10 Scariest Videos Recorded in the Woods

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- Going for a walk in the woods can be one of life's great pleasures. The quiet solitude of the trees, disappearing from the world to a place of silence. However, these calming moments can quickly turn to terror. The woods contain all sorts of things and some of them might just come after you. (discordant screeching) These are the 10 scariest videos recorded in the woods. Number 10 is the yeti lives. (creature screeching) In this first video, a driver and his passengers are chatting as they travel through a secluded wood. The ground is covered in snow and ice and the sound of the tires struggling for grip can be heard alongside an overheating engine. Quickly, however, any concerns they had about the safety of the road are replaced with fear of the unknown. Up ahead, a large looming figure darts out from the treeline and crosses the road in front of them. The figure appears to be covered in white fur and it moves at great speed. Terrified, the driver stops the engine. When they finally gather the courage to continue onward, the video shows a large set of footprint tracks across the snowy land. Some believe this to be definitive proof of a new type of humanoid or perhaps even the legendary yeti itself. (speaking in foreign language) Number nine is stay still. (creature screeching) Others have also recorded videos of strange humanoids in the woods but in one instance, this humanoid looks to be constructed from the very woodland scene itself. What it is boggles the mind. The man behind the footage, James Jones, claims that he was doing some research in the woods for an independent horror film that he was working on. Once deep within the forest, he realized that something was staring at him between the trees. It does not look like a Bigfoot. It instead has the outfoot of something demonic or witch-like. James mentions in the video that he has been to the same spot many times and never has seen anything quite like it. The figure appears to be either standing behind a fallen tree or somehow emanating from it. If you look at it closely, you can tell it's not a tree stump because it moves ever so subtly in the quiet of the forest. - [James] Yeah, no, it's not a stump. It's not, or a broken tree or whatever. I don't know, it looks like it's connected, right? - Number eight is laughter in the woods. Deep within Oregon in the Blue Mountains, the Umatilla Native American tribe live on their reservation land. In 2013, it was widely reported that at this remote location among the trees, people living there were seeing and hearing terrifying things moving around. In one particularly chilling video, a resident of the reservation stands filming himself at night. He had been hearing bizarre sounds from the woods. As the sound nears and grows in volume, it becomes clear that the sound is a terrifying laugh which echoes out across the darkness. To this day, people are still unsure what the phenomenon was with the laughter sometimes being accompanied by a strange glowing light. Some say it was Bigfoot. Others, that the laugh came straight out of Native American folklore being the horrid, howling laugh of a Wendigo. (creature screeching) Number seven is they all float down here. (evil cackling) IT is one of Stephen King's most popular books, the story of a group of friends fighting against an ancient evil which lurks beneath their town has been adapted both for television and cinema. The evil Stephen King created in that story appears as a terrifying clown. Most of us can identify with finding clowns frightening. But what if you were wandering through a remote woodland area to find someone dressed as a clown walking towards you. This is exactly what happened in this video. When two friends see a man dressed as a clown walking across a wooden bridge. The clown realizes that they are there and then turns towards them. It's at that point that they realize the clown is carrying a knife. What follows is a terrifying chase as the friends attempt to outrun this bizarre figure well into the woods. - [Cameraman] Yo, what the (bleep) are you doing, man? It's 7:30 in the morning. Have you heard about all this (bleep)? People are freakin' out about this. Dude, does he have (bleeps) knife? Yo, Patrick, he has a knife. Dude, what? - Number six is The Gable Film. The Gable Film is an infamous one. Some believe it to be an elaborate hoax, others that it's 100% legitimate footage. While, it has also been suggested the images are an amalgamation of a hoaxed film and genuine footage of a cryptid. In this case, many believe the film contains images of what is known as Michigan's dog man. Much of the footage involves a group of people playing happily and enjoying the woods, filming their trip on an eight millimeter film camera. Suddenly, the camera turns and they're shocked to see a massive bear-looking animal staring right at them. They filmed for a moment and then the animal rushes on all fours towards them. It's at that point that it becomes clear that this is no bear but something strange and unsettling. What supposedly happened to those in the footage is best left unsaid. (creepy music) Number five is a ghostly encounter. YouTuber and Instagram user, Project Amber, set out to an allegedly haunted forest in France in his van. While parked in a remote location within the forest, he was standing on a dirt track when he started to hear a strange, creepy voice coming from the woods. Then, a strange woman walked out of the woods, she was dressed like a monk, wearing no shoes, and was completely bald. When he spoke to her, she disappeared back into the woods. Then, when he returned back to his van, he captured footage of her running around through the trees. Frightened, Project Amber left the scene quickly and drove out of that part of the forest. One further thing worried him. The previous day, his dog had been acting nervous, constantly staring at the treeline nearby. It's possible that the creepy girl was watching him for some time before she appeared. Number four is nature calls. Not all terrifying encounters in the woods involve people or supernatural entities. In some cases, the force of nature itself can be the most terrifying agency. In this video, a couple are driving through a heavily forested area. To the left of the car is a steep incline dotted with huge pine trees. As they move along the winding road, suddenly a tree in the distances collapses across it. Then another, and another. The trees begin to fall like dominoes and the wave of destruction is moving towards them at speed. Panicked, the driver puts the car in reverse and moves back along the road as quickly as he can but it's too late. A landslide has dislodged a large part of the forest and the trees fall on the hood of the car. It's incredible that they survived and it's a shocking reminder of our insignificance in the face of nature's might. (speaking in foreign language) (woman screams) Number three is come eat me. This is easily one of the scariest supernatural entries on this list, it appears that the video is direct evidence of the existence of the Orang bunian, but with a twist. These supernatural beings are spoken of throughout Indonesian folklore. They are said to inhabit the deep forests of the area and in this video, it's difficult to argue. Here, a group of young men walk out of a secluded woodland area and issue a challenge to the spirits who are hidden there. Joking that the spirits should come out and eat the group, there is then a series of creepy noises emanating from between the trees. Suddenly, they're confronted, not by the malevolent creature but by something more hideous. The horrid figures of two evil spirits appear, crawling and shuffling towards the camera. The group of young men flee in terror, barely getting out of the area alive. (speaking in foreign language) Number two is the watcher. German YouTubers, iBlali, were out exploring an abandoned hotel for their Halloween special. The hotel itself sits inside of a large forest and so the setting was perfect for a spooky Halloween video. All that they encountered there were some strange noises from nearby but when they uploaded their video, it was their fans who noticed something terrifying in the background. In a portion of the video, it appeared as though someone was watching the group of the three YouTubers. When the image quality was enhanced to show what was there, the group was stunned. Just a few feet from where they were standing at one point was another person. This person was standing motionless next to them. Who this person was and why they were watching them to this day remains a mystery. (speaking in German) And number one is followed. On-location live streams are very popular, so much so that they occasionally capture something creepy. In the case of the YouTube channel Mind Seed TV, one particular live stream in the woods was terrifying from start to finish. Two friends headed out through the night to find a group of allegedly haunted abandoned buildings in the forest. Soon, they began to hear footsteps and someone whistling. They realized then that they were being followed. Eventually, the YouTubers reached the building and set up some trip wires connected to bells in order to alert them if someone approached them in the dark. Just as they were leaving, one of the bells rang out very clearly. (sharp whistling) - [Cameraman] It came from that way. - [Casey] Which way? - [Cameraman] That way. - [Casey] Did it? - [Cameraman] Swear to god. - [Casey] Really? - [Cameraman] Yes. - [Casey] No. - [Cameraman] Dude, I swear to fuckin' god. - [Casey] From any kinda direction, we'll be able to hear it. So now we're gonna go inside and we're gonna set up the cameras and shit. What the (bleeps) was that, dude? If you tell us to leave, we'll leave. Just the word. Just the word. - They ran nervously from the scene as the sound of something in the woods followed. Luckily, they made it back to their car eventually but the question remains who or what was stalking them. Thank you to everyone who subscribed and a special thanks to all of my channel members, especially the ones you see on screen right now. All of you help keep my channel going. Thanks again, and I'll see you next time.
Channel: Matthew Santoro
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Keywords: Matthew Santoro, Matt Santoro, Santoro, Facts, Myths, 50 Amazing Facts, Amazing Facts, Facts in 5, Top 10, List, Countdown, Funny, Comedy, Matthew Santoro YouTube, Matt Santoro YouTube, Santoro YouTube, YouTube Matthew Santoro, YouTube Matt Santoro, Matthew Santoro Facts, Matthew Santoro Myths, Matt Santoro Facts, Matt Santoro Myths, Santoro Facts, Santoro Myths
Id: H7XZSUaz5X0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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