10 Scariest Coincidences Caught on Camera

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Small coincidences happen all the time but it's very rare that these send a chill down your spine well these are some of these scariest coincidences that seem to have been arranged by a higher power these seemingly impossible situations have actually become reality and were caught on camera and it may just change the way you see the world forever I'm charlie today we're going to look at these scariest coincidences caught on camera before we get into it why not subscribe and press the notification bell - coming up first is bank robber this one comes from a news broadcast in Minnesota USA one day a guy was reporting on a bank heist that's happened the day before that is when all of a sudden someone runs out of the bank behind him the man is a worker in the bank and he points over to something in the distance the guy actually says to the news broadcaster there's the bad guy right there 24 hours ago this Bank in know that guy right there what oh that's the robber this is live TV folks that's the robber just went by according to the bank employee so I got a go here and call 9-1-1 I'll talk to you later the newscast is completely stunned and goes oh there's the robber that's right the guy who robbed this Bank returned to the scene the next day and at the very same time the news was doing a broadcast about it that's already a lot of coincidences right there the bank teller chases after the guy who hops into a van but thankfully because of this police were able to track this guy down police later arrested Ryan at Lascaux it turned out he'd robbed the same Bank two days in a row this is what happens when you play too much GTA it's a crazy array of coincidences that this guy was at the bank at the same time as the news robber Rhine thankfully was sentenced to nearly 10 years behind bars for robbing this Bank and the money he got from the previous bank heists was seized and returned to the rightful owners body in the creek when something big happens in an area the news will often interview locals close to the event that's exactly what's happened one day in camp town pennsylvania USA the body was found inside a creek by the local police as this was happening some reporters were digging around trying to find out what happened and that's when one journalist came across a man named Matthew heavily he lived right next to the creek where the body was found when the journalist first asks him about the situation he's very surprised he also said even though he lives close to the creek he had no idea what had happened then like what what the hell's going on and now I realize that's what they were actually doing he also says it's sad to think that someone's daughter mother or child sad to say that that's someone's either daughter or mother whatever boat but remember that quote that's because hours later cops realized that the woman in the creek was in fact Matthew's mother that makes his comment about the body being someone's mother very very creepy Matthew said this was a gigantic coincidence but the police didn't buy it and were very skeptical Matthew said when he was giving the interview he had no idea it was his mom who was in the creek in the interview he even said the body was probably dumped there by hitmen like a place where people from the city would want to put a body because most most likely they wouldn't be found he said that's because it would be unlikely a body would be found there but clearly it was and police did not buy his explanation of his interview in fact they later arrested him after finding that same blue tarp in his shed they raided his property and took him to court and this video was even used as evidence in court in May of 2019 he was sentenced to 14 years for this but he still says that he was not behind what happened to his mom in the creek world war 1 plate one of the most defining moments in all of human history was World War one that's because it led to World War two and then the modern world we have today but everyone knows that the major event which kicked off World War one was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of course if this took place while he was being driven in a limousine this was a Graf & Stift limo but there's a strange coincidence when it comes to this car valise that it predicted an odd and very eerie message the number plate of the car is a 1 1 1 1 1 8 and this could easily be read as armistice November 11 1918 of course that was the date of the famous agreement that ended the first world war the car sat for two decades inside a museum in Vienna before this was pointed out by a British tourist this is an incredibly scary coincidence and some say it's not a coincidence and this is all part of some kind of giant plan things like this really do make me question and think maybe we are living in a simulation suspect search sometimes cops want to hunt for criminals but they don't have a photo of them on file that's why sometimes they'll get a sketch artist to draw the suspect from descriptions one day one of these suspects was being reported on on the TV program Good Morning America but towards the end of the show Robin Roberts noticed something strange she pointed out that the suspect from a previous story looked a lot like her host Josh Elliot the similarities are incredibly creepy and they really do look alike there's somebody that he yes in our last story that had a chance some say the reporter who originally reported on this story looks a lot like the suspect to look around and this actually various instances of the news reporters reporting on suspects which look exactly like them admittedly this is pretty funny but if you look at it a different way it's pretty creepy too I wonder if a news anchor has ever been a real suspect and reported on themselves the man in this sketch badly injured a woman after a traffic argument Lincoln and JFK when it comes to presidents being assassinated the United States does not have a good record in fact there have been six attempts to assassinate the u.s. president while they were sitting and four of the six were successful but the assassinations of both Lincoln and JFK have some pretty creepy coincidences did you know that Lincoln had a secretary named Kennedy who told him not to go to the theater and Kennedy had a secretary named Lincoln who told him not to go to Dallas Lincoln was shot in the Ford theater and Kennedy was shot in a Lincoln made by Ford they were both taken out on a Friday Lincoln's assassin John Wilkes was known by three names comprised of 15 letters and Lee Harvey Oswald was also known by three names comprised of 15 letters John Wilkes shot Lincoln in a theater and fled to a warehouse Lee Harvey Oswald shot Kennedy from a warehouse and fled to a theater Lincoln was elected to Congress in 1846 and JFK in 1946 Lincoln was elected president in 1860 and JFK 1960 and that's not even all of the coincidences about these two presidents is this simply a coincidence or is something being set up here Robert interview this one comes from a news report in Gwinnett County Georgia USA a reporter's doing a pretty boring story about traffic in the area that's when she stops and interviews a random passerby the man seems totally normal and polite and simply talks about the local traffic and then walks off BIRT hours later the news reporter gets a phone call from the police saying they need to talk to her urgently that's because minutes before he was interviewed the man in the footage had robbed a bank a witness actually say they saw the man robbed the bank and then afterwards stopped a news fan for an interview the police used this interview as well as surveillance footage of the guy's license plate to arrest him the robber Eric rivers was taken into custody and he's now in jail facing two counts of robbery hi dad this one comes from youtuber named Jennifer Millan sadly she lost her dad but to remember him she looks up to the sky and says hi dad this is a nice way to pay respects but obviously it's a one directional way of communicating it's not like her dad can communicate back to her or can he one day she looked up at the sky and said hi dad that's when all of a sudden a glowing orb appears to come down from the sky Jennifer's channel is mainly about her family not about paranormal events but I think this is a really special and heartwarming event if it really is a message from her father I'm sure a lot of people look up to the skies and pay respects to those who have passed on in their lives but do you think this was Jennifer's dad communicating with her I really like to think so if so it really may prove the existence of an afterlife convicts we all know that when you get arrested and have to go to the police station you have to give over your fingerprints but why exactly is this surely they can just write down your name and take your picture and they know who you are right well the reason fingerprints became a thing is because of these two guys these are mug shots of William West and William West they're not related in any way but they look incredibly similar they also have the same name and we're serving their sentences are the same prison at the same time this led to a massive amount of confusion with their prison guards they kept getting mixed up and for a long time they didn't really they were two separate people so the prison had the idea to simply take their fingerprints so they could tell them apart otherwise they could get confused and lost in the system or their sentences which were different could be mixed up so it's because of the to William West's that we do fingerprints to this day these guys were incarcerated in the eleven worth Penitentiary in Kansas USA and this happened all the way back in 1903 before fingerprint forensics even became a thing basketball fraud you likely think you know about everyone in your life but what if those people have a dark secret for example a fake identity that's what happened to someone in Texas named Rashawn Richardson rashon was the top player in the Hillcrest High School basketball team he helped his team beat every single other team in Dallas Texas he had a legendary reputation all around Texas and was a star student athlete or at least that was the reputation he had for nine months but then one day people found out the reason why he was so much better at basketball than everyone else rashon was playing against another team and was doing amazing as always but that's when the other teams coach recognized were Sean it suddenly dawns on him that years ago he coached rashon this was seven years ago meaning rashon should no longer be in high school he immediately went to the school and told them about what was happening and it turned out rashon Richardson was not even a real person instead he was a man named Sidney Gilstrap portly and instead of being a 17-year old high school kid he was 25 years old he's now facing criminal charges for falsely enrolling in a high school I'm not sure how he flew under the radar for so long to make things even more creepy he had a fourteen-year-old girlfriend who had no idea of his true age and identity and he would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling coach he was scheduled to graduate in 2020 this means if he didn't play against his old high school he likely would have never been discovered and actually graduated it really makes you doubt everyone you know and their true identities but now it's time to make your voice heard vote in the poll in the top right corner for the scariest coincidence on this list if you want some more amazing videos then check out my second chat but as always thanks for watching there's some more videos you may like on screen right now leave a like if you enjoyed and if you haven't already what are you waiting for subscribe to Top 10s
Channel: Top 10s
Views: 4,186,288
Rating: 4.9054499 out of 5
Keywords: Coincidences, scary, creepy, scariest, scary coincidences, amazing coincidences, strange coincidences, one in million coincidences, scary videos, chills, top15s, top 15s, top 15, top 10, top 5, list, lists, countdown, real or fake videos, scariest videos, caught on camera, caught on video, unsolved, unexplained, mysterious videos, mystery, scary video, found online, analysis, internet videos, unexplainable videos, scary tik tok videos, videos that will make you go pale
Id: eKYf62gcNDU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 47sec (707 seconds)
Published: Tue May 05 2020
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