5 SCARIEST Creepypastas That Will Keep You Up At Night #3

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be sure to follow me on twitch at twitch.tv matthew santoro to catch all of my daily live streams it's the first link in the description are you returned well i guess it's time for uncle matt to tell you a bedtime story here are the five scariest creepypastas that will keep you up at night part three number five is the woman written by brian a young this story tells the account of a police detective named officer smith who upon investigating a missing person's case discovers something otherworldly and disturbing that he could have never imagined detective smith opens by explaining that every detective has one case that haunts them it's a difficult job that deals with the cold hard truth and the evil that's within some people most cases end similarly in that they end happy except for today when a case of a missing girl was dropped on his desk his superior detective evelyn joss had given him a very special case that was appointed to him by the chief of police himself and told special attention was to be given to it her name was faye mizuki a typical 15 year old girl she was described as quiet polite and never stuck out from her group of friends after interviewing several acquaintances and her own family nothing seemed to stand out meaning one of two things everything that people knew about this girl was wrong or she had been taken with not much to go on smith decided to talk to her principal and teachers one of whom mr berkeley divulged to smith that faye had a best friend in class that had not been mentioned to him before from her parents or even her other friends a blonde girl named hannah sterling hannah as it turns out had a history of drug dealing running away multiple suspensions from school and a long list of other offenses nobody that anyone would expect faye to be hanging around with detective smith knew that the answer laid with her so he went to her house to interview her but hannah was less than pleased to see a cop barely willing to speak with smith she finally divulged that faye had been talking to a boy named walter an older boy who looked disheveled with bags under his eyes as if he hadn't slept in weeks after some more investigating he discovered the boy's location and full name walter crane immediately he went to his school to interview him and when he got into the room walter almost instantly looked nervous and guilty the reports of him were accurate he was skinny smelled like cigarettes struggled to even make eye contact and looked disheveled his loose-fitting clothes and pale skin revealed that he was dealing with something serious after being pressed the boy revealed that hannah had sold him in fey weed but that he needed it to sleep because something deep was troubling him something was in fact hunting him a thing that he could not accurately describe was visiting him every night getting closer and closer to taking him that's when he met faye and knowing he needed someone to take his place brought her one night to the creature's home where she became the one that the creature cared about the one the creature ultimately took after learning of the location smith took a 45-minute drive to a dilapidated house out in the middle of a random plot of land surrounded by nothing it was a haunting place with a single farmhouse that emanated a pungent odor like something was rotting inside of it upon entering his worst fears were confirmed various dead bodies were strewn about most of them appeared to be animals but some were human and most of them very young but that is when things truly became horrifying upon looking up he saw a massive four-legged spider scurrying from the ceiling into one of the rooms on the second floor it was nine feet long and had a body the size of a polar bear yet it had smooth skin with long black hair and the head of a human he ran upstairs weapon drawn where he immediately met face to face with the horrific creature her body despite being massive was rail thin with loose hanging grey skin and arms that dragged behind her on the ground she had an eyeless face and a mouth that had corners that drooped far past her chin in a permanently distorted frown inside of her mouth she was sucking on a skull with her long grey tongue wrapped entirely around it and milky viscous saliva dripped from her mouth as she moved it around and that's when he saw her fame azuki lying on the ground her eyes rolling into the back of her head covered in dirt but the creature wouldn't just let him have her and smacked the weapon out of his hands and wrapped her ice cold fingers around his throat slamming him against the wall she whispered get out smith ran back to his car and called for backup immediately quickly the other officers arrived but oddly so did the police chief asking what he was doing there the chief calmly lit a cigarette and told smith to go home as they would handle it from there go home smith he said we'll handle things from here you've worked hard on the case and it looks like you've been beaten up a bit detective joss will be on the scene soon to tie up loose ends that night smith tossed and turned unable to get the horrific figure out of his head the next day he went into the chief's office and sat down and what he was told was something he could have never imagined he was told to ignore the file entirely as if it never existed he was told that several cases like this have existed before but that the public could not know about it because it would cause mass panic they can't fight these creatures so all that they do is burn down their home and drive them into a more secluded area away from harming anyone else as it turns out the purpose of this story was to let everyone know that these creatures exist and that the truth is being kept from the public he intends on sharing more of these stories going forward but most importantly for us to remember when you hear something go bump in the night don't think for a second that it can't reach out and drag you away stay safe everyone number four is the devil's toy box this story is about a young man named joel who got an email from an old friend asking if he could help out their younger sister an 18 year old girl named aaron in northern louisiana where aaron grew up there was a halloween attraction that went up annually called farmer graves haunted orchard it was usually pretty tame so this particular year the owners decided to set up a new attraction something called the devil's toy box it was a bright fire red shack that housed a small room composed of large wall-sized mirrors according to the email less than a week after opening however the entire orchard was shut down by authorities because numerous people were being hospitalized after going into the box nobody could last more than five minutes in that room only one man a 52 year old father of three named roger health managed to last just over four minutes and is now a wide-eyed mute one woman suffered a heart attack after just 90 seconds in the box and a 17 year old boy was dragged out kicking and screaming where he killed himself just two weeks later all of that was enough to get farmer graves shut down but this only made people more intrigued to the point where the entire town was talking about the devil's toy box farmer graves haunted orchard was owned by a middle-aged couple named will in darlene sawyer when the town council ordered the sawyers to shut down the orchard they were so angered that they left most of the attractions still standing including the box the entire thing was located at the rear of their property and was only accessible by a narrow two-lane dirt road knowing where it was aaron's boyfriend troy went there with some friends and aaron hadn't seen him since joel decided to help and invited his friends jason and gretchen to join him in the three-hour car ride to meet aaron when they arrived around 10 pm they picked up aaron said their hellos and went straight to the attraction it all appeared to be your traditional haunted attraction brightly colored plywood shacks lined the vacant fields with fake cobwebs and halloween decorations that covered the trees they passed several games until they finally saw it the red box that had so many terrorized the devil's toy box the group grabbed some chairs that were lined up against the huge box and waited for the sawyers to arrive as it was said anyone who came to see the box they would allow in trespassing or not but upon sitting down gretchen immediately panicked as the reality of the situation sunk in and she asked jason to take her back to the car all that was left was aaron and joel and that's when will sawyer suddenly appeared they showed him a picture of aaron's boyfriend and asked if he had seen him to which he replied yes that he had in fact entered the box lasted only three minutes and ran off screaming into the dark woods will then asked if they wanted to see the inside of the box and open the padlock that kept the doors sealed and that's when they saw it something vaguely human moving inside of the box panicked joel and aaron ran back to the car just in time for jason to see them but it was too late something was chasing them making a horrible scraping sound and before joel could get inside the car it took him something was dragging him paralyzed through the forest that's when he suddenly felt a whoosh of air on his face and the lights in front of him he was in the devil's toy box the room had a thick sheet of transparent plexiglas as a floor layered over a mirror identical to the ones that made up the ceiling and walls with the door shut the mirrors had infinite reflections and the thin fluorescent bulbs ran between the crevices where each mirror met the next washing the room and its endless reflections in a pale yellow light joel looked down to see a chasm of reflections that made his head spin but when he looked up he saw something that he could not comprehend it was his own reflection speaking to him joel you're his now but something was moving around behind his reflection and was climbing up through the corridor of reflections making its way towards him quickly banging on the entrance wall it got close until suddenly joel woke up still seated outside of the box joel had in fact nodded off aaron told him that he had been asleep for about 30 minutes and that the sawyers still had not shown up they decided to go to the house themselves to get the ordeal over with knocking on the door it was answered by darlene sawyer who invited them in as she knew that they were there for the box joel asked if will would be joining them but darlene informed him that he had killed himself the night before after expressing their condolences which fell upon the emotionless face of miss sawyer they showed her a picture of troy to which she said she'd never seen him but that he may have been there and that she regrets having the idea to build the box in the first place darlene explained that she had been very sick and that will had somehow summoned a demon to help in that it agreed to if they built a room of mirrors and got people to go inside of it she also said that some of the men who went in were kept under their house under a trapdoor she brought them to it and opened it for the two to discover multiple sick looking men but no troy that's when one of them grabbed joel by the ankle and pulled him down into the filth and again joel woke up this time screaming this time he had been sitting beside jason still beside the box he had had a nightmare inside of a nightmare joel asked where the girls were and jason didn't know what he was talking about that they didn't go out there with any girls and that gretchen had broken up with him a month prior that's when jason suddenly put the barrel of a shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger shocked and panicked joel began to run when he saw jason's lifeless body following him it was draped over one of the games as he passed it it was under the car as he got into it and it was even in his lobby when he got home there was no escaping the headless body of his friend that was waiting for him joel now losing his mind ran up and into his apartment when something began trying to open the door from the outside joel knew that these were his final moments as he began backing away from the door but then something unexpected happened something crashed through it it was jason in joel's car except he was no longer in his apartment but he was in the box joel had only spent 25 seconds in the devil's toy box he had been in there the entire time jason knowing something was wrong crashed into it to help him escape dropped aaron back off at their home and left that area forever he was never able to help aaron find her boyfriend but that wasn't what worried him the most it was that to this day troy worries that every day he'll wake up and be in front of that box number three is every year on my birthday i have to die written by richard saxon he tells the story of how he was caught in a time loop of sorts where he's bound to continuously die every year on his birthday with horrible consequences for all of those around him his first experience with death was on the 18th of august in 2006 when he was suddenly stabbed by a madman in a pub he was simply there to celebrate his birthday but suddenly he felt someone punch him in the side except he only thought it was a punch that was until he felt warmth and a rapid stream of blood pouring down his side he recalls it not being painful yet his legs gave out from under him and he collapsed suddenly he was in a void it was pure darkness broken by strange shapes and colors he could feel himself being pulled into a new world a world without pain suffering or death he had no fear anymore but he never quite got there suddenly he jolted awake in his bed very much alive it was night time and he was sweating profusely and shaking no wound on his side in fact not a scratch on him he figured it was all of a dream until he got a call after dozens of missed texts and calls his friend jake told him that their childhood friend danny had been killed that very night a madman had stabbed him a year passed since that night and richard attempted to find some sort of normalcy in his life that was until the 18th of august 2007 instead of celebrating his birthday he stayed home with a bottle of whiskey and played video games after passing out drunk at around 9pm he was awoken at midnight to the sound of someone breaking into his front door he could hear whispers and began to panic and so he fell out of his bed onto the floor alerting the intruders who ran upstairs immediately and shot and killed him once again richard found himself in the same void that he found himself in a year prior he admired the same shapes and colors as they passed except this time he saw several trees in the distance with people hanging from them but before he could make sense of it all he was awoken by a phone call he was alive again in bed this time it was his father it turns out his mother had been killed by some intruders who had broken in she was the only one at home that's when richard knew that he had to come clean knowing he would sound crazy he told his father what was going on how he was trapped in this bizarre loop and how every time he woke up someone that he cared about died and shockingly his father believed him he moved in with his father to help support him through their loss and so time went on time went on of course until his next birthday came this time richard slipped and fell in the shower and broke his neck it was then that he woke up to find out that his boss a wonderful man who was always kind had fallen in the shower and broken his neck that was when richard decided to take things into his own hands he knew none of this was a bizarre coincidence nor a premonition so he had to put an end to it he would end his own life but as it turns out it wouldn't be that simple no matter what he tried nothing worked he tried hanging and the rope broke he tried a weapon but it jammed he even tried driving into a tree but he survived that too he was a slave to destiny and it was maddening him in 2009 he was hit by a drunk driver and his girlfriend took his place in 2010 he drowned and his neighbor had to go through it in 2011 he died of a brain aneurysm which ended up killing his aunt and so on and on every year like torture by august of 2019 he would die for the 14th time he had fallen sick and he and his father knew that his time was almost up that night after dying he was jolted awake and called out for his dad but he was met with silence this time his father had taken his place the one person who understood the one person who knew what he was going through and now he was entirely alone he inherited multiple things from his father not the least of which was a letter written to richard from several years ago dear richard today is your birthday and it has officially been a year since your mother passed while i miss her greatly i'm thankful to still have you around i know that if she was given a choice she would want you to live and i feel the same way we both know that i might one day take your place in death never doubt that i would happily give my life if it means that you may live you didn't choose this curse so never blame yourself just do what every person is supposed to do appreciate the people around you because you never know which day might be your last i love you dad this broke richard and he finally knew what he had to do he moved by himself to a cabin far away from other people far away from any relationships or connections to another human being to save them to stop people from dying until he can figure out not only how to die but how to stay dead number two is turn it off written by paula chill this is the story of a young boy who just wanted to have a camping adventure with his friend until he came across something unexpected in the woods it was a warm summer night in july and paulum had the house to himself while his parents were away for a couple of weeks visiting family palum didn't care very much for his relatives so he decided to stay home and enjoy himself it was 9 22 pm and his night was peaceful he started chatting with his friend chris on his laptop discussing how both their parents were away and how they should do something fun they decided on camping in a tent in the forest behind chris's house the next day and so plans were set so paula went to go get the tent for the next day and glanced outside into his garden where he saw something out of place it was a dark figure standing against the back garden fence shaken he messaged chris back and asked if he'd be willing to come by that night and so chris did as he arrived they laughed that paulum was afraid of his own shadow that was until they looked in the backyard and they both saw the figure together standing there they decided not to investigate and simply go to sleep the next morning they had forgotten all about it as it was a beautiful day and they decided a perfect one for camping they left for chris's house and went into the forest to set up struck by the size and beauty of the forest they decided to go in as far as possible to make the camping adventure seem authentic chris offered to go back to his house to get a lantern before it got dark and so off he went paulum decided that this was a good opportunity to close his eyes and enjoy some peace and quiet until he finally heard chris suddenly return did you get the lantern silence the footsteps walked just past him when he heard chris yell from the house that he was coming as he returned paulum's face went white as he explained how someone or something had just walked past him but as it was a public woods they decided that it could have been anyone as people were free to walk through it and so they continued on with their day walking through the forest and chatting about the future night fell and with the tent set up in the lantern inside the tent they decided to finally fall asleep but soon palm awoke in the middle of the night to see the lantern was no longer there in fact it was outside 20 feet from the tent someone had entered their tent and removed the lantern without making a sound terrified they decided to leave and go back to chris's house but got turned around in the woods the boys were now lost the only thing guiding them was the soft glow of the lantern which they followed back to the campsite but that is when they saw it chris turn it off paulum said there's something inside the tent inside of the tent was a huge dark figure positioned just inside of the entrance waiting for the boys their belongings and sleeping bags were all arranged neatly leading to the entrance as if to entice someone to enter paulem again pleaded with chris to turn off the lantern which was now in their possession chris he pleaded in a whisper and a voice responded the blood ran cold in their veins out of sheer panic the boys ran into the opposite direction into the pure dark of night not knowing where they were going only that it was away from whatever was waiting for them in the tent suddenly paulum ran into a tree smashing his head almost knocking himself out cold three full minutes went by with chris trying to help paulum get up with nothing but silence and that's when they heard it the creature was among them a click-clack click-clack sound was approaching them in otherworldly demonic sound that no human could make it was now an arm's length away from them please fear took over chris switched the light on and tore off in the other direction without even looking behind him and palm followed tears in their eyes combined with the pure blackness of the night made it impossible to see sheer terror was in their heart and they heard the creature running after them and that's when they saw it a faint light up ahead it turned out to be street lights they finally made it onto the road and kept running but when they looked back they saw the figure who had been following them on the road the creature was white massive and had a long upright body full of kinks like it had just unfolded itself it was a nightmare come to life the boys kept running and finally made it to chris's house unaware if the creature was still following they ran upstairs locked themselves in the bathroom and waited there until the sun came out it was now the next day and everything seemed normal again that's when they got a call from each of their parents asking how they were doing and all they could say was to come home that something had happened so the parents said that they would and the boys felt safe again temporarily as night fell paulum went home once again and waited for his parents but after settling in he heard the sound again click clack click clack he looked out into his garden and there it was a tall silhouette leaning up against the back fence but this time the figure slowly moved away from the fence and clicked across the glass towards the house please and number one is a peculiar kind of madness written by matt demersky this is the story of a boy's grandmother who had kept a secret from the family right up until the end matt and his family were visiting his grandmother for her birthday and possibly for the last time because she was 98 years old they drove for several hours through the vast fields of iowa down a narrow dirt road to the house that their grandmother had lived in her whole life for as long as he could remember everything had always been the same never changing the fields remained the same the house too and curiously so did a little bell that was raised high on an old metal crook it sat out in the field about a quarter mile from the house to warn those inside that there were heavy winds and a storm that was coming but the bell had rusted over decades ago except today the bell had been scraped and polished clean of rust as he pondered who cleaned the bell and why they walked up to the house to say hello to their grandmother matt and his family had a great time and after some time passed they all went to sleep but that night matt was awoken by a faint light coming from under his door upon investigating he found his grandmother sitting by herself watching tv sit she said i'm going to tell you a family secret it's for you possibly for your brother but not for your parents do you understand she went on to say how she was an orphan which matt already knew but then began a story which matt was not prepared for when she was young her family was eating dinner one night when they heard the ringing of the bell outside she had five siblings mary arthur eleanor clarence and ruth strangely matt had never heard these names before on this particular night the bell kept ringing and ringing despite there being no wind outside her father first sent clarence outside him being the oldest to check on the bell and stop its incessant ringing bringing a candle outside to check the metallic sound stopped as the candle's flame flickered next to it briefly before going out all together that is when the ringing continued her father then sent arthur out to check on what was going on convinced it was a trick being played on the family so arthur went out with a lamp and as the lamplight hovered there the bell stopped ringing again but it then began ringing once again one after another her family would send the children out convinced that they were playing a collective trick on him next out was ruth a flickering light the stopping and starting of the bell again her mary eleanor and her mother knew something was wrong but her father only persisted she's fine damn kids are just playing a game with us he said eleanor was sent out next to check on what was going on the light went out the bell continued to clang they waited in terrified silence finally one by one mary her mother and her father went out to the bell all lights extinguished and the bell continued to ring ominous as ever matt's grandmother was now alone and terrified so she hid in the cupboard and that is when it came pounding on the front door then a tremendous crash something or someone was in the house and that bell it was now in the house it rang in the kitchen it rang outside and beside the bed and finally it rang just outside of the cupboard doors and then it opened terrified matt asked what she saw that's not the point she said i'm here so obviously i survived and a young man like you doesn't need to know what horrors walk this world outside the paved cities of man the thing that opened the cupboard door and stared at me from the dark the thing that hoped to wait out the candle before the coming of dawn had a bell tied to one of its teeth with a blood-soaked rag such that it would clang when its mouth was opened for hunting somehow someway some heroic poor soul managed to tie a warning bell to that thing before they died we heard that warning bell all night long and yet my entire family walked out there one by one we didn't listen because we didn't want to listen my father knew what he was doing halfway through but he didn't want to accept what he'd already done so he did what's even worse and continued feeding it life fear will tell you to put your candle out but your head will tell you to keep it lit don't give in to fear you keep it lit you get through this turning his head matt suddenly became aware of a sound in the distance it was the bell it had been ringing the whole time but he was so caught up in the story he didn't notice how long has that been ringing he asked that's when she clenched her fist turned back to the television and went silent thank you for watching if you want to read these stories in their entirety go to the links in the description and be sure to follow the authors who wrote them be sure to drop a like on this video and remember follow me on twitch at twitch.tv matthew santoro so that you can catch the next time i'm live and i'll see you in the next video sweet dreams
Channel: Matthew Santoro
Views: 819,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RwafuAIUo-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 37sec (1897 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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