10 Royal Rules Queen Elizabeth Has Broken For Meghan Markle

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we've seen how rebellious some Royals can be Prince Harry was notorious for his unroyal behavior throughout the years but would you bet your money on the Queen also breaking some royal rules we didn't think so however the Queen has been showing off her rebellious side recently she made a comment about brexit knowing full well that Royals are supposed to be neutral in politics the Queen might be throwing even more traditions out of the window especially after breaking these for Megan Markel keep watching to find out which ten royal rules the Queen has broken for Megan no Church weddings for divorced Brides joining the royal family by marriage is a tough task for the most part of history Royals would only marry other Royals however obscure or related they were nowadays the rules to tie the knot with an actual prince or princess aren't a strict non-royal folk are now welcome to join the fold as much as we'd want true love to be the motive behind a royal wedding it's unfortunately not on the list one pretty strict rule enforced by queen elizabeth was about divorcees in the past royals weren't allowed to marry divorcees at all the queen's own uncle to cater the throne so he could marry an American divorcee thus passing the crown on to her father but the rule has since been relaxed and now divorcees can marry Royals they just can't have the whole royal church wedding the Queen was quite strict about this rule when Prince Charles married Camilla parker-bowles they had a simple civil ceremony that the Queen didn't attend Queen Elizabeth may have a previous marriage that ended in 2013 but her wedding to Prince Harry was anything but simple the Queen had allowed Megan and Harry to have a huge royal church wedding even though Megan it was a divorcee no getting married in May caterers flowers the dress there's a lot to think about when planning a wedding but when planning a royal wedding the list of things to stress over just gets longer there are the media and photographers and of course the high-profile guest list you wouldn't think superstition would find its way into a royal wedding right well think again Queen Elizabeth's great-grandmother victoria strongly believed in the age-old superstition marian may rue the day whether you've heard about it or not this saying has been around for ages the ancient Romans weren't fans of getting married in May for a number of reasons the most plausible one be that may was the month they celebrated the dead the Queen's sister Princess Margaret married in May and then eventually got divorced could the myth be true after all the Queen seems to think that Megan and Harry can overcome the superstition and she allowed them to have a may wedding only British music allowed in the wedding ceremony Megan may be joining one of the most famous English families in the world but she's not letting go of her American roots there are still many things that Megan does that shows she's American at heart for one she still makes visits to the US because her mom lives there she also went to New York recently and through a baby shower a pregnancy tradition that Brits don't practice Megan stays true to her identity as the first American princess and it might be with the help of the Queen herself perhaps the Queen's breaking of the rules also allowed Megan to feel more accepting and welcomed when it comes to music at a British royal wedding there's not much discussion the orchestra pretty much does their job and plays the usual British music but both Prince Harry and Megan had some specific songs they wanted played during the ceremony Megan wanted some American songs and the Queen gave the green light anyone want to bet that the next royal wedding will have some Beyonce songs in it Christmas with the royal family Christmas for the Queen is kind of a big deal during this holiday it seems like the royal family is just like any other they let the young children decorate the tree though the Queen often checks in on it to make sure it fits her standards they exchange gifts on Christmas Eve and even play a bit of football with the locals on Christmas Day the whole family goes to church for a Christmas morning service keep in mind that the Royal Family's Christmas celebration is strictly family only convention states that outsiders can only join in once they're married into the family Kate Middleton didn't get an invite to this royal Christmas event until she was married to William in 2011 but the Queen made an exception for Megan in 2017 she got to join in on the family celebrations even though she was only Harry's fiancee at the time it seems the Queen's been rooting for the couple since day one coat of arms is given to the family of the bride what do you get when you marry into the royal family besides a royal title and more then you'll ever need you'll also get your very own a coat of arms Megan Markel's coat of arms was revealed in May 2018 and it depicts many symbols that go back to Megan's American roots the shield's background color is blue representing the Pacific Ocean it also has golden rays that symbolized California's sunshine below the code are poppies which is the state flower of California standing on the left of the coat is a lion representing Prince Harry while on the right is a songbird symbolizing Megan traditionally the coat of arms is bestowed upon the family of the bride in Meghan's case however if the coat was given only to her unlike Kate Middleton's emblem which reflects both sides of her family Meghan's is specific to her alone the Queen must have seen how difficult their situation was and chosen to leave her family out the bride's father gives her away this next rule is a tradition that is practiced in many weddings not just the royal ones many fathers dream of or dread the day they have to give their daughters away on their wedding day walking down the aisle with their daughter is often an emotional moment it doesn't always have to be the bride's biological father though giving the bride away often goes to the father of the bride but it can also be done by a close relative or a father figure Megan had originally tasked her father Thomas to walk her down the aisle on her wedding day but things started to get iffy just weeks before Megan's big day Thomas flip-flopped between going to the wedding and not going citing heart problems and fear of embarrassing Megan and the Royals in the span of twenty eight hours Thomas had changed his mind thrice about going to the wedding two days before the wedding Megan announced that her father would not be attending the ceremony the Queen allowed her to break royal tradition and Megan walked up the steps of st. George's Chapel alone before being walked down the aisle by Prince Charles at least the Queen was ready with a backup father figure this time Brides don't give speeches it's common in American weddings for the best men at maid of honor and the couple to give speeches sometimes even the parents get their time with the mic in English weddings this isn't the case the Royals follow this rule the best man gives a speech followed by the host of the wedding party in the case of Prince Harry and Megan markle's wedding Prince Charles hosted the event occasionally after the two men give their speeches the groom we'll say a few words as a toast the bride is let off the hook which works for particularly shy Royals who hate public speaking but Megan is anything but that the Queen must have seen Megan's vibrant personality and agree that the newly weds should be given time to thank her guests chairing the wedding reception megan delivered an emotional speech she expressed gratitude towards her mother and her new in-laws for their love and support she also said that finding love again was worth the wait seeing as the love she found was in the form of Prince Harry we couldn't agree more no garlic is the Queen secretly a vampire or does she just hate having bad breath either way the food in any royal gathering must be super bland the Queen absolutely hates garlic so it's practically banned from the Royal kitchens her disdain for garlic is so strong that she doesn't allow any other royal to eat it either apparently when the Queen does come over for dinner the protocol is to clean your room bring out the fine china and hide all the garlic despite the Queen banning a number of ingredients and dishes the rest of the family still indulge in them from time to time Prince Charles has been spotted out indulging in shellfish which the Queen banned because of its higher risk of food poisoning the key is to just keep it away from Queen Elizabeth who prefers a diet of grilled or poached fish with a side of veggies but the Queen lets her hatred for garlic die down when Megan Markel's around on the night Prince Harry proposed to Megan the pair were cooking up a roast chicken with a lot of garlic always cover your shoulders for the Royals revealing clothing is just a no-no the women in the royal family in particular are expected to dress modestly and appropriately strangely the rule extends to not wearing skirts that are above the knee or bearing legs without stockings the Queen also prohibits the royal ladies from exposing their shoulders or cleavage apparently Queen Liz isn't a huge fan of the cold shoulder but when it comes to Megan Markel she's willing to break the rules for fashion the Queen's birthday celebration known as trooping the colour showcases a huge parade and various military spectacles it's a huge deal to say the least and all the other Royals attend in their best attire to show respect for the Queen the one megan showed up to her first-ever trooping the colour she arrived in a stylish but off-the-shoulder gown by Carolina Herrera it certainly was a beautiful dress but the cut would not have the Queen standards perhaps it was the fact Megan was the one wearing it that made the Queen let it slide this time miss not miss we must have lost a royal wedding invite in the mail but that doesn't mean we didn't get a glimpse of it invitations to a royal wedding are exceedingly formal as the host of the wedding Prince Charles was the one responsible for inviting all the guests though he's not the most popular or well-liked royal he's still a royal in every sense the wedding invites have to follow strict royal protocol since they're practically royal documents the wording and usage of titles have to be on point there's no room for typos or colloquial speak here generally the bride on a royal wedding invite is referred to as miss so-and-so Kate would be Miss Kate Middleton or her invite as the miss is a title of a young unmarried woman in the UK but because Megan was previously married it wouldn't be appropriate to call her miss the Queen then allowed the invite to read miss megan Markell a title that doesn't depend on marital status keep note of the missing dot after Ms that's how they do it over in the UK those are just Hennepin rules the Queen didn't mind breaking for Megan Marco why do you think she led these rules slide 4 Megan let us know in the comments below like and subscribe to our channel to keep up with your favorite Royals thanks for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: TheThings Celebrity
Views: 3,035,178
Rating: 4.7891598 out of 5
Keywords: The Talko, Meghan Markle, Queen Elizabeth, Prince Harry, royals, wedding, rules, strict, UK, England, family, Kate Middleton, Prince William, Prince Charles, married
Id: UH_ypvQJo64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 8sec (608 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2019
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