Wars Revenge of the Sith by J.W rinsler an alternate scene shows Anakin lying on the lava planes begging Obi-Wan for help from that book after Anakin implores Obi-Wan to save him George Lucas asked you McGregor to say I will not softer almost to himself because after Anakin bursted into flames it's as if Obi-Wan was talking to a dead person Grim this would have made Skywalkers fall even more tragic since he was not fully consumed by the dark side yet was still abandoned by Kenobi and that's our list not many other scrapped Star Wars movie scenes better than what we got well let us know all about them in the comments section right down below and don't forget to like share and click on that subscribe button while you're down there also if you like this sort of thing then please head on over to whatculture.com and find some more fantastic articles just like the one this video you're watching right now is based on I've been Gareth from what culture Star Wars May the force be with you as always cheers for stopping by today and hopefully we'll see you soon bye-bye
Channel: WhatCulture Star Wars
Views: 155,590
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Id: _Wf1J2XZx2k
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Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 08 2023
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