20 Things You Somehow Missed In Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens

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even after all of those repeat viewings of this helpful start to the sequel Trilogy you still probably didn't catch all of the Glorious detail and Easter eggs JJ and the Gang managed to sneak into this long-awaited Return of the Jedi and more hi I'm Gareth here from what culture Star Wars and here are 20 things you somehow missed in Star Wars episode 7 the force awakens number 20 the rafts are Indiana Jones connection episode 7 definitely boasted a ton of wonderful practical beings on everything from jakku to takadana but the force awakens also contained its fair share of eye-catching CGI alien Creations too perhaps the most memorable alongside Lupita nyong'o's Mas Kanata popped up during the moments that followed the return of the iconic Han Solo and Chewbacca on its drawing that on-screen debut for the rolling balls of Terror known as the rattas aboard the aravana that a rather subtle Easter egg rumbled into your ears without you likely realizing according to one of the film's supervising sound editors David Accord that noise heard when one of the beasts roll after our favorite smuggling Duo was actually the exact same one used for the boulder in Raiders of the Lost Ark as Indiana Jones tries not to get squished how cool number 19 a lin-manuel Miranda peace amidst John Williams score the masterful John Williams was also back to produce yet another mesmerizing and magical score for this particular Star Wars Adventure well mostly what you likely didn't catch is that Williams wasn't actually responsible for all of the music heard in this sequel starting epic the legendary composer simply didn't fancy writing another Cantina Banger this time around her so after JJ Abrams bumped into lin-manuel Miranda during a trip to see Hamilton the Mind behind that theater Smash Hit jokingly suggesting he could write the tune for them as kanata's Castle scene ultimately led to precisely that happening that is very much another Miranda original going down in the background on takadana folks now what is the best piece of Star Wars music ever is it this weird Cantina tune or something else let me know in the comment section below number 18 the horned melon from a Galaxy not that far away sticking in muskanata's Castle for these next few entries as the gangs sit down for a chat with the wise orange alien a rather colorful bowl of alien treats can be seen only not every piece of delicious and bizarre looking food on show hair was actually created by an art Department to look like an edible item from a galaxy far far away the rather spiky piece of fruit here is a real-life kiwano AKA a horned melon with this particularly prickly one of your five a day found in southern Africa number 17 raise oddly changing bar snack speaking of that spiky chunk of fruit a soon-to-be Jedi can actually be found showing down on that vibrant food during that very same discussion with muskanata for a second seconds after a wide shot showing Rey clearly munching on one of those kawano treats a close-up of the scavenger actually reveals that she's now suddenly consuming something else entirely though easily missed amidst all the talk of maps to Luke Skywalker and Han Solo trying to keep from getting involved in the fight Reyes grub oddly switches from horned melon to a Fuji apple with some broccoli sticking out of it in the blink of an eye yeah maybe Rey just puts away her meals at a freakishly quick Pace but it's more likely someone just didn't keep an eye on continuity in between takes number 16 the final Skywalker Saga Wilhelm scream the days of the mighty Wilhelm scream briefly bursting into your ears mid-galaxy Far Far Away movie finally came to an end during episode 7. as revealed in the lead-up to the release of The Last Jedi that film supervising sound editor Matthew Wood declared it was time to let the Wilhelm past die with that famous noise being retired from Star Wars features after the force awakens though you may not have realized during your first few watches of the 2015 tale The Familiar Cry of pain let out by A first order Stormtrooper as Finn and Poe blast their way out of the finalizer Star Destroyer was the last Wilhelm you may ever hear in the big screen corner of this galaxy number 15 this was the first time a stormtrooper went full melee awesome melee weapons have been popping up in this galaxy far far away for decades for the longest time though the most famous soldiers in the Galaxy had never been given the chance to get in on the close range Combat Action but that all changed during the events of the force awakens with a showdown between a first order Stormtrooper and a certain traitor on takadana actually marking the first ever time a melee weapon was used by a white armored Trooper in a Star Wars film it didn't work out so well for that first order fighter of course but that Z6 riots control bat on wielding Soldier and Finn will always have the honor of being the first people on screen to show off how skilled in melee combat these Stormtroopers actually were number 14 General hooks his first name is never mentioned despite regularly appearing on screen throughout the force awakens either squabbling with kylo Ren or delivering one of the most excessively passionate speeches in Star Wars history you probably never clocked at General hooks's full name is never once uttered on screen in fact his first name of Armitage was only revealed a few months later during the aftermath life debt novel with hooks being confirmed as the illegitimate son of Imperial officer brendel hooks held Donald Gleason The Talented star who brought hooks to life in the sequels wasn't even aware of his character's first name until an interviewer informed him of the novel announcement during a chat that's one way to find out number 13 kylo Ren places his mask on some rather disturbing stuff one seriously creepy detail was largely overlooked by just about every Force awakens fan around the time of the film's release a few months later though right when episode 7 was about to arrive on Blu-ray JJ Abrams opted to shed some light on precisely what was going down during a moment involving kylo Ren and his Darth Vader tribute mask the director would eventually note how the table of Dusty dumps his mask on whilst interrogating Rey was actually a table full of the ashes of his victims lovely that table suddenly disappears in the next shot however with Abrams eventually revealing that this moment originally went down much earlier in the movie during the scene involving Ren talking to his grandfather's melted mask they soon realized the moments worked better with the one-time Ben solo keeping his mask on instead but Abrams felt this Ash's slam was too damn cool to cut so he simply threw it into the ray conversation number 12 some more Stormtroopers think they may be splitting up while things like Finn switching on of the familiar Hollow chest table and discovering of Luke's old training drone on the Millennium Falcon were easily spotted Delights that was actually a much more subtle OG Trilogy salute that went over most people's heads as first order Stormtroopers search for Han Solo Chewbacca Ray and Finn on Starkiller base a group of soldiers can be heard saying we think they may be splitting up and you'll never guess what another set of Imperial Stormtroopers said in exactly the same way all the way back in 1977. as Han Chewie Luke and Leia attempted to get off the Death Star looks like the story in general wasn't the only thing lifted from A New Hope hey number 11 Conan O'Brien's jub jub request speaking of verbal Easter eggs you almost certainly didn't catch during your first few viewings of this long-awaited return to the galaxy far far away none other than Conan O'Brien was actually responsible for this strange Star Wars occurrence during an interview between the pair before the force awakens began filming back in 2013 JJ Abrams promised the host that he'd sneaked the words jub job into his Star Wars movie with Conan doing that very same thing on numerous occasions during his time working on The Simpsons in the past and sure enough that director kept his word listen closely as Rey manages to free bb-8 from a scavenger by the name of Tito and you'll hear that diminutive alien let out what sounds exactly like the words jab jab as he wandered away from the pair number 10 Finn's number is a tribute to A New Hope returning to those harder to notice nods to the original trilogy during the force awakens one time Stormtrooper Finn's first order number of fn2187 actually connected him to the Galaxy's favorite princess those digits that followed the letters that inspired his new name were actually the very same ones called out by Han Solo in A New Hope when the gang discovered which cell Princess Leia was locked inside of on the Death Star and that number popping up in episode 4 was also an intentional reference to Arthur lipsit short film 2187 a flick that inspired the Mind behind the galaxy far far away George Lucas eventual flank by the name of thx1138 number nine all three new leading characters are introduced with a covered face while Finn Rey and kylo ren all seemingly couldn't be any more unalike during the opening stages of this exciting dive back into the galaxy far far away they did all actually share something in common you may have not registered it even after multiple watches of episode 7 but all three of these fresh Central figures showed up on screen for the first time with their faces very much covered by various things Finn obviously realized he was fighting on the wrong side while decked out in full Stormtrooper gear kylo Ren ominously showed up at that same Jackie location sporting his Darth vader-esque mask and Rey made her debut whilst hidden under a pair of goggles made from stormtrooper helmet lenses and the rest of her scavenger gums JJ sure loved his dramatic face reveals didn't he number eight license to remove these restraints one star who sadly wasn't given the chance to dramatically take off their helmet however just so happened to be the most famous secret agent on planet Earth that's right James Bond himself Daniel Craig covertly stopped by the force awakens set to finally make his secret debut in a franchise he absolutely adores now I'm sure Simon Pegg did technically let this one slip a few months before episode 7's release when talking to the Sun but there were still a great many Star Wars fans out there who didn't hear about the 007 actor's incoming cheeky Cameo one that involved Rey Jedi Mind tricking a stormtrooper at Starkiller base that's unquestionably Craig being fooled into removing Rey's restraints though with the actor eventually noting how walking around in that suit all day resulted in him losing the feeling in his bad guy blasting hands number seven Harrison Ford uses a real-life response if you've ever had the pleasure of bumping into the legendary Harrison Ford on the street and asking him whether he is in fact the iconic star of Star Wars and Indiana Jones then you likely spotted a rather brilliant detail hidden in the force awakens the average person hasn't ever casually chatted with the great man however so there's a solid chance Han Solo's retort of I used to be when asked by Rey if he was the famous Smuggler likely felt like little more than a typical solo comeback as revealed by four during a chat with Graham Norton a few years back though this is in fact exactly the same thing the star usually tells people in real life whenever they check to see if he is the same Mega star they think he is that's one way to confuse folks long enough to make a quick Escape I guess number six familiar looking Flags returning to Mas kanata's massive Castle on takadana the entrance to this Hive of criminals and travelers boasted a ton of colorful Flags but these were far more than just a way of adding a bit of brightness to the ancient building though it was just about impossible to catch absolutely every single symbol and Crest while watching the moments Han Chewie Finn and Rey entered their Castle in cinemas when you finally do get a chance to briefly pause this entrance some rather cool Easter eggs become a little easier to spot a mythosaurus symbol last seen in the Mandalorian series and presence on Boba Fett's armor is there on one of these flags Hondo onaka's pirate gang symbol is here too along with a variation of the 501st Legion logo number five Chewbacca finally Pilots the Millennium Falcon another easily missed first that went down during the most successful film of 2015 the most lovable furball in the Galaxy finally found himself in a position folks and actually never seen him in before in the wake of his longtime best bud Han Solo being tragically murdered by his own son within Starkiller base he was up to Chewbacca to rescue Rey and an injured Finn after the two had seen off kylo Ren amidst the trees and it was in this moment when Chewie was briefly seen sitting in the pilot seat of the Millennium Falcon for the very first time with the iconic Wookie only ever co-piloting the Falcon alongside Han Orlando Calrissian up to that point it's just a shame it took the death of his best mate for Chewie to finally get a chance to Pilot the legendary light freighter number four Bill Hader and Ben Schwartz's unusual Star Wars appearance has already noted there were a number of secret cameos on show in the force awakens but perhaps the most obscure could be found whenever a certain rolling ball of Joy was on screen though you probably wouldn't be able to guess from listening to the various bleeps and sounds that BBA makes throughout the flick these were actually created With a Little Help from actors vocal Consultants Bill hayder and Ben Schwartz Schwartz was brought in to fill in the places where bb-8 would speak to various different characters with Haider then later operating a talk box that would be adjusted by a sound effects app on JJ Abrams ipadder hater in particular also attempted to do a voice for the little Astromech but everyone soon agreed that this sounded a bit too human for the resistance Droid number three a pink Droid with a vitally important mission as that very same little Astro Mech finally reunited with his power pole Damron on the resistance-based planet of Dakar another easily overlooked Droid can be seen rolling around in the background this was far from just your average R2 unit though the pink Astro Mech by the name of r2kt was actually first created in the wake of 501st Legion founder Alvin Johnson discovering that his daughter Katie had been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor in 2004 meaning she only had a few months to live Katie specifically requested a Droid to watch over her as her final wish so the brilliant team over at R2 Builders built her a custom R2 unit one that boasted pink accents and a name that sounded pretty close to her own and Katie very much kept her Droid by her side during her final days with r2kt then going on to make appearances at various children's hospitals and raise a ton of money for charities in the years that followed before making a much-deserved cameo appearance in episode 7. number two the trademark Abrams Kelvin mention moments after seemingly sneaking in a Conan O'Brien nod as Rey rescued bb-8 from Tito on jakku JJ Abrams managed to add one more easily missed reference into his Star Wars picture in pretty much every single Abrams feature to date the director has found a way to add the word Kelvin into the script the director's grandfather was called Hari Kelvin and he was the person who first handed the future Force awakens Creator a camera so was a tribute to him everything from Super 8 to Star Trek has contained a little Kelvin tribute and sure enough Ray can be heard telling bb-8 to stay off Kelvin Ridge on the desert Planet there's also a resistance pilot who goes by the name NIV lack and if you say that backwards what do you get number one some of Harrison Ford's hair was actually CGI raftas weren't the only thing created via CGI during the making of the force awakens an iconic Smuggler's locks were also given some rather unexpected digital adjustments too that's according to JJ Abrams Blu-ray commentary with the director eventually revealing how Han Solo and Chewbacca's first scene was actually a combination of stuff that was shot before and after Harrison Ford broke his leg on set Ford's hair had grown in the time he spent away from set recovering so rather than simply just ordering him to get a haircut the team decided to digitally lengthen their hair he had in all the scenes he'd shot before his injury with that in mind have fun trying to catch those moments in episode 7 when Ford is very much sporting CGI extensions the next time you fire up this sequel starting flick folks and that is our list know of any other things people somehow missed in Star Wars episode 7 the force awakens well let us know all about them in the comments section right down below and don't forget to like share and click on that subscribe button while you're down there also if you like this sort of stuff then please head on over to whatculture.com and find some more fantastic Star Wars articles just like the one this video you're watching right now is based on I've been Gareth from what culture Star Wars May the force be with you as always thanks for watching this video and hopefully we'll see you soon bye bye
Channel: WhatCulture Star Wars
Views: 32,381
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Id: egkIn2FBMCc
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Length: 16min 32sec (992 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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